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The future of video games fucking sucks


The writing was on the wall during the Xbox 360 era.

It's like seeing a computer that fills an entire room, except it's your media that you "own". Don't scratch a disc and enjoy your EULAs. Normal people don't want their house to look like this and take pride in their living environment..
They are all mint because i know how to look after my games, and it's my games room so guess what it's full of games, i guess you'd hate seeing the other side too.

Keep paying for your games & owning nothing all mine don't require a internet connection and a 50 gig day 1 update. And who wants to be normal lol man what a weakass attempt at an attack. It's ok once you start working you'll be able to afford your games too instead of renting them all.
No BC is the biggest weakness of Sony right now, it's unbelievable how Sony doesn't seem to give a fuck about a such super important gaming feature.
100% agree but it was kind of permissible on PS4 since they ripped off the bandaid and went with non in house architecture: I’ve played way more PS4 content on PS5 than exclusives so I agree it absolutely has to be standard from PS5 onward. MS is the model for how it should be with software emulation for PS1 - 4 if they can get those titles on the PSN store otherwise I really wouldn’t use old discs or rebuy them at inflated prices.

You're getting older now.

It's okay, just let it be. The retro games you love were the same thing, namely corporations trying to convince kids to convince their parents to part with cash.

If the tactics they used 15-20 years ago to achieve this same result appeal to you more, that's totally okay; go ahead and focus on that content and enjoy yourself.

I guess you just couldn't help but seethe and mope a bit on the way?

Cheer up, it's going to be alright.
This. I think everyone goes through this phase.

I was so mad at the PSX for scooping up games that I thought should have been on the N64 (I was too young to realize the storage capacity differences). I then was a bit of a fanboy during the PS3 and would get really pissed over things that the 360 was doing.

Now I'm a boring adult and I know what games I like and just focus on that. I'd hate to see any of the big 3 leave the console race but it is what it is, the games I love will always be there and the future is something we can't predict. Just gotta strap in and enjoy the ride.

The Lunch Legend

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
damn, this bitch is so sexy. (the one on the right)
No BC is the biggest weakness of Sony right now, it's unbelievable how Sony doesn't seem to give a fuck about a such super important gaming feature.
Honestly the days Sony could be "arrogant" are over and i'm sure they know it, lol.

I'd say they are going back to give us what we're asking like early PS4 days. I wouldn't even be surprised if future game announcements will go back to the previous price. Imagine Gamepass growing like this and Sony keeping up with that 70$ / 80€ price per game, lmao.

This event is actually bigger than almost everything from gaming that has ever happened because even mainstream media is reporting on this. It isn't something they can easily brush off.

Sony's stock hasn't stopped plummeting since the announcement and you can count on an extensive Microsoft PR campaign following this announcement as well. The next few days that's not going to stop.

The only silver lining about this? Such big acquisitions mean MS will probably stay put for now. You don't make your biggest acquisition ever and then keep buying everything left and right.

Sony can at least think about how they go forward. I'm sure they already knew this was happening for a while anyway...so it wasn't a surprise yesterday.
They are all mint because i know how to look after my games, and it's my games room so guess what it's full of games, i guess you'd hate seeing the other side too.

Keep paying for your games & owning nothing all mine don't require a internet connection and a 50 gig day 1 update. And who wants to be normal lol man what a weakass attempt at an attack. It's ok once you start working you'll be able to afford your games too instead of renting them all.
Right, but at this point your library will be/is old and stagnant.
Consolidation. Subscription services. Streaming. All digital. No physical media. No ownership. Sky high prices. Three genres; FPS shooters, racing and open world RPG. Throw in a yearly FIFA for variety. I'm done with modern gaming after this console generation. I'm going retro. It was a good run. Have fun.
Don't agree....

Game pass and all those subscription services is a plus because it allows you to experience different games at a low price. Kids today are so spoiled lol for having stuff like game pass and steam (cheap games). Back in the day you had to pay full price for everything.

