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The Last Story |OT| Now confirmed worldwide


Are the huge framerate dips happening in the latter half of the game? I've noticed some occasional issues, but just didn't think they were too bad. Especially the battles have been fluid until now.


Are the huge framerate dips happening in the latter half of the game? I've noticed some occasional issues, but just didn't think they were too bad. Especially the battles have been fluid until now.

I noticed Chapter 15 and 16 were fairly bad in spots on my playthrough of the European version, but it seems to have settled down now (just finished 22). It's nothing that really bothers me having grown up on NES games but could see where it would annoy some people.

Certain spells or commands seem to trigger it usually, like if you have Lowell use Berserker and he gets too close to the camera while fighting enemies.


I feel like it was more noticeable right at the start of the game, but either my eyes have become used to the jerkiness, or things did get better.

It still chugs like a train when walking around the town, though.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Up to chapter 20, still loving most of the game, though it's certainly got some weak points like some animations and voice overs that totally ruin the mood in certain scenes and the odd bad visual here and there. I don't think there are that serious technical issues and I like how it seems that when it can't handle a given frame rate, instead of skipping frames and having your animations and characters jump, it actually slows down so that you don't lose frames and control, everything you'd normally view is there, just slower. It's certainly not awful like playing a PC game like The Witcher 2 on a PC that can't quite handle it to the point it's an annoying mess (guh, loved how smooth the game was on my aging PC until I hit Flotsam). It only gets really bad very occasionally in certain areas, even in the city (like under the bridge, or the busier plazas). Exploring the city reminds me of Shenmue with all the random stuff popping up and how busy it is, just not as detailed on the micro scale (few indoors and small detail objects). A bigger, better sequel bundled with a HD port running @ 60 fps and ironed out elements here and there would be pretty rad.


Framerate was pretty bad at the start when you fight that tiger, after that it seemed mostly fine though maybe my eyes started to adjust to it since then. If you happen to position the camera in the save point in the bar upstairs the framerate always drops.

I haven't played it in a while, I think I might play some tonight.


I think I have heard an Irish accent among the guard NPCs.

He wasn't as awesome as Welsh or Brummie knight, though.

He probably thinks Syrenne and Lowell are Irish because it doesn't sound like the Queen's English. This is why we can't have nice things like British voices in video games.
I've been playing in 4:3 (less jaggles as anamorphic widescreen presents some) in the hope it would make the framerate better (if drawing too much stuff causes it and 4:3 window will draw less stuff it should work). Sure enough I still get patches where it really tanks. Though I agree with Alextended in it being slowdown instead as the footstep rhythm changes (meaning I'm moving slower). The city was when I started to notice...yay for being framerate blind though I guess a few years of playing PSO:BB at 10FPS does that to you :(

I'm probably not going to play in 16:9 to compare though making the exercise worthless...unless someone is going to tell me its 16:9 only and I've been playing in Giraffe mode for 10 hours...(I'm pretty sure the Wii is on 4:3).

I kind of wish I started the game earlier as it seems to save rather frequently meaning I can enjoy it in smaller sessions.


Neo Member
He probably thinks Syrenne and Lowell are Irish because it doesn't sound like the Queen's English. This is why we can't have nice things like British voices in video games.

You can't have British voices in video games because the voice actors don't have enough experience. Each and every character sounds so completely bored, and the majority sound like they're simply reading from a script.


He probably thinks Syrenne and Lowell are Irish because it doesn't sound like the Queen's English. This is why we can't have nice things like British voices in video games.

I'm not even sure with Syrenne a lot of the time. It sounds vaguely Yorkshire-ish for the most part, but it does veer off into other areas.


You can't have British voices in video games because the voice actors don't have enough experience. Each and every character sounds so completely bored, and the majority sound like they're simply reading from a script.

That's the biggest load of crock I've heard all day. The voice actors of Zael, Lowell, Mirania, Jirall and a bunch of others are TV/theatre actors in Britain. Just because it isn't Cam Clarke or Jennifer Hale doesn't mean they're nobodies that the producers picked off the streets.

I thought Americans would be able to discern and tolerate British dialects, but I guess I'm wrong. There is a cultural gulf despite both being English.



Maybe a bit harsh, but I would still agree with him. Everyone of the mercenaries has one or two defining properties that are repeated over and over.

What, he didn't mention the framerate issues at all? Now I know he didn't play it!

