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The Leftovers S2 |OT| We're Going To Texas - [Renewed for 3rd and final season]


My take is that Kevin doesn't want to admit he's hallucinating (to himself, let alone Nora) because he doesn't want to end up like his dad.

I mean, it seems obvious according to current show lore that these arent hallucinations and they are gifted in some way. None the less i really enjoyed bringing her character back to talk shit to him. good stuff


I think those MIT dudes talking about another departure happening freaked her out enough over losing her family a 2nd time that she was getting that house in this "protected" town one way or another.
I thought it was hilarious how the whole thing played out. "You think it might happen again? -Why not?" You know, because that thought had never occurred to her before, nor to anybody around her or on TV, etc, for the past three years.
Nope, that waited three years, just so she could now decide to move to the season 2 location.


I thought it was hilarious how the whole thing played out. "You think it might happen again? -Why not?" You know, because that thought had never occurred to her before, nor to anybody around her or on TV, etc, for the past three years.
Nope, that waited three years, just so she could now decide to move to the season 2 location.

Its not much of a stretch to see how validation from other people could impact somebody''s decisions. Sure they may have thought these things but humans are humans and it didnt seem strange at all to me how this played out. Denial is a powerful thing.


Its not much of a stretch to see how validation from other people could impact somebody''s decisions.
In three years, she had plenty of time to get that kind of validation.
(and what validation that is: "why not?" clearly, those people know what they're talking about, this changes everything)


In three years, she had plenty of time to get that kind of validation.
(and what validation that is: "why not?" clearly, those people know what they're talking about, this changes everything)
Selectively quoting someone never looks good. Get with the times, man.


Well this image makes sense now:

Also - leftovers subreddit comment that I didn't catch: "Isaac's (hand-painting dude) house was being rented by the Garveys and it got burnt."

I'm still confused about that part

Isaac was in their rented house illegally? Or Isaac rented the house to the Garvey's?

Isaac didn't seem like he was planning on leaving any time soon either...


In three years, she had plenty of time to get that kind of validation.
(and what validation that is: "why not?" clearly, those people know what they're talking about, this changes everything)

For most of those three years, Nora didn't have a family to worry about losing.


Selectively quoting someone never looks good.
Heh, I missed that kind of reaction from the Lost threads...
Sorry, but I'm not sure how the rest of your post changes anything to what I just said. In fact, that might just be why I didn't quote the whole thing (and I'm not convinced you would have reacted at all if I hadn't quoted anything).

Seriously, how long do you think it takes for somebody who just went through a disastrous earthquake to wonder "shit, what if it happens again?" How long do you think it takes for the media to publicly ask that question? Do three years of "denial", as you put it, seem likely to you, really?
I love the song, but I hate it whenever they use it in a post-Fight Club movie or television show. Ever since that movie whenever they need a "hey guys, this character is actually crazy... or is he?!" scene they use that song.

Mr. Robot used it pretty tastefully.

I hope these ghost appearances aren't going to be in every episode, that will get annoying quick.


It's not that she suddenly seemed concerned about that prospect, but rather that she sounded like she hadn't even considered the idea. In three years. Which is idiotic.

Guess my thinking something you like is poorly written allows you to act like that.

Actually its just you being an asshat and selectively quoting me again that did that but I wouldn't expect you to get that.


Actually its just you being an asshat and selectively quoting me again
Yes, I didn't quote your "get with the times, man" (was I supposed to respond to that, really?), and that makes me an asshat.

And I did it again, too! Removing that "but I wouldn't expect you to get that" from your post completely altered its meaning and makes me an even worse person. That's how these things work, apparently.


I'm still confused about that part

Isaac was in their rented house illegally? Or Isaac rented the house to the Garvey's?

Isaac didn't seem like he was planning on leaving any time soon either...

Isaac was going to rent the house to the Garvey's

Remember how John was giving him shit for not having the proper accommodations(indepent stairs,etc) for renting?


Hunky Nostradamus
I thought that was decent, however, I still don't feel like we ever needed to see the Garvey's again. They definitely feel shoehorned into the narrative.

Also, Kevin is fucking INFURIATING. He tells Nora about killing Patti, but won't tell her about his hallucinations? Come on.



What, you didn't like how the Police didn't bother and just released Kevin? Meh, may have killed a GR person, let him go.

The positive thing about the ep was Patty saying to him about not being sure if he's part of the new family's story or they are part of his. Could be interesting if isn't left only for ghost rambling and teasing.
I thought that was decent, however, I still don't feel like we ever needed to see the Garvey's again. They definitely feel shoehorned into the narrative.

