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The Gawker saga is over: Settled with Hulk Hogan and other litigants for $32 Million

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Lol poor Hulk Hogan. You guys act as if this case was about the sex tape and not something else entirely. This was a billionaire abusing the court system to destroy a news organization, and he succeeded!

Sure, Hulk Hogan did not technically deserve what happened to him, and Gawker fucked up, but what actually happened is so much bigger.

Are you just dense or do you lack reading comprehension? This is literally about a sex tape. Posting a sex tape/revenge porn without someone's consent causes them damages, there is precedent for this.

And if you don't want to feel bad for "poor Hulk Hogan", how about the possible rape victim whose revenge porn tape Gawker posted and refused to take down as well?

Keep in mind they had their LAWYER email this lady back, so you telling me they weren't using their legal muscle to bully and push people around when it was convenient? Fuck off with your bullshit and maybe try growing up and learning a thing or two.


Gawker is not a "news organization."
What they write isn't "news"

It's shit.

If you read Gawker, you are more dumb than if you did not read Gawker that day. You are less informed than if you didn't read Gawker that day.

All this time, Gawker has been trying to pretend like they're the New York Times revealing grand truths and standing up to power through journalism. They're not. They're a libelous rag sheet that breaks the law. If there were three parties in this Gawker/Hogan/Thiel escepade, only one of them is breaking the law and it's Gawker.

Why are you so mad at Gawker? It was a news organization. Not anymore obviously. Some of todays most talented journalist's started there.


Why are you so mad at Gawker? It was a news organization. Not anymore obviously. Some of todays most talented journalist's started there.

No, it was not a news organization.

It was a revenge porn and people-destroying media outlet.
Why are you so mad at Gawker? It was a news organization. Not anymore obviously. Some of todays most talented journalist's started there.

I've never liked Gawker. Their articles work to uninform people, they were pioneers in clickbait, most of their writers and editors were hypocrites, and their most successful business model was taking advantage of people's weaknesses for money. It's a shitty, scummy business. I have no problem with shitty, scummy businesses existing, but once they go from just a shitty, scumm business to a shitty, scummy business that's breaking the law, when the law catches up to them, I don't see them as the victim like few others do.
This was one of those cases where 2 wrongs (Hogan being a closet racist, Gawker being Gawker) made a right (old gawker brass getting shafted, company being sold to a more respectable company and a president being set that maybe posting revenge porn isnt a valid business strategy)

Its just a shame everyone involved here seems like a POS


Are you just dense or do you lack reading comprehension? This is literally about a sex tape. Posting a sex tape/revenge porn without someone's consent causes them damages, there is precedent for this.

And if you don't want to feel bad for "poor Hulk Hogan", how about the possible rape victim whose revenge porn tape Gawker posted and refused to take down as well?

Keep in mind they had their LAWYER email this lady back, so you telling me they weren't using their legal muscle to bully and push people around when it was convenient? Fuck off with your bullshit and maybe try growing up and learning a thing or two.

Damn dude you don't need to attack me because I hold an opposing view.

You're acting as if Gawker was some beacon of depravity. The tabloid trash full of lies are worse and no one says shit about the constant lies and rumors they post about celebrities and politicians.

No one is saying Gawker didn't fuck up, but what this case truly being about is way bigger than a Hulk Hogan sex tape. That's all i'm saying.


I'm on gawkers side sorry. None of you give a shit about other sex tapes that have leaked. Hulk hogan is a POS racist anyways. Silencing journalism by throwing money at the court system is the big deal here and sets a terrible precedent the affects how information is spread. If a rich dude can sue a news website into bankruptcy over anything then reporters are going to hold back on revealing things because of the risk

i'm with you. i don't necessarily agree with gawker's behavior, past or present, but the precedent this sets is quite chilling.

from what i've read, the judge in the lawsuit also handled the case quite poorly. i wonder if there are any court transcripts to be published.


Lol poor Hulk Hogan. You guys act as if this case was about the sex tape and not something else entirely. This was a billionaire abusing the court system to destroy a news organization, and he succeeded!

Sure, Hulk Hogan did not technically deserve what happened to him, and Gawker fucked up, but what actually happened is so much bigger.

If Gawker fucked up then what is the problem here?


If Gawker fucked up then what is the problem here?

A misogynist, trump supporting, anarchist, technocrat billionaire used his money to abuse the court system to destroy a news organization that he had a personal vendetta against.

Edit: The other issue: Now that one billionaire succeeded in silencing his enemies in the press, who and what is next?

Disclaimer: Before I get attacked again, Gawker WAS IN THE WRONG for posting the sex tape. I am not defending that.
Damn dude you don't need to attack me because I hold an opposing view.

