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The Last Story |OT| Now confirmed worldwide

Started the game yesterday. At first, it seemed very chaotic and I was surprised by the VERY strong emphasis on storytelling at the expense of other elements in the game, but now I'm starting to really appreciate the combat for what it is. And the story is very well told, too, so I think that while Xenoblade fits my taste much more, this will be another great Wii game in my collection.

I'm the complete other way around. While I loved Xenoblades worlds and amazing environmental design, the characters never really meshed with me (outside of Reyn, Sharla and Dunban, the rest of the cast is one dimensional and boring), and the story did too many U-turns to remain interesting till the end. The focus on strong characters with believable motivations, and a much more down to earth focus in both narrative and presentation of characters makes it the vastly better game in my view.

Also, The Last Story actually requires you to use every ability you have at your disposal throughout the game. Unlike Xenoblade which never really reinforces tactical gameplay unless you hit some story related boss. You can plough through Xenoblade without paying any attention to stuff like spike damage or haste and agility, simply because for 99% of all enemies a brute force approach is more than enough... until you hit the last few bosses, and then the game becomes frustrating and you can either grind to brute force them, or relearn battle tactics that the game never really required you to use or care about up to that point. Also, environmental awareness and Comrade AI is much much more sophisticated in LS. Xenoblades AI companions are dumbfucks in battle.

I like both games, and they're both strong entries in a genre that was dead to me for many years. Now a game that retained the story, writing and character of LS, with the ambitious worlds and scope of xenoblade would be simply mindblowing.

Imagine a new Skies of Arcadia like game with humongous worlds, the great battle system of LS and a soundtrack that mixes the upbeat and adventurous themes of Xenoblade with the amazing and emotional scores of LS.

I really hope that Nintendo develops LS into a franchise. The game and especially the combat system simply needs to be expanded upon in further games. Maybe a prequel, covering the civil wars?


@Boris: I agree 100% that XB and LS are great entries into their genre and that they hopefully bring the JRPGs forward. Although I don't agree with all the minor points (I, for example, believe Melia to be the most developed Xenoblade-character), I just wanted to show my support for your post.

I really hope that Nintendo develops LS into a franchise. The game and especially the combat system simply needs to be expanded upon in further games. Maybe a prequel, covering the civil wars?

Again, I hope very much Nintendo isn't done with Las Story. The basic formula is too good to drop. As it is, it's still somewhat unpolished, but it could lead to spectacular results in the future.

Today I played a bit more and have been given free reign of the city once again. You will, no doubt, all be pleased to hear that I have now mastered wall-jumping. In fact, I am so good at it by now, the Prince of Persia would be impressed. Thanks for the help, you people.


If nothing else it's great to have a counterpoint to Xenoblade to keep things in check before the Xeno hype becomes all-consuming.

Playing TLS has made me think harder about certain aspects of Xenoblade.
@Boris: I agree 100% that XB and LS are great entries into their genre and that they hopefully bring the JRPGs forward. Although I don't agree with all the minor points (I, for example, believe Melia to be the most developed Xenoblade-character), I just wanted to show my support for your post.

Again, I hope very much Nintendo isn't done with Las Story. The basic formula is too good to drop. As it is, it's still somewhat unpolished, but it could lead to spectacular results in the future.

Today I played a bit more and have been given free reign of the city once again. You will, no doubt, all be pleased to hear that I have now mastered wall-jumping. In fact, I am so good at it by now, the Prince of Persia would be impressed. Thanks for the help, you people.

How could I've forgotten about Melia. While being designed as the obvious jailbait character, her actual role and character development was quite good and unlike 7th, Shulk and Rikki which were all unlikable bores, she actually was interesting.

Still enough of the nitpicking. No RPG will ever please everyone.

I think LSs flaws are mostly down to technical limitations. At times I feel like the game wants to deliver more of this world, but is simply held back by the hardware it's on.

A sequel for WiiU could really elevate this amazing formula to new heights.

Oh and every game ever should have the Prank Banana.

IMagine BF3, shooting a prank banana at a starting jet, watching him slide around like crazy^^

If nothing else it's great to have a counterpoint to Xenoblade to keep things in check before the Xeno hype becomes all-consuming.

Playing TLS has made me think harder about certain aspects of Xenoblade.

I love that both games are quite different and try to approach similar problems (combat system, character development, grinding, time progression etc) from very different angles.