Yup, the new family is far more compelling and more interesting than the Garvey's.

Should have dumped the Garvey's along with everyone else from season 1.

Or had Amy show up and run naked through the woods with Evvie....
In Lindelof-land, murder isn't a big deal, as long as the victim isn't one of the "good" guys. See also.

To be fair, the guilty remnant are thoroughly despised and dehumanised to the point where people don't see them as human any more. Lindy just didn't do a good job conveying this in the first season, he made them out to be a nuisance.

And let's not forget that he didn't actually kill her. She did kill herself, he just didn't report it and hid the body. Although it was rather annoying to see him just walk.

I can't believe I'm defending this show...


let's not forget that he didn't actually kill her. She did kill herself, he just didn't report it and hid the body.
Well, yes, but as far as the authorities / Nicole Fury were concerned, I imagine it simply looked like murder.
(also, it looks like Kevin would have killed her, if he hadn't "woken up"... she didn't tie herself up on a chair in the woods)


I mean, it seems obvious according to current show lore that these arent hallucinations and they are gifted in some way. None the less i really enjoyed bringing her character back to talk shit to him. good stuff

Obvious to us. Kevin is both not in possession of everything WE know, as well as having his father as an example. He honestly thinks he's just plain going crazy and is trying to fight that as much as possible.

What, you didn't like how the Police didn't bother and just released Kevin? Meh, may have killed a GR person, let him go.

I had issues with that until I was reminded that ATFEC gave less than a shit about GR and actively hated them in the first season. Remember the episode where Gladys is killed and they basically ask Kevin if he'd be cool with them coming in and "exterminating" the Mapleton branch?

A dead GRer is something to be thrown in an incinerator and forgotten about in their eyes.


Yeah, but still. It felt like because of the move they wanted to put everything on the table, starting with the confessions at the start of the episode and then tying loose ends like Patty's death even though they didn't have something worthwhile to show.

Kevin wanted to be caught and i'm not sure what he was expecting to be facing but it felt like they wanted to bring up everything and then quickly sweep it aside so they can continue with the move to Texas. The best thing about Miracle is that we probably shouldn't hear about GR groups again. I still can't believe about last season how the cops did nothing to arrest the members for breaking and entering into people's homes.
My interest has officially been piqued.

I've been thinking about giving this show a watch lately. Saw a trailer and the premise looks really interesting. Would you guys recommend it? On a scale of "The Wire" to "Under The Dome", where would you rank it?

Honestly, it's super polarizing thus far. You might like it, you might hate it. I adored the first season, and don't hesitate to recommend it, but it's definitely not cheery in any way.

Depression: The Show is an apt description, but I found the character journeys super compelling and while some people are frustrated by the mystery, I think it was great (this is probably because I was never burned by Lost as some other folks were).


Hunky Nostradamus

552K viewers

Just watched the second episode.

The first episode really pushed my curiosity to watch the second one.

But the way the went back and completed the story till they reach their new house.

The phenomenon happening again was a bit scary. But like lost I feel like they will mix science fiction and spiritual aspects.

And learning from lost they want to keep the threads tightly woven i.e. The second episode.

I would be glad as long as they answer the mysteries with in the season.



552K viewers


Pretty sad considering the quality. But this is a thing that seems to be happening more and more and im not sure the right metrics are in place to actually record what audience is doing what. But maybe its irrelevant since all that matters are the broad trends.


This second episode was so damn claryifing and in this kind of shows is something to be thankful.

However, I'm still having no clue about the opening of the first episode. I mean, what the hell with those prehistoric women? It is obviously related with the lake but damn... I want to know now!

Ps: I fucking love Nora, she is so damn hot!


Really enjoyed the second spisode. It's a bummer the ratings are so low though. Cancellations appears to be on the horizon, I guess.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Already starting to see characters doing dumb shit again.
Main guy won't talk about his hallucinations. Makes no fucking sense.
The season premiere was really great. I was liking the new family until bitch ass father/fire captain. Winslow didn't deserve that. Anyway, this town is suspect as hell. Also, I really liked the intro with the woman and child. Beautiful and sad. The new opening sucks, especially the music.

And holy shit at that ending.


Episode 2 was great as well. It was really nice learning of the aftermath of season 1 and how they ended up in Miracle. Wow at Kevin being in the lake. Sleep walk suicide attempt, maybe? I also really want to know if ghost Patti is indeed legit and not just his imagination. There's clearly something supernatural going on with show, and all the coincidences have to mean something, right? (The house they were renting being the one that was burned down; Winslow being right about something bad happening to asshole fireman; the daughter and friends vanishing; Kevin being in the same lake)
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