Also their is more games and content available from things like VR and DLC that extends the replay value of some games. Plus you can still play older games in combination with new games so their is a endless amount of stuff to play.

I think as you get older gaming don't seem as exciting but I think gaming has improved in some aspects.


So much this. I know that as I've gotten older I don't game nearly as much, so I'm really not going to spend money to buy a game unless it's something I know that I'm going to like. GP has let me try out a ton of games that otherwise I probably wouldn't have given a second thought. Hoping this trend helps smaller games get discovered by more people and not just passed over in the store.

So I see you've never played an Ace Combat game.
Isn't that from the 90s? Pretty sure I had it? Incl. Original Wing Commander 1/2.
The one thing I can agree is troublesome is the potential loss of physical media. But services like Game Pass take the edge off that as you can simply rent the game for $10-15 a month and save money.


My collection tells me otherwise but enjoy your rental future LOL, i can happily coexist outside the rental loop.

And yes it's a shithole thats in need of a tidy up LOLOLOL

Your collection tells you otherwise?

I see manga and a doll, trying to back up your shit post hatred of western developers, now you are leaning toward anti-digital, anti-subscription nonsensical arguments.

Nah, you're fucked.

More than ever, I figure you will be screeching the day western mergers and acquisitions conquer a piece of Japan. The weeaboo armageddon will make you weep.


Consolidation. Subscription services. Streaming. All digital. No physical media. No ownership. Sky high prices. Three genres; FPS shooters, racing and open world RPG. Throw in a yearly FIFA for variety. I'm done with modern gaming after this console generation. I'm going retro. It was a good run. Have fun.
I mean, yeah, there's always going to be some things that may not tickle your fancy, but there will certainly be things that do. It all depends on how you look at it. For instance, this year there's a ton of releases I don't give two shits about, however, I focus on the few I'm looking forward to, lol. We can't tell the future, but physical media is still moving, and not suddenly being disregarded. If that WERE to happen, I don't think it'll be anytime soon. AAA continues to take "safe" steps that make money rather than really reinvent the wheel, though every once and awhile there's something special. Though indies continue to get better and aim to be more unique.


I do miss coloured instructions booklets.

I also dislike the modern format for gaming in general. Mostly the community toxicity. I feel like it all been created by the ''content creators'', popular streamers and influencers. Now people consume video games like crack cocaine and never have enough. Boundaries need to be pushed and it takes away the simplicity the industry used to be.

It's still enjoyable but it's so much different.
As someone who had a Blockbuster game subscription and later a GameFly sub, I love this new model. Even if you just sign up for a month to play a new release it beats the hell out of old rental prices and is much more convenient.
People always say this but provide 0 evidence that games have gotten worse. Idc if I can only buy games with crypto…long as the content is still good.


What a baby.
Carry on hoarding useless plastic discs that will end up being melted down into plastic bags long after your gone.

Ironic as well since there’s probably games on Gp you can’t buy physically anymore as well.

This sentiment is so antiquated.
I understand where the OP is coming from. I think the direction gaming is going in bothers me more than the quality of games. Digital, subscriptions, streaming, NFT’s, microtransactions, wokeness, forced inclusivity, DLC, incomplete games, broken games at launch, GAAS, heavy multiplayer focus, lack of creativity in big budget titles, etc. The scary part is, there are gamers happily willing to give up their rights or embrace anti-consumer practices in the name of convenience and “getting with modern times”. Corporate suits dictate the games direction over artists, developers and creators now.

Admittedly, I truly think Japanese and indie games are primarily why I still enjoy this hobby. I play a lot of games including some Western games, but as time goes on most AAA Western games feel safe, stale, uncreative and manufactured to me. Yeah, I know, Indies, but I would like to see more companies take risks with higher budget games more often.
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Kagey K

My prediction is that it will start with a premium tier, but one way or another we will soon get to "for the price of just one videogame per month" marketing territory.
I would be fine with this but only under the condition that it gives me unfettered access to everything on the store, including all the new releases. If it's on the MS store I can download and play it.

