Music that makes sense in a videogame awards thankfully.
Welcome to the gaming side.hahahah im in tears.
people here complaing cause of rtj segment ("so cringe") and praising this doom segment. LOL
my youtube stream is like 4 min behind
I think a lot of the Gillette ads are gonna fall on deaf earsIt's like Geoff took all the shitty stereotypes about gamers and stuffed them into one show.
Me after playing Doom once
over here like irl
Going all in on Kojima, huh?
The dude got let go from his job. He didn't get cancer or lose a loved one. Com'n
I didn't even notice. Thread been moving too fast. Welp time to enjoy some music and sit back until Mass Effect.
righr? there's people who would rather watch people shill aaa games and razors than this.Imagine not liking Run The Jewels AND the Doom soundtrack
What's wrong with you people