Kai said:I'm not getting the mind blown part and I did search it on google - what did they do on purpose?
Maybe the old lady turns into a Super Saiyan in the game.
Kai said:I'm not getting the mind blown part and I did search it on google - what did they do on purpose?
Mael said:It's in the CD :lol
The music so far is really good for a Zelda game.
I mean do you remember the dungeon music of OoT or WW?
Because I sure don't, the 1rst dungeon is the best 1rst dungeon I've played in a Zelda game since...Link's Awakening?
And I'm not only talking of the music either.
Since OoT I've gotten used to the fact that 80% of the time you'll spend hearing a music that's just not that good.
I was pleasantly surprised when I heard the overworld theme of MM, TP and ST but they're the exceptions.
oatmeal said:Yeah, but I mean in game.
oatmeal said:And easy on WW's music.
The theme song and Dragon Roost are still some of the best songs in Zelda.
oatmeal said:Oh my Christ...
Get to the water dragon...
It's seriously ridiculous.
Mael said:Despite everything Xenoblade is still the better game I think, then again that was confirmed when they removed the overworld
Heh me too. I'm not quite sure what to expect anymore. But overall I've lowered my expectations by a fair amount, as it the game does seem to fall through in some of areas where the series needed improvement.ShockingAlberto said:I've lost the plot to this thread.
Near as I can tell, the game is terrible but great, backwards but forwards, fun but tedious, inventive but derivative, with controls that work perfectly except for the 99% of the time when they don't, and they don't add anything except for all the things they add.
Should be fun.
ShockingAlberto said:I've lost the plot to this thread.
Near as I can tell, the game is terrible but great, backwards but forwards, fun but tedious, inventive but derivative, with controls that work perfectly except for the 99% of the time when they don't, and they don't add anything except for all the things they add.
Should be fun.
ShockingAlberto said:I've lost the plot to this thread.
Near as I can tell, the game is terrible but great, backwards but forwards, fun but tedious, inventive but derivative, with controls that work perfectly except for the 99% of the time when they don't, and they don't add anything except for all the things they add.
Should be fun.
ShockingAlberto said:I've lost the plot to this thread.
Near as I can tell, the game is terrible but great, backwards but forwards, fun but tedious, inventive but derivative, with controls that work perfectly except for the 99% of the time when they don't, and they don't add anything except for all the things they add.
Should be fun.
ShockingAlberto said:I've lost the plot to this thread.
Near as I can tell, the game is terrible but great, backwards but forwards, fun but tedious, inventive but derivative, with controls that work perfectly except for the 99% of the time when they don't, and they don't add anything except for all the things they add.
Should be fun.
I am certain this is a troll post because Wind Waker's music is absolutely god-tier stuff of legend.Mael said:I know
WW's music CAN be good! the Dragon Island theme for example is some of the very best I've heard in a game....but you spend a whole lot of 5 sec in that place and there's nothing to do in it. Thank god for the OST!
The theme song is not that good and the overworld music is goddamn boring fitting for the worst overworld in Zelda.
The music for the intro is something of legend though.
I was really surprised how in SS the music is not grating at all at any time so far.
I still prefer Tp's music for the overworld though.
Which reminds me that I prefer the music in TP while playing compared to WW despite the OST of WW being vastly better than the OST of TP
Oh I see it the other way actually. I think my hype and expectations would have been way too high if it wasn't for this thread (and from the fact that reviews weren't all super-dupy happy about the game).Laughing Banana said:Hahahaha.
I guess the best lesson one can gleam from this thread is: fuck other people's opinion, you'll be the ultimate judge whether you will enjoy it or not and no one should convince you otherwise.
A bit, but far from the level everyone expected (not even on Twilight Princess fan service level). By the end, they have room for infinite interquels between Skyward Sword and Ocarina of Time because nothing really "fits" together.Kai said:For those that finished the game - is there some solid tie ins to other games (not just OOT) from a story point of view?
No spoilers obviously but just a yes or no....
Sort of on the level of WW tie in to Ocarina with the sage paintings in the castle under the water and hero of time references?
Didn't you pick it up yesterday? How dare you to be happy two days in a row!!Yoshichan said:IT'S HAPPENING TODAY!
demolitio said:I can't believe how clever they were with the graphics in this game. They disguise the weaker hardware with not only a great art style, but some clever tricks as well. It really does look like a watercolor painting at a distance instead of being a jaggy, low polygon mess while the rest of the world in front of you looks detailed and unique with the art-style making low resolution textures look good enough for you not to care since it's not a realistic setting.
I wish more developers pulled shit like this off because it really works here and the game looks really beautiful at times. Art-style like this can make up for hardware any day...
