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The Last of Us: Remastered MP |OT| For the love of god please stop running.


Not just me with the lagging. So annoying your character just sits there when connection icon pops up it really fucks you up.


Got my first hatemail last night. Feels good haha.

Got told I played " dirty", to which I said that's kinda the point (honestly have no idea what he was referring to, I just flanked everybody's ass as usual) and then he called me " the loser of all videogames" lol.
Got my first hatemail last night. Feels good haha.

Got told I played " dirty", to which I said that's kinda the point (honestly have no idea what he was referring to, I just flanked everybody's ass as usual) and then he called me " the loser of all videogames" lol.



Thought I'd try the healing task considering it's hard doing everything else. Thought I'd struggle with 15 heals over 3 matches but at the end of the first match I had 65 heals. Laughably easy. Just going to do heals for every attack from now on.


Unconfirmed Member
Just going to do heals for every attack from now on.

You're in for a treat
OMG, I actually got into some games last night. I played Survivor....holy crap. All three rounds the other team rushed. Three had bows, and one had a rifle. They were pretty experienced. Can say that I won the other supply raid games. The game is so tense that when the loading screen ends I'm all giddy and nervous...lol...it's pretty hilarious!


Got my first hatemail last night. Feels good haha.

Got told I played " dirty", to which I said that's kinda the point (honestly have no idea what he was referring to, I just flanked everybody's ass as usual) and then he called me " the loser of all videogames" lol.



Neo Member
Mine glitched at Week 12 Day 3. Had to start all over.

What happened for you?

I was almost done with Week 10 and had completed Level 3 of the Healing Teammates challenge when it decided to kill off my entire clan, for no apparent reason. Massive pain in the backside.

I don't particularly care for the icon or dot next to mine name, just annoying that the trophy progress was set back to zero.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
damn, had some great games with evolved & co last night

coming back from 7-1 in supply raid was one of the most fun, tense gaming experiences ever GG BROS


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I'm so upset at that last game :(

and lol I love how everyone has little rituals and "secrets" to get matchmaking to work. Shows how bad we want to play despite the horrible matchmaking.

This works though. Every time. Try it.

edit: I'm reading all this stuff about the ho-bow and imo it's fine as is, though it probably should cost 4 to equip. Because it's not a purchasable, because it's silenced, and because reusable ammo and ammo from drops keeps it stocked you never have to spend on ammo, it allows for some really powerful stealth loadouts. So making it 4 points would probably stop people from bitching about it. Haha yeah right I'll still bitch about it when they kill me.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
What loadout do you guys generally use when playing support? I've never tried it.

Depends how much support you want to give.

First Aid 3
Crafter 3
Reviver 1

Has some weaknesses, but allows you to focus your upgrades on the revolver and armor. You're a bit of a tank, and always susceptible to wallhack, but it's a good class.


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
Depends how much support you want to give.

Has some weaknesses, but allows you to focus your upgrades on the revolver and armor. You're a bit of a tank, and always susceptible to wallhack, but it's a good class.

Thanks, I'll try it out.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Thanks, I'll try it out.

Armor is really important for this one, buy it right away... and pick your battles. Try to remember you're support (admittedly hard to do at times).


I've found going with silenced 9mm works well in Survivors but in Supply Raid? Not so much. Maybe going with Revolver only in Supply Raid would work better, will try that tonight.


Just played some really bad games ;_; kept making dumb mistakes. I'm really bad at trying to be sneaky even with covert training 2.

Also, what are people's favourite bomb locations? With University, I know there's a small part of the fountain where you can plant a bomb so that it's invisible.
What loadout do you guys generally use when playing support? I've never tried it.

I was just using the Support class, until I figured out how to do custom loadouts---yes, it seems I ride the MP shortbus--- and now I have this one:

Silenced Semi-Auto Rifle
Covert 2
Revive 2
First Aid 1

I haven't used it yet, but I think it will be a decent custom; I am only on week 3, so I have limited options. Also, I just play Survivor.

How does one gain Loadout points?
Thought I'd try the healing task considering it's hard doing everything else. Thought I'd struggle with 15 heals over 3 matches but at the end of the first match I had 65 heals. Laughably easy. Just going to do heals for every attack from now on.

Holy shit that's literally an awful team you had!

The most combined Downs I've seen is 35!