Otherwise they will have an impossible time extracting that much money from people per month.


Gold Member
Agreed. Imagine being that guy that paid $59.99 for an SNES copy of Shaq Fu.

Oh, and I mean $59.99 in 1994 dollars, which would be around $105 today. Ouch 😂
N64 carts were $100 in Canada.

And as Matrix said above, full price was the norm for a while until a year or two later when maybe it drops to $70.

Now, you get games for cheaper than back then (or similar to SNES/Gen carts were $80 CDN) and games get bargain binned to half price 6 months later. Maybe even 2 months later if it coincides with Black Friday by luck.

You never saw games back then (even when heavily discounted) hit $5 or $10. I dont think carts even bottomed to $20. They were always in that $30-40 range at minimum here.


No BC is the biggest weakness of Sony right now, it's unbelievable how Sony doesn't seem to give a fuck about a such super important gaming feature.
Wrong, what Sony doesn't give a dick about is the maybe 1% of gamers who actually think that elaborate BC is a super important feature.
The silent majority that brings in the money isn't on gaming boards demanding to play old games.
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OP's being a bit dramatic but everybody clamoring for an all digital, netflix style only gaming future: are you cool with the current state of movie and show streaming?

20+ streaming services, each with a different library with titles constantly jumping between competitors, having to shell out for multiple services if you want access to everything you want to watch, negating the very cost saving you'd thought you'd have? What happens when somebody gets the big idea to create an artificial scarcity for a title you like, pulling it from the library because they want you to focus on the newest entry in its series (the one with NFT support or expansions that cost extra somehow?)

But yeah, I guess Gamepass is convenient.
Don't agree....

Game pass and all those subscription services is a plus because it allows you to experience different games at a low price. Kids today are so spoiled lol for having stuff like game pass and steam (cheap games). Back in the day you had to pay full price for everything.

Also their is more games and content available from things like VR
and DLC that extends the replay value of some games. Plus you can still play older games in combination with new games so their is a endless amount of stuff to play.

I think as you get older gaming don't seem as exciting but I think gaming has improved in some aspects.
It's truly insane what kids have access to these days. I had a moment like that at my oldest brother's house during Thanksgiving. I bought my Saturn to show my teenage nephew some games, he found a Trinitron by the side of the road and was curious about retro games.

I go into his room to get it set up and my 3 year old niece is sitting in a chair with an Oculus Quest 2 on, she's watching some kind of roller coaster video and is just laughing and going crazy. I just felt like such a dumb old man standing there with a Sega Saturn in a cardboard box, LOL.


Don't agree....

Game pass and all those subscription services is a plus because it allows you to experience different games at a low price. Kids today are so spoiled lol for having stuff like game pass and steam (cheap games). Back in the day you had to pay full price for everything.

Also their is more games and content available from things like VR and DLC that extends the replay value of some games. Plus you can still play older games in combination with new games so their is a endless amount of stuff to play.

I think as you get older gaming don't seem as exciting but I think gaming has improved in some aspects.
What about developers? they will get MUCH less money. do we need a google like search monopoly? where does that lead?
This take is laughable.

I’ll take one sub for tons of games than Sony charging me $103 for one fucking first party game with tax in Canada.

I own a Series X, PS5 and Switch OLED and I hate buying games for my PS5. Ratchet cost me $103 at launch and is now $25 used.

Waste of money in the end.
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I steal a lot on the internet. Haven't really stolen games for the last 15 years or so. I'll probably buy 3-4 games a year, everything else is free or subscription-based. It'll be nice when there are 2 major players delivering games through subscriptions. I'll probably just take a month here and there, to play the games I want - but It will be a lot cheaper than buying 3-4 games a year, that's for sure.
Ah yea, the good ol disc rot, cartridge rusting/oxidation/gunking, truely better.

