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The Giant Beastcast - Episode 64


The last of science knowledge of everyone is incredible. Even Austin has a complete lack of simple science knowledge that everyone learned in High School.
I wouldn't go that far, I'm not physicist but I do know a little science but when you think about how far away these guys are from high school college required courses than it makes sense they weren't that on the ball, I mean to me all of those questioned seemed super easy but I was a science major and studied medicine but to the average person knowing the gist or what "sounds right " is probably good enough IMO

Anyway I'm pretty such this was the first ep with the n word so there's that but man I missed Austin so much :'( such bitter sweat
in joke from Austin "last episode where it autocorrected from
Bitter sweet
accidently pressed spoiler twice and didn't feel like deleting it


I know Dan doesn't exactly revel in his ignorance and is happy to be corrected but Jesus if I don't sometimes wanna just punch him in the face with science
Great episode...

Intelligent No Mans Sky conversation and the show lasts for three hours. I believe this has been my favorite Beastcast episode.


If that's what they're doing with items in Mafia 3 they might as well just have you toss cannoli to distract the mobsters.
austin: the immaculate conception refers to the idea that mary was born without original sin
dan: she didn't do a single bad thing in her life?

Two Words

Why can't gaming publications just say Sean Murray explicitly said multiple times that there areface to face interactions with other players in No Man's Sky? We don't have to pretend that he was vague.


God, I missed Austin. I love him so much.

The science talk was amazing and made me laugh way too hard. I think it's fine to be a little in the dark about science as long as you reasonably defer to experts. But I did think that quiz was immensely basic.

My chemistry knowledge is super shoddy though (much more a physics guy).

Why can't gaming publications just say Sean Murray explicitly said multiple times that there areface to face interactions with other players in No Man's Sky? We don't have to pretend that he was vague.

Alex literally says there is a pretty damning interview with Colbert about it. But they also have every capability to not flip their shit and torch & pitchfork Hello Games.


Unconfirmed Member
My Chemical Romance, Trent Reznor, Bruno Mars and Muse. Whoever made that quiz is not as hip as she thinks she is lol


Oh man, this episode was fantastic. I ended up drawing out what I was doing so I could listen to it beginning to end, and I had a smile almost the entire time.

Vinny + Alex + Jeff + Dan + Austin = a precious treasure in this world. I hope Austin manages to make it around again before (...if?) Dan leaves.
Man the science illiteracy is killing me. The others yell at Dan, but they're not too hot on the answers either. But hey, they're willing to learn and all that.
As a geologist, I tallied up like 90 things that needed corrections or clarifications in that corrections segment. I am sad that Vinnie stated they didn't need more science corrections. :(
As a geologist, I tallied up like 90 things that needed corrections or clarifications in that corrections segment. I am sad that Vinnie stated they didn't need more science corrections. :(

I'm pleasantly surprised that they got relatively close with gravity. It being the weakest force in the Universe, everything having gravity regardless of size and it extending forever...but there seems to be some contention with the last one now.


Man the science illiteracy is killing me. The others yell at Dan, but they're not too hot on the answers either. But hey, they're willing to learn and all that.

Here's the thing: most of us aren't much better. Like Vinny said, we have a general sense of what the answer to this or that question might be, but the breadth of our knowledge isn't being scrutinized (from within or without). We're biased toward ignoring the blanks in our knowledge, and when we aren't 100% on something, we can just remain silent or hit up Google for a quick surface level refresher.

I'm assuming the people in this thread expressing shock and horror have immersed themselves in the subjects that were discussed, and can speak about them with some authority. But the tone in this thread is slanted toward those people, because among those who are about on the same page as the crew (or are even less knowledgable), a far lesser percentage are speaking up to say, "Yup, that's me," or whatever.

It's worth keeping in mind that a good range of subjects are discussed on the podcast, and it can't be expected for them to be experts on all of them.
Every time that I feel like I could never be surprised by another of Dan's food comments, my jaw drops. Never had a baked potato? How the fuck?
I know Dan doesn't exactly revel in his ignorance and is happy to be corrected but Jesus if I don't sometimes wanna just punch him in the face with science
The thing is, a lot of people are way worse. There are many people who don't know any of this stuff either, only they act like they totally do. Dan gets credit for owning his ignorance.


