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The Kiseki / Trails (of the Sky/Zero/Ao/Sen/Etc) Community Thread: SPOILERTAGS OR DIE


That makes sense. I was kind of wondering if it would do something like that since FC treated what could be huge plot elements as just pieces of the world it was building.

I'm sure that I will go back and play SC at some point. Right now I'm just so burnt out. Cold Steel feels different enough that I'm not getting the same vibes though. I'm enjoying it

What it's building up to for SC ends up becoming a major incident that ends up impacting Erebonia at the same time. Some of the stuff going down regarding the class system and other shenanigans around it have been hinted at since FC, and especially when shit hits the fan in SC.

Hell, I'm working on a video from 3rd right now for Translation Tuesday which is based off of that scene in SC, and as I said a few posts back, Cold Steel directly references it.

I saw that, and I also know that door is a gigantic one >_>
Either way, good job with everything so far. I am waiting on this one.

Thank you! I seem to be pacing myself a little better than normal, so hopefully it'll be good to go without the usual 'ohgoditssunday' rush. lol

Nyoro SF

Despite my Japanese being intermediate at best, playing Sen 2 in Japanese is not that hard at all mechanically.

Nearly all the quartz are written in katakana. When they're not titled in katakana, usually the descriptions for what spells they contain are... though I am picking up more quartz that requires harder scrutiny.
Descriptors for stat changes are in English abbreviations (DEF+25, ATS+15, etc.).
98% of the accessories are written in katakana as well. The only downside to this is that status effects like Faint (called Stun in Japanese, which in my opinion is way better), Confusion, Seal etc. are all written in kanji, so I had to learn quite a few kanji to remember all the anti-status options offhand.
Items are similar to accessories in that despite being written in katakana, I had to memorize the anti-status kanji.
Weapon and armor/boot names don't matter, only their stats.
Craft names are either written in katakana, have easy descriptions to read, or are easy to identify by their CP cost from CS1. And if it's a new craft to CS2, just fire it off in a regular monster battle and see what it does.
Arts are all written in katakana as well. In fact, I think every single art is in full katakana, no exceptions.
Everyone's names are written in katakana except for
Emma, who is called 委員長
luckily it only threw me off for a few seconds

Stuff that's hard:

Certain points where the story becomes complicated and the unrecognizable kanji starts flowing like wine (and there's no voice to back it up), though thanks to cutscene context assist, I've really only gotten lost around... 3 times. Story points like...
Why did we stay stationed at Ymir after it was extremely obvious that the location of the Ashen Knight was compromised by Vita... actually how did Vita even find me in the first place? More importantly, why does no one shoot the bird (ok that's just a joke)
Why did we just let the enemy ship and its inhabitants go without a fight and why are we now buddy buddy with enforcers and terrorists? And secondly, what is that crystal inside of Rean?
Who were the two people that were looking for Laura's dad?
Why does Scarlet have the same mark on her arm that Joshua does; is she an Enforcer being manipulated like Joshua was?
Whenever anyone starts talking in weird Japanese or using accentuation I'm not used to.

And... yeah, that's pretty much it.
tl;dr everything was katakana.
Why does Falcom fan translation tend to attract such lunatics? Especially coming from a group suspected of using machine translations and apparently translating Zero from Chinese.

Xseed will NEVER get my permission to use our translation. I have made that very clear to all the people involved in the project. I don't agree with their policy of stealing the work of fan translations. They have made it clear they had no intentions of working on Zero or AO (since according to them, they really aren't that important to the overall story). Financially it doesn't make sense for them to even care after the horrible release of Cold Steel. Literally 1 store in a 100 mile radius got a shipment and I know at least 20 people who are like me when it comes to buying games in store (and not online). Needless to say, other companies got their money for new games that week and now they don't even care to try to find it. Yep. I have no love lost for Xseed and only started working on these games because I knew they would never get an english release. But since I started, they seem to have really taken an interest in games that are getting fan translations (Brandish PSP, Xanadu Next). They think they can give people a little bit of money and they will jump for joy. They can't afford my crew. If I put a monetary price on it, it would be close to $250,000 per person in the team and there is at least 8 people working on it currently not to mention numerous people who also would deserve compensation for their contribution. People may think that is an extreme price and it may be. But it is my way of telling them they can go screw themselves.
There was also silly drama around XSeed's use of Ys fan translations.
Why does Falcom fan translation tend to attract such lunatics? Especially coming from a group suspected of using machine translations and apparently translating Zero from Chinese.

