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The Kiseki / Trails (of the Sky/Zero/Ao/Sen/Etc) Community Thread: SPOILERTAGS OR DIE


Hey, I'm currently struggling to do the best choice. I have finished FC and SC so I can continue with CS1. But I'm wondering if it's not better to wait for TitS 3rd then go on CS1...

I have an another question, why Zero and Ao have not been planned to be localized yet ? If I've understood well, these games contain a lot of words to translate, don't they ?


Hey, I'm currently struggling to do the best choice. I have finished FC and SC so I can continue with CS1. But I'm wondering if it's not better to wait for TitS 3rd then go on CS1...

I have an another question, why Zero and Ao have not been planned to be localized yet ? If I've understood well, these games contain a lot of words to translate, don't they ?

You don't have to play 3rd before CS1, but if you want to wait, you'd probably get a bit more out of CS1 that way. Plus, it would be a good idea to play 3rd before CS2 at least.

As for Zero and Ao: yes, they're very big and would require a lot of time and effort to localize. Additionally, there's the problem of Ao's PC port being riddled with DRM and owned by a Chinese company, Joyoland, making it harder for XSEED to license it.


Okay, I think I'll wait. I managed to wait FFXV so 3rd will not be a problem haha.
I hope Zero and Ao will be localizated in the West, but can't they use Evolution version ?

Anyway, thanks for the infos!


The Evo versions were not developped by Falcom but by Kadokawa Games, which would make negociations more complex and expensive.
They're also fully voiced, so Xseed would have to dub them, which would be quite expensive (unless they can manage to get the rights for the japanese dub but you really shouldn't count on it).

Still, Xseed said quite a while ago that they wouldn't localize The Third if they weren't planning to bring Zero and Ao, so there is still hope.


Okay, I think I'll wait. I managed to wait FFXV so 3rd will not be a problem haha.
I hope Zero and Ao will be localizated in the West, but can't they use Evolution version ?

Anyway, thanks for the infos!

All of the Evolution games are off the table due to the fact that numerous companies worked on remaking different elements of the game, and it would be a confusing and expensive licensing nightmare for XSEED.


So, playing CS2 now, I noticed Sara has a weapon called Santa Maria, and the description describes it as
being named after the Goddess
. What's up with this? Do we know if it's even worth thinking about? Because I sure haven't heard of a
Goddess named Maria.

Also, could you go over the basic heirarchy of the Church? As I understand it:
There's the Congregation for the Sacraments, which the Gralsritter fall under, the Ministry of Holy Secrets (?) and everything else. Am I forgetting anything? Don't include anything revealed after Act 2-3 in CS2 (if there is anything). While you're at it, could you refresh me on the tensions between these different parts, as detailed in 3rd? I remember some debate over when to confiscate or leave artifacts, but not much else in that area.

As for Ouroboros' plans,
I'm wondering if they might be interested in facilitating some sort of a return to a pre-Collapse society. That's something they'd need all seven Sept-Terrion for. And as far as the Grandmaster is concerned, there's already no doubt in my mind that it's Aidios. I feel like the twist is going to be in the details of how it's handled, rather than just the revelation of the Grandmaster's identity.
It's not really worth looking into hidden meanings of 'Santa Maria', indeed. At best she might've been a peer of St. Veronica.

At the top of the Septian Church is a pooe. Under him are at least three divisions:
  • The Congregation for Divine Worship supervises all rituals of the Church, including the mass and sunday schools. The congregation is supervised by a cardinal.
  • The Papal Guard is charged with the defence of Arteria. The guards are equipped with temple lances.
  • The Congregation for the Sacraments controls the heritage and retrieval of artifacts. The congregation is supervised by a cardinal. The Gralsritter belong to this faction.
As for internal politics, (Ao spoiler)
the Congregation for Divine Worship is higher in rank than the Congregation for the Sacrements and therefore has more territorial authority, meaning that if an Archbishop does not allow a Gralsritter within the area, the Gralsritter has to obey

And it's very likely that that's Ouroboros' ultimate goal, but we have no evidence -- apart from perhaps the overarching plan's name -- to back it up.


