Amirox dude, why you gotta be such an antagonistic, often hate fuelled negative nancy so often? Just this one time dude, bail out gracefully without causing a shit storm along the way. Doesn't matter if it's about Ninja Theory, Religion, the 3DS, Heavy Rain or whatever, you never back down and you're not generally shy about spewing vitriol along the way.
Why should a developer be free from heavy critisism based off of one game and an implied notion he could shit up an entire new game because of it? Why should I not insult someone's shitty opinion of a shitty game? (Heavy Rain.) Why should I not insult religion and mock those that follow such a ridiculous belief? Why should I have to use the 3D on the 3DS to know its shitty when I've used similar tech? Etc etc etc.
I don't know why you post the things you sometimes do...but seriously dude, try and showcase some compassion every now and again...
Anyway, this Enslaved thing has been blown way out of proportion. The much bigger news here is the game being headed by U2's director, but even then we have to remember there's entire teams behind these things, a games success isn't often down to the merits of one man or women. Hell I remember each iteration of GOW was met with similar freak out for changes in game director/lead designer, despite it not impeding on the franchises quality in any discernible way, beyond that of personal taste anyway. I do think some of the heavy handed criticism towards Mark Davies over Enslaved and his role with LOU has been unfair and slightly embarrassing. Some criticism and opposing opinions, sure, but given the context, I think it's just been a bit ridiculous.