There was also silly drama around XSeed's use of Ys fan translations.

Jesus...some fans they are. It's like they haven't payed attention to any of the events surrounding SC's release at all and seem to think CS bombed just because not many retail stores got it (it's like they missed the fact that Vita is dead in retail). I always wonder about the "fans" who don't want to see something receive an official release and possibly bring more fans into the fold, it's like they're wanting the game to remain unknown. Should be proud when a well known localization company wants to give your translation the time of day so it can see a real release, it gives both you and the other company more attention than your hissy fit could ever do.


About Cold Steel bombing. Completely anecdotal evidence, but I looked up the availability of Cold Steel (only PS3 version) at my local Gamestops at release and about a week after release. At release, about 8 stores within 15 miles of me had it, but after a week only 2 had it. Doesn't say a whole lot, I'm sure the game didn't bomb like they're making it out to be.
I visit the fan translators' main forum (Heroes of Legend) often enough to know they're only nuts about particular things, and Zeromonkey's the foremost critic of XSEED there. The admin's more willing to compromise (he's repeatedly wanted to make sure BoF Games's Zwei!! (2) translation patches get distributed for free to owners of the games even if XSEED purchases their work). NightWolve posts there too but there's no consensus for or against XSEED/NightWolve regarding their interactions with Deuce (pretty sure they don't like him at least).

Somehow I doubt ToCS has sold anywhere near as low as TitS SC. It's definitely not going to reach TitS FC's six-month numbers as quickly, assuming it does at all, but the higher price point for regular/limited releases means XSEED will have done well for themselves even so.
Why does Falcom fan translation tend to attract such lunatics? Especially coming from a group suspected of using machine translations and apparently translating Zero from Chinese.

There was also silly drama around XSeed's use of Ys fan translations.

Good lord! That sounds so pretentious. It's like they are in their own little world, and hope that the Trails series would stay niche. Also, what's wrong with the Ys fan translations? Dawn of ys and Oath of Felghana are top notch fan translations.
About Cold Steel bombing. Completely anecdotal evidence, but I looked up the availability of Cold Steel (only PS3 version) at my local Gamestops at release and about a week after release. At release, about 8 stores within 15 miles of me had it, but after a week only 2 had it. Doesn't say a whole lot, I'm sure the game didn't bomb like they're making it out to be.

If it sold out at all then that's honestly a good thing considering how niche the series is. It shows that there's demand for it and it likely sold above expectations. I mean even Amazon sold out several times around release and surely they got more than just a handful beyond preorder copies. Should also say something that they're still printing LEs for the game, that doesn't exactly happen if a game is underperforming.
Good lord! That sounds so pretentious. It's like they are in their own little world, and hope that the Trails series would stay niche. Also, what's wrong with the Ys fan translations? Dawn of ys and Oath of Felghana are top notch fan translations.
I can't remember the specifics, but someone who worked on one of the Ys translations had a huge meltdown about how it was sold to XSeed.

If it sold out at all then that's honestly a good thing considering how niche the series is. It shows that there's demand for it and it likely sold above expectations. I mean even Amazon sold out several times around release and surely they got more than just a handful beyond preorder copies. Should also say something that they're still printing LEs for the game, that doesn't exactly happen if a game is underperforming.
Yeah, I don't get the impression that it bombed, but blaming XSeed for low shipment numbers is still way off base as they're not the ones determining that. I'm sure they'd have loved Gamestop or other retailers to order more copies.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Why does Falcom fan translation tend to attract such lunatics? Especially coming from a group suspected of using machine translations and apparently translating Zero from Chinese.

There was also silly drama around XSeed's use of Ys fan translations.

That seems like a fun dude. Why, exactly, are people hating on XSEED for putting out Falcom games in the US? I mean, I remember some drama about XSEED "stealing" the Ys Origin translation or some nonsense along those lines, but what's this latest rant about?

Nyoro SF

Fan translators being crazy isn't that surprising to me.

Also Cold Steel isn't a bomb.

As someone that has lurked in all of the corners of scanlation and sub group IRCs for many years in the past, that kind of post is par for the course in craziness from the top brass of fan translators.

