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The Last of Us: Left Behind |OT|






i was going to put in "Being all poetic and losing our minds together" in the title but decided against it. anyway some more info came out today


Left Behind takes some two hours from beginning to end, and in that time I welled up once, while thinking to myself that Naughty Dog has done it again a couple times more.
It's an expansion as brave and thoughtful as the original, retaining the quality of Joel and Ellie's story and enhancing it in subtle, moving ways.

Left Behind introduces a new weapon type - but we'll let you discover that for yourself - as well as a new flavour of combat, with the infected now able to clash against non-infected foes
while you wait in the shadows. It's a fitting addition when you're playing as the physically weaker Ellie, and introduces a new layer of strategy to the combat.

"The only reason we discussed it is because we thought there was so much demand for it," explains Druckmann. "The thing with Ish, I think it's one of those things that's better left to the
imagination - everyone has a different idea of what he looks like, how old he is or how he'd behave. It felt like we'd take something away from that by fleshing it out. Even in the DLC we
actually had at one point a note that we wrote out that you'd find that continued Ish's story. It was a really moving note about him and his relationship with Susan, but it felt too much like
fan service, too much of a coincidence that you'd find this note."

Riley and Ellie's relationship, as told across the two hours of Left Behind, ends up as convincing - and as emotionally powerful - as that between Ellie and Joel. It's a different dynamic,
and a different type of bond, but again it's one forged through mechanics as much as it is through the perfectly pitched cut-scenes

There are sweet moments throughout Left Behind, as well as tragic ones. Some of that tragedy won't come as a surprise to anyone who's played through the original to its conclusion,
which makes Naughty Dog's decision to have Riley's story at the centre of its expansion all the more brave, and all the more strange. "Before we committed to this side story, we
challenged ourselves and said, is this a story worth telling, because people already know how it ends," says Druckmann. "Is there anything new here, and is there any other insight I
could gain from this? And it's not so much about how it ends. It's about this journey, and seeing the impact the relationship has with Ellie and how deep it went. It felt like a new insight
into who Ellie was."


While there is fighting and gunplay in Left Behind, what it readily emphasizes is a steady, slow, and thoughtful examination of a long-abandoned mall. There are surprises –
awesome, story-bending surprises, in fact – but by-and-large, this once-bastion of commerce outside of Boston’s quarantine zone is the DLC’s main focus.

Actress Ashley Johnson does a great job of jumping back into the character of Ellie, a character PlayStation gamers absolutely adore not only for her smart mouth and
surprisingly adult demeanor, but for her moments of vulnerability and her inability to fully comprehend what the real, pre-pandemic world even was. You get more of that here,
though there’s an edge taken off of her because we see her largely through the lens of someone who hasn’t yet been bitten by the Infected or met Joel. Her world hasn’t yet
been turned upside down. Johnson’s performance is commendable, and so too is that of newcomer Yaani King, who -- in her first mo-capped gaming role – provides the yin
to Ellie’s yang. The two girls’ interactions with one another made me a believer in their friendship. Everything is tangible between them. There’s true emotion there. Their
back-and-forth is arguably as interesting to listen to as Ellie’s and Joel’s.

Still, The Last of Us’ plot and narrative-driven nature is alive and well in Left Behind, and that’s the best news fans could possibly hear. So much is jam-packed into a few short
hours that it’d be impossible to go over it all. And even if I could, I wouldn’t want to spoil the surprises stuffed into it. All I’ll say is this: there’s every reason for you to be excited
about Left Behind, especially if you want to learn more about Ellie’s origins while getting a haunting – albeit brief – glimpse back into her world.


“While making the full game I was writing The Last of Us: American Dreams graphic novel with Faith Erin Hicks, which tells the story of how Riley met Ellie and how Ellie started to
change because of that,” explains Druckmann as he recounts how Left Behind came into existence.“There has always been that gap between the comic book and the main
campaign and we had some ideas about how those gaps would be filled in, but the finer details weren’t there. “As soon as the opportunity came up to do another The Last of Us
chapter to flesh out the story we were really drawn to the idea of filling in those gaps. The challenge then became about making the characters and story feel like they could exist by
themselves – whether the characters have their own arcs that feel real within this story and, maybe more importantly, whether this gives you more insight into who Ellie is and why she
has made certain decisions.”

