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The Getaway 2: Black Monday gameplay video


I also saw direct feed of this on Gamer TV (UK) although it wasn't final code it looked like shit.

Draw distance was still crap (no its never that foggy in Central London), although the voice acting was top notch, aswell as the cut scenes.

Looks to be more of the same, although more of and same of the last game isn't what I hoped for.




For those who liked the first one Black Monday delievers more of the same. People with good taste may want to look elsewhere for entertainment... :D


Pretty good looking. But I see they still have that odd collision detection "engine" (or whatever you call it).

Playfrance rocks btw, especially PlayFrance TV. :D
Thank god they got rid of the whole "you must run up every single step when going up steps" thing....damn was that ever annoying in the first one.
Forget The Getaway, watch the WRC4 replay video - http://www.playfrance.com/ps2-WRC-4/news/7597946,2-PFTV-n-4---WRC-4--.html
Woah, looks gorgeous. If it's looking ingame like that, you can talk about a nice step forwared from the crappy WRC3. Has some RSC-like vibe for me.
There are also videos of most all games from EyeToy: Play 2 on www.eyetoy.com. They use real advanced 3D graphics this time and the camera is supposed to be much more sensible. The cook game looks crazy, but I tend more to SSuperstars right now.
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