We will probably never know how Cold Steel did sadly, even though I do put in a polite request to the NPD thread every time it comes up. ;P


Why does Falcom fan translation tend to attract such lunatics? Especially coming from a group suspected of using machine translations and apparently translating Zero from Chinese.

They also don't really know the series as far as I've seen. I always had the feeling they were translating it just to translate an unreleased PSP game. That's it.


I can't remember the specifics, but someone who worked on one of the Ys translations had a huge meltdown about how it was sold to XSeed.
NightWolf I presume. He hacked the translations of Deuce's in, and he seemingly just went full on crazy period. I wouldn't put much stock in his opinions.


I've said it once before, but it would be a nightmare for Xseed to even attempt licensing the Zero fan translation. It's a pipe dream.

Why does Falcom fan translation tend to attract such lunatics? Especially coming from a group suspected of using machine translations and apparently translating Zero from Chinese.

What the what?


Why does Falcom fan translation tend to attract such lunatics? Especially coming from a group suspected of using machine translations and apparently translating Zero from Chinese.

There was also silly drama around XSeed's use of Ys fan translations.
Thank you for sharing this. I immediately withdrew from the project and made it clear I don't want to be involved in any other project he's leading.

To get some things straight: the Nayuta project was, indeed, translated using machine translation. While I am no opponent of machine-assisted translations per se, you shouldn't have to rely on them and I feel that was the case with Nayuta. omgfloofy, as an expert on the series, reached out to help with terminology, but got rejected pretty much immediately. Zero is being translated by human translator(s) (from Japanese) but, considering what I've been pointing out during my involvement, I didn't get the impression that anyone involved in the project has affinity with the games that haven't been localised so far. So while I mostly in for damage control in hindsight to prevent what happened to Nayuta, I don't wish to be associated with a project I consider to be anti-XSEED.

He also states that XSEED has "really taken an interest in games that are getting fan translations (Brandish PSP, Xanadu Next). They think they can give people a little bit of money and they will jump for joy." Whereas I don't know what the case is with Xanadu Next, as the translator of Brandish PSP myself I can say that XSEED has never reached out to me to buy my translation. Apart from what is publicly available on the forums of A Land of Ys, I never discussed the matter with Tom or XSEED.


They also don't really know the series as far as I've seen. I always had the feeling they were translating it just to translate an unreleased PSP game. That's it.

That's a lot of work for that though. They were predicting to finish Ao in 2018/19.

Damn it, I actually had hope about this project for a little bit.
Just about done with Cold Steel

Great game...... poor script in certain areas..

Especially near the end. Definitely the weakest story so far in the games ive played

It hurts man. Tell me it gets better because I cant take any more cheese and cringe in what has become one of my favorite RPG series ever

Falcom was clearly catering to a different demographic with this game.


Why does Falcom fan translation tend to attract such lunatics? Especially coming from a group suspected of using machine translations and apparently translating Zero from Chinese.

There was also silly drama around XSeed's use of Ys fan translations.

My guess is that guy is very, very prideful of his team and their work.

Not that there's anything wrong with it, because my impression was he's trying to at least try and make it clear he's not willing to see his team's work simply to the cheapest official bidder, to denounce what they do solely for a lolmoney factor.

That said, such a reply is awfully heated, so that point, however sincere, is burnt away.

Props to that group for focusing on Falcom games, though. I'm quite amazed that fan translations usually pick RPGs, and Falcom's games are usually acknowledged in these types of communities, and it's not been too long to see groups very active in their projects.

In fact, that leads me to wonder: how many of Falcom's games are Japan only with zero plans for localization efforts?


Just about done with Cold Steel

Great game...... poor script in certain areas..

Especially near the end. Definitely the weakest story so far in the games ive played

It hurts man. Tell me it gets better because I cant take any more cheese and cringe in what has become one of my favorite RPG series ever

Falcom was clearly catering to a different demographic with this game.

It gets better and worse at the same time. For me, Jusis was the best thing about Cold Steel II, but even then, he didn't get as much attention as I hoped he would.

Rean is... well, the first game should be more than enough to tell you what his role will be in CSII, aside from the plot tweeeeeeests.

Nyoro SF

Sen 2

So I joked in the past that maybe
Alisa is actually an angel/divine spirit of some sort... and now her new S-Craft has her don angel wings... I'm just going to assume that's just a style choice from Falcom and not look too deep into it lmao

Also given
that we're full on mechs that are capable of magic teleportation (and having watched my fill of mech anime) I will be very very shocked if we do not go to space to fight. PIERCE THE HEAVENS!