Some of those things are a bit hit or miss with both games. Xenoblade definetly never feels like it's overstepping it's own ambitions like LS often seems to do. Allthough it certainly displays a lot of filler content, both from a gameplay and story perspective. I'd say the game would've been a lot better, had they cut out several plot twists that served no real purpose at all, other than to prolongue the game and to introduce a new enemy, while never really managing to sustain that initial motivation
getting out there to search for the Mechons that "killed" Fiora was an amazing outset, but completely ruined after she came back. At this point the game lost it's drive completely, and were it not for the amazing soundtrack and vistas, I doubt I would've finished the game

I'd recommend both Titles, mainly because both have a very adventurous feeling to them, filled with wonder and insanely well built worlds as well as great core gameplay.


I need to find a well for a book that Horace wants to remove curses from weapons, anyone know where it is?


El Capitan Todd
@Boris: I agree 100% that XB and LS are great entries into their genre and that they hopefully bring the JRPGs forward.

Again, I hope very much Nintendo isn't done with Las Story. The basic formula is too good to drop. As it is, it's still somewhat unpolished, but it could lead to spectacular results in the future.

I totally agree.
I was able to play again a little bit, chapter 12.
I'm happy that finally the game let me play for real, without interrupting me too often with cut-sceen after every mini battle. so I was able to fight for a while, 6-7 battles without interruption, and I really enjoyed the BS.


I need to find a well for a book that Horace wants to remove curses from weapons, anyone know where it is?

That should be to the left of the market, through one of the alleys. It should be marked on your map actually but maybe not yet.


Finished a full playthrough of the game last night. Finished all chapters, replayed all dungeons, conquered the arena, upgraded each armor to +9 (except for the
dragon armor, dragon greaves, knight's armor and Callista's 2 dresses. Annoyed that I missed the opp to get the threads for Callista's dresses
) and upgraded just about every weapon to max strength (except for the
Nightmare because fuck that sword and the Karma because I'll need a Sun Stone on my next playthrough
). I read somewhere that it's possible to get Ancient Alloys through online so I might try that. I wonder how rare a drop it is though. I wonder if Sun Stones are available online too.

Story kinda gets a bit confused
not because it's complicated but rather erratic. Dagran's motivations are odd and it's really unclear whether the confusion to his motivations in the final battle is because of the Outsider's powers or just bad writing. The former sounds like a bit of a cop out
. The performance of this game can get downright attrocious. Makes me appreciate how smooth Xenoblade was. At least Xeno got understandably slow in busy battles. TLS couldn't even handle simple environments.

Voice acting is pretty good. Mirania's VA sometimes sounds like she's phoning it in. It might be that she's supposed to be a cold character but it honestly sounds like she's reading lines off a page at times. Dagran also had that problem. They both had their moments though. Lowell, Syrenne and Jirall I thought were fantastic. Callista sounds a bit too old but it didn't bother me too much.

On to New Game Plus after 31 hours on my first playthrough. Zael level 69 and all my other characters between level 63 and 65 (Lowell being the only one at 63). Overall, the game is a walk in the park, save for one or 2 battles towards the end game (including the final boss
whose third form gave me a bit of trouble
. Also: FUCK damage circles/floors.

edit: Oh, in terms of music, the final battle music is pretty legit. I thought. Enjoyed it.


Huh. So apparently there's an alternate ending of sorts in one of the last chapters. I like it. Makes the real ending more complete.
Callista in the sack finally


Huh. So apparently there's an alternate ending of sorts in one of the last chapters. I like it. Makes the real ending more complete.
Callista in the sack finally

Obvious spoiler so don't read if you haven't finished the game: If you're talking about
the wedding, it's not an ending. It's one chapter. The epilogue doesn't end there. It's only Chapter 42. But yes, notice that her wedding gown is short the morning after? Zael, you playa!


Well, I mean it has the credits song and the shebang so it could have ended just there. Not saying it happens in an alternate dimension.


Well, I mean it has the credits song and the shebang so it could have ended just there. Not saying it happens in an alternate dimension.

I guess it is
part of an ending you can achieve if you complete that chapter. Unless I'm mistaken, it's possible to finish the game without ever seeing the wedding. If that's the case, you're right. It technically does represent a different ending.


I guess it is
part of an ending you can achieve if you complete that chapter. Unless I'm mistaken, it's possible to finish the game without ever seeing the wedding. If that's the case, you're right. It technically does represent a different ending.

Yeah, I did this.
Which is why I was disappointed when I didn't see Zael kiss her in the ending or credits. Like wtf just knighting him and nothing. But that extra chapter made everything awwww right.

One of the better couples in recent memory.
Lowell and Syrenne as well.


