This seems entirely disingenuous. "Remastered"? That assumes they are going back and working on their source material to enhance it, when in reality, with how relatively new the game is and with them knowing the PS4 was on its way, this is just more tweaking of the original code that was already better than what was on the PS3. The only reason it's not out and running flawless on a PC is because of the game being a Sony exclusive.
They knew it would sell bucketloads, so they decided to release it on the PS3 as well as the already planned PS4 (original) version. All the blurbs about "I can't believe how smooth it is at 60fps", "I can't go back to sub 60fps" and "I dream of 60fps" are ridiculous. People actually believe that shit? Like ND didn't know the difference between 120fps and sub 60fps until now?