I see, but to me it still wasn't that obvious. Because...
Regarding the mask: why would we rule out people that the player didn't meet yet (for example someone from Rean's past or something like that)? It would also be a *shock* if it was an important character from one of the other games. Also regarding those "codenames" like "C", "V" and "S". Clearly "Vulcan and Scarlet" are nicknames, right? But Crow Armbrust is his real name? Meaning "C" could have also been the initial for a nickname just like Scarlet and Vulcan. That's why Crow just wasn't automatically the first person that came to my mind seeing "C".
Also even if I was wrong about it, I was always sure that Crow is "just" a ranged attacker. I mean even his last name would suggest that (Armbrust meaning Crossbow) and C was using a double saber.
Knowing now that Crow also got that power, I guess that's why Crow got silver hair and red eyes just like Rean when he uses his power? Seems like he can control it without problems then.
Anyway, Falcolm did manage to fool me really hard. I always thought I'm more of a observant person, but maybe I was wrong.

I also didn't watch the opening movie, always afraid that there might be spoilers.
I actually hate when that happens in games / movies / series, but .. I really hope he can be redeemed or something like that.

Crow really grew on me and quickly became my favorite character, I like him even more than Estelle and that does mean something (though I still need to play SC, which Im about to begin). Besides, I do think that his cause is propably a good one, maybe just the wrong way to go at it. Osbourne does seem like a bad person and the ILF members "just" want revenge. We know for example what happened that Vulcan joined the ILF and what part Obsourne had in it.
Man, I really need Cold Steel 2.