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The Kiseki / Trails (of the Sky/Zero/Ao/Sen/Etc) Community Thread: SPOILERTAGS OR DIE


About to start Trails in the Sky, what am I in for?

This is one of my all-time favorite series, and it took me three times before I really "got it". One day, I had a hankering for a big, meaty jrpg, and decided that this third attempt, I would...

Approach it like reading a book, and absorb the characters and the world.

This is really the best advice one could give. The game *is* rather slow, there's no big event that forces the characters' out of their homes as they swear revenge against a clear foe, and the things you do seem directionless. But the game is really anything but - everything that happens is very deliberate and is of either surprisingly great relevance to the overall plot, or becomes fond memories to look back on once it's over. Absorb what happens and treat the game like it's treating you intelligently. It's taking its time to set up the pieces.

e: If you don't like the main battle theme Sophisticated Fight, you can find music mods that replace it (and other tracks) with their arranged/zanmai versions, like so. I'm cool with og Sophisticated Fight, but the Zanmai version does bring a lot of much-needed energy to the early game.


That's about it for the prologue. I chose to have Agate as my partner going forward (more on him in a bit) and I do not regret that one bit. I actually already beat Chapter 1, so expect another update sometime soonish.
Agate is the preferred initial choice given the gender-specific armor restrictions, how he counterbalances Estelle's skills and as a fresh companion for Estelle... but I will say that, having played through both the Agate and Scherazard paths simultaneously, I was surprised by the level of differences in their dialogue, how they approached specific conflicts, how they each appeased Estelle's Joshua grief and how the other's dynamic with Anelace was changed up. There's a lot of variance in the airship conversations and even the sidequests depending on who you bring along. I never felt for a second that I was wasting my time playing through either route.


e: If you don't like the main battle theme Sophisticated Fight, you can find music mods that replace it (and other tracks) with their arranged/zanmai versions, like so. I'm cool with og Sophisticated Fight, but the Zanmai version does bring a lot of much-needed energy to the early game.

I like the original version of Sophisticated Fight, but hot damn the Zanmai version makes it a hundred times better.

Now I need to replay FC with Sophisticated Fight Zanmai modded in.


The original version of Sophisticated Fight is pretty much my most hated battle theme ever. When I played FC on PSP I honestly dreaded every single fight after a while.

The Zanmai remix, though, that one is awesome. It messes with the atmosphere a bit, but that was easily worth it for me. The battles were a lot more enjoyable for me that way.


So with about 8 hours left to go. The biggest question I have is: Are there any missables?

In terms of story and sidequests that is. Dangerous monsters lurking around can continue lurking :p


So with about 8 hours left to go. The biggest question I have is: Are there any missables?

In terms of story and sidequests that is. Dangerous monsters lurking around can continue lurking :p

Not that I can recall. 3rd is structured very differently from FC and SC.


Speaking of books, I used to hate collecting Gambler Jack. Usually it's one odd issue which requires you to talk to someone exactly after a quest is finished, and I somehow always skipped talking to said person, even though I make a habit of diligently talking to everyone after a quest/event is finished.


And bought. Now to stare sadly at the clock all day since I won't be home until super late. Plus I forgot my switch and vita at home so I can't even use those to pass the time T_T
There is spoiler in CS about TITS 3 ?
I am thinking about going to CS1 and 2 and then TITS 3. Currently midway in TITS 1.

I'm not sure if I would say "spoilers" (although I'm only just starting out on the 3rd), but several characters introduced in the 3rd show up in Cold Steel, and there are a few references during Cold Steel to plot events that happen during the 3rd.

Most of us played Cold Steel first due to the release order over here, but I'd say that playing the 3rd first is definitely ideal considering some of the references.
I'm not sure if I would say "spoilers" (although I'm only just starting out on the 3rd), but several characters introduced in the 3rd show up in Cold Steel, and there are a few references during Cold Steel to plot events that happen during the 3rd.

Most of us played Cold Steel first due to the release order over here, but I'd say that playing the 3rd first is definitely ideal considering some of the references.

Ok! thanks you good sir


There is spoiler in CS about TITS 3 ?
I am thinking about going to CS1 and 2 and then TITS 3. Currently midway in TITS 1.
It's more like 3rd sets up Cold Steel. If you play CS first and then go back to 3rd the experience is like... In CS you see past events & certain states of matters mentioned & referenced and be tied to CS's story but some of those details aren't necessarily explored in a ton of detail in CS while they are explored more fully in 3rd. Some of it is just about introducing characters that will be re-introduced in CS.

PK Gaming



I miss this game


I made a new map of western Zemuria per S.1205 (before Sen III events) -- not hand-drawn this time. It contains spoilers up to CS2, so I'll put it behind this link.

One thing I can say for certain: the map in Cold Steel II does in no way fit with the maps or information we received prior. How can Parm be in Sutherland if it's at the bottom of Lake Ebel? Or how can Heimdallr - Ordis take eight hours without having Lamare Province take up even more territory than it already does while keeping Sutherland small. So yeah, had to use my imagination a lot in this one.