I'd rather have the servers be down so I can stop wasting hours to find a game. I've done with some shitty launches but the servers in this game are the worst. Which is too bad, because I have not had so much fun in multiplayer for a long time. Really unfortunate.

Got my first hatemail last night. Feels good haha.

Got told I played " dirty", to which I said that's kinda the point (honestly have no idea what he was referring to, I just flanked everybody's ass as usual) and then he called me " the loser of all videogames" lol.

One time on the ps3 version the game got glitched and I became invisible -- while completely justified, the hatemail afterwards was hilarious
Nail bomb needs to be more powerful
Molotovs need to get nerfed
So do the bows.

Only complaints right now

Nail bomb is fine, and molotovs now come at the risk of sacrificing upgraded melee, as the upgraded melee now requires a rag (which the molotov also uses). Though I will say, it is not hard for me to run around with 3 molotovs. The molotovs need to be powerful though, especially for losing teams to make comebacks.

Did people think the bow was OP on last gen?

Yes, but then people stopped complaining as they got better. The best thing to do is run when you get hit. Bow users usually run with Covert Ops 3 which can be a problem for teams that dont communicate.

I have to say, if anything, bows should have reduced starting ammo. It seems pretty high, and IMO, bow users should rely on having to pick up ammo again, or buying more ammo. There are lots of ways to keep a good stock of ammo, including one-use boosters, so it would seem to be a fair tradeoff. I wouldnt change anything else.

First aid 2
Reviver 2
Hawk eyed 2

The last perk helps more than others, the guy you mark with red glow almost always goes down if you're playing with good team.

Hawk eyed 2/3 is really great. When an enemy is outlined, it becomes really easy to line up a shot as they pop out of cover or move in if they pop back to heal. And in some instances, marked enemies have helped me escape molotov throwers at the last second
Anyone up for a game? All my ausgaffers are asleep. PSN id same as gaf username. Trying to get better at this and learn some things :)


First aid is really really good. We had someone disconnect early in the game and we were trailing until we went beast mode with team heals. We ended up winning. Great stuff!


I wish I could put a silencer on the Full Auto. :|
So, any updates on them fixing the matchmaking? Just been playing singleplayer mostly now because I got tired of searching for matches for 20 minutes or so.
On the Enforcer:
Faster than the Semi-Auto Rifle, still somewhat accurate when moving, little recoil, but requires four shots to down. It's fast, but not fast enough to beat the Revolver or Semi-Auto Rifle's time-to-down on body shots. Certainly easier to use though.

Just played some really bad games ;_; kept making dumb mistakes. I'm really bad at trying to be sneaky even with covert training 2.

Also, what are people's favourite bomb locations? With University, I know there's a small part of the fountain where you can plant a bomb so that it's invisible.

Then don't try to be sneaky and simply go nuts. If you can punch through the front lines, as in turn a 4v4 into a 4v3 or even 4v2, for the next 20 seconds (or rest of Survivors round), depending on enemy formation, you might be able to move through the enemy's side lines or even their back lines unhindered without the need for Covert Training 2. No fear of being found through Listen Mode unless they adjust their formation or turn it into a 3v3, and if they adjust their formation in a 4v3, you get the advantage in terms of sheer numbers, being unable to focus 100% on you.

Really, stealth is just about getting to the back lines. If you can dodge every person on your way, by all means go for it. Personally, I prefer to simply shoot everybody who so much as looks at me on my way there.


questions for MP experts..Only on week 2 so I am still a noob.

1: After my 12 weeks are up, does the game make you start over and pick hunter/firefly again or can you continue with your class. Also, does starting over after 12 weeks also reset your unlocks?

2: If a friend wants to play with me and he happens to be on a different faction does that mean we can't party up?

3: Someone said their game glitched and they failed one of the 100% attack missions..so far these missions have given me 3 games to complete the minimum requirement, so for the guys that had their game messed up was it an actual glitch, or did you not equal the minimum requirement in 2 games and then the game glitched in the 3rd?

thanks for the people who take the time to answer..


I think people are upset because you get other bonuses with bow that you have to pay extra for other silenced weapons. Its only 3 points, its silenced, faster shooting with no reload and reusable ammo. If it was 4 or 5 points it would've been more understandable.
It's also because it's a one hit down as a headshot even with armor on (2 shot if no headshot, which is still too powerful). It's ridiculous and really the only people bound to defend it are the users themselves.
Yes, the Enforcer would probably be nerfed by now if it wasn't paid DLC.
Bow hasn't been nerfed, so I doubt that.
questions for MP experts..Only on week 2 so I am still a noob.

