Member when people used to meme the war chest like it wasn't a real thing?Sony is playing checker. Microsoft is playing monopoly.
80 billion and 2 years. Doubt they are done because they proved they are ALL IN the gaming space. Take two and EA are next. Wasn’t too long ago when they went after Warner bros.
It just depends on your lifesytle. I work myself and can afford anything gaming related i want. I just prefer the convience of digital having everything avail to me at once, not having to swap discs, install games remotely, i can just unplug my 14tb external and take my entire xbox library with me when i travel. Between work and family i dont want to be agrravated when its my time to relax i just want shit to work and avail. Theres value to both sides.They are all mint because i know how to look after my games, and it's my games room so guess what it's full of games, i guess you'd hate seeing the other side too.
Keep paying for your games & owning nothing all mine don't require a internet connection and a 50 gig day 1 update. And who wants to be normal lol man what a weakass attempt at an attack. It's ok once you start working you'll be able to afford your games too instead of renting them all.
Yeah there is no choice with digital.This is somewhat true the future of gaming will be subscription based and will eventually change to Netflix style with no need to download at all.
I don't mind the fact it's 9:99 or anything but it's the fact I don't own. That's what annoys me the most. They have complete control and they will have the option to remove anything they want. Far too many people keep talking about cloud gaming and it's issues. Are you telling me that these issues will last 10 to 15 years from now? No no they won't
I'm not just on about MS here because they're not going to be the only ones doing it. MS are just smarter and can see its coming years from now.
Yeah, I definitely pattern my behaviors on being contrarian to others behaviors/wants too. Recently I’ve even been enjoying a hot steaming pile of shit for breakfast because I know that enjoying the taste of shit is really sticking it to all those sheep! LATER POSERS!Buy everything
Own nothing
I still buy physical discs when I can. It feels even better now because it feels like going against the grain
Those games are still out there. It’s just that the 2K, Madden and COD folk don’t care for them.The days of devs just creating what they want without corporate interference is gone and it can be felt imo, the way Hollywood works has bled into gaming where decisions are made by suits in a boardroom and you have people telling you '' no '' more than '' yes '' as to what to put into your game.
Monopoly ALWAYS make things more expensive and in the end much worse..
How funny of you... go, join the rest of facebook moms nowYeah, I definitely pattern my behaviors on being contrarian to others behaviors/wants too. Recently I’ve even been enjoying a hot steaming pile of shit for breakfast because I know that enjoying the taste of shit is really sticking it to all those sheep! LATER POSERS!
OP best get yourself some retro stuff on the cheap while you still can otherwise it'll be RIP for you.
Consolidation. Subscription services. Streaming. All digital. No physical media. No ownership. Sky high prices. Three genres; FPS shooters, racing and open world RPG. Throw in a yearly FIFA for variety. I'm done with modern gaming after this console generation. I'm going retro. It was a good run. Have fun.
Exactly. People keep screaming monopoly right after Microsoft made an acquisition, when Sony dominate the home console for decades and acquired 5 studios last year, is hilarious.What monopoly? The number 1 and 2 consoles in the world are not made by Microsoft. The top selling consoles of all time are not made by Microsoft. For every Activision/Blizzard title/genre I could name dozens of alternatives you could play.
You have plenty of choice. There is no monopoly.
As much as people will give you shit for this statement I agree - Activision can be a frat culture company, but on the business side and operations they ace it. They would never allowed projects to slip like Bioware or Blizzard (which I think was a result of the company getting too much autonomy).First thing MS should do is just let Activision guys manage all MS studios. They are probably the best publishers in overseeing production. MS should just move most of the guys managing their studios now to other divisions at the company.
Haven't seen sky high prices yet. There's tons of free games to enjoy if you're struggling economically. Rocket League/Path of Exile/Warframe/Warzone/Genshin Impact/Lost Ark....the list is endless.Consolidation. Subscription services. Streaming. All digital. No physical media. No ownership. Sky high prices. Three genres; FPS shooters, racing and open world RPG. Throw in a yearly FIFA for variety. I'm done with modern gaming after this console generation. I'm going retro. It was a good run. Have fun.
