Did you just throw together "That's so Shoemaker" in like five minutes when you realized Brad was special guesting?
It was one I originally made but didn't use after realising it didn't fit the 90s theme, so I just opened it up and repurposed it for bradley.
Only NMSBrad around for the whole thing or is he just calling in to talk about No Man's Sky?
That random superhero management game that Austin found during the cast is really cheap (1.99 for me) as part of a bundle of other stuff
This will get some use.
I don't know how I feel about the whole xbox 1.2 thing going forward, while I can get why Ms would be doing this, it goes directly against why I buy and play on consoles. Assuming a developer will just target the common denominator undervalues the whole idea, but if they don't you get a scenario where people are buying games that are unplayable on their machines. I have a feeling the mass market isn't really ready for that shift. The iPad example is flawed at best, most people don't buy iPads for gaming it's a bonus feature. Also, we cannot forget about the value, most things on the app store/google play are f2p or with prices ranging from 0.99 to 10, if one of those doesn't run as well as it should the user just lost a minimum amount of money, not 60 or 70. Can I get a refund if a certain game doesn't run well on my machine? Will Ms messaging get so good that these kinds of mistakes can be prevented? While I agree the console landscaping and business models are changing, I'm not entirely sure this is the path we should be taking going forward. And looking at this generation's hardware sales, people still seem to like having 1 black box that plays games.
That random superhero management game that Austin found during the cast is really cheap (1.99 for me) as part of a bundle of other stuff
Lol the way they dismissed Quantum Break was just Brutal.
Yep, that is something I kept wishing they would address. Unlike phones and tablets, consoles have one primary function, to play games. Millions of ipads and iphones are sold with no intention of playing games, more of a bonus. Newer devices allow people faster workflow, better multitasking or improved cameras. Most of Apples keynotes barely even mention gaming. So i don't think the ipad model (or PC for the same reasons) is a good path to follow for a dedicated console because a fractured user base there would impact every owner in a significant way, whereas on iPads a new model may not offer any improvement worthwhile to a significant number of owners. Also it will make choices difficult for developers making AAA games over a 3 year period as they are chasing a target and that target may not be where the audience is. So then the path of least resistance would be for those developers to develop for the OG model and maybe pass on some framerate and AA benefits to newer model owners. At which point the need for newer models is lessened significantly, and potentially puts the userbase at odds in MP games.
I agree with Vinny, Bring back a 5-6 year console cycle. A new model with marginal improvements every year just doesn't suit dedicated games consoles.
The crew's freak out in regards to the Xbox One messaging thing seems pretty misguided to me. It's clear that Phil was talking about far off stuff, which makes Austin's whole bit about how they should have put out a very elegant splash page with fine written copy seem off. If this served as a formal unveiling of the official idea, and we still had this same amount of non-information, sure, but Phil really just brought up this as a notion for where he'd like to see things head.
It just came across as super intense and hostile in the cast, to me; based on this not being an official unveiling. I don't own an Xbox One, or anything, it just was weird to hear in a cast I usually get along with pretty well.