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The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky Official Thread |OT|

SpaceDrake said:
The non-SC-spoiler version, as it is a hair unclear:

Joshua always remembered that Ouroboros and "someone" had sent him to attack Cassius, and that failure seems to have meant death; Cassius saved him and took him home, and Joshua was thus living in constant mortal terror that the agents of Ouroboros would one day come for him again. Remember that scene at the hotel toward the end of chapter 4, when it turned out to be Sieg dropping off a memo? There's a reason Joshua was so paranoid. And it's why he's so paranoid about meeting a man with "ash-blonde hair" - he remembers that's another ranking agent, and if he's around, that probably means Ouroboros is after Joshua.

Joshua doesn't want to drag the Brights, or especially Estelle, into that mess. But that's what eats him up and what Weissmann, AKA Alba, makes him realize; Ouroboros has ALWAYS been there, he's been a mole from the start, and Weissmann's had his eye on J the entire time. Weissmann and company probably could have polished Estelle, at least, off at any moment; they just chose not to, because Joshua was more useful where he was. Now that Cassius is dealt with and phase one of the plan is over, Joshua is "free" to do what he wants... while living with the memories of having quietly betrayed Estelle over and over. Remember those moments when J would just disappear for a bit?

Weissmann's intent is pretty much stated: either the memories will torment Joshua back into the fold, or drive him away or to try to fight Ouroboros himself, where he will be... dealt with. Either way, Ouroboros gets ahead. That's what Weissmann did - he made Joshua realize the scope of what was really going on and remember exactly who sent him and what he was really sent to do. Joshua was a sleeper agent who's just been woken up.

Thanks. That is generally what I suspected, although it does make Joshua's intentions and though process a bit clearer.

Also, how do you guys know all the spoilers? Just read the story to find out what happens? Play the others in Japanese with a guide/read Japanese?
SpaceDrake, your spoilered summary was really good, thanks for that. I beat the game on the PC about a year ago, but I was always a bit unsure of the entire scope of the revelation, especially
how much of Joshua's memories were sealed.

Do you think things would make sense if I played through the first game again? For instance
I actually don't remember any times that Joshua disappeared for a while, but I can imagine it might be difficult to notice. The bit with Sieg was pretty obvious though in hindsight. As well as Alba's suspicious activities in the 2nd tower.

Also, I liked how in the 3rd (game)
you see Joshua actually looking out for the Ouroboros in one of the Moon Door scenes
SerArthurDayne said:
Also, how do you guys know all the spoilers? Just read the story to find out what happens? Play the others in Japanese with a guide/read Japanese?

You can pick up everything I mentioned above just by paying close attention to what happens in FC. SC spells it out a little bit more clearly in the opening just in case you missed it, but it's all there.

Aveyn Knight said:
Do you think things would make sense if I played through the first game again? For instance
I actually don't remember any times that Joshua disappeared for a while, but I can imagine it might be difficult to notice. The bit with Sieg was pretty obvious though in hindsight. As well as Alba's suspicious activities in the 2nd tower.

You'll notice a lot of stuff for sure.
One precise example of Joshua up and disappearing for a while is the trip to the Valeria Lakeshore during the Bose chapter. He goes out to "read" and then disappears for like an hour.


You know Cassius has probably seen through this all already. He took Joshua home even though
Ouroboros sent J to assassinate him. Ouroboros's plan might have been to keep Cassius away by getting him to go back to the military, but something tells me he probably believes in Estelle and Joshua to see their problems through to the end themselves. Growing pains :D. I just don't see how a brilliant strategist such as he could have Ouroboros and Joshua's activities fly right under him. Can't wait for SC to prove me right!
Solune said:
You know Cassius has probably seen through this all already. He took Joshua home even though
Ouroboros sent J to assassinate him. Ouroboros's plan might have been to keep Cassius away by getting him to go back to the military, but something tells me he probably believes in Estelle and Joshua to see their problems through to the end themselves. Growing pains :D. I just don't see how a brilliant strategist such as he could have Ouroboros and Joshua's activities fly right under him. Can't wait for SC to prove me right!

Three words:
Reverse sleeper agent!

He knew he was a good kid, but
like you said, Cassius has too many balls in play to be taken like that. He's Gandalf with a Adolph Menjou 'stache.
SpaceDrake said:
You can pick up everything I mentioned above just by paying close attention to what happens in FC. SC spells it out a little bit more clearly in the opening just in case you missed it, but it's all there.