You're acting as if Gawker was some beacon of depravity. The tabloid trash full of lies are worse and no one says shit about the constant lies and rumors they post about celebrities and politicians.

No one is saying Gawker didn't fuck up, but what this case truly being about is way bigger than a Hulk Hogan sex tape. That's all i'm saying.

What this story is about is a "news organization" breaking the law, and causing damages to people, and going bankrupt because of it. That's it. You and people that hold your same, shitty, opposing viewpoint are the ones trying to make it about something bigger than it really is. Any business that operates in a way that skirts the law, and acts reprehensibly, runs the risk of this happening. To then make the leap that this means ANY business or news organization can fall under the same fate is disingenuous bullshit from people like you. Real news organizations that follow the law, that report ACTUAL news, have nothing to worry about.

If I own a restaurant, and continually defy the law and serve expired meat, and eventually some rich guy gets sick and sues me into oblivion, would you be crying about the "precedent" of rich billionaires being able to destroy small businesses? Or would you say I got what was coming to me?
A misogynist, trump supporting, anarchist, technocrat billionaire used his money to abuse the court system to destroy a news organization that he had a personal vendetta against.

Edit: The other issue: Now that one billionaire succeeded in silencing his enemies in the press, who and what is next?

Disclaimer: Before I get attacked again, Gawker WAS IN THE WRONG for posting the sex tape. I am not defending that.

And yet you forget to realize that even racists and misogynists have rights. Rights which Gawker consistently broke by outing him, flaunting that they were somehow doing a good to the world.
Sure, Hulk Hogan did not technically deserve what happened to him, and Gawker fucked up, but what actually happened is so much bigger.

No, it's really not bigger. Gawker outed a billionaires private life without his consent, which they had no right to do as it wasn't news worthy in the slightest and they just wanted some cheap clicks. He was rightfully pissed off, but what they did wasn't illegal, just scummy as all hell so he couldn't do much about it.

They then proceeded to pull several bone headed moves that landed them in a lawsuit, so said billionaire decided to get some revenge by burying them 6 feet into the ground by paying someone else's legal fees.

Gawker got themselves into this mess through their own monumental stupidity and rightfully paid a hefty price. Cry all you want about a billionaire getting back at the website that profited off of his personal life, Gawker set themselves up so that he could. You can't blame anyone but Gawker for this entire fiasco.
A misogynist, trump supporting, anarchist, technocrat billionaire used his money to abuse the court system to destroy a news organization that he had a personal vendetta against.

Disclaimer: Before I get attacked again, Gawker WAS IN THE WRONG for posting the sex tape. I am not defending that.

Companies who are IN THE WRONG in the way Gawker was are going to be subject to financial punishment. That's the way it always is. That Theil is a Trump supporter or Hogan is a racist is completely irrelevant. They both still have rights and Gawker trampled on Hogan's rights.

Any news organization that actually has ethics and practices responsible journalism does not have to worry about being "Gawker'd". There is no precedence here no matter how hard misinformed people like you try to argue for one.
A misogynist, trump supporting, anarchist, technocrat billionaire used his money to abuse the court system to destroy a news organization that he had a personal vendetta against.

Edit: The other issue: Now that one billionaire succeeded in silencing his enemies in the press, who and what is next?

Disclaimer: Before I get attacked again, Gawker WAS IN THE WRONG for posting the sex tape. I am not defending that.

I think the reason many people myself included are glad this happened is simply this was not the first time or even the worst thing GAWKER did. That is the base issue here. A repeated track record of not caring what was published and just thinking that they could get away with it if it went to court.
Gawker got themselves into this mess through their own monumental stupidity and rightfully paid a hefty price. Cry all you want about a billionaire getting back at the website that profited off of his personal life, Gawker set themselves up so that he could. You can't blame anyone but Gawker for this entire fiasco.

This is what gets me. Gawker made their own bed, and yet people still seem to think that Gawker is in the right by outing a gay men not of his own accord, and releasing a sex tape that was unauthorized, just because they could.


What this story is about is a "news organization" breaking the law, and causing damages to people, and going bankrupt because of it. That's it. You and people that hold your same, shitty, opposing viewpoint are the ones trying to make it about something bigger than it really is. Any business that operates in a way that skirts the law, and acts reprehensibly, runs the risk of this happening. To then make the leap that this means ANY business or news organization can fall under the same fate is disingenuous bullshit from people like you. Real news organizations that follow the law, that report ACTUAL news, have nothing to worry about.

If I own a restaurant, and continually defy the law and serve expired meat, and eventually some rich guy gets sick and sues me into oblivion, would you be crying about the "precedent" of rich billionaires being able to destroy small businesses? Or would you say I got what was coming to me?