1: After my 12 weeks are up, does the game make you start over and pick hunter/firefly again or can you continue with your class. Also, does starting over after 12 weeks also reset your unlocks?

2: If a friend wants to play with me and he happens to be on a different faction does that mean we can't party up?

3: Someone said their game glitched and they failed one of the 100% attack missions..so far these missions have given me 3 games to complete the minimum requirement, so for the guys that had their game messed up was it an actual glitch, or did you not equal the minimum requirement in 2 games and then the game glitched in the 3rd?

thanks for the people who take the time to answer..

1. Once the 12 Weeks are up, you get your Firefly/Hunter trophy. You are then forced to start another 12 Weeks, getting to choose which faction you'll be with at the start of those 12 Weeks. All boosters are kept. All loadout points and options are kept. All customizations are kept. Your clan size will be reset to 5 though. Mission requirements will be reset too.

2. Faction choice simply affects dialogue and looks. Personally, I enjoy being a Hunter more as they have much funnier voice quips.

It's also because it's a one hit down as a headshot even with armor on (2 shot if no headshot, which is still too powerful). It's ridiculous and really the only people bound to defend it are the users themselves.

In all my time playing the PS3 version, I have never seen a down on an armored headshot. (Note: Not even the Military Sniper has this power, and that thing will outright kill on unarmored headshots unlike the Bow) I have, however, seen someone downed who is then killed on an armored headshot, but I'd hardly call that broken.


Enforcer doesn't need a nerf. If you compare the Enforcer to something like the Revolver for example...

The Revolver is a 3 shot kill to body, or 2 shots if one is a headshot. The Enforcer is a 4 shot kill to body. 2 shots to the head, or one to the head/2 to the body.

To make up for the lower damage the Enforcer has more range and is more accurate, making it the better gun by a little bit. But the Enforcer also takes up a loadout point and the Revolver is free.

You guys really think the Enforcer is that much better than the Revolver + a perk like Sharp Ears or Strategist? Or that extra loadout point used for a tier 3 perk instead of a tier 2?


Then don't try to be sneaky and simply go nuts. If you can punch through the front lines, as in turn a 4v4 into a 4v3 or even 4v2, for the next 20 seconds (or rest of Survivors round), depending on enemy formation, you might be able to move through the enemy's side lines or even their back lines unhindered without the need for Covert Training 2. No fear of being found through Listen Mode unless they adjust their formation or turn it into a 3v3, and if they adjust their formation in a 4v3, you get the advantage in terms of sheer numbers, being unable to focus 100% on you.

Really, stealth is just about getting to the back lines. If you can dodge every person on your way, by all means go for it. Personally, I prefer to simply shoot everybody who so much as looks at me on my way there.

Yeah I agree. I just need to adapt and adjust my playstyle a little better. One thing I did last year that I'm trying not to repeat this time is get too comfy with one loadout and use it 90% of the time, and never use any other weapons or varied play styles. So I guess it's trying to "relearn" the game in sneaking about and using things like the bows and when to go in for a shiv, etc.
Enforcer doesn't need a nerf. If you compare the Enforcer to something like the Revolver for example...

The Revolver is a 3 shot kill to body, or 2 shots if one is a headshot. The Enforcer is a 4 shot kill to body. 2 shots to the head, or one to the head/2 to the body.

To make up for the lower damage the Enforcer has more range and is more accurate, making it the better gun by a little bit. But the Enforcer also takes up a loadout point and the Revolver is free.

You guys really think the Enforcer is that much better than the Revolver + a perk like Sharp Ears or Strategist? Or that extra loadout point used for a tier 3 perk instead of a tier 2?

Its the clip size, accuracy and ability to be silenced that I feel makes it superior. I guess it might not need a nerf but it does bother me that its behind a paywall when it provides such a unique and useful addition to almost any loadout.

Side note: you made good points, I dont feel so bad for using it now :) and Enforcer requiring money is here to stay, so no sense in complaining about that i suppose.


I thought the new map(s) were out already?
I can purchase the gesture bundle and grit and gear clothing bundle, but I was interested in the maps.


Is there any way to fail the healing missions? I completed it on the first day. If only I could pick them every time.
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