Fast forwarding and/or skipping cutscenes should be mandatory in jRPGs now. Having the ability to do both is the perfect solution (fast forward to a part of a scene you missed or important piece of information or simply skip an entire cutscene).


Just played the H

That was awesome! Such a great change of pace and very, very funny.

Even Zael ("Enough with the bats!") was funny, but Yurick was the best.


"Every night since we got back..."

Game just earned a couple more points in my book.


Just played the H

That was awesome! Such a great change of pace and very, very funny.

Even Zael ("Enough with the bats!") was funny, but Yurick was the best.


"Every night since we got back..."

Game just earned a couple more points in my book.

I did that part earlier today. I really enjoyed the boss, even though it was actually relatively simple once you worked out what to do.
I'm the complete other way around. While I loved Xenoblades worlds and amazing environmental design, the characters never really meshed with me (outside of Reyn, Sharla and Dunban, the rest of the cast is one dimensional and boring), and the story did too many U-turns to remain interesting till the end. The focus on strong characters with believable motivations, and a much more down to earth focus in both narrative and presentation of characters makes it the vastly better game in my view.

Also, The Last Story actually requires you to use every ability you have at your disposal throughout the game. Unlike Xenoblade which never really reinforces tactical gameplay unless you hit some story related boss. You can plough through Xenoblade without paying any attention to stuff like spike damage or haste and agility, simply because for 99% of all enemies a brute force approach is more than enough... until you hit the last few bosses, and then the game becomes frustrating and you can either grind to brute force them, or relearn battle tactics that the game never really required you to use or care about up to that point. Also, environmental awareness and Comrade AI is much much more sophisticated in LS. Xenoblades AI companions are dumbfucks in battle.

I like both games, and they're both strong entries in a genre that was dead to me for many years. Now a game that retained the story, writing and character of LS, with the ambitious worlds and scope of xenoblade would be simply mindblowing.

Imagine a new Skies of Arcadia like game with humongous worlds, the great battle system of LS and a soundtrack that mixes the upbeat and adventurous themes of Xenoblade with the amazing and emotional scores of LS.

I really hope that Nintendo develops LS into a franchise. The game and especially the combat system simply needs to be expanded upon in further games. Maybe a prequel, covering the civil wars?

While I agree with your point about Xenoblade's battle system often being void of any real strategy, this can sadly be said about TLS too.
Since the game is rather easy in general, you can often button mash your way through most enemies. Bosses, like in Xenoblade, are an exception.
Still, I very much prefer the battle system in The Last Story, and it'll hopefully be even more fun during the apparently harder New Game + :)
Is this one of those dual-layer discs like Xenoblade and Brawl?

My game won't start, I tried a couple dozen of times.

Thing is, i tried Xenoblade and that works just fine. It's just Last Story that doesn't work.


Comrade AI is much much more sophisticated in LS. Xenoblades AI companions are dumbfucks in battle.

Ice Guy in Sea Cave ~:"These enemies are weak against magic, but will absorb mine"

It's nice to inform me about that fact, nether the less the AI insists on casting his then healing ice magic(great during boss fight). Did I just not notice behavioural settings besides the d-pad up which can only be used if one of the gauges is full?


I'm the complete other way around. While I loved Xenoblades worlds and amazing environmental design, the characters never really meshed with me (outside of Reyn, Sharla and Dunban, the rest of the cast is one dimensional and boring), and the story did too many U-turns to remain interesting till the end. The focus on strong characters with believable motivations, and a much more down to earth focus in both narrative and presentation of characters makes it the vastly better game in my view.

Also, The Last Story actually requires you to use every ability you have at your disposal throughout the game. Unlike Xenoblade which never really reinforces tactical gameplay unless you hit some story related boss. You can plough through Xenoblade without paying any attention to stuff like spike damage or haste and agility, simply because for 99% of all enemies a brute force approach is more than enough... until you hit the last few bosses, and then the game becomes frustrating and you can either grind to brute force them, or relearn battle tactics that the game never really required you to use or care about up to that point. Also, environmental awareness and Comrade AI is much much more sophisticated in LS. Xenoblades AI companions are dumbfucks in battle.

I like both games, and they're both strong entries in a genre that was dead to me for many years. Now a game that retained the story, writing and character of LS, with the ambitious worlds and scope of xenoblade would be simply mindblowing.

Imagine a new Skies of Arcadia like game with humongous worlds, the great battle system of LS and a soundtrack that mixes the upbeat and adventurous themes of Xenoblade with the amazing and emotional scores of LS.

I really hope that Nintendo develops LS into a franchise. The game and especially the combat system simply needs to be expanded upon in further games. Maybe a prequel, covering the civil wars?