You'll notice a lot of stuff for sure.
One precise example of Joshua up and disappearing for a while is the trip to the Valeria Lakeshore during the Bose chapter. He goes out to "read" and then disappears for like an hour.

No I got that. I was just curious about the explicit SC and trilogy spoilers specifically. Just curious if you guys are just reading the story in advance, playing with fan translations (if they even exist), or actually speak the language and are playing imports (or I guess live somewhere else and speak English, too).
I played the licensed Chinese versions myself (patiently waiting for a release date for the Chinese version of Zero no Kiseki). Not sure how well the Chinese translation fares compared to the original Japanese version, but I played the opening of the English version and everything seems as I'd expect. So all the important stuff is there I guess.

I have a feeling most (of the few) people here with knowledge of the other games are fairly well versed in the Japanese language. I know SpaceDrake is in the localisation biz, although I'm not sure what they do specifically and I can't remember if they've played the games or read up about them ^^;;;
That is pretty encouraging; every bit of sales helps. Wonder what the Europe LE will look like, though...

Aveyn Knight said:
I have a feeling most (of the few) people here with knowledge of the other games are fairly well versed in the Japanese language. I know SpaceDrake is in the localisation biz, although I'm not sure what they do specifically and I can't remember if they've played the games or read up about them ^^;;;

Both Robin and I are fans of the games and Robin's played/is playing through them now, actually. We actually had our eye on them for a PC release on Carpe Fulgur's formational period, before XSEED announced their Falcom deal. (Of course, whether or not we could have negotiated that deal at the time as a pair of nobodies is another question entirely.


After beating TitS, I got curious like many others and decided to play through the Gagharv trilogy, and so far I'm pleasantly surprised. The localization may be a huge turn off for some, but I was able to bypass that. When a strange sentence appeared I merely put my own spin on it in my head and was able to enjoy the dialogue. Anyways, I thought I'd weigh in on my experience for those who may be interested.

The world of Gagharv is huge, the setting for A Tear of Vermillion is one of three worlds split by the 'Gagharv.' Just like FC for TitS, I think AToV lays a good foundation for the rest of the trilogy, though I've just started PotMW which was released first in Japan, so I can't comment on if it was the right decision for Bamco to switch the order.

As for the story itself, you can't complain about it. An archetypical journey that Avin sets out on to save his sister with twists and turns, and the eventual path to glory. Regardless of the poor localization you still understand what the characters are going through. Tough situations, sacrifice, comradery, love; all what you'd expect out of the story. Unlike TitS, the end of ATOV doesn't have a major twist (well, maybe) that immediately leads into the next game but there is definitely some form of buildup.

The battle system for AToV and PotMW is a little mediocre. It resembles TitS, but the field is gridless and turn order hidden. I dislike the long cast times on spells and the battlefield shifting depending on which way you bump into enemies, which makes sense, but it spreads the enemies out further so I can't AoE them down quickly :( . The battles are more difficult than in TitS on Normal though. I've found myself Game Overed at least 3 times throughout mostly due to my negligence of healing, and the last boss is definitely harder than the one in TitS.

If you're able to work your brain around some of the botched translations, I think these games are in reality pretty good and if you're interested I'd recommend trying them, you may actually like them. I'd love to see these receive a proper localization one day, maybe the PC version on Steam? You guys could still do that right SpaceDrake? :)

P.S. What's up with no play time? I think I clocked in at ~40 hours.


Duran said:
After beating TitS, I got curious like many others and decided to play through the Gagharv trilogy, and so far I'm pleasantly surprised. The localization may be a huge turn off for some, but I was able to bypass that. When a strange sentence appeared I merely put my own spin on it in my head and was able to enjoy the dialogue. Anyways, I thought I'd weigh in on my experience for those who may be interested.

The world of Gagharv is huge, the setting for A Tear of Vermillion is one of three worlds split by the 'Gagharv.' Just like FC for TitS, I think AToV lays a good foundation for the rest of the trilogy, though I've just started PotMW which was released first in Japan, so I can't comment on if it was the right decision for Bamco to switch the order.