I was surprised about that, too. It's not like you can't notice it. Especially in later fights (when there are a lot of magic circles on the battlefield) and in the city.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Just finished the game. Loved it, and really liked the tight pacing of the story (17 hours clock in). Will play a 2nd time later to do all the side missions. :)

I disagree with the RPGFan review about the characters. Zael and Calista are cute, but not especially memorable (loved Lowell and Miranda). Granted, they're still better than anything FFXIII managed to chuck at me, so one more point for the Gooch in my book.


Maybe a bit harsh, but I would still agree with him. Everyone of the mercenaries has one or two defining properties that are repeated over and over.

Fair enough, but I'm not sure if Syrenne learning that there is more to life than beer and turning her life around would be necessarily better.

In defending the characters and voice-acting I am mainly talking about Syrenne, Lowell, Therius etc. Mirania, Yurick and Zael do tick the one-note, dull delivery box most of the time.

'That's my castle you're kicking down! '


Target the mages and archers first. Always. In that order. They can oneshot or paralyze you given the chance.

lol There are no Irish accents in the game. That about invalidates the credentials of this particular reviewer.

Weapon npc in the tavern?
That's true. No-one in my squad dies as frequently as she does. She's semi-useful in the arena, but in the field all the mages are superior and Dagran is a better melee-character.

Still, I like having her along for the laughs.

Use her chain power up and watch the damage rake up like crazy. Syrenne really is an offensive oriented character, and with her paralyze special attack she's actually one of my favorite allies. Equipping her with some fitting blades will make her a force of nature.

The thing I loved most about the battle system though is that magic actually matters unlike most RPGs where mages have to reach almost max level before being even worth to consider in a fight outside of healing.


Despite the issues the game has I'm really loving it! I really like all the characters, and the voice actings is awesome imo. I guess I'm just not as picky as some? I've made it to chapter 31 or so and I haven't really been playing that long so it just feels as it the game is very short for a JRPG. Hopefully mistwalker makes a sequel and puts on PS3 so I can play in HD :)
This game left a pretty poor first impression but I'm really enjoying it lately. Once you get over the awful framerate, get to know the characters and understand the mechanics of the battle system, it's really good. The game just climaxed for like 4-5 chapters straight and it was completely fucking awesome. Felt like a PS1 FF all over again.

I can't think of an RPG that has a cast this good from top to bottom. There aren't any real standout characters but it doesn't have the dead weight that usually plagues JRPGs. It's not my favourite cast ever or anything but I like that I don't have to deal with an awful design, a terrible voice or a really bad gimmick. Amen to that.


Despite the issues the game has I'm really loving it! I really like all the characters, and the voice actings is awesome imo. I guess I'm just not as picky as some? I've made it to chapter 31 or so and I haven't really been playing that long so it just feels as it the game is very short for a JRPG. Hopefully mistwalker makes a sequel and puts on PS3 so I can play in HD :)

We'll see if anyone fancies giving him funding for another HD game. You know you're in trouble if you have to get Nintendo to finance your RPG.

Microsoft backed his biggest hits, but they seem to have twigged that it isn't worth trying to win in Japan.

Just as long as Sakaguchi doesn't get trapped on iOS forever.
Despite the issues the game has I'm really loving it! I really like all the characters, and the voice actings is awesome imo. I guess I'm just not as picky as some? I've made it to chapter 31 or so and I haven't really been playing that long so it just feels as it the game is very short for a JRPG. Hopefully mistwalker makes a sequel and puts on PS3 so I can play in HD :)

Isn't The Last Story Nintendos IP or co-owned? But I agree about the notion that I want to see a sequel in HD. Most of the issues with the game I had were technical in nature. The game really feels like it's held back by the hardware.


Isn't The Last Story Nintendos IP or co-owned? But I agree about the notion that I want to see a sequel in HD. Most of the issues with the game I had were technical in nature. The game really feels like it's held back by the hardware.
Hmm, I'm not sure if Nintendo owns the IP or not. If so I'd snatch up a Wii U just for a sequel. I bought the wii just for this game. And Xenoblade of course which I've yet to start.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Chapter 24 (with some side stuff), game is very enjoyable and lasts a while despite being so linear. My only real issue so far has been some fights where in the beginning my team is getting knocked out left and right and I lose 2-3 lives so fast I think I should have grinded or something, then suddenly I breeze through all the enemies and win without knowing what changed to enable that.

If anyone can explain it, where it happened last is the side quest where
you're looking for Horace's book in the reptid lair, at the part you can choose to shoot enemies through some iron bars before taking them on head on
. I did use block too. Boss was cool.