You type these posts yet you can’t see the problem? Do you think that in the long run you will get these increasingly more expensive games with increasing quality for a couple of cents? I mean, there is no logic in that you say games are getting more and more expensive but you play them cheaper and cheaper. Something will have to give in down the road. And most of us assume it will be the quality of these games.Games are getting increasingly more expensive meanwhile subscription services give you a whole catalogue of games for a much lower monthly price. Its a literal buffet of games.
How does this scenario suck. I can't afford to keep shelling out $70 on A game. I must have spent thousands last gen on PS4 games.
Xbox has GamePass and I spend like $19 a month and get access to all their big AAA titles (in addition to old gen games) and now big 3rd party AAA's from the Bethesda and Activision purchase. The same with EA and Ubisoft. Access to all their games for a low monthly fee.
What about this sucks?
Just buy Nintendo systems, man.Consolidation. Subscription services. Streaming. All digital. No physical media. No ownership. Sky high prices. Three genres; FPS shooters, racing and open world RPG. Throw in a yearly FIFA for variety. I'm done with modern gaming after this console generation. I'm going retro. It was a good run. Have fun.
Yeah there is no choice with digital.
The game is on not your server. Denuvo servers can die, game can be patched to some terrible version and you have no control. Like gta4… fuckers removed original music and added a requirement for rockstar launcher… on my 10yo copy.
Or Fuel(old racing game). It activates with securom online or something…. It doesn’t always work.
With disc, you always have a choice to at least play day0 version. The game is always as you bought it on release. Plus the disc and box look nice. You have something.
And nobody throws away games. It’s not ending up on a landfill. Digital is also not environment free.
Clam down.
A streaming plus subscription only future will be good for gaming. Imagine, never having to pay not only for another game ever again, but also never having to buy dedicated gaming hardware. Imagine a world where every game from every publisher is dropped on a subscription service day one, can be streamed to any device and it'll never leave the service. Every game ever made will be instantly accessable.
I was going to get a PC, but the prices are so insane that it's just not worth it. Why pay all that money when in the future I can stream any game to my phone? Buying games (digital or physical) and dedicated hardware is soooooooo archaic that it's almost comical.
Bring on the streaming and subscription only future! I'm willing to pay whatever it costs.
Exactly! Fantastic write up on this!Digital is a fantastic OPTION and it should only remain as such. It should not be the only way we can access/buy/play these games. Streaming even less so.
I find it utterly baffling that some of the people in this thread are actively championing for the death of physical. Championing for the removal of consumer rights. All the while actively creating some of the most asinine/brainless claims and arguments I have seen in years.
Digital is nothing more than prolonged rentals. As soon as you lose access to said servers, you lose access to those games. “But this never happens!“ some will claim - except it does. Remember the Wii?
“Digital is better for the environment!“ Except it is just as bad. Still produces tons of pollution, requires huge server farms - hell some games are sold with a box and nothing but a scrap of paper for the game! That is arguably *worse* for the environment As it serves literally no purpose unlike normal disc/cart based games.
„All games are busted at release!“ No. This has never been the case and it is growing *less* true every time a new game is released. The vast majority of games are more than acceptable on Launch discs. It’s only a handful of shitty AAA titles that are typically not playable with the disc.
Imagine never owning a game again. Never getting the choice of whether you want to trade in a game. Sell a game. Lend a game to a friend. Imagine never being able to play a game because you dared live in a place that doesn‘t have amazing internet (y‘know, the majority of the fucking world).
This is some of the most pants-on-head-retarded anti-consumer shilling I have ever read. I have never been a fan of „[x] is ruining gaming!“ discussions, but quite frankly it is folks like you who gave companies the reason to screw consumers over more and more.
Yes, there is. Its wonderful.I've been playing more games lately. There is just more to play. More available old and new.
Depends on where you live. Faster for me to jog 5 miles to a Gamestop and buy it there and jog back. You greatly overestimate the quality and speed of most people‘s internet connections.Takes no time to download a big AAA release on day 1. 100GB? I'll have it faster than finding my keys and driving to gamestop, standing in line, having to get the wife something she forgot at the store, beer of course I swear she either drinks it all or is afraid to be seen buying it.