As for the story itself, you can't complain about it. An archetypical journey that Avin sets out on to save his sister with twists and turns, and the eventual path to glory. Regardless of the poor localization you still understand what the characters are going through. Tough situations, sacrifice, comradery, love; all what you'd expect out of the story. Unlike TitS, the end of ATOV doesn't have a major twist (well, maybe) that immediately leads into the next game but there is definitely some form of buildup.

The battle system for AToV and PotMW is a little mediocre. It resembles TitS, but the field is gridless and turn order hidden. I dislike the long cast times on spells and the battlefield shifting depending on which way you bump into enemies, which makes sense, but it spreads the enemies out further so I can't AoE them down quickly :( . The battles are more difficult than in TitS on Normal though. I've found myself Game Overed at least 3 times throughout mostly due to my negligence of healing, and the last boss is definitely harder than the one in TitS.

If you're able to work your brain around some of the botched translations, I think these games are in reality pretty good and if you're interested I'd recommend trying them, you may actually like them. I'd love to see these receive a proper localization one day, maybe the PC version on Steam? You guys could still do that right SpaceDrake? :)

P.S. What's up with no play time? I think I clocked in at ~40 hours.

I did the SAME exact thing after beating TitS. I've owned the Garghav trilogy for awhile on PSP and started playings Tears a few weeks after completeing Trails. My experience with it seemed far worse than what you gathered from it, lol! I stopped playing it after about a week, but I think I am near the end. I just couldn't play it any longer.

The battle system is HORRIBLE, the pacing is MEGA slow, and the translation is so bad it literally was making me lightheaded and dizzy. It's such a shame because the PC original version looked so much better. I can't believe the battle system was 'simplified'. As far as the characters, Avin and Mile, they're 'maybe cool?'. They have nothing on Estelle and Joshua though.

The only thing I kinda dug was the world and some of its history. I loved how the main continents were surrounded by impassible natural disasters. I believe in one cardinal direction there was an ocean with a deep mist that never subsided. Another direction there was a great-canyon-like rift in the ocean. There were mountains surrounding one continent that were so rugged and high no one ever dared to climb or explore them, it was something like that. I thought that world concept was pretty cool actually.


Really happy that Ghostlight are publishing this in Europe. They did a really nice special edition for P3P. The only thing stopping me is the situation with the second game. I know XSEED are dedicated to localizing it but it does worry me that they haven't figured out how to deliver it yet.
Duran said:
If you're able to work your brain around some of the botched translations, I think these games are in reality pretty good and if you're interested I'd recommend trying them, you may actually like them. I'd love to see these receive a proper localization one day, maybe the PC version on Steam? You guys could still do that right SpaceDrake? :)

The real problem with doing the PC versions of Gagharv is that they are CRAZY mondo old, I mean they are over a decade old. The Windows versions of White Witch and Tear of Vermillion are basically straight ports of the PC-98 versions, 16-bit graphics and all. Cagesong of the Ocean looks a little better, but... only a tiny little. All three games run on DirectX5... just to give you guys some idea. They run in 16-bit color mode and require Pentium IIs, ffs. So there may be compatibility issues, the games only run in 640x480 (although Fortune Summoners is like this too) so no widescreen, no controller support, etc etc etc.

Of course, the PC versions have the proper version of the Gagharv combat engine, as seen here:


It's much easier to see what Trails' combat evolved out of when you play the PC versions of the Gagharv games.

So on some level, I'd sort of like to see it happen, but Gagharv is a series whose commercial viability has, sadly, come and gone on the PC. At best we could try to release the games on GOG or something, but how many buyers we'd get would be a question mark and we'd have to convince Falcom to sell each game for, like, less than ten bucks. That'd be a hard road to hoe.


That was mostly wishful thinking, decade old games probably aren't worth the effort in a business. I'm glad there is a translation project going on though.
Hello folks, just started playing this one, basically 30 min in. I was just wondering on what camera setting did you guys use and also any tips for a new player?


I'm waiting for "The Drop" on the PSblog to see if this goes on sale this Tuesday. I'm getting it this week either way.


Melhisedek said:
Hello folks, just started playing this one, basically 30 min in. I was just wondering on what camera setting did you guys use and also any tips for a new player?

The big thing to remember about the beginning is to not get discouraged. It's been the hardest part of the game so far, and it requires a lot of patience and strategic measures since it's so easy to die. I found that setting my character positions to the back really helped, as well as training right outside the city and going back into Rolent to rest at the inn. ALWAYS try to get a preemptive attack, it can change the swing of battle. Once you get past the prologue, the game starts picking up and while I wouldn't call it easy, it does become more manageable.


