10. ELLIE GOULDING - Lights: 95.326 (+ 5.177)
What kind of random slayage is this![]()
4. RIHANNA - Where Have You Been: 151.903 (+ 3.545)
Hmmm...I'll give it a shot then. Report back later :/
Speaking of flops sis...I've been checking my RSS feed this morning and turns out J-Queen Namie Amuro decided that flopping wasn't really a good look for her, so she went back to SLAYING and SNATCHING WIGS with her new album!
Always knew the flopping was temporary, tbh.
Where are you from ?
I shade Eurovision because it's filled with Z-artists. Only the winning song is usually the good one. But most of the times ALL songs are just shit.
And the voting system is borked.
So yeah. Expect more Eurovision shade next year from me. And the year after. And the year after that.
Can't wait for next year. I won't hold back
Romania but I live in 'MERICA now.
Also I was jk but this past Eurovision had some good songs honestly Euphoria esp.
10. ELLIE GOULDING - Lights: 95.326 (+ 5.177)
What kind of random slayage is this![]()
Kyon surely you've know that before tho
You're back! *.*
Yes. We had a (shady) but full of love talk on the DJ Room yesterday that made me reconsider. *.*
i made a little edit. Oh and YES I just had to say it AGAIN in PUBLIC since I see your pic is up. I will NOT put up with Lessors trying to CLAIM you <3
Lookin mighty FINE as USUAL btw hun![]()
Romania but I live in 'MERICA now.
Also I was jk but this past Eurovision had some good songs honestly Euphoria esp.
When u hear the next single ur gonna pee ur pants xoxo
from my iPhone said:
10. ELLIE GOULDING - Lights: 95.326 (+ 5.177)
What kind of random slayage is this![]()
brb buying diapers
Y'all better be ready for the return of GODS ALOUD later this year because I am going to be stanning myself INSIDE OUT.
Still waiting for their Lessor halves The Saturdays to make a song together
Get me some of the Denim diapers that recently came out I need to PREPARE.
Yep, Euphoria is amazing. Probably the only good Eurovision song in maybe a DECADE.
itz is back (and of course I miss the DJ room) and Gosling is part of the #NAVY?
Rihanna truly is patriotic, bringing all things full circle on the 4th of July.
Happy 4th, all
Sis...you know Barbados isn't part of Amurka right?
No shame in admitting Rih has some good songs.
Mhm, it's miles ahead of the last several winning songs. And her live performances and arrangements suggest a great deal of potential.
People who dismiss the QUEEN of SWEDEN for winning ESC better explain their distaste for ABBAand music in general.
That's the point. She's bringing everyone together on an American holiday. She doesn't care about where she was born, she only wants to bring people closer through her music.
I want you back tbh
Also where do you keep finding these Godeen gifs cuz I want
I've been trying to find the lies in this post.Gee thanks Moblin now I'm listening to ABBA.
Happy 4th everyone.
My family's doing a bbq I know I'm gonna be hearing Ri all day :*(
You, sir, are a scholar and a gentleman.
be glad to tbh
Also I make some gifs, but many are from here.
~have fun~
I've been trying to find the lies in this post.
Trying, and failing.
Sounds like an amazing BBQ. Your family has good taste, tbh.Happy 4th everyone.
My family's doing a bbq I know I'm gonna be hearing Ri all day :*(
Happy 4th everyone.
My family's doing a bbq I know I'm gonna be hearing Ri all day :*(
Yay missed you tbh
Btw looking at that site... what kind of flaw free?
Also any word when her album is gonna drop?
My body is ready for the slayage that it will endure listening to this flawless goddess.
Rachel Roy ‏@DreamDollNation
@leonalewismusic have you met Mariah Carey? #leonalewis
Leona Lewis ‏@leonalewismusic
yes I met the queen mariah!!!!!!! @DreamDollNation
The album was supposedly going to drop in 2012, but... she's touring through August and still basking in the glow of her victory (as she should), so I wouldn't be surprised if it gets delayed well into 2013. Her website is still a mess, imploring visitors to vote for her and giving basically no details besides tour dates and a flop biography.
she can't be stopped tbh
Wow, I know I'm SUPER LATE on this, but...I JUST listened to that "Euphoria" song.
Not bad at all. And Loreen sounds a LOT like Leona Lewis, don't she?