I can understand your points and to a degree, can even agree with them, it's just that overall Xenoblade seems like the better game for me - even though I just stopped playing it for some reason several months ago, don't know if it was 40 hours in or more. It wasn't because I was bored or anything, I'm just like that, walking away from games I love if I'm not in the mood to play them the next day, not returning to them for a long time.

Is this one of those dual-layer discs like Xenoblade and Brawl?

My game won't start, I tried a couple dozen of times.

Thing is, i tried Xenoblade and that works just fine. It's just Last Story that doesn't work.

My Wii drive doesn't work with any game anymore. It started with Xenoblade, actually... now I just play my games from a USB HDD... try it :)


Okay so this was a super random purchase for me. Was lucky enough to find someone on Craigslist selling the game and I figured why not. Snatched up a wii for pretty cheap and now I'm about an hour into the game and I must say I'm actually getting pretty hooked. There are a few issues of course as others have noted, but it definitely feels like a bit of a throw back to what I want in my Console JRPGs. More games like this is what I'll need before I'll pick up a Wii U.

Edit; also this is my first pal game and I love the euro voice acting. Very fitting for the game.


Ok so I decided to use Classic controller (hope I don't regret it later) but what is this about auto-attack on-off?

I'm also playing with the classic controller. I like it much more as the game doesn't feel like I'm using waggle controls.

You can turn auto battle off and set the attack button to the A button by configuring the controls in the game menu.


Is this one of those dual-layer discs like Xenoblade and Brawl?

My game won't start, I tried a couple dozen of times.

Thing is, i tried Xenoblade and that works just fine. It's just Last Story that doesn't work.

Yeah, the PAL version is dual layered (though the JP is not).
While I agree with your point about Xenoblade's battle system often being void of any real strategy, this can sadly be said about TLS too.
Since the game is rather easy in general, you can often button mash your way through most enemies. Bosses, like in Xenoblade, are an exception.
Still, I very much prefer the battle system in The Last Story, and it'll hopefully be even more fun during the apparently harder New Game + :)
I agree. I've been playing for about ~10 hours or so and I still have absolutely no idea what's going on regarding battles. I just mash / hold down the A button a lot, play a little bit of hide and seek and occasionally run up a few walls once in a while. It usually gets me through most of the battles I've faced with very little thinking or planning. I think the 5 lives system is too generous in this game.
While I agree with your point about Xenoblade's battle system often being void of any real strategy, this can sadly be said about TLS too.
Since the game is rather easy in general, you can often button mash your way through most enemies. Bosses, like in Xenoblade, are an exception.
Still, I very much prefer the battle system in The Last Story, and it'll hopefully be even more fun during the apparently harder New Game + :)

Well except for all the enemies that need to be toppled, enemies that are placed on high ground and when dealing with certain environmemtal influences. The thing is, once a battle involves more than two mages, you can lose our entire team very fast if you're not carefull.

That said, the game is still promoting a fast and offensive playstyle, and many times you can rely on the massive area of effect from ally mages.

A few refinements to the controls and the combat would be simply perfect.
I think I was underleveled most of the time, because I went game over quite often :lol.
Especially toward the end, there have been some enemies that would 1hit KO me while I was in defense and make me rage hard :(
Then I leveled up ridiculously fast at one of the very last summoning circles (1 level in like 10 seconds...) and had no problems at the final boss.


So having trouble with what I think is the final battle? End game spoilers:
Dagran is really giving me trouble, I can kill the first 2 forms,
but after that I'm burned through my lives. What lvl do you have to be here? I'm around 45 I only tried 3 times though, but it's such a contrast between the easy mode of the rest of the game. o_O Still I think the battle would be doable if the AI wasn't so crap
(especially Syrinne's AI is a special kind of derp)
How can you be level 45 ? I mean, I'm level 62 at the same point as you and I didn't even passed half a hour levelling in total in my playthrough.

Have you tried climbing on the stone cubes ? That way, you may go higher and access a weak point...


How can you be level 45 ? I mean, I'm level 62 at the same point as you and I didn't even passed half a hour levelling in total in my playthrough.

Have you tried climbing on the stone cubes ? That way, you may go higher and access a weak point...
Ah it's supposed to be 54. xD
Oh that's a good point, I've seen my character jump on it from time to time, but I just jump off.
The problem isn't in the damage dealing department though, it's that I die fast. I think I should just be more patient.


If you're having a lot of trouble with the final boss, you'll probably want to use the summon circle outside the final boss door to gain a few levels.