Melhisedek said:
Hello folks, just started playing this one, basically 30 min in. I was just wondering on what camera setting did you guys use and also any tips for a new player?

Free rotation is probably the best camera setting..in any game.


I love this game! I haven't felt so compelled to keep playing an RPG and follow the story in a loooong time. I really hope the sequels get released too.
Daaaarn this game is hard! I keep slaughtered in the prologue. Am I missing something or? Will it be this hard the whole time or? Also should I sell sepith for money to buy healing and revive items?

And lastly what are the chances to see following games in english?
Melhisedek said:
Daaaarn this game is hard! I keep slaughtered in the prologue. Am I missing something or? Will it be this hard the whole time or? Also should I sell sepith for money to buy healing and revive items?

And lastly what are the chances to see following games in english?
Combat does get easier once you get the hang of things. Double-check your orbment setup to make sure it's optimized for a good balance of offensive, healing and support skills, as well as stat enhancements. Don't sell any sepith at this point - save it for opening orbment slots and synthesizing quartz. You should craft most of your healing items instead of buying them - getting recipes at cafes and raw ingredients from shops or monster drops will be much less expensive. Remember that you can return to your house to rest for free as necessary.

I expect to see SC at least in English, though in what format, when, and whether we'll get any further entries is up in the air. The abysmal position of the PSP in the Western market and being so many entries behind Japan make things difficult.


Grrr,again this game at times...I went on the road that told me there was a special monster to kill in a sidequest a few times and saw nothing..loading my last save this morning,the sidequest expired,I head out for my next mission and there they are,with the nice exterminate window hehe...and it`s a hard one and i`m back with only Joshua and Estelle for now,I absolutly get ganged up on and die so I`ll have to abuse the retry button to beat those guys(chapter 3).


Oh no, the mission to kill a monster in the Nebel Valley expired for me. Will missing this have any nasty consequences later in the game? :(


DonMigs85 said:
Oh no, the mission to kill a monster in the Nebel Valley expired for me. Will missing this have any nasty consequences later in the game? :(

Pretty sure you just miss out on the extra BP and mira.

Melhisedek said:
Daaaarn this game is hard! I keep slaughtered in the prologue. Am I missing something or? Will it be this hard the whole time or? Also should I sell sepith for money to buy healing and revive items?

Things get much better in the next chapter and onwards. Just spend some time leveling up right outside Rolent, and heal at home whenever necessary.
Am in the
mine in the prologue
right now and enemies take ages to beat but give like 1 xp ( this is outside). Are they leveling with me or? I also have best gear I could find. It is pretty slow so far
DonMigs85 said:
Oh no, the mission to kill a monster in the Nebel Valley expired for me. Will missing this have any nasty consequences later in the game? :(

better get used to that or check the board after every miniscule event scene. sidequests are optional, you'll miss some BP and money and might not be rewarded the best items at the end for ignoring the majority of sidequests, but that's about it. the game is manageable either way.
So I'm thinking about buying this right now, should be finishing up XF by the time it comes along.

But is the LE worth it? I like LEs and that kind jazz, and from the sounds of it kind of akin to the old Lunars (a CD, some trinket). I'm pretty sure it's what I want, but how is it?


Melhisedek said:
Am in the
mine in the prologue
right now and enemies take ages to beat but give like 1 xp ( this is outside). Are they leveling with me or? I also have best gear I could find. It is pretty slow so far

Well not levelling with you per say...it`s the opposite,they are to weak for you now so they give almost no XP...you will need to move the story along and try some sidequests so that you face stronger ennemies that will give you about 15 to 20 exp...it`s never quite more then that,except for Bosses and special road blocking Monsters...
Arghhhh battery died and it is 1am... I should go to sleep, but damn I just explored one of the
old towers with the newspapper folka
, and can see that game can be so epic as you folks made it out to be ;) How long is the game anyway?
DownLikeBCPowder said:
So I'm thinking about buying this right now, should be finishing up XF by the time it comes along.

But is the LE worth it? I like LEs and that kind jazz, and from the sounds of it kind of akin to the old Lunars (a CD, some trinket). I'm pretty sure it's what I want, but how is it?

I thought it was worth it. Soundtrack is great and the Bracer pin is a nice bonus. Plus you're supporting a great game and two great companies.

