lol just using a splash screen for a trailer
It was not freezing but I had an issue it was not 4K as it should be. Was 720p.My YouTube stream.keeos freezing every two minutes. Anyone getting a similar stream?
For real, what the fuck? So many haters.Nerds are WOOOORST...
RTJ are dope as hell. Get ya'll musical tastebuds checked.
I don't understand the bitching in this thread. This show has really exceeded my expectations. I haven't watched the previous ones but I'm surprised by how well done it is considering it's basically an independent production.
Linkin Park
Uncharted 4 deserved way more
That game has some of the best art I have ever seen
GotG! Please be the TftB team.
my ps4 stream on the live viewer thing is live but then as soon as it loads in hd it reverts back like 30 seconds, how do I make sure it goes live
Sad that some adults here still haven't learned that people are allowed to have different tastes in music than themselves. And I'm not even a fan of RTJ.
This Guardians game better be running on an updated engine.