I liked it, but felt it was too short.
I would have liked to see more!
I liked it, but felt it was too short.
I would have liked to see more!
Apparently there's a whole 10 minutes missing, which is just annoying.If you saw the US version that's because they chopped out the whole opening to the film.
If you saw the US version that's because they chopped out the whole opening to the film.
Didn't really feel like a Rambo movie to me but i still liked it. If you haven't seen it, give it a shot. I'll probably get on bluray if only for the last act.
I thought 4 went a bit too much towards Happy Tree Friends style of gore. A guy gets shot and he explodes into pieces, gets stabbed and a tsunami of blood floods the Philippines, touches a leaf and his hand explodes. It really felt like most people in that movie were just gore balloons ready to pop at the slightest pressure. 5 is a bit more grounded and I liked it a bit more, of course there are a few Happy Tree Friends moments but not nearly as many as in 4.I thought it was pretty disappointing. After the last movie with what seemed like 20 minutes of straight bodies exploding this one was pretty low key.
I have it like a 5/10. It was okay, but it sorta took the character John Rambo out of his element (which was consistent in the first 4 movies) and makes him a civilian. I can't say much more. It's worth seeing if you want an action/revenge movie. Just certain things didn't help me associate with the character from the other Rambo movies.Came in expecting bashing but now I am excited