Let us know how Steam Deck is! I would kill to have a portable handheld device for some old school gaming like ULTIMA or Sim City. I just don‘t trust Valve will actually support it for more than a revision or two before shutting it down like they did with everything else they make.I have all the systems. Gamepass keeps us fed, Steam Deck up next on the list.
Look for thrift shops. Salvation Army. Local game stores. Used game prices are often far, far more acceptable there. I was able to pick up things like Ghost of Tsushima for 4 bucks just a few weeks after launch.Speaking of, out of beer and Gamestop. The used game prices way to high. Tried to pick up a copy of Ghost of Tsushima and they did not have a copy of the PS5 version. They had PS4 versions but price was the same, high. Going to wait for that game to hit PS+.
Imagine never owning a game again. Never getting the choice of whether you want to trade in a game. Sell a game. Lend a game to a friend. Imagine never being able to play a game because you dared live in a place that doesn‘t have amazing internet (y‘know, the majority of the fucking world).
This is some of the most pants-on-head-retarded anti-consumer shilling I have ever read. I have never been a fan of „[x] is ruining gaming!“ discussions, but quite frankly it is folks like you who gave companies the reason to screw consumers over more and more.
I'm fine with not owning my games, either digital or physical. Such an outdated concept.
Think of this. Microsoft (or Sony) offered you a streaming and subscription service that had every game ever made (minus first party stuff per platform) and also guaranteed the games would never leave the service, all for a monthly payment. You're telling me you would rather buy individual games like it's 1999, rather sign up to this? Get out of here!
Because purists (which some reason they are a-ok with tv, movie and music sub plans) have a mentality that you got to "own your games". And that streaming stinks.What's wrong with streaming and subscription service?
I would love to see game streaming IF ITS WORKING CORRECTLY on my TV. Pay 20-30$ a month to play all games, im down for it.
Times are changing. Maybe after PS6 we won't see traditional console anymore.
I also think most of the games will be on VR. Im excited for the future![]()
Yes, I would. I would rather OWN my games than rent them. Being tied to internet connections. Being told how and when I can play the games I want to play. Having the fear that a single angry, bitter cunt can have me banned and lose access to said games.
Fuck that shit. But I am sure the companies will gladly drop their trousers so you can continue to please them while having less and less rights as a consumer. Just make sure to cover up your teeth and use ample tongue.
So true.You own fuck all as long as you're still tied to dead or dying hardware reliance, when accessing your plastic. There needs to be ownership of a stronger public domain, and a shift to universal media standard you can use to play or download the game you bought on all platforms, sources for downloads being mirrored and preserved beyond just the game network of the platform you use.
First person shooter shooters
Yes, I would. I would rather OWN my games than rent them. Being tied to internet connections. Being told how and when I can play the games I want to play. Having the fear that a single angry, bitter cunt can have me banned and lose access to said games.
Fuck that shit. But I am sure the companies will gladly drop their trousers so you can continue to please them while having less and less rights as a consumer. Just make sure to cover up your teeth and use ample tongue.
Retro game prices have been insane for a couple of years, to the point where I stopped buying physical games. Like even repro carts can go for $50+. If you just want to play the games, you're much better off getting an Everdrive, modding one of the mini consoles, or building a Raspberry Pi.The entire turn that the industry has taken is crazy to me. I never would've thought it would deviate/evolve in this direction. Ironically, it makes me long for the late 2000's/early 2010's compared to what things have become now. The mass consolidation that's happening throughout the industry is just a sad affair. Not to mention the NFTs and Metaverse that's brewing on the horizon.
Btw, you better listen to this guy if you're still considering retro though:
The second hand/used games market prices are already inflating and when, or if, the future of gaming gets fully engulfed in subscription services and Gaas... the entry price will likely climb even higher.
Do you have any proof that future game quality will suffer because of subscription services?You type these posts yet you can’t see the problem? Do you think that in the long run you will get these increasingly more expensive games with increasing quality for a couple of cents? I mean, there is no logic in that you say games are getting more and more expensive but you play them cheaper and cheaper. Something will have to give in down the road. And most of us assume it will be the quality of these games.