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The Killer - David Fincher/Fassbender


Lil’ Gobbie

anybody else hyped as fuck for this? Looks like Hitman movie by one of the greatest directors of our time



wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Watching it in an hour.

Edit: Thought it was great! Basically Kill Bill but shot in the style of No Country for Old Men. The licensed music got to be a little much, but the actual original soundtrack stuff from Trent Reznor was excellent. If you have missed Fassbender since the days of Magneto and bad Alien prequels, this is pretty much Fassbender overload. I give it an 8/10.
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My fantasy is that my girlfriend was actually a young high school girl.
Interesting movie about uninteresting people.
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Giallo Corsa

Gold Member
Watched it last night on Netflix :
This just goes to show that the bar has got so low when it comes to Hollywood movies that tripe like the killer are actually considered "good" by today's standards.(judging by the reviews).

This is the least Fincherian movie out of all Fincher's movies, 0 atmosphere, 0 drive behind...anything really with some of the most boring, bland and uninteresting characters out there.
I get it, I really do, it's based on a novel and it's basically a revenge movie/plot with the whole shtick being how mundane everything is, it could have worked if it wasn't for the fact that everything feels all too familiar to the point of feeling yet another assassin movie, the main character's infinite monologue that drags for 12 minutes straight which in the end just comes off as pretentious, the over usage of licensed music (by the time the 7th Smith's song hit I was "come the fuck on") and also the fact that - generally speaking - as a movie, it didn't excell at anything.

Yes, the acting is OK to good with Fassbender and Swinton being the standouts here, the cinematography ain't bad but other than that, unfortunately, it's yet another "Netflix movie®" that is just plain mediocre - it's not "bad" by any means, just utterly mediocre and forgettable.
It reminded me of yet another recent Netflix exclusive one , "Reptile" which while it has a good cast and it's perfectly serviceable as a movie, in the end, it's something that you'll forget having watched it after 1-2 week's time.

It's a 6/10 from me
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Gold Member
The trailer didn't do much for me. Fincher rules though and he deserves the benefit of the doubt.

On a separate note, I watched 'The Game' for the first time this year. Great flick.


I wasn't into the narration for most of the film, to be honest. I'll just have to chalk it up to poor writing because I did enjoy narration in Fincher's past work.
Could've been more effective with more silence imo, considering how pleasing the cinematography was throughout the film.

I did appreciate how straightforward it was. No plot twists or anything where Fassbender's character starts making foolish choices to play out some contrived drama.
Although it doesn't stack up to Fincher's best works, it still has his signature style all over it when it comes to the overall look and character dialogue.


is on perm warning for being a low level troll
I really like the BD this was based on so I am very much in. The books are like 99% just the guy thinking so I am curious how that translates to the screen.


I’m so disappointed. After what felt like years waiting for a new Fincher film, he does this. Not sure why he chose this project. It seems like typical Netflix trash.


hide your water-based mammals
I really enjoyed this one. Nothing complex and there's some ride that it creates. This really enjoyable to go through. This. Really have a hard time describing it but it wasn't a chore to watch which is interesting. Reading some of the opinions because yes, I'm not to talk about him since I don't oversaturate myself with movies of this type. I would recommend it.


Gold Member
I don't get it. If the penalty for failure is to be killed yourself, why would he A. not try harder or B. at least be more panicked? He takes one shot and then just seems content to wipe out his entire organization. Why wasn't the hispanic guy or Q-tip more worried? They "failed" and apparently just roughed up the girlfriend of a notorious assassin, you'd think they would be more on guard.

Anyway, not a bad way to spend an evening but JFC people these assassin gone rogue films just GOTTA stop for a while.


I love Fincher, but this was so mediocre

The story is so basic. I was waiting for some twist to make it more interesting until the last second ... but it never came

It's technically impressive, of course, and Fassbender is great as always.

But it was so by the numbers. So predictable.

Worse Fincher movie that I've ever watched
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Neighbours from Hell
Not close to my favorite Fincher movie(that would be Zodiac) but I really enjoyed this. The simplicity is what I loved about it. I was fascinated by Fassbender's character and his methodology. My only disappointment is Tilda Swinton, who's an incredible actress, is only in it for a small role. When I saw she was in it I thought she'd be a feature character. I loved the cinematography most though. This tight, dark way it was filmed really resonated with me. Badass brawl scene too in it, which was a stark change of pace for the rest of the movie, which was why it came as a surprise, I didn't expect it with the way the movie felt like it was going.
Watched it Saturday night, loved it. It's all craftsmanship and style, and at first I was put off by how thin it is thematically, but then I came around to thinking that was rather the point. I should add that I'm all about atmosphere, music, cinematography, that sort of thing, not story or characters, really. So if you're looking for a good story, this won't be it.

Plan on rewatching it tonight.


I enjoyed it.

The Brute fight was one of the best fight scenes I’ve watched in a while. It did a great job at showing the guys raw strength. He was like a charging bull.

That’s the second decent Netflix movie I’ve watched recently. The other being Reptile, that was a good watch too.


Lil’ Gobbie
Some spoilers***

Finally got some time to watch it last night. First I Loved how it showed the banality of what we think of as such an exciting profession (but I think this is where it lost a lot people however). Fassbender is mesmerizing and the film is masterfully crafted from start to finish

Did not expect it to be so funny and on several levels. He talks about the professionalism required in this business, but we literally watch how every single person royally fucks up their job. It starts with The killer fucking up the kill. Then his boss fucks up by scrambling to maintain his relationship with the client; the client fucks up when he panics and accepts a deal that he doesn't understand, the Qtip fucks up with her complete failure to control her goon. "Early middle aged man. Non-smoker. Should last six to seven minutes... *Watching him die instantly *....Shit."

Opening scene sets it up perfectly where he's hyping himself up for 20 min about the type perfection that is required of him only to blow away some random lady. then we have to watch him repeat a mantra of 4-5 rules he abides by only to watch him break all them continuously. At one point he says "Fuck it" which the delivery had me howling :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Good stuff with the "product placement" where fincher seems to set a sort late stage capitalism landscape where luxury items are no longer on display (I think there was even a James bond joke in there), just mega corporations and ordinary items that can be purchased on Amazon to facilitate murders done by the killer. McD app for food? Great for no human contact and keep his alias. Wework office that leaves their offices totally dormant? Perfect place to set up an assassin's lair. Unimprenetrebale high tech fortress? Easy, Uber eats. There's a lot more in there I need to rewatch, Just brilliant stuff

Loved how the client was portrayed too. Most mediocre waste of life you'll ever, a guy who doesn't even understand what he did and needs a personal trainer to use a treadmill lol

But this where the killer realizes that he too is one of the many and not the few. He had to kill up the chain of command just to find the billionaire that ordered his death on a whim, essentially by accident and spares his life because the police will take his murder more seriously than an innocent cab driver
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
Yeah, I’m done watching Netflix movies for a while. Every time i force myself to watch one i can’t help shake the feeling that I’m watching a cheap made for TV movie.

These directors need to realize that the old guard Hollywood execs that didn’t greenlight every piece of trash they wanted to make actually knew what they were doing and the yes men Netflix has hired to give talented director’s enough money to make whatever they want actually have no clue on how to manage these directors to get the best out of them.


Yeah, I’m done watching Netflix movies for a while. Every time i force myself to watch one i can’t help shake the feeling that I’m watching a cheap made for TV movie.
In general I agree, but they have made some good movies also. I really enjoyed Extraction 1+2 and The Gray Man.
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