Seen anyone on PC freak out about physical media going away? It’s been 20 years like that.
Difference is valve doesn't remove software when a new version of windows comes out. It doesn't remove games from your libary. What happens when a company decides to scrap backward compatibility (ie the ps4/ps5 not playing ps3-ps2/ps1 games , or the switch not playing wii-u, wii, gamecube, etc... ) PC doesn't have these issues but consoles do. So your point looses merit as they are totally different. Free open platform vs walled garden.
Games are getting increasingly more expensive meanwhile subscription services give you a whole catalogue of games for a much lower monthly price. Its a literal buffet of games.

How does this scenario suck. I can't afford to keep shelling out $70 on A game. I must have spent thousands last gen on PS4 games.
Xbox has GamePass and I spend like $19 a month and get access to all their big AAA titles (in addition to old gen games) and now big 3rd party AAA's from the Bethesda and Activision purchase. The same with EA and Ubisoft. Access to all their games for a low monthly fee.

What about this sucks?
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Why do some people think of themselves as "saviours" of gaming as a hobby? Like who are you to decide what is "fun" for people? You have your preference, other people have theirs. The future looks good enough, at least for me.
Why do some people think of themselves as "saviours" of gaming as a hobby? Like who are you to decide what is "fun" for people? You have your preference, other people have theirs. The future looks good enough, at least for me.

For the life of me I don't understand the mindset of some people that game subscription services are shit or a cancer or whatever. I really don't. You're fucking saving hundreds of dollars in games.

You could spend that extra cash at a gentlemans club getting some titties in your face.
Imagine the pulling power you'll have in a club picking up some chicks:

"Wanna come home and play some Xbox?".
"Yeah, what games do you have?".
"ALL OF 'EM !!!"
*chick drops panties*



are in a big trouble
This is somewhat true the future of gaming will be subscription based and will eventually change to Netflix style with no need to download at all.

I don't mind the fact it's 9:99 or anything but it's the fact I don't own. That's what annoys me the most. They have complete control and they will have the option to remove anything they want. Far too many people keep talking about cloud gaming and it's issues. Are you telling me that these issues will last 10 to 15 years from now? No no they won't

I'm not just on about MS here because they're not going to be the only ones doing it. MS are just smarter and can see its coming years from now.
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psst hey OP welcome to the year 2002.

I was tired of most games by then and really burned out.

The industry needs another GBA to be the savior of videogames. Personally i just play gacha out of spite. It’s the only thing worth playing these days. I can’t get through a single console game without browsing 4chan on my phone while some dumb cutscene plays or listening to an audiobook about alan watts or some shit just to make the game tolerable


Consolidation. Subscription services. Streaming. All digital. No physical media. No ownership. Sky high prices. Three genres; FPS shooters, racing and open world RPG. Throw in a yearly FIFA for variety. I'm done with modern gaming after this console generation. I'm going retro. It was a good run. Have fun.
Consolidation - Is good, more money is spent on games than on business structure/operations, you don't need to be a part of a big publisher to make a big game. The biggest games in the last several years came from independent studios. So you are just assuming the worst case of a few companies controlling everything and gouging when where not even close to that and there's nothing about video games that requires you to be a big publisher to make a game.

Subscription Services - Subscrtiption services offer tremendous value by not binding you to transactions that you made you get access to a bunch of shit and just try what you like instead of buying everything invidiually. This is another pro where you are afraid of again some worst case senario.

All Digital, No Physical media - Convinenient in many ways, great for platform owners, unlimited supply, good for the environment, retail is dying in general anyways. The problem you have is again worst case scenario that one of these companies will fail.

Sky high Prices - Prices have barely gone up in decades

Three genres; FPS shooters, racing and open world RPG - Nope some of the most popular games are 3rd person shooters, MOBAs, MMOs, Survival, Sandbox. Then there's all those Nitnendo Platforms that sell $15 million. Lots of simulator games are really popular. Lots of new weird multiplayer games getting super popular like Fall Guys and Among Us. With the emergence of voice chat, talking games are a lot more popular whether it's whodunit, role playing or whatever.