Interesting to have such a full cast.

Come one, come all! Watch, and be amazed, as Dan "The Knowledge Hole" Ryckert takes on Austin "The Didactic Dynamo" Walker!
Every time that I feel like I could never be surprised by another of Dan's food comments, my jaw drops. Never had a baked potato? How the fuck?
Probably because he doesn't(didn't?) like sour cream, right?

There's no point in trying to decipher the reasoning. Everyone just needs to go, "That's nice.", and move on when he brings up his food hangups.
Interesting to have such a full cast.

Come one, come all! Watch, and be amazed, as Dan "The Knowledge Hole" Ryckert takes on Austin "The Didactic Dynamo" Walker!

Probably because he doesn't(didn't?) like sour cream, right?

There's no point in trying to decipher the reasoning. Everyone just needs to go, "That's nice.", and move on when he brings up his food hangups.

I have no idea. I'm assuming he likes other types of potatoes and knows that you don't "need" to eat sour cream on a baked potato. Maybe I'm wrong? I'm probably wrong.

His eating habits have become a morbid curiosity of mine.
This was perhaps the best Beastcast episode to date. I've already recommended it to several people who are unfamiliar. I also hope Austin and Patrick do a new podcast together because god damn will that be interesting.
That corrections segment is something else.



Dan is absolutely insufferable in this episode tbh. I'm so over him. At first, he was kinda adorable in his ignorance about everything but now I find it to be incredibly grating.
I almost dropped bombcast and beastcast but the return of Austin reminds me of how deficient most gaming podcasts are of anything remotely close to intelligent conversation. I still want to drop both of these podcasts - and in general ALL gaming podcasts because most of the mainstream outlet podcasts don't appeal to me. However, the thing about Austin is that he really elevates the rest of the crew. It's not just that Austin is intelligent, but the other guys to examine differently and to enter HIS conversation.

With Beastcast specifically, Vinny, Jeff Bakalar, and Alex are very intelligent guys, but on the non-austin episodes, you don't get to hear that anymore because the conversation stays so low-brow and silly. When Austin is back, he really allows you insight into how these guys are thinking and processing and imagining, and it's so fascinating how he challenges them. The conversation is always better for it. No Man's Sky conversation was fantastic.

I really miss the dynamic of that team with Austin around. So much so, in fact, that it's tough to listen to that podcast anymore. Recent episodes of both podcasts have made me cringe.
Here's the thing: most of us aren't much better. Like Vinny said, we have a general sense of what the answer to this or that question might be, but the breadth of our knowledge isn't being scrutinized (from within or without). We're biased toward ignoring the blanks in our knowledge, and when we aren't 100% on something, we can just remain silent or hit up Google for a quick surface level refresher.

I'm assuming the people in this thread expressing shock and horror have immersed themselves in the subjects that were discussed, and can speak about them with some authority. But the tone in this thread is slanted toward those people, because among those who are about on the same page as the crew (or are even less knowledgable), a far lesser percentage are speaking up to say, "Yup, that's me," or whatever.

It's worth keeping in mind that a good range of subjects are discussed on the podcast, and it can't be expected for them to be experts on all of them.

Yeah it's unfair for me to criticize as an engineering student who has been immersed in this stuff, and I don't expect non STEM people to remember all the middle school stuff like that quiz. I just think basic science literacy is important, and I'm glad that everyone in the cast is willing to learn. I on the other hand know fuck-all about video production and journalism; we all have massive gaps in knowledge.

Dan's 'in the beginning' line was incredible though.

EDIT: I also don't claim to have perfect knowledge of stuff like gravity either, it's a crazy phenomenon on its own.


One of the best podcasts either site has ever done.

I miss Austin. Was funny how he reminded Vinny at the end where you could send corrections. Never skipped a beat.

If Austin and Patrick put up a weekly podcast at Vice I will be all over that.


My Chemical Romance, Trent Reznor, Bruno Mars and Muse. Whoever made that quiz is not as hip as she thinks she is lol

I feel like an actual 18-year-old would have bombed that quiz, because half of it was about things that were cool in 2005.