“The challenge that we constantly give ourselves is how we use video game mechanics and interactivity to get you to better relate to these characters,” says Druckmann. “With Left
Behind specifically it was about how we, even outside of combat, build mechanics and scenarios, and sometimes minigames, that build and demonstrate the bond between Ellie
and Riley. “That was a big challenge.” “In some ways the shorter length has made it a more difficult story to write,” Druckmann continues. “We could really take our time with Joel
and Ellie because we saw them over such a comparatively long period in their lives, we could really flesh those characters out. “With Riley, seeing as Left Behind is a couple of
hours long, it was more a case of working out the most efficient way for us to get you to buy into who she is and buy into the relationship between her and Ellie. “That was actually
a really big challenge and it took a lot of iteration on the dialogue and interactions to get that feeling right. Really, it was iterated on a lot.”

“Even with the main The Last of Us we went past our comfort zone when it came to having so few combat encounters,” Druckmann discusses when probed about the scarcity of
Left Behind’s combat. “No one complained that there wasn’t enough combat, though, so that gave us confidence. “With Left Behind we wanted to push that concept even further
and have even fewer combat encounters and see how people react to that… see if they still like it and whether or not it still works for them.


Nice. Looking really forward to it. I'm thinking of getting the season pass for £15. I think it is better value rather than paying £12 just for the DLC. Would that make sense right? I've never bought a season pass before :$


I hope it has a happy ending


I have a feeling the ending will not be as simple as it may seem...

Nice. Looking really forward to it. I'm thinking of getting the season pass for £15. I think it is better value rather than paying £12 just for the DLC. Would that make sense right? I've never bought a season pass before :$

Isn't this the only DLC?


Nice. Looking really forward to it. I'm thinking of getting the season pass for £15. I think it is better value rather than paying £12 just for the DLC. Would that make sense right? I've never bought a season pass before :$
Do you play the MP pretty regularly?


Awwww shiiit. My willingness to stay out of threads concerning this game have allowed this to creep up on me.

Finally, a place where I can talk about this game without having to sift through the prepubescent nonconformity.


If you pre-order does that mean you can download it early?
And then of course you'll be locked out of the content until the 14th.

I'm hovering over the pre-order button...


I completely forgot this was coming out next week, guess I'll have a reason to turn on TLOU next Friday.


Isn't this the only DLC?

I'm a total noob with DLC and season packs. I'm guessing it just has this DLC and extra multi-player stuff? I guess I had the idea they has more dlc planned :$

Do you play the MP pretty regularly?

Never touched it. So I guess it's just MP items and this DLC? I think I'd rather just get the DLC by itself then right?


Dat ign comment section

Anyway, not sure if i'll get this yet...was hoping for a bit more than 2 hours...mmmmh


for 60 you get a 10 hour campaign+ infinite MP

so how much for 2 hours? Less than 5 bucks, i say.

Too much.

A RPG can be 100+ hours and it sells for 60, so clearly the price per hour is less than 0,6$. So this DLC should clearly be 1 dollar maximum.


Where's the link saying it's two hours?

I don't care how long it is since I know it will be two hours of quality.
NO! I can't spend $15 for a 2 hour DLC right now. For 4 hours I would have done it, but now I have to wait till I'm not broke anymore. Damn, that sucks...


from the eurogamer and ign previews in second post, they both state its ~2 hours. higher difficulty could add to this a bit.

It will take me twice as long due to searching and looking around everywhere, plus if it has collectibles.

Two hours of quality like I said


Too much.

A RPG can be 100+ hours and it sells for 60, so clearly the price per hour is less than 0,6$. So this DLC should clearly be 1 dollar maximum.

I'm talking about full version of TLOU and it's DLC only. Of course an hour dlc for Skyrim should cost no more than a dollar.


I'm in. Not going to read previews/reviews. Just put it up on PSN next week and I'll bite like it's a big fat burger.
It will take me twice as long due to searching and looking around everywhere, plus if it has collectibles.

Two hours of quality like I said

Yep I'm happy to pay this amount, the only thing I'm not happy with is the release day, Valetines day, are you kidding me ND? Already mentioned it to the G/F and apparently if I play that, it's the only thing I'll be playing with that night! Guess it will have to wait till the weekend.


I'm there day 1. Gonna buy the season pass this weekend and hop into the MP for a bit before this comes out.


Totally forgot that this was a prequel. So sick of the trend of prequels in this industry. And it's only around 2 hours? Hype deflated. Definitely still getting it, but I'm not exactly looking forward to it anymore.


Neo Member
2 hours for 15 bucks is unacceptable.

You can pay considerably more for a bluray movie, I really dont see the difference.

Anyway, i'd happily pay double the asking price for this. Things are valued on their quality, not just their quantity.

Skipped over the reviews as I dont want to ruin anything, but cant wait to play this!


I traded TLoU in on PS3 after completing it, hoping it might come out on PS4. But now this is here, and TLoU is a nice price in the EU PSN sale...
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