@Oreiller: I'm hoping too! I love that serie, I saw a little part of the universe but it gave me urge to discover more about.

@preta: Yeah, I see now how it would be difficult for Xseed to localize the Evo versions.


All of the Evolution games are off the table due to the fact that numerous companies worked on remaking different elements of the game, and it would be a confusing and expensive licensing nightmare for XSEED.

I don't know. Somehow they released FC Evolution in China and SC and 3rd are on their way. Why can't they do the same for the west?
I don't know. Somehow they released FC Evolution in China and SC and 3rd are on their way. Why can't they do the same for the west?

I won't pretend to know the licensing intricacies involved across regions, but XSEED themselves have explicitly said that the Evo versions are impossible for them to publish.


I won't pretend to know the licensing intricacies involved across regions, but XSEED themselves have explicitly said that the Evo versions are impossible for them to publish.

That's a shame for sure. Though to be quite honest, maybe they just don't believe there will be a large enough audience in PSV if they finally get them done.


It's not really worth looking into hidden meanings of 'Santa Maria', indeed. At best she might've been a peer of St. Veronica.

At the top of the Septian Church is a pooe. Under him are at least three divisions:
  • The Congregation for Divine Worship supervises all rituals of the Church, including the mass and sunday schools. The congregation is supervised by a cardinal.
  • The Papal Guard is charged with the defence of Arteria. The guards are equipped with temple lances.
  • The Congregation for the Sacraments controls the heritage and retrieval of artifacts. The congregation is supervised by a cardinal. The Gralsritter belong to this faction.
As for internal politics, (Ao spoiler)
the Congregation for Divine Worship is higher in rank than the Congregation for the Sacrements and therefore has more territorial authority, meaning that if an Archbishop does not allow a Gralsritter within the area, the Gralsritter has to obey

And it's very likely that that's Ouroboros' ultimate goal, but we have no evidence -- apart from perhaps the overarching plan's name -- to back it up.

Who's St. Veronica? I can't recall ever hearing that name mentioned.

As for the Church, isn't there also the
Ministry of Holy Secrets or something like that - the division Weissmann was part of? And as for disputes within the church, can you refresh my memory on the disagreements on how to handle/retrieve artifacts? I know that was also a plot point in 3rd.

A few more 3rd questions, just because I want to get these out of the way early in case they come up in CS2 NG+ (though I know most probably will not):

The Lord of Phantasma is just an avatar for Phantasma to interact with those inside it, right?

If Phantasma was already leeching off of Kevin's Stigma to sustain itself, why did it even need to interact with him via the Lord of Phantasma? Why did it take the form of Rufina and do the things that it did?

Rufina died when Kevin lost control of his Stigma and accidentally set off the Demon Lance artifact during an operation, right?

The Weissmann that appeared in Gehenna was only an illusory copy, correct?

Do we know what forbidden research, specifically, got Weissmann excommunicated?

What was the final boss (Anima Mundi) exactly?

When does Phantasma bleeding into the real world actually come up in 3rd? Do we know how it works? I realized that despite knowing of it and looking out for it in later games I can't actually remember when it was originally brought up.

Aside from his mother and Rufina, wasn't there one other person Kevin felt guilty over not being able to save? Wasn't it a young boy or something? I don't remember the details.

Sorry for asking so many! Some of these might seem a bit basic but it's been two and a half years since I played 3rd, plus my Japanese was somewhat lacking then.


I'm going to leave a bunch of these for Guan, but tackle a few that I can think of while I'm trying not to fall asleep at my desk. xD;

Who's St. Veronica? I can't recall ever hearing that name mentioned.

