"turning evil" Someone should have given this script a second pass.
Whoever said Francisco was going to turn evil? I'm assuming you might be correct.
Cavanagh is probably loving this. Playing a different character each year, each one more of a schmuck.
or return of his evil doppelganger. I wouldn't be surprised if Cisco just misunderstood his vision.
If it's anything like the comics, I'd kind of figure the fight is played straight because Caitlin loses control without a heat source.
If only she had someone who could create an infinite amount of fire to keep her warm. But he gone
Julian MIA? Ruh roh.
Calling it. Julian is Alchemy.
His girlfriend is Alchemy. Her name? Patty
Ditto.I love HR's reaction to Gorilla Grodd.
What kind of Michael Bay/Decepticon looking shit what that?
Did my man say he's Santa, the god of speed?
Couldn't even hear the name because of my dumb neighbor playing music.
Savitarthe god of speed.
He seems to be two villians turned into one.
At first I thought the implication was Savitar moved so fast, he is to Barry what Flash is to normal people. But I suppose he's just invisible to everybody else.
That was wow! Flash taking his mantel back as best DC TV show tonight.