Shut the fuck up.You know you were alone, you know that it was not funny. Just to let you know if it anything went wrong we are there for you (jerking off). There's nothing wrong being single and alone, just don't make it sad.
Just to let you know if it anything went wrong we are there for you (jerking off).
If that makes you happy yes. (weirdo)You'll rub one out when something goes wrong in my life?!?!
I was really drunk writing that OP, a bit less replying. I'm always, always alone, sex is fine but I would do anything for a hug at this stage. Was just posting to make it norrnal.I’m so burned out from being “not alone” I can’t even remember what the state of being “alone and lonely” felt like. Being alone seems like a blessed relief.
Sending virtual hugs manI was really drunk writing that OP, a bit less replying. I'm always, always alone, sex is fine but I would do anything for a hug at this stage. Was just posting to make it norrnal.
Love big bears.Sending virtual hugs man
i'm an otter apparentlyLove big bears.
From Urban Dictionary:i'm an otter apparently
A gay man who is very hairy all over his body, but is smaller in frame and weighs considerably less than a bear.
I’m so burned out from being “not alone” I can’t even remember what the state of being “alone and lonely” felt like. Being alone seems like a blessed relief.
I already jumped since my post
What happened?I already jumped since my post
My gf and I broke up for the nth time in November after a fight, and I felt incredibly happy to be free of her for a few months. But then in the last couple months the missing her/nostalgia started to slowly seep in. It has calmed down from what it was a week or 2 ago.What happened?
I felt incredibly happy to be free of her for a few months. But then in the last couple months the missing her/nostalgia started to slowly seep in.
I did find a new one but she annoys the shit out of me. I ignore her most of the time.That's becuse you didn't find someone new and your monkey brain edited out all the bad parts of that relationship. Never go back, it's not going to be the same and the problems will come back. Cuck/bitch feedback loop, only you can break that.
I did find a new one but she annoys the shit out of me. I ignore her most of the time.
She texted me a couple days ago then I think she immediately blocked me because I couldn’t get through to her after. We’ve been doing this since 2017. I know I should avoid her but I never seem to find a suitable replacement.You still don't go back you find another someone new. What you did was go back to the well.
I know I should avoid her but I never seem to find a suitable replacement.
Christ.I'm not drunk, but I'm drinky.
It's midnight here (edit: and now my birthday) in suburban Chicago. It was 70 degrees (21C) yesterday, 60 (60C) today, but now 35 (1.6C) and I can hear freezing rain pittering off the roof.
I love the weather where I live. Frigid winter grips, but eventually yields to the embrace of spring, which gives way to sweltering summer, which fades to the cool and colors of fall, which dies with a whimper to frigid winter.
Fury and grace, fury and grace.
Wouldn't have it any other way.
All is balanced.
Existence is inexplicable.
The world is, Herself, perfect.
Life is miraculous.
People are amazing.
Animals and plants are brethren.
Video games are life.
Death is imminent.
Injury is likely.
Suffering is certain.
Perception is unique.
War is hell.
Empathy is a frequency.
Knowledge is earned.
Wisdom is paid for.
Forgiveness is freedom.
All is temporary.
I don't know what tomorrow may bring, but I'm thankful for my life, and your part in it.
I love you.
That's the thing. People judge, oh you'll find someone else. You know you. Imperfection is sometimes the best we can get. Heck I'd pay to have aShe texted me a couple days ago then I think she immediately blocked me because I couldn’t get through to her after. We’ve been doing this since 2017. I know I should avoid her but I never seem to find a suitable replacement.