Which Nintendo team? That's like saying Sony and Microsoft and including every single first party studio.It would be nice if they picked a game developer that could make competent gameplay systems and mechanics for best developer of the year, but I guess CDPR's policies at least make them a better choice than Bethesda. From, Nintendo, and Kojima would have all been better though.
Not caring would be being silent. Being a dick on purpose when people are paying tribute to someone is just wrong. Stop.
I don't buy Nintendo games , you can't expect people to get sad about a guy they don't care about , just because you do.
I hear the words Nintendo , Wii , DS , Mario and go whatever.
Some people don't care about Naughty Dog , SONY or CD Projekt Red . I'm not going to feel angry that other people don't care about anything bad happening to the company or the people associated.
I thought Rock Band couldn't come to PC because of the possible nodding?
Palmer is definitely choosing to embrace the dork, rather than fighting it.
Preorder to get your fucking shineboxAS FAR BACK AS I CAN REMEMBER , I ALWAYS WANTED TO BE A GANGSTER