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The Hives - Break Out

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I like me my rock and roll but I hate the fact that the media made bands like The White Stripes and The Hives seem like some kind of messiahs. I like both bands, I really do, but they're not the second coming. They just make some really good, upbeat rock.

Oh, and I just don't get why The Strokes are constantly paired with the Stripes and Hives either. They sound nothing like either of them. The Strokes rock. Pick up Room On Fire and agree!


Drunky McMurder
Yes, don't you hate those media made bands hyped up without any release, entirely unlike the Strokes....wait a second...


Hey, I'm not saying that The Strokes weren't hyped up. I hate the fact that the media jumped on the bandwagon the way they did with them too. I'm just saying that The Strokes sound nothing like The White Stripes and The Hives.


Drunky McMurder
I agree with that, but it tends to be the other bands getting thrown in with the Strokes as though they copied some super secret rock formula that the Strokes made.

Plus, the White Stripes are much better than the Strokes :p
That article is a nice read; thanks for posting it. I'm confident that Tyrannosaurus Hives will be the greatest album released in the history of recorded music. Well, if I am to believe Pelle, it will be. ;) I love their self-promoted "greatest band in the world" thing they do. I also love the music though. Veni Vidi Vicious was great, though most people only heard "Hate To Say I Told You So" because radio didn't play any of the other singles from that album. Can't wait for the new record.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
I really liked Veni Vidi Vicious but I'm not sure if I'll like this one or not. I fear that it will sound pretty samey.

Regardless, Pelle is one of the greatest frontmen ever. His arrogance is so amusing.
I think the best was when they played at the 2002 VMA awards, and Pelle said something like, "We're sorry, but that is all the time we have to play for you. You may turn your television sets off now" ...and he said that right before The Vines were going to play. I agreed with him though. I changed the channel when they started playing. ;)
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