Yeah, the game is pretty big and there is stuff to do,
I just don't enjoy it as much as past Zeldas, glad for the people who do, i get tired of the shrine aesthetic and music after hours,and building stuff becomes tedious, i don't enjoy the combat at all(not sure why, don't have any issue with past Zelda games)the controls are slightly clunky
Exploration is fun,for example i posted when a dragon appeared in front of me near Kakariko and i jumped to its back and took some rocks while it was flying
but eventually it goes from thinking 'i can't stop playing' to ' i want to play something else ' wich is rare for me , appreciate linear design when you play through a bunch of challenges and progress without much filler, sometimes with that little freedom to spice things up ,more variety in less time
these are my honest impressions , its interesting to compare them to others who been enjoying it much and call it the best game in X years ,i can see why, its a cool game just very picky about open world games