Here's your Dead Rising 4 ad GAF.
TLG and Horizon had ads.Is this sponsored by Microsoft? Haven't seen a single ps4 ad lol
I'm still so mad about that Harambe reference. god I'm so pissed.
No, it's really not. It's been used for all sorts of racist bullshit.
No, it's really not. It's been used for all sorts of racist bullshit.
I mean you're wrong so...Overwatch deserves nothing
Titanfall 2 deserves best direction for having a great single player game and great post release support philosophy.
Is this sponsored by Microsoft? Haven't seen a single ps4 ad lol
Holy shit i missed this. I think this show is making me hate gaming."Keep em out for Harambe."
what's the Harambe joke? The stream jumped ahead and I missed it.
Seriously? Fuck that Harambe alt-right BS.
Bah missed that. Odd they showed horizonMicrosoft theatre
God that Capcom logo appearing got me excited... before the Xbox logo popped up and I realized it was just Dead Rising 4.
The only way the game awards can salvage some respect tonight.
Some of these gaming side posters, I it needed to be a bigger cringefest than it already was..
Thinking the same lmao.DR4 is out in 5 days? BOMBA
Overwatch deserves nothing
"Keep them out for Harambe."
It was bizarre.
"Keep em out for Harambe."
Gone but never forgotten.I just don't fucking get it man.
new voice for Frank? the fuck
Apparently all time, or at least currently played.Best. Not most popular. Also is this of games that came out this year or all time?
God that Capcom logo appearing got me excited for a brief moment... before the Xbox logo popped up and I realized it was just Dead Rising 4.
Why are you guys so mad about Harambe.
Like it was cringy and all but chill