I don't mind Dan not knowing stuff or asking questions. The thing specifically that gets me is where his immediate response is "no it's not that's dumb". And I know to some extent he's self aware about that being a bad way to react and they all talked about the kind of attitude that reaction engenders, but it is still an actually painful reaction to hear and it makes me think less of him. Hell, it might actually be better if he wasn't aware that was a shitty reaction, because then him continuing to do it would at least be born of ignorance than laziness or "that's just who I am" or something.
I don't mind Dan not knowing stuff or asking questions. The thing specifically that gets me is where his immediate response is "no it's not that's dumb". And I know to some extent he's self aware about that being a bad way to react and they all talked about the kind of attitude that reaction engenders, but it is still an actually painful reaction to hear and it makes me think less of him. Hell, it might actually be better if he wasn't aware that was a shitty reaction, because then him continuing to do it would at least be born of ignorance than laziness or "that's just who I am" or something.

For real. Holy shit I just got to the last half hour of the podcast, and his delighted, unabashed ignorance, his proud rejection of information, it's sooo frustrating. Dan is a perfectly cool guy and I will gladly sit through his horrible opinions about junk food, but then he pulls this shit about animal classification and gravity... although admittedly he's way better on the gravity thing, he asked questions and he showed an interest... but I was already primed to cringe at his ignorance, and he brought it.

"No guys, I figured it out. The moon DOES have gravity."

We're really having this conversation. I know I'm being a snob and a shit, but it's hard to deal with.

EDIT: Just getting to his epiphany about things being made of stuff. Nope, we've transcended my frustration. This is looped all the way back around to funny and encouraging. Fuck it. Be amazed, Dan. You're right. It is amazing.

Oh my god. Beastcast, why you doin this. A sound wave vs a light wave: "They're just different areas on the spectrum."
What a great episode.

Dan is on GBeast for one episode and they have almost an hour of corrections...brilliant.

Jeff being weirded out by Dan pretty regularly...brilliant.

Austin being back...brilliant. (For those that miss him, I'm now listening to his Friends at the Table podcast. I'm enjoying it.)

...and...Austin pretending to be a mafia-douchebag and calling voodoo " nigga magic ". I just about died.
Oh my god. Beastcast, why you doin this. A sound wave vs a light wave: "They're just different areas on the spectrum."

I've read at least 4 Superman comics /Action Comics issues, where superman "hears" what is being said over radio... and it's definitely not meant like he's hearing the actual words spoken into a microphone for the radio transmission or the sound coming out of someone's speaker.
Light-waves and sound waves can get mingled together by all kinds of otherwise smart people, though pretty much all of them know that sound travels way slower than light.
Actually, neither light nor sound is a wave, which again even physics student get wrong. Light consists of particles. period. Quantum mechanics describes the behavior of these particles in wave functions, which doesn't make them not-particles.
I've read at least 4 Superman comics /Action Comics issues, where superman "hears" what is being said over radio... and it's definitely not meant like he's hearing the actual words spoken into a microphone for the radio transmission or the sound coming out of someone's speaker.
Light-waves and sound waves can get mingled together by all kinds of otherwise smart people, though pretty much all of them know that sound travels way slower than light.
Actually, neither light nor sound is a wave, which again even physics student get wrong. Light consists of particles. period. Quantum mechanics describes the behavior of these particles in wave functions, which doesn't make them not-particles.

Now we're above my head. I'm familiar with light as having the properties of both a particle and a wave, but I guess unfamiliar with its ultimate classification as strictly a particle.

And how is sound not a pressure wave? This is also above my head.

Sorry, I realize now we're truly getting off track. I was just... a little surprised when no one challenged the claim that light and sound were essentially the same stuff, just on different frequencies.


Now we're above my head. I'm familiar with light as having the properties of both a particle and a wave, but I guess unfamiliar with its ultimate classification as strictly a particle.

And how is sound not a pressure wave? This is also above my head.

Sorry, I realize now we're truly getting off track. I was just... a little surprised when no one challenged the claim that light and sound were essentially the same stuff, just on different frequencies.

Travelling sound is a longitudinal wave as mentioned in the podcast. I am also not aware of the behaviour of light as being either only a wave or particle (though it maybe treated as such for different purposes I suppose).
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