I don't agree with your analogy.

You realize you're defending Peter Thiel right?
I don't agree with your analogy.

You realize you're defending Peter Thiel right?

You realize you have no idea what is actually going on here, right?

You realize throwing around "Trump supporter!" and "racist!" doesn't mean shit with regards to this case, right?

You realize you are defending a company that posted revenge porn, right?


Holy shit, that is some incredible salt on their version of the events. I can't believe they can actually think this was still some how "suppressing crucial journalism", and not a tabloid trash site being taken to task over some disgusting shit they pulled.

Sure, it sucks that it was only pulled off by some shady people in the end, but that just shows how much Gawker used to throw its weight around, especially since we have proof of them being disgusting towards other people they wronged on the site who didn't have the funds to start anything against them. Whole thing just smacks of them being pissed that they finally got their asses handed to them for all the shit they did.

And like, the sites are all still mostly there, only Gawker got removed, and now they're likely not under pressure to put shady ass disgusting tabloid trash up like they were before.
I don't agree with your analogy.

You realize you're defending Peter Thiel right?

Are you unable to compartmentalize and consider that many people might disagree with Thiel's political beliefs, but not have a problem with him financially supporting victims of someone else?

If Thiel helped fund legal campaigns against websites that blackmailed victims using revenge porn, would you also be against that simply because it's Thiel?


Oh Wait, Thiel did fund legal campaigns against websites that blackmailed victims using revenge porn.


The Gawker hatred is powerful in this thread. It's just a website. You guys act like it committed assault on your family or something. A billionaire using his money to exact revenge through the court system is less important than some irrelevent pro wrestler sex tape getting leaked. Yall crazy, I'm out!
The Gawker hatred is powerful in this thread. It's just a website. You guys act like it committed assault on your family or something. A billionaire using his money to exact revenge through the court system is less important than some irrelevent pro wrestler sex tape getting leaked. Yall crazy, I'm out!

why am I surprised that you'd have a hissyfit and leave the thread

That being said, once more, the fact that it takes a billionaire with a vendetta to do something about revenge porn in terms of the courts is asinine.
The Gawker hatred is powerful in this thread. It's just a website. You guys act like it committed assault on your family or something. A billionaire using his money to exact revenge through the court system is less important than some irrelevent pro wrestler sex tape getting leaked. Yall crazy, I'm out!

And this explanation shows that you have no idea what actually happened.

This is unfortunate because a lot of people in this thread were actually nice and explained why it was an issue.
The Gawker hatred is powerful in this thread. It's just a website. You guys act like it committed assault on your family or something. A billionaire using his money to exact revenge through the court system is less important than some irrelevent pro wrestler sex tape getting leaked.

If all you get out of this back and forth is "Gawker hatred", then it totally makes sense why you are having trouble understanding what this case was really about. Congrats on openly flaunting your ignorance, I guess? Maybe come back when you are smarter.

Yall crazy, I'm out!

At least you got to announce it before Gawker could.
A misogynist, trump supporting, anarchist, technocrat billionaire used his money to abuse the court system to destroy a news organization that he had a personal vendetta against.

Edit: The other issue: Now that one billionaire succeeded in silencing his enemies in the press, who and what is next?

Disclaimer: Before I get attacked again, Gawker WAS IN THE WRONG for posting the sex tape. I am not defending that.

Looks like Gawker's persecution complex has rubbed off if you think you're being "attacked" by anyone. People disagree with you, you disagree with them, nobody's attacking anybody.

The Gawker hatred is powerful in this thread. It's just a website. You guys act like it committed assault on your family or something. A billionaire using his money to exact revenge through the court system is less important than some irrelevent pro wrestler sex tape getting leaked. Yall crazy, I'm out!

Nobody's acting like they committed assault on our families. We're acting as if Gawker financially profits off of blackmailing people for being homosexuals or for having sex quirks or for any number of personal preferences. They do. It's disgusting. A court found that they were in the wrong.

It only comes out again because Gawker is so clueless and has such a massive persecution complex that they've written this latest story.
The Gawker hatred is powerful in this thread. It's just a website. You guys act like it committed assault on your family or something. A billionaire using his money to exact revenge through the court system is less important than some irrelevent pro wrestler sex tape getting leaked. Yall crazy, I'm out!

Are you Gawker's former president? Make sure to get those lawsuit fees paid.


The Gawker hatred is powerful in this thread. It's just a website. You guys act like it committed assault on your family or something. A billionaire using his money to exact revenge through the court system is less important than some irrelevent pro wrestler sex tape getting leaked. Yall crazy, I'm out!

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