He doesn't really have a "true" form. He's divine being. Tolkien describes Valar and Maiar as changing their appearance like how we change clothes. Tolkien never really gave specific descriptions. Just vague terms like "terrible" or "fair" depending in what Sauron is trying to do at any given momentSo what does his "true" form look like? Does Galadriel even know?
He pours a lot of his own energy into the creation of the ring. That, coupled with a big event that will happen, reduces his ability to shapeshifting. From that point on he can only assume "evil" forms. His Dark Lord form so to speak. But I dunno. I don't think that's the only form he keeps. Like, I get the feeling he didn't look the same when he was under the guise of the Necromancer in the Hobbit.
Also in case you didn't know, he wasn't a big giant eye in the LotR books. It was quite clear he had a physical body in the book.
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