England, 872. A Saxon man, raised by Danes, must choose a side and play his part in the birth of a nation, alongside the man who would become known as King Alfred the Great.
Uhtred,the Arseling, embark on his voyage to the north to avenge the death of Earl Ragnar, as well as to recapture the lands of Bebbanburg.
Trailer 1
Trailer 2
Warning this Thread is for viewers watching the BBC broadcasting, if you're waiting for American/Netflix Broadcasting be careful while reading the thread
Arselings, we heard you! We are pleased to announce that season 2 of The Last Kingdom will be available on Netflix outside the UK soon and trust us, itll be worth the wait. For all our international viewers, keep an eye on your countrys Netflix updates and make sure youre following us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to get the latest news.
In the meantime, avoid any and all links to pirate copies scammers are keen to get your credit card details and leave you stranded, and we can not promise that Uhtred will come to your rescue!
Via: facebook