I also don't really like the lives, couldn't they just give more health to Zael to balance it in that manner instead of have inexplicable self resurrection? But I only see it in instances as described above anyway so, eh, whatever I guess.


Neo Member
That's the biggest load of crock I've heard all day. The voice actors of Zael, Lowell, Mirania, Jirall and a bunch of others are TV/theatre actors in Britain. Just because it isn't Cam Clarke or Jennifer Hale doesn't mean they're nobodies that the producers picked off the streets.

I thought Americans would be able to discern and tolerate British dialects, but I guess I'm wrong. There is a cultural gulf despite both being English.

Actually I'm a New Zealander and am quite used to British voice actors. Hell, British comedy is the best comedy out there, but the characters in this game (minus Syrenne) sound constantly bored with what they're doing and under experienced. God, I'd hate to hear how NZ voice talent would go tbh.


How the hell are you supposed to defeat the Chapter 21 boss in the tavern? The boss always heals itself and the game takes ages until it realizes (if it actually does...) that I'm pressing A...


Awww yiss I finally picked up my copy this last weekend. Love that the wall of destruction is a move in this game :DDD

On another note, I can't help but wonder how well this game sold. There seem to be piles of copies floating around my usual import stores and websites, when Xenoblade was sold out for a long time upon release. Or maybe this game just received a much larger first print run?


Awww yiss I finally picked up my copy this last weekend. Love that the wall of destruction is a move in this game :DDD

On another note, I can't help but wonder how well this game sold. There seem to be piles of copies floating around my usual import stores and websites, when Xenoblade was sold out for a long time upon release. Or maybe this game just received a much larger first print run?

Sales weren't too good. The Wii is dead and Nintendo did not bother to advertise the game. The game's also already down by 10-20€, I paid 40€ for the LE.


Sales weren't too good. The Wii is dead and Nintendo did not bother to advertise the game. The game's also already down by 10-20€, I paid 40€ for the LE.

Dang. Now I feel bad for not buying it day one. Forgive me, Gooch!

I'm really enjoying it so far though. Some quick impressions, 5 hours in:

+ Battle system is unique, albeit bizarre and confusing for the first hour or two
+ Character and world designs are lovely
+ Music is good; I am one of the few that dislike Uematsu (don't shoot me!) but his maudlin Celtic style suits this game quite well

- Controls can be weird and janky (that camera! And climbing the ladders...reminds me of Lost Odyssey)
- The romance scenes make me cringe

Overall, I'm enjoying it a heck of a lot more than Lost Odyssey, the only other Mistwalker game I've played (and a better comparison point than Xenoblade IMO). If MW keep up at this rate of improvement their next game is going to be stellar.


Sucks about the sales :(

What do I do about that boy who calls out for Mari? I keep sighting him, but don't know what to do afterwards. Some lady told me he's looking for his sister?


Sales weren't too good. The Wii is dead and Nintendo did not bother to advertise the game. The game's also already down by 10-20€, I paid 40€ for the LE.

I just ordered another LE from HMV because I don't think my OzGameShop one will turn up, if that helps :p


Yeah. Truth is, this is a hugely impressive 1-2 punch from Nintendo, making the Wii potentially the strongest JRPG console this gen, as far as quality goes.
i just dont understand how you could possibly think this. Seriously, wii is your only homeconsole, right?


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
How the hell are you supposed to defeat the Chapter 21 boss in the tavern? The boss always heals itself and the game takes ages until it realizes (if it actually does...) that I'm pressing A...

Fire, spells or those torches in the tavern, and magic circles.


i just dont understand how you could possibly think this. Seriously, wii is your only homeconsole, right?

there are just not that many jrpgs this gen outside of the portable scene. (id include stuff like tales of graces, fragile and fire emblem in the list though)


Where did u see at that price? I'm interested in buying this.

It's 47.95€ in Germany, paired with a coupon you received for registering for the newsletter. Prices for the LE are going up now again, Amazon sold out at that price.
Unless you live in Germany, it's no viable option because of expensive shipping costs.


Sucks about the sales :(

What do I do about that boy who calls out for Mari? I keep sighting him, but don't know what to do afterwards. Some lady told me he's looking for his sister?