Neo Member
Well, that gbatemp thread certainly went places.

I'm not worried about them "buying" it. I am more worried about them stealing it. The spreadsheets were in plain site for a very long time. You know, those things they had such a hard time getting right with SC. The tools were in plain site also, so they would not have had to rely much on Falcom here either (another problem they seemed to have).

Do we plan on doing 3rd? We have no intentions of stepping on anybody's toes. Xseed has not given a confirmation on the status of this that I know of at this point (and I don't follow what they are doing since reading about the cry baby translator holding a knife to his chest. I just lost all respect I had for them when they made that public knowledge as a sympathy plea for what took them so long as a professional company to release SC)

I understand that he wants to protect his work, but he just comes off as an overly agressive asshole. At least the quality of the fan translation will probably end up being decent given how proud he is of it.


I understand that he wants to protect his work, but he just comes off as an overly agressive asshole. At least the quality of the fan translation will probably end up being decent given how proud he is of it.

Not sure I 100% agree on that, but I've seen some things that show otherwise on it.

I am sure I've basically suicided my account on there, but eh. I'm done on there. Trying to discuss things there won't happen at all, and he basically just doubled-down on his stance, and it makes me feel even more angry about it.


Well, that gbatemp thread certainly went places.

I understand that he wants to protect his work, but he just comes off as an overly agressive asshole. At least the quality of the fan translation will probably end up being decent given how proud he is of it.

First posts were asshole-ish, but typical Fan Translation asshole-ish. Officially have zero respect for the guy now that he's put down someone telling their story of attempted suicide. That's not a person worth engaging with on any level.
Ugh, I hate this kind of fantranslation drama.
It's so weird to see these people being so actively aggressive towards the Western publisher, when really, all that matters is getting the fucking games out there.

These last comments are beyond distasteful.

I'm kind of expecting the next step to be "screw you guys, if you don't like me I'm dropping the project".
Well, that gbatemp thread certainly went places.

I understand that he wants to protect his work, but he just comes off as an overly agressive asshole. At least the quality of the fan translation will probably end up being decent given how proud he is of it.

Wow, that's honestly just disgusting. I felt angry just reading those comments.


Neo Member
Not sure I 100% agree on that, but I've seen some things that show otherwise on it.

Yeah, the dialogue in that proof of concept video they released some months ago was pretty awkward.
I guess I am mostly confident about it because Guan was agreeing to advise them before zeros meltdown. He probably wouldn't have done that if the translation is nayuta-tier.


Yeah, the dialogue in that proof of concept video they released some months ago was pretty awkward.
I guess I am mostly confident about it because Guan was agreeing to advise them before zeros meltdown. He probably wouldn't have done that if the translation is nayuta-tier.

Sadly, Guan stepped out because of the post. See his post above:

Thank you for sharing this. I immediately withdrew from the project and made it clear I don't want to be involved in any other project he's leading.

Nyoro SF

Sen 2 late-game (I think)

The flashbacks involving the dude with the cape is killing me. I don't know who it is, why he was talking to the Eisenritter in that one scene... and I don't know any of the characters I'm seeing either. Hell, I don't even know why I'm having these flashbacks in the first place or what the mysterious buildings are for. At least the buildings have more clever dungeon design than the old schoolhouse.

Had a hilarious moment where, before I attempted a blue challenge chest with Sara and Alisa, I equipped a Proxy Puppet onto Sara. Well I beat the chest without needing it, but forgot to take it off Sara. Many moments later and we have Sara soloing a whole jaeger unit where the game expects you to use an S-Craft to win. Well I fire it off but it leaves all the dudes alive and then I realize I am actually fucked as they start to beat me up. Then Proxy Puppet activates and saves me with 91 CP remaining. One item... then boom. That would've been a rather embarrassing game over otherwise.

Also just owned Jusis's dad. You're going to a war tribunal for blowing up civilians, son. Also that fight was probably the easiest boss fight in the game (versus Ourobouros Valkyrie Profile / Maiden wannabe) for one simple reason; they let Jusis go first for some reason. Noble Order... Emma S-Craft... Rean S-Craft off a Critical drop... both backup mechs dead. Valkyrie Profile swings and misses... then Adamantium Shield on both Rean and Jusis on the front lines... GG. Of course even though I whooped her ass she basically just walked it off like it was nothing ;_; SANDBAG CENTRAL

Jusis's new S-Craft is hilariously awesome. There's a lot of fun and cool looking Crafts added to the game with highest honors going to Sharon serving tea to everyone. I pretty much play Japanese games because they exclusively have funny crazy stuff like this.

