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The Hateful eight is Tarantino's best film


Gay porn is where it's at.
This is my third rewatch in a month and goddamn isn't this the best slow burn movie ever, every single character is interesting, even the fucking wagon driver, hardly anything ever happens in the first hour, but somehow the movie keeps you on the edge by the sheer excellent dialogue and not knowing when shit goes down. Samuel's character is an absolute savage, and the relationship development between him and chris throughout the movie is a highlight.

Imo It's either this or pulp fiction as the top Tarantino movie
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West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Inglorious Basterds is Tarantino's best film.

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Man I watched the 10 minutes of Pulp Fiction where The Wolf shows up to fix things today and now I gotta do a full Tarantino rewatch…

…but no it’s Inglorious Basterds…everyone in that movie kills it.


I first watched it with some friends over two nights in the middle of winter of Korea and absolutely loved it. To this day, despite living in Texas and not really having a real winter, I'll still watch it over two days. That intermission just feels right.

Inglorious Basterds is my favorite of his though. I agree with everyone else in that the downside of a who-dunnit is that once you know who-dunnit, rewatches lose more than a bit of impact.
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I was just thinking about a rewatch of it.
I held out for as long as I could on initially watching this only because I have a buddy who watched it and said it was boring and all convo (that’s the point of Tarantino films)
When I finally watched it, I immediately fell in love with it.
I think I might agree with you on this.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
I go back and forth between H8 and IB.

I like most his other work, but it never fully clicked with me like those 2 movies.
I like it. I probably won't say it's his best but I think it's definitely the top 3. it's such a good movie and it works as a stage play too.
It's top 2 for me.

1. Pulp Fiction
2. Hateful Eight
3. Reservoir Dogs
4. Kill Bill Vol 1
5. Django Unchained
6. Inglourius Basterds
7. Kill Bill Vol 2
8. Jackie Brown
9. Death Proof
10. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Power Pro

I think Django Unchained, and Inglorious Bastards are my favorites. I like The Hateful Eight a lot also, I think it's a close third or forth, but I also think it kinda drags in the third act a bit.


The Hateful B! My gf saw this movie in the theater and told me it was boring, I've never been a big Tarantino guy and avoided it as it didn't sound like something I would be interested in. Got on a Tarantino kick recently and filled out (most of) the missing films so loaded this up (extended Netflix version) and REALLY enjoyed it. Pulp will always be my favorite - I will have to spend some time deciding the ranking for the rest - but this one was definitely up there. Basturds wasn't long after, I enjoyed it as well but I'll say that this was the better film.

Still have to check out Death Proof..


voted poster of the decade by bots
Like most of his movies but actually physically fell asleep twice during this movie......and I wasn't even tired.

The only positive thing I can says is no ducks were harmed in the making of this movie.
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So how was that Netflix extended cut mini-series of this? I've been wanting to rewatch this and wasn't sure which to watch.
I think it is best I rank them based on how likely I am to watch them if they randomly play in a hotel room.

Don't Touch the Remote!
i. Pulp Fiction
ii. Kill Bill: Volume 1

Give Me a Minute...
iii. Reservoir Dogs
iv. Django Unchained
v. Jackie Brown

What Else Is On...
vi. Kill Bill: Volume 2
vii. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
viii. The Hateful Eight

Quick, Change the Channel!
ix. Death Proof
x. Inglorious Basterds
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I hated Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and I agree it is his weakest movie so far. The world that Tarantino built is beautiful but the story that takes place in that world is a complete non-story for me, and up until the very end quite boring.
Thought it was the worst imo

Id put Django or Inglorious bastards at the top. Once upon a time was a great first watch just to see how he was gonna handle the tragedy, but is quite boring on any rewatches
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Best Tarantino is Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction. Very few directors peak so soon in their careers, everything else he made is pretty much a derivative of those two films.
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This is my third rewatch in a month and goddamn isn't this the best slow burn movie ever, every single character is interesting, even the fucking wagon driver, hardly anything ever happens in the first hour, but somehow the movie keeps you on the edge by the sheer excellent dialogue and not knowing when shit goes down. Samuel's character is an absolute savage, and the relationship development between him and chris throughout the movie is a highlight.

Imo It's either this or pulp fiction as the top Tarantino movie

Too slow a burn, for me. Some of it feels a bit forced, it doesn't flow quite the way I like.

Still an awesome movie. But way low in my Tarantino rankings. Mostly just because the dude has made a bunch of great movies. No shame in being low on a list that good.


So how was that Netflix extended cut mini-series of this? I've been wanting to rewatch this and wasn't sure which to watch.

It's great. There's a lot of little elements added, some of them quite small but others which are larger structural changes which bring the movie more in line with the script in a fun, interesting way.

Just FYI in the case that you don't read his scripts, there are always a bunch of big differences between his scripts and his movies -- on the larger side there will be whole scenes or characters removed, which happened a lot in Kill Bill and Django Unchained; on the smaller side, there will be a very different flow in terms of how scenes string together, or some specific dialogue/monologue is changed in order to give a different vibe to a moment, and that's what happened with Hateful Eight. And it's specifically some of those kinds of small tweaks/vibe changes which are restored in the Netflix miniseries cut.

Highly suggest checking it out... especially if you already know the movie well.
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I genuinely think it's his worst and is completely unwatchable ...

It felt like a movie that got leaked and was reworked.
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