It's really about equality in jRPG journalism
probably a month or two later from NISA, not really a secret I thinkWhat about Europe though?
I'll show myself out
Fall may be a bad idea considering Persona and FFXV are end summer-fall territory.
probably a month or two later from NISA, not really a secret I think
same here. CS2 has priority over everything elseIf Persona/FFXV and CS2 all came out on the same day I would play and complete CS2 before even thinking of touching the other two, I am super hyped for Persona but DAT ENDING of CS1 has been eating at my soul since the end of last year when I finished the first game.
I have watched the opening of CS2 and the gameplay trailer like multiple times every day.
What the hell is going on here?!?! Are they doing a tea party in the middle of a fight? XD
Sharon? Toval? Claire?
Can't wait to build a team of Sharon/Claire/Sara/Laura! :3
If Persona/FFXV and CS2 all came out on the same day I would play and complete CS2 before even thinking of touching the other two, I am super hyped for Persona but DAT ENDING of CS1 has been eating at my soul since the end of last year when I finished the first game.
I have watched the opening of CS2 and the gameplay trailer like multiple times every day.
What the hell is going on here?!?! Are they doing a tea party in the middle of a fight? XD
Sharon is too awesome. She has some really amazing scenes in CS2, including a sidequest that people who played SC will appreciate (though not required to play SC to have fun with it)
CS1 spoilers:So Sharon is a FORMER Enforcer, correct? I was getting bombarded by BOMBZALDROPPENTON during the ending so when I hear both I get confused.
CS1 spoiler response :No, she is on 'extended leave/vacation.'
Dumb speculation:
Compared that Vita and Bleublanc are directly helping the ILF and Nobility faction, I guess their aim is to spark a civil war via ALL THREE sides getting their Gundam on?
Either that or there's a split in the Anime Legion of Doom?
Thirst it don't quit.
I hope there is a retail version in Europe.
I'm hoping it won't be more than the 2 month gap for the first game. Spoilers and discussion will be everywhere while we wait. I want them to reduce the gap as much as possibleCold Steel got one.
I'm hoping it won't be more than the 2 month gap for the first game. Spoilers and discussion will be everywhere while we wait. I want them to reduce the gap as much as possible
I import games when either they don't release here, or the version released is inferior such as VLR being Japanese only despite the US release having dual audio. I'd rather support the games there something that would stop people from importing?
I've been watching the OT for a while and I haven't been spoiled in the slighest.
I import games when either they don't release here, or the version released is inferior such as VLR being Japanese only despite the US release having dual audio. I'd rather support the games locally.
Besides DLC is a factor. Sure I have a US PSN account, but I'd rather stick to my UK and not have any needless hassle. Further more with the Vita'w monumentally stupid single account system it won't be possible to buy DLC for an import while playing on my main account.
Don't forget sava data importing - import games when either they don't release here, or the version released is inferior such as VLR being Japanese only despite the US release having dual audio. I'd rather support the games locally.
Besides DLC is a factor. Sure I have a US PSN account, but I'd rather stick to my UK and not have any needless hassle. Further more with the Vita'w monumentally stupid single account system it won't be possible to buy DLC for an import while playing on my main account.
No mean the EU folks instead of waiting 1-2 months.
DLC I understand. Anyone savvy on how save importing might work between US/EU?
I know that Trails in the Sky on PC was compatible with all the versions I looked at when it comes to save importing.
Don't forget sava data importing -
I guess it boils down to do you trust that person to be telling the truth?
Agreed with the Sharon talk (CS1 spoilers obviously)It's kind of mind blowing to have an Ouroboros enforcer in your party. There's the Joshua precedent I guess, but he wasn't a member of Ouroboros anymore by that time.
Then again, it's congruent with Bracer-related people like Sara and Toval already knowing about it. I guess this will be expanded on further.
Nice. I gotta finish part 1 real fast.
Wonder when they'll announce Tokyo Xanadu. XSEED has no game releases until Cold Steel 2, summer is perfect for Tokyo and some Marvelous games.
#1 on my priority list for 2016 games.
The wait has been painful, but not as painful as the 2 year gap I had for FC->SC
Funny to think that a year ago we only had Trails in the Sky First Chapter and were still desperately waiting for any news on the second part's release. Now we have Trails in the Sky Second Chapter & Trails of Cold Steel I as well, Trails of Cold Steel II isn't too far off and they announced Trails in the Sky The 3rd for a release in 2017 (I'm assuming another Q3/Q4 release). We went from having only 1 out of 7 games to having 5 out of 7 released + confirmed for release.
Two have been released in Japan but they just announced Trails of Cold Steel III recently. No idea about its platforms yet.How many trails of cold Steel are there? I have the original trails in the sky on psp....
Just bought a regular copy of cold Steel to play so I could leave my le edition sealed.
Agreed with the Sharon talk (CS1 & Trails in the Sky FC/SC(?) spoilers obviously)It's kind of mind blowing to have an Ouroboros enforcer in your party. There's the Joshua precedent I guess, but he wasn't a member of Ouroboros anymore by that time.
Then again, it's congruent with Bracer-related people like Sara and Toval already knowing about it. I guess this will be expanded on further.
Snowboarding minigame? Falcom pls
You're absolutely right, and I'm sorry. Huge brainfart there.You know, not everyone has played/completed FC/SC, that bold spoiler probably should have had a warning >.> (I know I'm late on this but that really should have had a warning for non-CS spoilers...)
Funny to think that a year ago we only had Trails in the Sky First Chapter and were still desperately waiting for any news on the second part's release. Now we have Trails in the Sky Second Chapter & Trails of Cold Steel I as well, Trails of Cold Steel II isn't too far off and they announced Trails in the Sky The 3rd for a release in 2017 (I'm assuming another Q3/Q4 release). We went from having only 1 out of 7 games to having 5 out of 7 released + confirmed for release.
IMHO overall it is better. There are more battle themes: New music for normal battle, non-human boss battle, human boss battle, mech battle, challenge chest battle, quest boss battle, friendly boss battle etc. Last 2 were recycled but they used the ones from the Super Arrange album which definately sound better.
My major complaint is that they replaced the dungeon infiltration theme (Atrocious Raid in CS1) without something else which I don't really like.
The OST of CSII is only 2 discs compared to the 4 discs of the first game. Does that mean it has less music overall?