I'm not sure why Rean is so obsessed with saving terrorists. I guess it's just it's his naivete of being a goody two shoes hero, but both V and S have killed soldiers and nearly blew up Crossbell with railway guns, at least say something like YOU'RE UNDER ARREST as you pull her away from the explosion or something. Unrelated but S having that mark on her arm means that all sorts of shit is going to go down, I can pretty much feel it, damn.

Phew... I'll have a chance to continue tonight.


Sen 2 late-game (I think)

The flashbacks involving the dude with the cape is killing me. I don't know who it is, why he was talking to the Eisenritter in that one scene... and I don't know any of the characters I'm seeing either. Hell, I don't even know why I'm having these flashbacks in the first place or what the mysterious buildings are for. At least the buildings have more clever dungeon design than the old schoolhouse.

The guy is Emperor Dreichels, the flashbacks are basically showing his "notable" events like getting his first army in Nord, meeting with the Eisenritter etc. The reason why you (Rean) are getting these flashbacks is not explicitly stated, but I guess it is because both Rean and Dreichels share a link through Valimar (Dreichels was the ex-pilot of Valimar).

Nyoro SF

The guy is Emperor Dreichels, the flashbacks are basically showing his "notable" events like getting his first army in Nord, meeting with the Eisenritter etc. The reason why you (Rean) are getting these flashbacks is not explicitly stated, but I guess it is because both Rean and Dreichels share a link through Valimar (Dreichels was the ex-pilot of Valimar).

Oh, thanks!
Damn, that explains a lot. Heh. Probably doesn't help my memory that it's been a while since Cold Steel chapter talked about that part of Erebonia. I
recognized the Eisenritter immediately from the Legram statue and castle scene (Lance Maiden I believe she was called) but I was totally lost on everything else. And since we know from Cold Steel that there is another Lance Maiden helping our heroes... hope to see her in action soon.


The guy is Emperor Dreichels, the flashbacks are basically showing his "notable" events like getting his first army in Nord, meeting with the Eisenritter etc. The reason why you (Rean) are getting these flashbacks is not explicitly stated, but I guess it is because both Rean and Dreichels share a link through Valimar (Dreichels was the ex-pilot of Valimar).
It's either that, or (wild Sen II theory)
Rean is an reincarnation of Dreichels. And if you read that sentence out loud, you might have found the origin of Rean's name


Okay now that I've finished my 2nd playthrough of cold SteeI figured I'd share my thoughts on the game. I'll try and keep spoilers to a minimum.

First of all I quite enjoyed the game. Was it as good as SC or even FC? No. But I still liked it. I liked the battle system and Orbment Grid changes from the Sky Trilogy. It made it more tactical overall. Made physical attackers more relevant (although Laura is probably overpowered) with the break system and having a support character (Alisa is awesome at this, so is Machias) more worthwhile. In Sky it was easier just to nuke everything with Artes. They could have done a bit more to make Gaius and Jusis more useful, but it's difficult to balance 9 characters out to be equally useful.

While the music wasn't as good as Sky, it was still pretty good. The general field theme is awesome and I have a real soft spot for the Nord Highlands song which is amazing, as were action songs like this. The only thing it lacked was a recurring theme like either FC or SC's Dancing with the Wind that just delivered and set the moment whenever it appeared. It could have also used a regular leitmotif such as the theme from the title in SC that was present is so many other tunes throughout the game. But again that worked so well in that game because because it was built up over time, and might be something they'll revisit in Cold Steel II and III. again the music was pretty good in Cold Steel, just didn't quite hit the heights of Sky.

The characters were a mixed bag. By and large when you moments with them individually at various places they were fine, but I wasn't really a fan of them when they were portrayed collectively. Then the drama between certain members that was just annoying. the characters
Machias and Jusis
never managed to win me over after their initial spat, and while it wasn't really annoying in this case, the same situation with
Laura and Fie
felt even more forced, especially since those two are usually more level headed. As for the characters themselves the only ones I really liked were Laura and Gauis, while Emma and Elliot had their moments. Alisa never really stopped being annoying, but I've never been a fan of the tsundere archetype except in extremely rare cases. Never liked Machias either, and while Jusis wasn't that bad he gets lumped with him. Fie didn't really do anything wrong, but she just looked like she'd be the annoying little girl/loli of the group so even if she didn't act the part, I could never like her. Oh and then
took over that role and became the really annoying person.