Edit Updated the link considering it was giving problems.
I made a new map of western Zemuria per S.1205 (before Sen III events) -- not hand-drawn this time. It contains spoilers up to CS2, so I'll put it behind this link.

One thing I can say for certain: the map in Cold Steel II does in no way fit with the maps or information we received prior. How can Parm be in Sutherland if it's at the bottom of Lake Ebel? Or how can Heimdallr - Ordis take eight hours without having Lamare Province take up even more territory than it already does while keeping Sutherland small. So yeah, had to use my imagination a lot in this one.

Perhaps there's something wrong with the browser, but the map you posted is really small and unreadable to me.
Try downloading it first and then open it. It's a big image so Chrome doesn't like it on my phone.
Naw, I did that and it gave me a 200 x 186 picture. But Gu4n updated the link so all is well!

I made a new map of western Zemuria per S.1205 (before Sen III events) -- not hand-drawn this time. It contains spoilers up to CS2, so I'll put it behind this link.

That's about the only way to make Parm a part of Sutherland, I think. If I remember correctly people use Lake Ebel to cross from Eastern to Western Erebonia, yar? My topography-challenged mind can't imagine how that works.

Seeing Crossbell "province" in red like that is a bummer. Has Nord Highlands also officially part of Erebonia?


Everyone's playing 3rd right now, but just by chance I tried starting FC for the third (might be fourth) time a few days ago.

To say it's clicked would be a massive understatement, honestly. I'm 22 hours in, in the beginning of chapter 3.

The writing is razor-sharp (this must be one of the best localizations I've ever encountered), the characters are great, the combat feels balanced, the music speaks for itself. It was a little slow to start, but the hump came more quickly than I expected. The end of the prologue was intriguing, chapter 1 had a nice ramp, but I enjoyed every minute of chapter 2 and found it was excellently paced.

I honestly can't get enough of the game. I pick it up and it's hard to put down. It's reminding of some of my most favorite games. Might put the new FE on hold and go right into SC afterward.


Unconfirmed Member
Everyone's playing 3rd right now, but just by chance I tried starting FC for the third (might be fourth) time a few days ago.

To say it's clicked would be a massive understatement, honestly. I'm 22 hours in, in the beginning of chapter 3.

The writing is razor-sharp (this must be one of the best localizations I've ever encountered), the characters are great, the combat feels balanced, the music speaks for itself. It was a little slow to start, but the hump came more quickly than I expected. The end of the prologue was intriguing, chapter 1 had a nice ramp, but I enjoyed every minute of chapter 2 and found it was excellently paced.

I honestly can't get enough of the game. I pick it up and it's hard to put down. It's reminding of some of my most favorite games. Might put the new FE on hold and go right into SC afterward.

PC version? May be remembering wrong but I think FC is the best of the three in terms of localization quality. All three are good though, and they kind of have to be since the writing carries these games.


PC version? May be remembering wrong but I think FC is the best of the three in terms of localization quality. All three are good though, and they kind of have to be since the writing carries these games.

PSP. I actually own the game on Steam too, though. I either bought it on a sale or got it as a gift. I'm enjoying it on the Vita though. I'll probably play SC on it, too.

Nyoro SF

We just gotta confirm he still has the headband and the raspy 90's SHOUNEN POWAH voice.

Which serie is better ? TiTS or Cold Steel ? What is the general consensus ? What do you think ? TELL US And why of course.

You should play them yourself and come to your own conclusion rather than start ranking wars.
Which serie is better ? TiTS or Cold Steel ? What is the general consensus ? What do you think ? TELL US
And why of course. Without spoiling.

They're both really good, but I think the Sky games are overall better (pending Cold Steel III changing that, of course).

In general, I think I like the story a little better in the Sky games (although Cold Steel II's story is amazing), and the overall challenge level if a little higher. And Estelle is a much, much better protagonist than Rean.

On the other hand, Cold Steel made a number of strides in the amount of options you have in the battle system, and has better presentation overall. I think some of the side stories are handled better in the Cold Steel games, especially due to spending so much time developing one central location in the first game.

But I also look at this series as one big long saga spread out over a number of games.


I love both Cold Steel games but the Sky trilogy is way better written. TitS can be pretty hard to get into though, since it starts really low-key and takes its time but it absolutely delivers in the end.
But yeah, overall, I see little reason to play Cold Steel before TitS.

Young Magus

Junior Member
Which serie is better ? TiTS or Cold Steel ? What is the general consensus ? What do you think ? TELL US
And why of course. Without spoiling.

.......I.....I can't rate one series over the other right now.

Mainly because of the CS story is still ongoing. But the combat is better in CS games while I like the world-buliding and pacing within FC/SC justva bit more.