Melhisedek said:
Arghhhh battery died and it is 1am... I should go to sleep, but damn I just explored one of the
old towers with the newspapper folka
, and can see that game can be so epic as you folks made it out to be ;) How long is the game anyway?

58 hours for me.
DownLikeBCPowder said:
So I'm thinking about buying this right now, should be finishing up XF by the time it comes along.

But is the LE worth it? I like LEs and that kind jazz, and from the sounds of it kind of akin to the old Lunars (a CD, some trinket). I'm pretty sure it's what I want, but how is it?

It can be, if you hold on to them like do. The game itself is very much worth it if you like "adventurey" JRPGs (Gamearts games, Skies of Arcadia, etc).

And XF huh? *brofist*


Just finished up with just under 60 hours. They better release the other ones considering
all the fucking bombs dropped in the last cutscene :eek:
Just got into chapter 2 and got to Ruan and daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn this game's got me unprepared. I just can't put it down. Story is intriguing and makes me wanna know what is going to happen and how it is all connected.

What I'm most impressed with is that the story is plain simple and easy to follow, without "needless" philosophical ideas that end up with explanations that MC is "his own mother" and that the god itself needs to drink from his sweat in order to stop apocalypse (insert joke smiley here)

Anyway, what are some more simple but still good jRPGs ? I've played a fair share of SNES ones (except Lufias and Earthbound) but in later years I've done a RPG here and there so anything is welcome.

Can't thank you enough for making me play this one GAF! Keep up the good work!


Melhisedek said:
Anyway, what are some more simple but still good jRPGs ? I've played a fair share of SNES ones (except Lufias and Earthbound) but in later years I've done a RPG here and there so anything is welcome.

Well, if you don't mind action, I'd say take a look at the Ys series. Ys' Seven and Oath in Felghana are perfect. One is much shorter than the other (Felghana) but somehow, it miraculously leaves the same sense of contentment and fulfillment. They're great games if you give them a chance.

Have you tried Lunar yet? It's a simple old-school RPG with a pretty light atmosphere, making it somewhat similar to TitS. I'd recommed it if you haven't played it yet.

There's also brave story. While the story can get...well, it was probably directed to a children's audience, but it's still a relatively fun game to play through. Has the old school batte system and rando-....encounters..(high frequency man, high frequency).

Radiata on the DS is something you may like. There's actually a lot on the DS like what you're looking for, like the DQ series, but I suppose you're looking for PSP games right?
Well, there's still alot of RPG's on the system, but I'm not sure if alot of them are simple storyline ones. Maybe try out the SO series? They're pretty standard, and great after coming off another RPG.


anddo0 said:
I'm waiting for "The Drop" on the PSblog to see if this goes on sale this Tuesday. I'm getting it this week either way.
I'm probably going to buy this if it gets any kind of sale. I have a $25 gift card that I can't figure out how to spend. I just would hate to spend $30 on this and end up letting it collect digital dust inside my PSP.
Nix said:
but I suppose you're looking for PSP games right?

Well all the systems from PS2 onwards apply tbh, I've missed so much it isn't even funny. Well I hope I can finish both this and Radiata (which I have as well) before Xenoblade hits, but after that I'm open to whatever :)


Grinchy said:
I'm probably going to buy this if it gets any kind of sale. I have a $25 gift card that I can't figure out how to spend. I just would hate to spend $30 on this and end up letting it collect digital dust inside my PSP.

Same here. As soon as it goes on sale, it's mine.

Ditto for Tactics Ogre.
Beat this game recently and I was really, really impressed by it. I want to see this trilogy through. I'd consider it one of the best RPGs I've ever played, I thought it was so good. I'd love to see SC and 3rd hit PSP retail, I'd lap them up in an instant, but obviously that's going to be hard with the way the West has been neglecting the system.

I'd also be open to PC retail, pretty much anything that's not DL-only because that's how I got the first Trails (and is how I plan on getting the other LoH games). I'd at least like to TRY to keep the format the same for the entire series.


Phoenix_Apollo said:
Beat this game recently and I was really, really impressed by it. I want to see this trilogy through. I'd consider it one of the best RPGs I've ever played, I thought it was so good. I'd love to see SC and 3rd hit PSP retail, I'd lap them up in an instant, but obviously that's going to be hard with the way the West has been neglecting the system.