St. Veronica comes up in Cold Steel II. I don't have much information on hand to talk about her, but I hope Guan can pick up on this one.

As for the Church, isn't there also the
Ministry of Holy Secrets or something like that - the division Weissmann was part of? And as for disputes within the church, can you refresh my memory on the disagreements on how to handle/retrieve artifacts? I know that was also a plot point in 3rd.

This is the Congregation for the Sacraments that Guan's been talking about. You're using a direct translation, whereas Guan's using the localized name that XSEED has started using. It's based more on the fact that the actual Catholic Church does have sections broken up within it called congregations.

Do we know what forbidden research, specifically, got Weissmann excommunicated?

He was researching the stigma to make supersoldiers for the Ouroboros.

Aside from his mother and Rufina, wasn't there one other person Kevin felt guilty over not being able to save? Wasn't it a young boy or something? I don't remember the details.

There's a boy who was possessed that Kevin was called in to help. When he couldn't help the boy, he had to kill him. Another person that comes up in everything is Orwen, IIRC, that was a bishop in the same congregation as the Gralsritter, since he was the one who made the deal, or something, that had the attack on the Aster House. I'm doing this from memory and need to look over that info exactly, so I'm not entirely sure off the top of my head right now.

Based on that image of Rean, is it safe to say he will be the protagonist of 3?

Yeah. Class VII story clearly isn't done going by the ending of Sen 2.

Class VII is definitely not done, but I don't think we can 100% state that Rean's the protagonist. Especially considering how dodgy Kondo has been whenever he's been asked about Rean being the protagonist. There are several theories on the direction that Sen III can take and a few of them actually do not have Rean as the primary or single protagonist.


If Rean is the antagonist it'd be a nice twist. But it would also be kind of dumb lol. I guess he could be a support guy, but again it wouldn't really make sense.

I think because the story of Erebonia is most likely going to be about the
5/6/7 or whatever many mecha knights & the elemental spirits (woooo we're doing Rayearth now!), Rean, being kind of the main mecha knight guy is gonna need to be the team leader.

But hey, if it's not Rean and it means a new and most likely more interesting main character/cast, I'm not gonna complain.


Unconfirmed Member
There's a boy who was possessed that Kevin was called in to help. When he couldn't help the boy, he had to kill him. Another person that comes up in everything is Orwen, IIRC, that was a bishop in the same congregation as the Gralsritter, since he was the one who made the deal, or something, that had the attack on the Aster House. I'm doing this from memory and need to look over that info exactly, so I'm not entirely sure off the top of my head right now.
If you're talking about that boy who was turned into a cannibal, was he one of the kids the DG cult was experimenting on? I'm in the middle of Zero ch4 right after Tio tells her full backstory and just made the connection.

Really feeling like the SSS team is a more closely knit group than your party in the sora trilogy so far. Even though I've gotten other guest party members I can't bring myself to substitute any of them for the main four. Also thought Kea was going to be some crappy pandering loli character but she's cute as a button.


Got to the last chapter of Ao and I got some questions since I could not fully understand what was written.

How much time Lloyd was in jail ? From what Wagi said it was around 4 months ?

In this time, the civil war started in eurebonia and because of terror attacks calvard is in a state of emergency. Is that correct ? Also, the failed attack in Crossbell is what gave the opportunity for the civil war to start ? I havent played cs1 yet. And even with the civil war, eurebonia is still trying to attack crossbell ?

About the treasure of mirage, how or what is it's power ? I got it that it was used long ago in a similar fashion to the treasure of the sky, until something went wrong and the woman resppnsable decided to destroy everything.

That ought to be the 1200 years ago calamity in Crossbell and the treasure vanished. Then a family made a plan to recreate or rather to make the treasure reappear. Kia is a homonculus with that purposed created through alchemy, which from what I couls gather, was a special tech learned from studying the lost treasure or something like that. Fast forward hundreds of years and the managed to pull off the gigantic ritual to make Kia the treasure but it still didnt quite explained whats different between the original and Kia.

