I'm at final chapter and as stupid as this sounds, I am not finishing the game until a few weeks before CS2 comes out because I don't want to experience the cliff hanger.
I'm at final chapter and as stupid as this sounds, I am not finishing the game until a few weeks before CS2 comes out because I don't want to experience the cliff hanger.
LOL I wish I had a video of my face during the whole final chapter. It's like the game pulled its punches at the start only to explode at full force near the end. What a ride.
There are a few other occasions where spending one turn to position (a) character(s) behind or on the side of an enemy is beneficial. I.e. when you have enemies with a lot of health who aren't moving all that much but are too far from each other for most AOE craft to hit them all, so moving someone like Rean and Gaius with craft that attack in a straight line into a position where they can hit 2-3 large enemies (& maybe some smaller ones) with tons of HP at once can be a pretty efficient, especially if they simultaneously move into positions where they avoid enemies' similar attacks.
I did get the free pack and have been saving it for later levels (this is what made my cross save fail to work until I also purchased and downloaded the Vita equivalent pack). The fact these iconic Trails enemies are removed and made into a pay to win device makes me a bit sad though, so I don't even know if I'll use it.
I did get the free pack and have been saving it for later levels (this is what made my cross save fail to work until I also purchased and downloaded the Vita equivalent pack). The fact these iconic Trails enemies are removed and made into a pay to win device makes me a bit sad though, so I don't even know if I'll use it.
Oh cool. I guess I'll save them for next playthrough thenThey transfer and you'll get 3 more.
After what happened with FC and the wait to SC, I told myself I wouldn't start the Cold Steel trilogy until the 3Rd game was out in Japan and had a rough release date over here. However I loved SC that much that I couldn't help but give into to the hype and start playing this.i maade thee MISTAKE of watching the Sen no kiseki 2 opening ..
WHAT A MISTAKE .... now it's even harder to wait
it's a mistake but goddamn i'm hyped...
After what happened with FC and the wait to SC, I told myself I wouldn't start the Cold Steel trilogy until the 3Rd game was out in Japan and had a rough release date over here. However I loved SC that much that I couldn't help but give into to the hype and start playing this.
This ending cliffhanger is going to kill me isn't it?
Here's hoping. Anything that's directly story related I usually prefer to wait until they are finished so I can consume them all at once. Be it TV shows, films, books or whatever. Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit were exceptions if only because I'd read the books prior. But this hit at a time when I wasn't sure what to play and I jumped on it.i think you'll be fine .but that's because i've got my RPG fix already and i know the SEN2 is coming this year.. i'm fine with that wait
I'm buying sen 2 day Zero , however
I feel you and I made that same mistake a month ago.i maade thee MISTAKE of watching the Sen no kiseki 2 opening ..
WHAT A MISTAKE .... now it's even harder to wait
it's a mistake but goddamn i'm hyped...
Does the trailer spoil anything big for CS2?I feel you and I made that same mistake a month ago.
I watch that or the demo movie at least twice a day. I spoiled myself on CS2 already as well >.>
Oh boy, pervy grandpa trope, just what the game needed.
Here's hoping. Anything that's directly story related I usually prefer to wait until they are finished so I can consume them all at once. Be it TV shows, films, books or whatever. Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit were exceptions if only because I'd read the books prior. But this hit at a time when I wasn't sure what to play and I jumped on it.
I must be nearing the end of Chapter 6 now so there can't be much left. Maybe I'll leave me nightmare playthrough for just before the 2nd game.
Does the trailer spoil anything big for CS2?
About Final Chapter
I did the festival events with 5 different characters, but when I went to select who I wanted to do the Private Talk cutscene, I only had a choice of one.
Not all of them were Link lv. 5 with Rean, but counting the one that was available, I had more than one character with lv 5 link.
Not sure what I did wrong
I feel you and I made that same mistake a month ago.
I watch that or the demo movie at least twice a day. I spoiled myself on CS2 already as well >.>
Stupid question time: How much will the Opening of ToCS2 spoil me, if I am only at the beginning of chapter 6 (before the field study starts) of ToCS1?
To get the final bonding event, the main classmates have to have lvl 5 link AS WELL AS fulfilling _one_ of the following requirements, either:About Final Chapter
I did the festival events with 5 different characters, but when I went to select who I wanted to do the Private Talk cutscene, I only had a choice of one.
Not all of them were Link lv. 5 with Rean, but counting the one that was available, I had more than one character with lv 5 link.
Not sure what I did wrong
A lot. Don't watch it until you beat the game or you will be spoiled.
I've actually watched that opening, so is it a good thing that I don't remember anything in it.
Come about, the openings to Zero and Ao actually also spoil some things from Sky that I fortunately didn't realize at all until the things actually happened in the game. My visual inattentiveness saved me!
Oh boy, pervy grandpa trope, just what the game needed.
Unfortunately, if you only got 1 final bonding event in the first playthrough, you can't get all of the final bonding events on the second playthrough eitherThanks. Guess I'll be leaving those for my second playthough; probably have them all maxed out by then.
Btw, I just finished the game.It hurts
Does an S rank mean you got all AP during the chapter, or is there a little leeway?
A lot. Don't watch it until you beat the game or you will be spoiled.
Didn't watch it, got spoiled anyways.
Final Chapter Spoilers:
So Crow is C. Damn, wouldn't have guessed that, even though he is the only known Character that starts with a C. And apparently I remembered chapter 5 wrong, because I thought I saw Crow fighting together with group B and as Comrade C at the same time. Anyways, at least now I am really looking forward to the end. I want to learn his motivation and how the others deal with it.
Does the trailer spoil anything big for CS2?
there's very little "romance". There's lots of becoming better friends and closer with people even if one of them you can become closer with if you want but to call it romance is extreme.
There are a few intimate cutscenes, but nothing I'd call straight up romance. The game has a heavier theme of friendship than it does romance.
I'm so tempted to read or even watch certain things. I knew I shouldn't have played this game yet!Glad to see almost everyone had the same reaction to the end as meat least it's out this year.
I'm so tempted to read or even watch certain things. I knew I shouldn't have played this game yet!
Question: Ideally, what version is the better one to get? I have a Vita and a PS3, so I don't mind.
Currently loving the shit out of Ys: Memories of Celceta, so I'll probably give the Trails games a go at some point down the line.
Vita is weaker technically (the framerate is pretty bad in a few instances like outdoors in a big city, loading times are a little bit longer), but I didn't have any huge issues with the Vita version all-in-all. So if you can stomach some framerate drops in a game that isn't all that dependent on smooth framerate from a gameplay perspective, it doesn't really matter what version you get. At that point you should get the one that you think is more convenient to you (do you like playing JRPGs on the go or like the convenience that portability brings games or do you want to sit in front of a the TV to enjoy it on the big screen?)Question: Ideally, what version is the better one to get? I have a Vita and a PS3, so I don't mind.
Currently loving the shit out of Ys: Memories of Celceta, so I'll probably give the Trails games a go at some point down the line.
When is Cold Steel 2!? ;___;
When is Cold Steel 2!? ;___;
In addition to that, don't expect Cold Steel II to wrap up anything, making the wait for Cold Steel III equally unbearable.Look at the bright side. I think the people playing in English have less time to wait than the people who played in Japanese.