Production-wise, the song reminds me a lot of "Touch Me" by Katherine McPee. Much better though, of course.
What the Spice Girls Did For Us
(This morning I wrote a piece about the Spice Girls, then Grace Dent wrote a piece about the Spice Girls for the Independent. So this may now be considered my response, offering a generationally different perspective.)
I have a deep and profound love for the Spice Girls. Their remarkable debut album, Spice (which I have on cassette btw) the soundtrack to my formative years answered many important questions about being a woman; who do you think you are? Who should come first, friends or boys? And, how do I get on with my mum? Now that these songs are once again to be heard on stage in the musical Viva Forever! I COULD NOT BE more excited.
Whilst Grace remembers an ecstasy and Heather Small stained decade, I was far too young for Hacienda but too old for Aaron Carter. Making me a first generation Spice fan. They were mine.
Im also an unemployed graduate, back at home, with a lot of time to think. Too much time maybe. Which is how I have come to the conclusion that the Spice Girls did more for us as girls in one pop hit than Germaine Greer, Simone de Beauvoir and Doris Lessing put together.
Once you've stopped reeling Ill explain myself.
Think about when you became a feminist. Ive always been one! You shout. Im more friendly with my flaps and female psyche than Bert was with Ernie. I AM WOMAN. All right, calm down. That is exactly my point. You see my theory is, that as we grew up with these five girls, our generation have always known what it is to be women. Nurture beating nature down with a stick, we have never known how not to be strong, independent, leopard print clad women. All you need is positivity!
The Spice Girls paved the way for us to show the world what we want, what we really, really want - platform trainers and our own tour bus driven by Meatloaf preferably - and to be proud of it. Many feminists/people may disagree with me entirely arguing the Spice Girls commercialisation of sex set back the movement by twenty years but to them I say, zigazig Ha! I dont think so.
To me, the Spice Girls represent the sexless innocence of my childhood. Which happened to be in the nineties, the last time we really did anything new. Socially, culturally, interestingly. Until now. Now girl power is back, in the papers, on the telly, on twitter as new wave" Feminism. A term I use loosely because its crap. Its no surprise our style is reverting back to that of our youth (leggings are both comfortable and practical I shall wear them till I die) and Tony Blair wants back in to Number 10, things were just better in the nineties. Well for us, we were children.
Our frame of reference largely came from Girl Talk Magazine, and our playground worth was decided by trying to find out who likes you on our Dream Phones. For a girl that liked to play with Mighty Max and Polly Pocket it was reassuring to find out you could like both, and Dream Phone Steve could still fancy you AND that there was more to life than hamster posters and glittery Alice bands.
For a while, I was worried about the girls. The patriarchy reconvened and blue hair mascara went out of fashion, they all went their separate ways. Particularly my cultural and sartorial touchstone Mel B (knocked up and jilted by Eddie Murphy and now the face of Jenny Craig diet meals). But I shouldnt have been.
When I hear Too Much Im flashed back. I can still smell the limited edition Impulse that I wore so proudly with my Spice Girls platform trainers from Asda - the ownership of which was fraught by the lie that they didnt really fit but as the last pair in the shop my mum could never know. Im ten again and a little white girl proudly dressed as Scary Spice. Mel B would never let skin colour get in the way of fashion, feminism or taste and neither will I.
Yes my perspective on the nineties is naive but let me suggest one final argument for the Spice Girls as feminist icons; its not our fault! Who else did we have to choose from?
Most TV presenters spent Saturday mornings writhing around our TV screens waiting for last night's line to wear off and this morning's to take hold. As for other pop stars, there were the boy bands but they just reinforced the message we should be at home waiting for the Dream Phone to ring. (As it was my relationship with Dream Phone Steve was very one dimensional and didn't last.) And even at ten years old it was obvious to me Barbie had body issues.
So, to the Greer school, the Second Sex-ers, and with respect Grace, I say; Stop right now, thank you very much. Do not deride the Princesses of pop, they made me what I am today. Vive la difference. Viva, forever.
- KB
While you gorls were all arguing pages back about whether Beysus or Xtincta were the most feminist you overlooked the elephant in the room which was Geri Halliwell and behind her was hiding the true saviours of feminist pop music.
So girls lets all sit down and share this tea together.