Why is Noob Saibot in The Flash
C'mon Barry, what's the worst that could happen to a Black dude with powers in America?
Yeah STAR Labs museum is one step toward The Flash museum!
Emma Watson to guest star as her?Malfoy already has a girlfriend?! Go Julian!
Emma Watson to guest star as her?
C'mon Barry, what's the worst that could happen to a Black dude with powers in America?
+1Thank you for not dragging that out longer.
Great, another lie for Team Flash to have a fight over. Cisco pls
To be fair, I wouldn't want to stress her out over what could happen. Especially when telling her would make her leave right then and there. Her powers making her evil makes no sense to me though.
Ice cold heart.
To be fair, I wouldn't want to stress her out over what could happen. Especially when telling her would make her leave right then and there. Her powers making her evil makes no sense to me though.
I mean, I knew I'd get a corny ass answer like that, but I hope they won't really say that in the show lolWho am I kidding, of course they will
Plot twist: It's Cisco that's turns evil in the future while Killer Frost is good.