I wouldn't go to the cap (which I think is 65 or 70 there) or anything ridiclous, but you'll probably want to be at least level 57-58 there.
I agree. I've been playing for about ~10 hours or so and I still have absolutely no idea what's going on regarding battles. I just mash / hold down the A button a lot, play a little bit of hide and seek and occasionally run up a few walls once in a while. It usually gets me through most of the battles I've faced with very little thinking or planning. I think the 5 lives system is too generous in this game.

Yeah, the battle system has potential to be much better, though :)
Make it so that you half like 3 lives, makes enemies a bit tougher, and don't let them "forget" where you are every time you hide behind something.
Though bosses are always a blast!
The mirror fight was one of the most original JRPG battles I've fought in a long time, a lot of frustrating fun!
How in the bloody hell am I supposed to vanquish the final ennemy's last form ? This chap just knocks out all of my teammates before I can even inflict him enough damage...

On his last form I perform a slash dunk on him, but it doesn't seem that effective...


Unfortunately, you kind of need to grind for the last battle. I tried to do it at lvl. 53 but to no avail, even with constant reviving from Mirania. It's a shame you can't upgrade gear at that save point, but the greaves that boost sp regeneration help to keep a steady flow of revives and Yurick's affection dagger will help get his ultimate attack off quicker, which will be your main damage dealer. Syrenne's special attack also helps in keeping the boss paralyzed so you can whack it without getting bludgeoned, provided she isn't already KO'd.

You only need to perform the wall jumping vertical slash at the end.


How in the bloody hell am I supposed to vanquish the final ennemy's last form ? This chap just knocks out all of my teammates before I can even inflict him enough damage...

On his last form I perform a slash dunk on him, but it doesn't seem that effective...

I was around level 60 when I beat it, I believe. I died on my first try when I got to the final form. I'm not quite sure what I did the second time around. I think Ancient Barrier helped a lot as did Revive. I think I used both twice. I also believe I defused Accelerate to help once but not sure if that had a huge effect. Whenever I could, I hit him with Meteor but I always made sure to Guard Break him and go to town. It really was more of a brute force battle. I had Dragon Greaves (+6) and Heavy Armor (+7) on to help with defense.

Just make sure you keep your own guard up and keep drawing him from your teammates. Use heal circles whenever you can.


I didn't get much done today apart from replaying some old battles and messing around in the arena. I need to get back to the main story.
I was around level 60 when I beat it, I believe. I died on my first try when I got to the final form. I'm not quite sure what I did the second time around. I think Ancient Barrier helped a lot as did Revive. I think I used both twice. I also believe I defused Accelerate to help once but not sure if that had a huge effect. Whenever I could, I hit him with Meteor but I always made sure to Guard Break him and go to town. It really was more of a brute force battle. I had Dragon Greaves (+6) and Heavy Armor (+7) on to help with defense.

Just make sure you keep your own guard up and keep drawing him from your teammates. Use heal circles whenever you can.

Finally beat the final boss. A bit of grinding did the trick. At level 66, it was pleasantly easy.


Finally started the game, I'm at chapter 4 now and I really like it. It's quick and easy fun, nothing too complicated yet.

I just hope that there's not too much backtracking.


If you're having a lot of trouble with the final boss, you'll probably want to use the summon circle outside the final boss door to gain a few levels.

I wouldn't go to the cap (which I think is 65 or 70 there) or anything ridiclous, but you'll probably want to be at least level 57-58 there.
Yeah, I just leveled to 60(which I became amazingly fast). I got it in one try after hitting 60, with all lives still there(some characters did die, but revive is amazing).

The strat is pretty much keep aggro and survive and go all out when spirit is up.
Just finished the game now. Overall, I think it was a great experience, despite lacking polish in a few key areas (especially framerate...god, the framerate).

I think I prefer it to Xenoblade, partly because I prefer more focused experiences (I don't really have the time to burn on games like I did back in high school). The core gameplay (i.e. the battle system) was a lot more fun as well and the characters more appealing.
Some of the voice acting was great (especially Lowell) and overall, I think UK accents are a really good fit for a fantasy world of this type.

I'm kind of puzzled why the buzz here was so negative before release. I guess people really were wanting just more Xenoblade instead?


BTW. does anyone know where Yurick is in the city during the epilogue? I kind of want to hear his final lines, but I can't find him...
I'm kind of puzzled why the buzz here was so negative before release. I guess people really were wanting just more Xenoblade instead?


Yeah, this confused me too... I really wasn't excited for the game at all after seeing Japan-GAF's impressions back then, but I really like it so far!
Seems like the two or three other people who post on this thread enjoy it as well :p
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