Is it release time yet?![]()
Metroid Killer said:Oh I see it the other way actually. I think my hype and expectations would have been way too high if it wasn't for this thread (and from the fact that reviews weren't all super-dupy happy about the game).
I will most certainly make my own opinion about it when I start playing, but I think I'll head into it in more realistic manner.
Besides people tend to use too much hyperbole when describing both the good and the bad about it.
cajunator said:I am certain this is a troll post because Wind Waker's music is absolutely god-tier stuff of legend.
Haha, yeah I got it yesterday! But I decided to wait... because FRIIIIIIIIDAY is king!Metroid Killer said:Didn't you pick it up yesterday? How dare you to be happy two days in a row!!
????????jump_button said:Just think and just want to hear what anyone that want Voice acting in the game would you be happy if the Voice acting was in Hyrule? eg like Ico
Mael said:the OST is awesome, it's just too bad that most of the playtime is spent listening to the worst parts.
And I think that's one of the reasons many fans of Nintendo series react so passionately around these new games.Mael said:Yeah actually that's right on the money, I went in with the lowest expectation possible (still higher than what I have for SM3DL since I actually did buy SS) and I can't believe how they managed to make something awesome and yet do some incredibly dumb mistakes like what they did to the overworld.
Ah! We'll have to agree to disagree then I found them pretty much like the overworld : boring.cajunator said:The main theme and ocean themes are my favorite music from the game.
I am fan of Irish themed music and I love the rolling drums (similar to Twilight Princess overworld theme). It was incredibly fun and unforgettable music.
Personnally I'd say Metroid is closer to that with the way Retro handled it.Metroid Killer said:And think that's one of the reasons many fans of Nintendo series react so passionate around these new games.
Eventhough I've absolutely loved most of Nintendo's big titles this generation, it has been bugging for hours that in most games everytime they go two steps forward they take one step backwards.
They fix or improve some aspect of a game but they fucking mess up in another area which was fine as it already was or they introduce a new worthless gimmick.
I guess the Galaxy games have been the closest we have gotten to a Nintendo game where everything is just... better (but they still had to include those birdflying, and ball rolling motion games, just to put a dirty spot on the title.)
jump_button said:Just think and just want to hear what anyone that want Voice acting in the game would you be happy if the Voice acting was in Hyrule? eg like Ico
You mean like other competent developers have done for decades now?The Xtortionist said:Nope. Real languages are fine, but Nintendo would have to hire a competent voice director and scriptwriter so we don't end up with another Other M. Keep Link silent, of course.
Yes,Frillen said:Are there heart pieces in this one?
Metroid Killer said:You mean like other competent developers have done for decades now?
Mael said:Yes,
they're 1/4th again.
Honestly that would be awesome if they did that. You'll never get the entire fanbase to like voice acting no matter how great it would be, having options would be cool. But then again, if a good amount of the players turn of the voices Nintendo probably don't see any reason to do it in the first place.The Xtortionist said:Yes. Daunting, I know.
Oh, and add "voice volume" to the options menu so purists can mute everything if they so please.
Mael said:Yeah actually that's right on the money, I went in with the lowest expectation possible (still higher than what I have for SM3DL since I actually did buy SS) and I can't believe how they managed to make something awesome and yet do some incredibly dumb mistakes like what they did to the overworld.
It's not that I don't want voice-acting in Zelda, I wouldn't mind much.Metroid Killer said:Edit: ^I have nothing goddamn it! ;_;
Honestly that would be awesome if they did that. You'll never get the entire fanbase to like voice acting no matter how great it would be, having options would be cool. But then again, if a good amount of the players turn of the voices Nintendo probably don't see any reason to do it in the first place.
Did you voice them already or anything that might be interesting.weeaboo said:The game is good and I'm enjoying it a lot but is just not perfect. SS is a genuine new approach to the series and as something new has flaws. I have a solid list of solid complaints but nothing game breaking. I mean, geez, there's a lot of hate-hyperbole in this thread.
I would prefer a Zelda that went for option B personally as well.Dascu said:It's not that I don't want voice-acting in Zelda, I wouldn't mind much.
It's just that A) It's so terribly low on my priority list for what needs to be fixed, that I'd be pissed off if they spend time and effort on that instead of working on other more important things,
and B) I'd prefer a more minimalistic, mysterious story and that would best be suited with zero to no dialogue and even if then, I think I'd rather have gibberish or a fake language.
Mael said:Did you voice them already or anything that might be interesting.
Heck for example the way they handled anything pointing is kinda weird seeing how it worked flawlessly in WSR for example.
Boney said:I guess something like 999 isn't engaging then?
edit: I know you're gonna say it's not.