There is an alley on the north side of the street if you walk down on the right. Use it to find a ladder and climb onto the roof. It should be in a corner. You'll notice a "Climb" notification when near it. Talk to him and initiate the quest.


stayed up till 8:00 finishing up my first playthrough. I absolutely adored this game. I can't wait to start a second playthrough and finish my remaining upgrades and side quests. I only missed like 3 but I did all the extra chapters. Easily the most fun I've had with a Jrpg in several years. My favorite rpg this gen by far, including Xenoblade, and I still haven't touched multiplayer.


stayed up till 8:00 finishing up my first playthrough. I absolutely adored this game. I can't wait to start a second playthrough and finish my remaining upgrades and side quests. I only missed like 3 but I did all the extra chapters. Easily the most fun I've had with a Jrpg in several years. My favorite rpg this gen by far, including Xenoblade, and I still haven't touched multiplayer.
I just finished playing through the main story a few hours ago and I have to agree, this is by far my favorite JRPG from this gen. I havent gone into the epilogue stuff, and probably won't for a while since I'm starting up Tales of Graces F now, but the Last Story was a great game. I hope this is the direction mistwalker takes with their games going forward.


started the game yesterday and got to the first boss.
One quick question: which configuration do you guys use?
Nunchuck & Wiimote or Classic Controller? Auto or Normal Attacks?


started the game yesterday and got to the first boss.
One quick question: which configuration do you guys use?
Nunchuck & Wiimote or Classic Controller? Auto or Normal Attacks?

Classic Controller + Normal/Manual Attack.

Never tried wiimote combo but I would recommend Normal Attack.


Wiimote/Nunchuck + Manual. I thought Auto was fine until I changed to manual, it was a night and day difference.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
I played with manual at first, then switched to auto because the dodge/cover input placement was better (a button instead of d-pad down) and it didn't really negatively affect the feel of the game as you still choose who to attack with the direction input. Now I think I'll switch back to manual because my dude keeps hitting shit all around him when I just wanna dodge out of the way mashing the A button, heh, it's only a problem in crowded fights though, or if I get cornered, but that's also when it really hurts.


Hey dudes, does anyone have some tips on armour/weapon upgrading? I've just been upgrading stuff as I go, should I be saving my materials for better gear down the line?

Also is there anything missable in the game, I've gotten to level 25 and have yet to find/see a sidequest. Looks like there's no quest log in this game?


Hey dudes, does anyone have some tips on armour/weapon upgrading? I've just been upgrading stuff as I go, should I be saving my materials for better gear down the line?

Also is there anything missable in the game, I've gotten to level 25 and have yet to find/see a sidequest. Looks like there's no quest log in this game?

I chose the best-looking gear and kept upgrading that. So far, I am managing all right. I wasted more material on swords, which you do have to change now and then. There are a lot of blacksmith-materials, though. No problem at all so far.

ALso, I think some chapters can be missed, like a side-mission delving into Yurick's past.

I continued playing today and it feels like I am close to the end. Maybe I'll finish it this weekend.

PS: still awesome, but
re-using bosses seems a bit lazy


I chose the best-looking gear and kept upgraind that. So far, I am managing all right. I wasted more material on swords, which you do have to change now and then. There are a lot of blacksmith-materials, though. No problem at all so far.

ALso, I think some chapters can be missed, like a side-mission delving into Yurick's past.

Oh cool, thanks for the response! I think I did that quest,
the one on the sunken ship?
Still loving the game so far and looking forward to each play session. This gen is finally getting some top-tier RPGs.


Hey dudes, does anyone have some tips on armour/weapon upgrading? I've just been upgrading stuff as I go, should I be saving my materials for better gear down the line?

Also is there anything missable in the game, I've gotten to level 25 and have yet to find/see a sidequest. Looks like there's no quest log in this game?

The side quests involving
Yurick and Mirania on the ship cannot be skipped, unless I'm mistaken. Dagran will continuously mention they want to talk to you. You might be able to forcefully skip them by choosing negative options when speaking with them but I haven't tried that.

As far as the upgrading goes, the game sort of drops a hint. It's your weapons that are really going to matter, not your armor. That being said, there's nothing wrong with upgrading Heavy Armor. Upgrading Heavy Armor for Zael is generally a good idea. I never found a use for any of the other armor abilities (except the Cloth Armor's faster casting for Mirania). By the end of the game, you should have a lot of money and items necessary to upgrade your armor to the max.

In terms of weapon upgrading, that can border on spoilerish. Try and upgrade weapons with elemental affinities or Reptid/Gurak strengths. Always have a high level anti-Reptid weapon on you if you can. Anything that boosts Slash or Vertical Slash are also helpful.

Finally, in terms of Yurick (again, somewhat spoilerish):
Upgrade the shit out of his Momento Dagger. It is the only weapon he needs and he becomes an absolute beast with it upgraded.
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