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The Game Awards 2015 Thread: Keighley's Last Supper


I haven't bought a Nintendo product in 10 years .

Why are you trying to force people to care about something just because you care about something.

Very strange, I thought we are supposed to have independent thoughts and free will.

thats not the point like at all
the best dev award is pretty silly imo, its not like the actual best dev that treats their employees well, delivers on time or anything like its just goty part 2 where all the goty games have their devs nominated


Looks like GOTY is going to MGSV then since they never give Dev of the Year and GOTY to the same developer/game.

But regardless, CDPR was the correct choice by far.


Not Wario
It would be nice if they picked a game developer that could make competent gameplay systems and mechanics for best developer of the year, but I guess CDPR's policies at least make them a better choice than Bethesda. From, Nintendo, and Kojima would have all been better though.
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