I also didn't understand the flower explanation or why the treasure of illusion is even more dangerous than the sky one.

I think that I also understood that the three gundams work the same way as remi patel matel, but they arent drawing all their power exclusively from the illusion treasure. They said that because the white one used an attack that erased its enemies and that was a power of the space/sky domain.

Its late here and I am still processing this last chapter. Lots of information and I feel I lost quite a bit of detail. I just want to make sure I got the gist of it at least


Who's St. Veronica? I can't recall ever hearing that name mentioned.
You 'meet' St. Veronica as the statue on Bareahard's Central Plaza. The statue was erected for her prayers that allegedly saved the city from a great tragedy. Her remains are stored in the cathedral. She's kind of the 'local idol' of Bareahard.

The Lord of Phantasma is just an avatar for Phantasma to interact with those inside it, right?
Almost. (The 3rd spoiler)
Lord of Phantasma is an avatar of Anima Mundi.

If Phantasma was already leeching off of Kevin's Stigma to sustain itself, why did it even need to interact with him via the Lord of Phantasma? Why did it take the form of Rufina and do the things that it did?
(The 3rd spoiler)
Because it only exists in the virtual world and wished to enter the material world. Anima Mundi's goal is to mentally weaken Kevin so it will be able to absorb his Stigma.

Rufina died when Kevin lost control of his Stigma and accidentally set off the Demon Lance artifact during an operation, right?
Right. (The 3rd spoiler)
He was overpowered by his Stigma and couldn't distinguish friend from foe.

The Weissmann that appeared in Gehenna was only an illusory copy, correct?

What was the final boss (Anima Mundi) exactly?
(The 3rd spoiler)
Basically, the core/soul/heart of Phantasma.

When does Phantasma bleeding into the real world actually come up in 3rd? Do we know how it works? I realized that despite knowing of it and looking out for it in later games I can't actually remember when it was originally brought up.
I don't think that has been specifically addressed.

Based on that image of Rean, is it safe to say he will be the protagonist of 3?
Right now, there's no way of telling either way. He has the benefit of the doubt since he's been protagonist for two games now and his story is far from over.

How much time Lloyd was in jail ? From what Wagi said it was around 4 months ?
It's hard to specify since Ao doesn't use a calendar system, but 3-4 weeks is a safe bet I think.

In this time, the civil war started in eurebonia and because of terror attacks calvard is in a state of emergency. Is that correct ? Also, the failed attack in Crossbell is what gave the opportunity for the civil war to start ? I havent played cs1 yet. And even with the civil war, eurebonia is still trying to attack crossbell ?
That is correct. Little addition: Calvard is (Ao spoiler)
in state of emergency because of something big happened eastern of them, so in the Unconverted East. That causes those people to migrate to Calvard in huge groups.

About the treasure of mirage, how or what is it's power ? I got it that it was used long ago in a similar fashion to the treasure of the sky, until something went wrong and the woman resppnsable decided to destroy everything.
You're on the right track. To add some details: (Ao spoiler)
Demiourgos, as the Sept-Terrion of Mirage is called, had the ability to control perception and knowledge which allowed it to manipulate cause and effect. It was able to foresee what happened and would happen in the world, it was capable of guiding humanity and communicating with the other six Sept-Terrion. Since Demiourgos could only guide humanity, it was unable to control the manners in which humanity put that knowledge to use. As a sentient entity herself, Demiourgos realised her knowledge was abused and as a last resort to prevent further misuse, she used her power to end her own existence.

