Ninja Scooter
Mama Smurf said:Well, I like the first X-Men, the first Spider-Man, the real Batman and The Incredibles better than any of those films, but as they're not on there for stupid reasons, I'm going to vote for Unbreakable out of spite so the others lose. said:I love Hellboy. Moreso than probably a couple of the films listed in the debate. Unfortunately, like Hulk, general concensus doesn't quite favor Ron Perlman & Co.
THE SCORE - Updated!
Spider-Man 2 = 11
X2: X-Men United = 5
Unbreakable = 15
Superman = 5
Batman: Mask of the Phantasm = 10
Darkman = 2
karasu said:
heidern said:Superman 2.
No contest.
Prospero said:Honorable mention for Darkman. "See the dancing freak! Just five bucks!"
Celicar said:Batman, not the shitty cartoon, the movie with Michael Keaton. That rocked. Why the hell is that not on the list? Beh.
Foreign Jackass said:Burton's Batman is so overrated by comic fanboys it's not even funny. Most Burton flicks feel like props shows anyway. Hey lookie here, we've got a weird hair-do and weird accessories! Hahaha how clever! His mannerisms are gettin' old, fast. He gotta find a good story, and a better one than that ok "storytelling homage or stupid story filled with lies" Big Fish.
COCKLES said:I vote Superman. Although I'd prefer Superman 2 - if only for ZOD. When the f**k are we going to get a Donner Director cut with his footage returned?
MmmBeef said:Ding ding! We have a winnah!
Although I may be biased against it, since my first day of work at a movie theater was during the opening fucking weekend of Batman. You've never seen such a collection of greasy, overweight, black t-shirt wearing, large bucket of popcorn and giant diet-coke swilling scum and villainy in once place before. Not only was the stench bad, I had to clean up after them.
etiolate said:Burton's Batman is better than all six of those films. Yeah, you heard me haters* BURTON ROCKS. Unbreakable is a fucking gimmick movie. Lalala, I have some neat characters, an interesting plot developing, and a good pace. I wonder how will the main character handle his situation and a...THROW IN TWIST ENDING BAMMO I AM M NIGHT SHAMALAMADINGDONG. Fuck you.
So I vote X-men 2.
Shinobi said:Your idiotic claims falls on deaf ears. And most people who've watched the Burton Batman flick anytime in the last five years (as opposed to not seeing it in the last 15 years where the mind isn't clouded with nolstalga) knows it's a medicore movie. That's just the way it is Jack.