Game Wise tho is a different story:
1.) 3RD
2.) AO
4.) FC>=CS1
Which serie is better ? TiTS or Cold Steel ? What is the general consensus ? What do you think ? TELL US
And why of course. Without spoiling.
Hey everyone! First time post in this thread :p
Zero/Ao > Sky > ColdSteel
Zero > FC=Ao > SC = CS2 > 3rd >> CS

I prefer Zero/Ao over Sky/Cold Steel Easily. I like the structure more, and the land (Crossbell) is less intimidating, and is small-ish, and you can technically walk everywhere. You start off with a small static team. I also started trails series because I liked Zero Evo's demo so much (which is basically the prologue chapter of the full game). I played through FC/SC/3rd HD on a tv just so I can start Zero and Ao (and Ao Evolution just released as I finished ZeroEvo :D love the timing).

Sky is much more like that (or Zero/Ao is much like Sky, I should say). Probably because of the slow-paced atmosphere and medium-sized Liberl Kingdom as well, I like FC more than SC. 3rd became too all-cast and fan disc for me. I also didn't like Kevin in SC, but 3rd improved my impression of him, a lot.

Cold Steel (Erebonian Empire) is much more segmented because you take the train (mostly) everywhere in the first game, and can't return. It has that generic "high school life" thing, and you start off with 9 characters and segment your team in different sections of the story. I don't like it because you kind of sacrifice characterization of some to develop others. Because it is a "high school life" thing, you have a bunch of side characters all introduced at the same time, and I guess I was also sorta burned out after marathoning 5 trails games in a row. It took me a long time to finish it, but the ending made me play CS2 right off the bat. I also dislike Machias in the first game. Cold Steel 2 kinda gives you more freedom, and I like it more that way. Super hyped for CS3 though, since I really like how CS2 improved over CS, and CS3 doesn't seem like it will go like Sky 3rd. So if CS3 improves, and it's looking like it's highly leaning towards Zero's structure, that might end up redeeming the whole series. Fingers-crossed that CS3 will end the trilogy and we won't see a CS4. I don't want to wait another year for the CS major plotlines to end.

Reason why I say CS3 leans towards Zero's Structure based on official site info:
4 man party at the start (Class VII only has 3 students)! Crossbell related characters! New School in a small town with minimal students!


Neo Member
Which serie is better ? TiTS or Cold Steel ? What is the general consensus ? What do you think ? TELL US
And why of course. Without spoiling.

I think the Sky games are better overall; better characters, dialogue, NPCs, story. Cold Steel does have some cool battle mechanics added but Falcom went for accessibility with Cold Steel and the dialogue and characters really reflect that.While Sky FC has a slow start, I think Cold Steel has worse pacing issues overall, especially toward the end of both games.

Also, Estelle > Rean
Also, also, Olivier > Everybody else
I think the Sky games are better overall; better characters, dialogue, NPCs, story. Cold Steel does have some cool battle mechanics added but Falcom went for accessibility with Cold Steel and the dialogue and characters really reflect that.While Sky FC has a slow start, I think Cold Steel has worse pacing issues overall, especially toward the end of both games.

Also, Estelle > Rean
Also, also, Olivier > Everybody else
Olivier sucks and Sara is the best Trails character. However TitS is indeed the better series, and estelle is definitely > Rean
So, I'm loving 3rd at the moment, and I'm feeling incredibly positive Ao/Zero will eventually be released over here. Within a year or two, the entire series besides them will be on Steam from XSeed, and then I imagine the argument becomes "why not?" It will be years before another entry and doesn't it just make sense to fill the gap? I can't even imagine sales is that much of a factor, as long as it A)is in the interest of XSeed to keep working and B) in Falcom's interest to get SOME return on an old game.

(So I don't follow this thread closely, as I've yet to finish 3rd and Cold Steel 2. I imagine the subject of Ao/Zero release has been discussed numerous times, so if anyone is more in the know please link me to their post.)

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I think the Sky games are better overall; better characters, dialogue, NPCs, story. Cold Steel does have some cool battle mechanics added but Falcom went for accessibility with Cold Steel and the dialogue and characters really reflect that.While Sky FC has a slow start, I think Cold Steel has worse pacing issues overall, especially toward the end of both games.

Also, Estelle > Rean
Also, also, Olivier > Everybody else

No lies detected in this post
CS3 out September 28th. Yes! (I think this is the same date for CS2 and CS as well. )

Edit: and Ao and Zero. I guess that's why nobody is surprised at all.
Uh, is there something signification about September 28th that they keep releasing these games on that date? Some pun in Japanese?

Like, I get the SEPT part, but 28th?
Quick question regarding Ao and Zero. how bad is the translation if I use google translator since I know nothing about Japanese language?
Should have taken Japanese instead of Latin in college

PK Gaming

You fuckers better be joking with the Agate x Tita shit, because I swear to God

From what I've seen so far it seems like a one-sided crush.
Quick question regarding Ao and Zero. how bad is the translation if I use google translator since I know nothing about Japanese language?
Should have taken Japanese instead of Latin in college

Might as well wait for the fan translation of zero which guan and some others are helping to finish.
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