That ought to be the 1200 years ago calamity in Crossbell and the treasure vanished. Then a family made a plan to recreate or rather to make the treasure reappear. Kia is a homonculus with that purposed created through alchemy, which from what I couls gather, was a special tech learned from studying the lost treasure or something like that. Fast forward hundreds of years and the managed to pull off the gigantic ritual to make Kia the treasure but it still didnt quite explained whats different between the original and Kia.
Yes. Allow me to add some details: (Ao spoiler)
The Demiourgos was originally given to the Crois family. Since its disappearance, the Crois family feared the loss of their power and dedicated themselves to creating a replacement for the centuries to follow the Great Collapse. During the 8th Century, they decided on alchemy as their method of choice and prepared a plan that would span multiple centuries to complete. They formed the D∴G Cult and entrusted it with the core, a homunculus referred to as KeA capable of containing of the reborn Demiourgos. While the D∴G Cult was tasked with awakening the core, the Crois family themselves focused on banking in order to gather the financial resources necessary for the final phases of their plan.

Ultimately, their creation ended up as the Sept-Terrion of Zero, a human-made Sept-Terrion born out of a revived Demiourgos without the homunculus KeA at its core. In addition to governing mirage, the Sept-Terrion of Zero also gained control over the two other higher elementals, time and space. This allowed it to alter the history and fundamental principles of the world at will, which it used to change the fate of the Special Support Section. The scene displayed at the very beginning of Zero no Kiseki displays their fate as being killed by Joachim Günther at the Fort of Sun, which was manipulated by KeA into having Renne and Pater-Mater intervene and allowing the Special Support Section to survive.

I also didn't understand the flower explanation or why the treasure of illusion is even more dangerous than the sky one.
Spoiler wall above this should answer that.

I think that I also understood that the three gundams work the same way as remi patel matel, but they arent drawing all their power exclusively from the illusion treasure. They said that because the white one used an attack that erased its enemies and that was a power of the space/sky domain.
They're successors, indeed. (Ao spoiler)
Yes, the Aion Type-α. Since it was powered by the Azure Demiourgos, which governed over space, time and mirage, it could simply 'erase' enemies like the Aureole would've been able to.


(The 3rd spoiler)
Because it only exists in the virtual world and wished to enter the material world. Anima Mundi's goal is to mentally weaken Kevin so it will be able to absorb his Stigma.

I don't think that has been specifically addressed.
Which one is it? These seem to conflict.
Unless you're saying that Anima Mundi wants to enter the material world, rather than specifically wanting to merge Phantasma with it? But we've definitely seen some suspicious stuff in the material world. Is the concept of Phantasma bleeding into the material world just our guess as to how Anima Mundi will accomplish that goal, based on evidence? One last question about Anima Mundi, by the way - any reason why it has a red Stigma similar to Kevin's during the final battle?
Yeah. Class VII story clearly isn't done going by the ending of Sen 2.

I have a feeling that a certain portion of Sen II and recent comments suggest
Lloyd, possibly more characters to rejoin for the latter portion of Sen III ...

Earlier would be more exciting, though.


Thanks Guan for all the answers. A lot of things make much more sense now.

Should be done with the game by this weekend I hope.
I won't pretend to know the licensing intricacies involved across regions, but XSEED themselves have explicitly said that the Evo versions are impossible for them to publish.

Sony Asia helped, also its not only for china but for the whole of Asia market, Sony also helped with the Korean localization. I am going to get 3rd Evo in Chinese to replay if it really does get released since i forget a lot of plot material lol.

I have a feeling that a certain portion of Sen II and recent comments suggest
Lloyd, possibly more characters to rejoin for the latter portion of Sen III ...

Earlier would be more exciting, though.

Won't mind Lloyd replacing as the true MC lol


If Rean is the antagonist it'd be a nice twist. But it would also be kind of dumb lol. I guess he could be a support guy, but again it wouldn't really make sense.

Not the protagonist =/= Antagonist, though. ;D

I never said he'd be the antagonist. I don't think that's the case either.
Wasn't this thread supposed to be spoiler tagged? I came here to talk about how I finished FC, what I liked / disliked and how I went to SC but the first thing I see is people talking about the end of CSII openly?



