Just got this. The visual improvements, while subtle, make the game even more beautiful than it already was. The first time you get out of the city walls was jaw-dropping. And is it just me or is the sound even better? Or maybe I just forgot how good this game sounds.
However (and I don't know if this is because I needed to restart the game after installing the patch/game install) but I've already run into a LOT of bugs. There's been some texture pop in, frequent frame rate drops, disappearing characters and objects in cutscenes, and this weird animation glitch whenever I grab someone from behind. I really hope that this is just some weird one off thing that will be resolved by booting it up again. And if it's not then this needs to get patched ASAP.
Anyway I dicked around with grounded mode and either im really rusty, or its really fucking hard. 1 or 2 bullets will drop you, it's super intense,
Next time I play though I'm gonna just jump ahead and play Left Behind since I didn't get to play it on PS3, so I'm really looking forward to it.
I also cant wait to fuck around with the photo mode as well, I'm gonna be taking a ton of shots I imagine.