fabricated backlash
Started the game yesterday. At first, it seemed very chaotic and I was surprised by the VERY strong emphasis on storytelling at the expense of other elements in the game, but now I'm starting to really appreciate the combat for what it is. And the story is very well told, too, so I think that while Xenoblade fits my taste much more, this will be another great Wii game in my collection.
I'm the complete other way around. While I loved Xenoblades worlds and amazing environmental design, the characters never really meshed with me (outside of Reyn, Sharla and Dunban, the rest of the cast is one dimensional and boring), and the story did too many U-turns to remain interesting till the end. The focus on strong characters with believable motivations, and a much more down to earth focus in both narrative and presentation of characters makes it the vastly better game in my view.
Also, The Last Story actually requires you to use every ability you have at your disposal throughout the game. Unlike Xenoblade which never really reinforces tactical gameplay unless you hit some story related boss. You can plough through Xenoblade without paying any attention to stuff like spike damage or haste and agility, simply because for 99% of all enemies a brute force approach is more than enough... until you hit the last few bosses, and then the game becomes frustrating and you can either grind to brute force them, or relearn battle tactics that the game never really required you to use or care about up to that point. Also, environmental awareness and Comrade AI is much much more sophisticated in LS. Xenoblades AI companions are dumbfucks in battle.
I like both games, and they're both strong entries in a genre that was dead to me for many years. Now a game that retained the story, writing and character of LS, with the ambitious worlds and scope of xenoblade would be simply mindblowing.
Imagine a new Skies of Arcadia like game with humongous worlds, the great battle system of LS and a soundtrack that mixes the upbeat and adventurous themes of Xenoblade with the amazing and emotional scores of LS.
I really hope that Nintendo develops LS into a franchise. The game and especially the combat system simply needs to be expanded upon in further games. Maybe a prequel, covering the civil wars?