Neo Member
Wasn't this thread supposed to be spoiler tagged? I came here to talk about how I finished FC, what I liked / disliked and how I went to SC but the first thing I see is people talking about the end of CSII openly?


yeah i was pretty upset too, the warning to spoiler tag everything is on the title of the thread and i just came here to read spoiler tags from SC i couldn't read before, hope its not too big of a spoiler, it'll take at least a week before i can get a CS2 copy


Absolutely, either the title needs to be changed to something like "possible open spoilers for all English LoH games" or folks need to start using spoiler tags again. I've definitely read things about CS2 here that I didn't want to, even if you wouldn't call them big spoilers or anything like that, so I've started completely ignoring most posts that have anything to do with it or the Crossbell games lol.
I'm almost okay with CS3 taking awhile (I say having not seen the ending of cs2 :X) since if cs3 is still a ways off that might cause xseed to start working full scale on the crossbell games sooner then expected.


I'm almost okay with CS3 taking awhile (I say having not seen the ending of cs2 :X) since if cs3 is still a ways off that might cause xseed to start working full scale on the crossbell games sooner then expected.

It's a pretty safe assumption that it's going to be released in 2017, probably in September. And I can guarantee you won't feel the same about waiting once you see the ending of CS2.


Well, with Sony's part in TGS done (lol)...do we abandon hope of seeing CS3 for now?
Falcom didn't mention Sony's press conference once on their Twitter, so it was only to be expected that they wouldn't show anything. They traditionally reveal new games during their investor's meeting in December.
Making my way through Cold Steel 1 and it still has that same comfortable Falcolm charm. Rean just sucks though. You go from Estelle who has a personality to... basically LN/harem protagonist number 7.

Also they got rid of the way you combined quartz to access spells? That kinda sucks. What's even the point of having an Orbment with different lines? As far as I can tell putting multiple elements on the same line doesn't do anything different.


Making my way through Cold Steel 1 and it still has that same comfortable Falcolm charm. Rean just sucks though. You go from Estelle who has a personality to... basically LN/harem protagonist number 7.

Also they got rid of the way you combined quartz to access spells? That kinda sucks. What's even the point of having an Orbment with different lines? As far as I can tell putting multiple elements on the same line doesn't do anything different.

Orbments with longer lines grant the user more max EP as those slots are opened up. You also cannot have multiple status effect/stat down-inflicting quartz on the same line. But yes, other than that, there's no point to it.

I can only hope that some time in the future, we'll get a game with all the improvements of Cold Steel/2's battle system, but with the Enigma II orbment system (or something like it).
Making my way through Cold Steel 1 and it still has that same comfortable Falcolm charm. Rean just sucks though. You go from Estelle who has a personality to... basically LN/harem protagonist number 7.

Also they got rid of the way you combined quartz to access spells? That kinda sucks. What's even the point of having an Orbment with different lines? As far as I can tell putting multiple elements on the same line doesn't do anything different.

Longer lines grant more ep, multiple lines enable multiple stat boost on a character if they're on different lines.


Longer lines grant more ep, multiple lines enable multiple stat boost on a character if they're on different lines.

You can have multiple stat boosting quartz of the same type on a single line - there just can't be duplicates. So you could have Attack 2 and 3 on any line, but just not two copies of either one.

For those who have played CS2 in Japanese: Was the apparent bug where you get flashbacks to characters you didn't dance with in the Japanese version too?

Obviously Rean is starting to remember what happened in the other timeline/s. /s


You can have multiple stat boosting quartz of the same type on a single line - there just can't be duplicates. So you could have Attack 2 and 3 on any line, but just not two copies of either one.

For those who have played CS2 in Japanese: Was the apparent bug where you get flashbacks to characters you didn't dance with in the Japanese version too?

Obviously Rean is starting to remember what happened in the other timeline/s. /s

Not that I remember. I chose Laura and I only got the flashbacks with her. Been a long time since I played so my memory is rusty, but I'm sure I'd have reacted if I saw memories from parallel universes.