As for auxiliary characters, I suppose the 2nd year students were fine. Towa's voice was a bit too high pitched for my liking (especially during the repeated "You did really well Rean") but she was fine. Crow was all right, as was George. I thought Sara and Angelica would be annoying by filling in the usual stereotypes, but they did manage to win me over. As for Elise I never liked her. I'm really not a fan of the
clingy, jealous, overly attached little sister trope that comes across as semi-incestuous. Sure they're not blood related, but they've already done the brother sister thing before so why do it again.
The interaction between Gaius and his family as well as Elliot with Fiona were much better handled. Also I pity those who play this game before FC and SC as you'll miss out on a lot of the fun with certain characters in this game since everything will go over your head. I'm talking about
in particular, as well as the affiliation of characters like
Vita Coltilde

On a related note to characters, I really was not a fan of the whole school setting idea. I just don't like how it works. Sure this game handled it a lot better than FF Type-0 did which was a disaster on pretty much every level. I don't think that game had any redeeming qualities at all when it came to the school stuff. This game at least had actually interesting and likeable characters. However it has the same side affect from having a school setting in having similarly annoying outfits. The guys weren't that bad if a little bland, but I really don't get the obsession with school girl outfits and skirts that have to be so short. Thankfully they decided not to go with the panty shots unlike a certain other game, but in order to get the Triple Attack bonus, I spent a lot of time controlling Laura, Fie and Alisa and I just did not want to look at them wearing what they were. I even contemplated buying the DLC outfits but they weren't particularly brilliant either so I left it alone. Here's hoping for better outfits next time around.

Also related to the school like setting was the structure of the game which I didn't like. It was too rigid and formulaic with little freedom to do anything else. With few exceptions the game boiled down to this. Free Day with Bonding Events> Random quests plus one for the Old School > Practical Exam being a fight with certain rules> Field Study with more random quests for 2-3 days> Chapter End> Free Day with Bonding events> Old School with quests and so on until you finish the game with little to no deviation. Sure Sky had a similar structure as well. You went to each area and did quests at the local bracer guild for a while until you moved onto the next and so on. But it didn't feel as rigid in it's approach. Cold Steel had a hub at each location with little to do. Sky at least had other places to go and explore like the random villages such as Elmo, Ravenna, Manoria and so on as well as things like the various Forts/Gates and the Towers. There was little else to do or mess around in in this game. You also felt like you were more on an adventure, travelling around and discovering new places while CS felt more like you were bouncing around between doing the same Actions at either school or your next field Study.

I'm hoping with Cold Steel II they move away from the school setting. Not only would it help with the aforementioned structure and even outfits, it allow you to be more meaningfully connected to the overall plot. The main problem with cold Steel compared to FC is that while both games set up events for future games, FC as a whole was a contained game with a beginning and an end. Cold Steel feels like more of an introduction to the characters and world. There's not enough of a narrative pay off at the end of the game, too much of it is building for later. It's almost like this game was sacrificed in order for Cold Steel II and III to be much better and eventful games, while FC got the balance right between that game and SC even if the latter is a lot better.

Despite a lot of what may seem criticism, I still quite enjoyed Cold Steel. It might be my least favourite of the trails series thus far, but that doesn't mean it isn't a good game. The last few hours are a thrilling ride and I'm eagerly anticipating Cold Steel II! Now I just need to avoid the temptation to look things up while I wait...
Cold Steel is legitimately the weakest entry in the series

It does have highlights and an excellent battle system

They would have benefitted from not throwing EVERYTHING and the kitchen sink into one mess of a game

It still really enjoyable regardless. So much shit goes on. Its like they took Every JRPG influence ever created and threw it in lol

People keep saying CS 2 is amazing so Im looking forward to it


Not exactly a kiseki question but does anyone have a Japanese copy of dragon slayer 2 on ps1?

If so can you take a picture of it? I can't find a single picture online and there are no eBay listings.

