I'm going to repost my work of art
Well done artwork. I mistook it for the real girl and had to double check because I didn't remember her looking that similar to Ellen... Good job (you creepy weird bastard).
I'm going to repost my work of art
Person invents game in their own head and skews their expectations so badly that anything a dev actually reveals about their own IP is a disappointment.
The unstated assumption is that Naughty Dog is just shitting this game out.
All this is based on a 3 minute trailer without gameplay and baseless conjecture.
You know what I would like?
An open-world pirate game with great melee combat and exploration and a compelling narrative structure the way Naughty Dog has done in their last two games.
And because The Last of Us isn't that this game is shit.
Or I accept that they wanted to make this game because it's the right fit for their studio right now.
I loved enslaved. Didn't know we hate it so much.
I'm not kidding when I say that I wish that my favorite game/theme should be done by one of my favorite developers.A little OT but if this were a pirate themed game, I'd love see that happen.
Um You may what to drop your expectations by a ton guy. I don't know why ND all of the sudden needs to make the "perfect" game for YOU to be a worthy game in the industry.Excuse me? Well at least I know youre certainly are a bad judge of character. If it doesnt turn out the way Im suggesting it, I will eat my crow, and if it does you will eat yours.
Im sorry guys, I am hopeful ND will make a good game (and I believe it will be a quality experience). But I also want them to be more ambitious. In a post-apocalyptic setting with zombies network play would provide many possibilities.
I want to see them expand on the idea of a 'zombie' infested world. Make it truely feel deserted/isolated, fighting to survive on scavenging.
Theres no doubt that ND are excellent developers, they got their expertise in singleplayer games. But I'd also hate to see them be stuck and waste their talent developing linear products with a lack of freedom.
Some pages back I kinda made a quick list of what I'd like this game to be like...
I'd buy the shit out of a game like this if it were made by ND. Wouldnt you like to see something like this by ND?
Why am I even defending this?? Is it really that bad to see ND make more of themselves? come on...
Shitting on him (and Ninja Theory) like this is pathetic and those who did it should sincerely apologize.
I'm going to repost my work of art
Looks like people are excited.![]()
This announcement got by far the biggest thread.
Gaming is not a charity or a religion. Ninja Theory is an awful developer and there will be no apology for a company that makes nothing but bad games. I spent money on their products, I get to shit on them when they suck. That's the deal they (and any other developer) makes when they decide to make a game.
I agree with you that it's unfair to try to claim this Enslaved Lead Designer can ruin this game, I highly doubt that one guy would have enough influence to do that. But given that this guy is being noted in the title and being highlighted at all says he has some important influence, and so it's no surprise why it causes SOME hesitation. I'm pretty sure Naughty Dog will be able to reign in the bad qualities of his time with Ninja Theory development, however. I just hope Naughty Dog can reign in the bad qualities of Naughty Dog development for this game![]()
They knew the Enslaved guy was a good fit for ND because he is used to working with no-skill platforming mechanics.
The amount of dreadful hyperbole shown against one guy here is shameful.
May he be responsible or not by all the bad design choices of Ninja Theory's games, he will have to fit the mindset or general guideline of ND's work. And even if he comes from a bad game background that doesn't indicate his true quality of work.
Shitting on him (and Ninja Theory) like this is pathetic and those who did it should sincerely apologize.
I heard ND forfeited the SPIKE VGA game of the year award this year because of lack of shelf space.i cant blame ND for that. Its hard to work at ND, with all those Game of the year awards clustering the work desk.
I think this argument has basically been deflated by the Damnation link that was posted earlier.I'm pretty sure Naughty Dog will be able to reign in the bad qualities of his time with Ninja Theory development, however.
The attacks on the guy are neogaf at it's worst.
i cant blame ND for that. Its hard to work at ND, with all those Game of the year awards clustering the work desk.
ND's thread is a monster
EPIC's thread is a wasteland.
There were very few plastic instrument games released this year (or last year). Does that mean a new plastic instrument game with no original gameplay details released shouldn't be slammed as derivative? There's an ample volume of zombie-themed games out there, given the narrowness of the concept.Joke post?
80% of those aren't high-profile, there are quite a few unreleased games in that list of yours, the list has games like Monkey Island 2 (lulz @ it being a "zombie game") plus I think he meant this generation in particular. That list is awfully short for having a lot of small indie games & some DLC as well as spanning a multitude of decades & genres.
For this generation, there's Dead Rising (which is a zombie hack 'n slash), Dead Space & Resident Evil 5 (which are action/adventure games), Dead Island (first person open-world stuff) and Left 4 Dead (coop orientated FPS) + a few twin-stick shooters on PSN/XBLA. How people get "OMG SO TIRED OF DEM ZOMBIE GAMES" when many have probably not even played all of those yet they probably cream their pants with the mention of Sequel X to Generic Franchise Y.