What genres are you looking for? Because there's plenty of everything nowadays. I don't think you actually know as much about the the video game industry as you think you do because we have more variety than ever. It just doesn't always come from big publishers anymore because again we don't need big publishers anymore.


Consolidation. Subscription services. Streaming. All digital. No physical media. No ownership. Sky high prices. Three genres; FPS shooters, racing and open world RPG. Throw in a yearly FIFA for variety. I'm done with modern gaming after this console generation. I'm going retro. It was a good run. Have fun.
Couldn't you just tell us how the stock market turns out so that we can all get rich quick instead?
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Sky high Prices - Prices have barely gone up in decades
Eh? A decade ago, I bought PS3 games new for $59.99 CDN. Now? $89.99.

$30 bucks isn't exactly "barely".

Anyway, I've seen it all over the years for gaming. It's just as good now as it ever was. There is so much variety and selection out there that virtually anything you'd ever want is available. Just find what you like and enjoy. No need to be all doom and gloom.


Gold Member
Eh? A decade ago, I bought PS3 games new for $59.99 CDN. Now? $89.99.

$30 bucks isn't exactly "barely".

Anyway, I've seen it all over the years for gaming. It's just as good now as it ever was. There is so much variety and selection out there that virtually anything you'd ever want is available. Just find what you like and enjoy. No need to be all doom and gloom.
To be fair, our Canadian prices fluctuates based on the foreign exchange rate with the US. Back then and even not that long ago prices were parity because it was a 1:1 ratio.

But now $60 US = $80 CDN. $70 US = $90 CDN. Because that’s where the rates are now. Will never be exact as they round to the nearest price. $1 US is around $1.27 CDN.
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Eh? A decade ago, I bought PS3 games new for $59.99 CDN. Now? $89.99.

$30 bucks isn't exactly "barely".

Anyway, I've seen it all over the years for gaming. It's just as good now as it ever was. There is so much variety and selection out there that virtually anything you'd ever want is available. Just find what you like and enjoy. No need to be all doom and gloom.
Sega Genesis games cost US$40-US$50 in the early 90s. That's $90-$100 in today's money.
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To be fair, our Canadian prices fluctuates based on the foreign exchange rate with the US. Back then and even not that long ago prices were parity because it was a 1:1 ratio.

But now $60 US = $80 CDN. $70 US = $90 CDN. Because that’s where the rates are now. Will never be exact as they round to the nearest price. $1 US is around $1.27 CDN.
Oh I recall. Our dollar was worth more and yet prices were not changed in our favour yet the *second* the dollar dropped again, prices go up immediately.


When shutting down the BC program, MS noted they were as far as long as liscensing etc would let them. They now own a whole slew of IP. I'm geussing with no legal red tape to sort-out, re-liscenses etc, that these games will pop up on both GP & BC?


Eh? A decade ago, I bought PS3 games new for $59.99 CDN. Now? $89.99.

$30 bucks isn't exactly "barely".

Anyway, I've seen it all over the years for gaming. It's just as good now as it ever was. There is so much variety and selection out there that virtually anything you'd ever want is available. Just find what you like and enjoy. No need to be all doom and gloom.
That’s not because game prices have actually gone up from where they come from, more that Canada economy sucks that our dollar is worth less to rest of the world. Everything Canada gets from companies around the world went up because of the shit dollar. It’s not a game prices are sky high problem it’s our dollar is shit problem so everything is sky high.


Gears 4, 5 and Forza release okay. I think each studio is just different. They've clearly struggled with Halo, but finally got most of the core elements in a good place.

First thing MS should do is just let Activision guys manage all MS studios. They are probably the best publishers in overseeing production. MS should just move most of the guys managing their studios now to other divisions at the company.

I would just restrict Phil Spencer t the platform business side. and have Activision run the publishing and developing side.
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