According to wiki there was a ps1 version that came with both dragon slayer 1 and 2. Is that true?
Seeing Cold Steel scrape the bottom on quite a few peoples ranking list, and many opinions of just how weak the entry is compared to Cold Steel 2 excites me so much considering the amount of enjoyment I got out of the first. My anticipation is on par with how I felt finishing FC and waiting on SC.


Not exactly a kiseki question but does anyone have a Japanese copy of dragon slayer 2 on ps1?

If so can you take a picture of it? I can't find a single picture online and there are no eBay listings.

According to wiki there was a ps1 version that came with both dragon slayer 1 and 2. Is that true?

You are looking for the compilation called Falcom Classics (which includes both the original and "visually enhanced" versions of Dragon Slayer and Dragon Slayer II: Xanadu) and that's on the Saturn, not the PS1.


You are looking for the compilation called Falcom Classics (which includes both the original and "visually enhanced" versions of Dragon Slayer and Dragon Slayer II: Xanadu) and that's on the Saturn, not the PS1.

That's what I thought too, and a cursory search on google confirms this is the case. But Hardcore Gaming 101 does mention a PS1 version as well as Saturn (doesn't mention it's to be found in Falcom Classics Vol 1, however). A mistake? They supposedly have an entry for a Sega Saturn version boxart that doesn't show and screenshots that are labeled from Playstation but no comparison shots of the Saturn version.


That's what I thought too, and a cursory search on google confirms this is the case. But Hardcore Gaming 101 does mention a PS1 version as well as Saturn (doesn't mention it's to be found in Falcom Classics Vol 1, however). A mistake? They supposedly have an entry for a Sega Saturn version boxart that doesn't show and screenshots that are labeled from Playstation but no comparison shots of the Saturn version.

Sorry to say, but you looked up Dragon Slayer VI: The Legend of Heroes, not Dragon Slayer :V

Nyoro SF

Just beat Sen 2.

Could write a lot, but I'll just wait for ENG CS2 and use my NG+ save before I write commentary.

Oh, I'll write some things:
THE SANDBAGGING IS REAL... I don't think I won a single legit fight against a significant opponent (other than the flame gundam and of course Crow's knight). I must've whooped that chick in the valkyria armor like 5 times and she just walked it off *_*

Shoutouts to Laura, Jusis and Emma, the Original Crew™. Laura + Murakumo, Rean + Wing, Jusis + Angel, Emma + Criminal. Laura with a 200CP S-craft critical killed both of Fie's former buddies in one shot and sliced off massive amounts of health on pretty much all bosses to the point where they were always in easy killing range.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I offered to help with editing NPC text on that guy's translation, but now I'm not sure if I want to. I do want to make sure Zero gets a quality translation, but the attitude I see over there is kind of toxic. Haven't heard anything since they accepted my offer two months ago, either.

Nyoro SF

Sitting back and thinking now for English CS2, I am really tempted to just buy it and then wait for us to get 3rd / Zero / Ao and play those first, but I know how unrealistic that is.

Because after playing CS2, even with my limited understanding, I can see why people were hesitant on people playing this before those games. Hm.... :(

By the way, I'd like to echo the hope that XSEED includes the Blade card game as a preorder bonus for CS2. It's fun and also RNG bullshit (FOUR 2 cards in my starting hand...) what's not to like?


Sitting back and thinking now for English CS2, I am really tempted to just buy it and then wait for us to get 3rd / Zero / Ao and play those first, but I know how unrealistic that is.

Because after playing CS2, even with my limited understanding, I can see why people were hesitant on people playing this before those games. Hm.... :(

By the way, I'd like to echo the hope that XSEED includes the Blade card game as a preorder bonus for CS2. It's fun and also RNG bullshit (FOUR 2 cards in my starting hand...) what's not to like?

If you get the evo version for Zero and Ao then maybe you'll have an easier time understanding the story if you're better at listening than reading. Most of the main events in those games actually have a good amount of VA.


That's what I thought too, and a cursory search on google confirms this is the case. But Hardcore Gaming 101 does mention a PS1 version as well as Saturn (doesn't mention it's to be found in Falcom Classics Vol 1, however). A mistake? They supposedly have an entry for a Sega Saturn version boxart that doesn't show and screenshots that are labeled from Playstation but no comparison shots of the Saturn version.

Yeah that was the ps1 version I was referring to, but I can't find anything about it on ebay amazon jp or yahoo auctions.
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