I noticed some similarities between the architecture of the Reverie Corridor and the Sealed Area in FC, namely the floating golden "gears". Is it safe to assume that the gnomes also built it, and possibly Liber-Ark?

Also, I'm not sure if I imagined this bit or not.
Was it said that the gnomes also built the Divine Knights?


Unrelated CS2:
I noticed some similarities between the architecture of the Reverie Corridor and the Sealed Area in FC, namely the floating golden "gears". Is it safe to assume that the gnomes also built it, and possibly Liber-Ark?

FC and CS2 spoilers:

I think the Celeste Auslese most likely was in charge of the building of the Sealed District in FC, due to her plan to seal away the Aureole. I'm not sure if the gnomes were involved with it. The quest in NG+ also gives you a huge clue about the Reverie Corridor, as well, that's kind of 'uh....' over things. I noticed it fairly quickly, but that's because this callback comes from my favorite game in the series. ;D


(I was streaming when this came up and couldn’t put my focus on it. This is also from the CS2 thread, but since it’s covering a lot of stuff from other games in the series now, might as well bring it to the full series thread….)

Right, that all makes sense. I remember the stuff about (Zero, Ao)
Wazy's Stigma now that you mention it. Other than in Wald's case, the blue pills, as far as we know, simply make one agitated, physically strong, and able to commune with KeA (and be controlled by Joachim), right

(Zero/Ao Spoilers)
The blue pills seem to have some capability to give powers to the people taking them, too. Some were stronger, some could read faster, some had almost supernatural luck, even. It’s been awhile since I’ve played Zero and Ao, so I can’t remember all the details for sure.


Oh boo! I mean,
I'd never suspect there's something up with that statement and would think they're just talking about parallel universes in general if you didn't suddenly claim that it's a spoiler.

Yeah, I thought about that too, but figured that this was ultimately the lesser evil to prevent others from seeing it. But now that I see that they still haven't edited their post, I'll just remove that part of mine entirely. Sorry about that. :(
CS1: Man, everyone in class 7 is just so damn boring. I mean, now that the whole random interpersonal drama part is over everyone seems pretty reasonable. Just... pretty normal? Rean is just super generic doormat nice guy. Gaius is just there. Least exotic exotic party member. Fie is kinda one-note. Like the Machias/Jusis interplay though, and level 1 tsundere is getting more tolerable.

All the NPCs are much more interesting! Make the second years the main characters...


Gold Member
So I played the first TiTS but haven't really finished it. I think I had only gone to the point where
their father went away iirc.
. I can't really play it right now cause I don't have a copy of it anymore.

Do I need to continue the game or can I start Cold Steel? Will there be any references or some spoilerish things that are happening in Cold Steel that will be important in the past games?
So I played the first TiTS but haven't really finished it. I think I had only gone to the point where
their father went away iirc.
. I can't really play it right now cause I don't have a copy of it anymore.

Do I need to continue the game or can I start Cold Steel? Will there be any references or some spoilerish things that are happening in Cold Steel that will be important in the past games?

While Cold Steel was meant to be an entry point to the saga for new players, I feel playing them in fc -> sc before cold steel adds a lot to scenes in cold steel. If you didn't know you had missed games 3-5 you'd probably think sc -> cs was intended.


So I played the first TiTS but haven't really finished it. I think I had only gone to the point where
their father went away iirc.
. I can't really play it right now cause I don't have a copy of it anymore.

Do I need to continue the game or can I start Cold Steel? Will there be any references or some spoilerish things that are happening in Cold Steel that will be important in the past games?

Cold Steel spoils a major SC twist, and Cold Steel 2 spoils a major FC twist and references some stuff from SC. Plus, you won't understand the full implications of certain scenes in CS without having played earlier games. I'd strongly recommend playing FC > SC > CS > CS2.
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