I'd also be open to PC retail, pretty much anything that's not DL-only because that's how I got the first Trails (and is how I plan on getting the other LoH games). I'd at least like to TRY to keep the format the same for the entire series.
as much as I hate DD, I'll take the series in whatever form as long as they're localized. The situation of the PSP in the west is very concerning which makes Zero and Ao less likely to be released in UMD format. But since Im an impatient person, Im planning to just import the JP versions


Phoenix_Apollo said:
Beat this game recently and I was really, really impressed by it. I want to see this trilogy through. I'd consider it one of the best RPGs I've ever played, I thought it was so good. I'd love to see SC and 3rd hit PSP retail, I'd lap them up in an instant, but obviously that's going to be hard with the way the West has been neglecting the system.

I'd also be open to PC retail, pretty much anything that's not DL-only because that's how I got the first Trails (and is how I plan on getting the other LoH games). I'd at least like to TRY to keep the format the same for the entire series.
I haven't played an RPG that I've gushed over like that since Fallout 3. But WRPGs do not completely satisfy my RPG needs. I need JRPG goodness and this looks like it's it. I haven't played a really good JRPG since...well let's not go back that far. Let's just say that that the typcial formula we've come to expect from JRPGs has been absent this generation IMO, since I've been looking for one on my PS3.


At this point I'm half expecting Zero and Ao at the least have to be ported to the Vita or whatever for us to get them. If Aksys can release Fate/Extra and the Otome game at retail then I guess the second game can still hit UMD, though the third is a stretch. Beyond that it's completely out of question pending one of the most unusual market shifts ever.


I much prefer DD to UMD since I'll be able to transfer the games to Vita if I ever get one at some point and there's no fear of busted UMD drives or decaying media. Of course I don't really have much choice anyway since I only have a Go.
I really hope SC makes it, I already persuaded at least 3 other people to buy this game.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
SatelliteOfLove said:
Has there been anyone on Gaf who's played thru FC and NOT enjoyed it? So good to see people keying in on (and buying) something they'd like.

True that, I don't know if there's been a negative impression of this game in any context. The worst complaint is that "It starts off slow, not much happens". Which is true. But what I love about this game is this:

Melhisedek said:
Just got into chapter 2 and got to Ruan and daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn this game's got me unprepared. I just can't put it down. Story is intriguing and makes me wanna know what is going to happen and how it is all connected.

What I'm most impressed with is that the story is plain simple and easy to follow, without "needless" philosophical ideas that end up with explanations that MC is "his own mother" and that the god itself needs to drink from his sweat in order to stop apocalypse (insert joke smiley here)

I love that this game doesn't have any Kingdom Hearts or Xenogears style bullshit.


Unconfirmed Member
DonMigs85 said:
I much prefer DD to UMD since I'll be able to transfer the games to Vita if I ever get one at some point and there's no fear of busted UMD drives or decaying media. Of course I don't really have much choice anyway since I only have a Go.
I really hope SC makes it
, I already persuaded at least 3 other people to buy this game.
Well, you might be in trouble regardless, since the entire problem with SC is that they can't put it on PSN. The way things look right now, it's most likely going to be UMD only (and maybe on PC/Steam as well if they get that worked out with Falcom).

Has there been anyone on Gaf who's played thru FC and NOT enjoyed it? So good to see people keying in on (and buying) something they'd like.
I've seen several people post about not really liking it in other threads, but I don't know how much they played of it.


SatelliteOfLove said:
Yeah, I think I said earlier how the game has little to no "anime logic" to bog it down. That's rare, especially for one so anime in form as is.

I'm not sure how you can experience the ending and say that with a straight face. Not to say I don't love the game and ending but c'mon.


chaosblade said:
Well, you might be in trouble regardless, since the entire problem with SC is that they can't put it on PSN. The way things look right now, it's most likely going to be UMD only (and maybe on PC/Steam as well if they get that worked out with Falcom).

I've seen several people post about not really liking it in other threads, but I don't know how much they played of it.
Well I guess I could buy the UMD and see if I can put an ISO on my Go. I want portability so I'd rather not buy it on Steam (plus I want to import my save data).
TheBranca18 said:
I'm not sure how you can experience the ending and say that with a straight face. Not to say I don't love the game and ending but c'mon.

It almost never ass-pulls, there's a cohesive wholeness to the setting and characters, and the plot is well-thought out, hence almost no Anime Logic.
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