Hamilton only needs one more pole to secure that pole trophy. Pretty unlikely he won't manage it with the number of races remaining. He's beasting Q3 this year, and generally making it count.
Adam Cooper ‏@adamcooperF1 23s24 seconds ago
Eric Boullier says ALO could not have gone back out in FP2 even if the rules allowed. He had a loose connection in battery pack
If you ever wanted to see the very definition of salty. Check out Nico in the post qualifying top 3 presser. Wow.
If you're looking for anywhere to eat in Budapest btw I highly recommend Hungarikum Bistro and Borsso Bistro
Heavy rain a moment ago in Budapest, even some heil. Forced us to go inside (we were having some cocktails while complaining about the humid hot weather)
For those interested The GT3 spa 24 hours is about to start.
Radio lemans is also doing coverage but again it sounds like they have no on track sound so you have to mash it together with the other commentary is you want the noises from the roadside.
ERIC BOULLIER - Racing director, McLaren-Honda
"Here in blistering Budapest, as we approach the midsummer shutdown, wed been hoping to be able to leaven our first-half-of-the-season melancholy with some discernible improvement.
"The fact is, we have improved, but I guess the key word is discernible, because a series of glitches and gremlins continues to conspire to prevent that improvement from translating into the ameliorated grid positions and race performances that we feel are within our compass.
"Today, in Q2, Fernando suffered an electrical shutdown triggered by a loose harness connection, shortly after Jensons fastest Q1 lap had been stymied by a steering switch software data issue.
"Nonetheless, tomorrow is another day and, despite the fact that the Hungaroring is a notoriously inexpedient circuit on which to overtake, both Fernando and Jenson will be doing their level best to do just that, and thereby move forward through the field."
Budapest is amazing btw. Will definitely be coming back. Food and drink are ridiculously cheap, and the women... oh god the women.
Going to try one of these tomorrow. Went to a place called Menza yesterday which a local recommended, was very good. Trying the best rated Gyros place today
We were planning to stay for the whole day but the sun was unbearable.Yeah, the hail hit hard. I was in a taxi coming back from the track at the time (shame on you for leaving before the end of the GP3 race!).
Boullier-watch continues:
After the summer break we will use some of our tokens to improve the engine. And I certainly hope it will be noticeable on the track.
We still lack 120hp compared to Mercedes. So we need to continue to work under high pressure. Its very important to remove these weaknesses, also with regards to the 2016 season, he added.
McHonda down on power by 120bhp.
"I love motorsport, all the categories, and it is true that F1 is not exactly the same, or as exciting as it was in the past at least to me, to drive the cars two or three seconds faster than a GP2 car," said Alonso on Saturday in Hungary.
"Right now, there is huge motivation and a fantastic project that I am in right now with McLaren-Honda. My first go-kart was a McLaren-Honda replica and I am in a real McLaren-Honda, so I am enjoying this process of getting competitive starting from zero.
"But with no testing, with these tyres, with these limitations, with the calendar for example next year, there is the temptation [for doing] other categories, that is true."
Hands are tied
Alonso said the current testing restrictions make the season very predictable, as teams find it impossible to recover from a difficult pre-season.
"It was more fun before, but I don't think it is because we have more sensors or more information," he added. "Before we had some freedom in terms of testing and in terms of improving the car as well.
"You find your car that is not competitive in the first quarter of the season and then you have some solutions and maybe you end up in a competitive way.
"Now Mercedes will win all the races and Manor will be last in all the races, with more or less sensors or more or less input of driver or team.
"It is not the amount of information we get.
"We have the hands tied for the season so when we put the car in Barcelona or Jerez for the first test it is a coin in the air and if it is competitive you will have a good season and if it is not competitive you will have a bad season."
Ferrari is having huge issues with engine overheating, so they also had to tuned their engine down to pre-Canada levels. They hope that they will fix those issues with their 4th engine.
So Vettel's win was a fluke. There's no chance to be a threat for Mercedes again this season.
More or less, Mercedes gave that victory to Ferrari with their pit wall blunder. And after Ferrari made that 'awesome' Barcelona 'upgrade', Mercedes has nothing to fear, only mechanical issues can prevent them from winning every race until the end of the season.
https://twitter.com/thebuxtonblog/status/625258885469892608Raindrops in the paddock. Very light and sporadic. But definitely raindrops.
Everything he's saying there is quite true though, there's some amount of catching up possible but if you aren't in the top 10 on day 1 and don't have the money, there's nothing to save you for the whole season...
Sky doing everything it can to make us believe Hungary is a classic and amazing race.
Uh no.
So Vettel's win was a fluke. There's no chance to be a threat for Mercedes again this season.
Sky doing everything it can to make us believe Hungary is a classic and amazing race.
Uh no.
There's rain 25 km to the north but it's expected to not hit the track. Race will be dry.
That was pretty moving until the shit music started.
That was the national anthem
That was the national anthem