Last of Us looks really good. Sure, the setting isn't the most original around (kind of like a mix of The Road & I Am Legend), but then again, people have suggested Naughty Dog should've made a game with a scifi or medieval setting, as if those would be original at all. Seriously, being original isn't the most important thing (if it was, Skyrim would be the worst game in existence), it's how well you execute what you try to do that is important. It's not like Crash Bandicoot, Jak & Daxter or Uncharted were original. Naughty Dog just executed them really well, which is why people love those games.
ND's thread is a monster
EPIC's thread is a wasteland.
Gaming is not a charity or a religion. Ninja Theory is an awful developer and there will be no apology for a company that makes nothing but bad games. I spent money on their products, I get to shit on them when they suck. That's the deal they (and any other developer) makes when they decide to make a game.
I agree with you that it's unfair to try to claim this Enslaved Lead Designer can ruin this game, I highly doubt that one guy would have enough influence to do that. But given that this guy is being noted in the title and being highlighted at all says he has some important influence, and so it's no surprise why it causes SOME hesitation. I'm pretty sure Naughty Dog will be able to reign in the bad qualities of his time with Ninja Theory development, however. I just hope Naughty Dog can reign in the bad qualities of Naughty Dog development for this game![]()
I loved enslaved. Didn't know we hate it so much.
According to what I've heard before he was even the lead on the train level.
ND's thread is a monster
EPIC's thread is a wasteland.
Are you saying people involved in high profile positions in game development should have no responsible for what they make? They should be free from criticism? I'm trying to parse what you're saying here. Almost everyone who is making an issue is saying "God Enslaved SUCKED, if that guy had a major role on Enslaved and a major role in Last of Us that's probably a negative!" That's the worst of what they're saying. I personally doubt he'll be able to exert enough influence to corrupt anything, but at worst people are saying "his influence definitely isn't a good thing, that's for sure."
It's not a personal attack on him, it's an attack on his body of work which IS fair game.
What more hilarious is that this was a way to get a publisher for their game.ND's thread is a monster
EPIC's thread is a wasteland.
One is a AAA full retail console exclusive with high quality assets, the other one doesn't even have a publisher yet, hasn't been confirmed for any platforms and it's looking very much like an XBLA game... no surprise there.ND's thread is a monster
EPIC's thread is a wasteland.
I was speaking more of shitting on the guy. Ninja Theory went from a mediocre game to a bad game and they are moving to their third and this time high profile franchise. I feel it is a bit to soon to dismiss them (people that work there) as worthless thrash.
I know the chances of DmC being total crap are high, but still.
And if ND decided to bring him in, some good they must have seen. And yes, hopefully ND can surpass some of their shortcomings too.
Evolved1 said:You really have no fucking clue what the guy did on that game, or the qualities Naughty Dog saw in him when they hired him.
You're spitting venom at someone you really know nothing about. It makes you look stupid.
You really have no fucking clue what the guy did on that game, or the qualities Naughty Dog saw in him when they hired him.
You're spitting venom at someone you really know nothing about. It makes you look stupid.
I like how my "looks like Enslaved" comment from early on in the thread got a biting reply from a ND individual... only to then be revealed that the Lead Designer worked on... Enslaved? Oh the irony.
Clearly, the idea that the Enslaved Lead Designer is working on this game is being highlighted as an important factor, right?
is anyone really surprised that Amir0x is using 1 guy. 1 game to question the quality of this game? He's a troll
I'm not.
stop quoting him and the more people add him to the ignore list the better.
Ninja Theory went from a mediocre game to a bad game
I agree. I do.
Let me just go over my train of thought here.
Clearly, the idea that the Enslaved Lead Designer is working on this game is being highlighted as an important factor, right? In this topic it's listed in the title, and it was called out on the twitter. It's one of the few bits of information we currently have on this game. As one of the first things chosen to be highlighted, we can assume that he has some basic influence on how the game goes. Whether it's major or not, we don't know.
So how to take it? Well if you know his body of work, the worst way to take it is "this is probably a bad thing." That's the extreme in this topic, the worst anyone has really implied.
The next way to take it is "god the games he worked on blew, but I don't think he'll be able to influence the product enough to negatively impact Last of Us. At the very least Naughty Dog will be able to change his habits into something positive." That's the way I think.
And the last way is "I really liked Enslaved, so I think this can only be a good thing." (Variance is "I'm not sure it'll be a positive or negative impact one way or the other). This is the way a few others think.
All are taking assumptions based on their experience with past products. It's really a little silly to act like it's being 'mean' to this guy. If we pretend like these guys have absolutely no influence whatsoever, then I think it's kind of fucked up to think that way about their positions. They are obviously important positions within a company. I think their positions deserve the respect to feel they can have some influence one way or the other. The question is how much influence and in what direction...
No they didn't. They went from alright game to alright game. I swear it seems like some people here only have 3 ratings for games, 10, 5 and 0.
ND could announce a Nathan Drake pen and the thread would be popular.
I'm gonna keep posting this until everybody shuts the fuck up about Enslaved
Where are the damn screenshots?!ND could announce a Nathan Drake pen and the thread would be popular.