Didn't they have a cellist play a song from Journey one year? Or was that a different event?
Ubisoft really really needs to let their developers think of something different and not be oafraid to have NEW IP's.
FFS, stop trying to cram EVERYTHING into the same formula or tack things that'd work as new ip's into existing ones (IE Black Flag, Blood Dragon, and now primal).
It's like UBisoft is afraid to let their developers make "new" games and just has a signle "Formula" that they force them to use every single game.
Worlds filled with USELESS collectibles, complete with a ton of copy + pasted "objectives" (IE climb towers to "unlock" the map) that just get old super fast.
Primal could be an amazing game if they weren't forced down this path, but I Fear it will end up being another far cry/ac style open world. Bunch of "outpost" you have to take over rinse and repeat ad naseum.
Do you expect them to stop trying to make money and shutdown the studio?
Their last album was bad. Sorry.
I like this, but imagine if GRIMES performed instead?
why is marvel getting only lego games?
I saw her in 2011 and love her records. She just sucks live.
Or Chvrches and Grimes. Deadmau5 is crap.