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The Mass Effect Community Thread

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Salarian and Krogan are definitely in. Asari too, obviously. It'd be crazy if the there are no Turians.

I think the rest probably got the chop except maybe Quarians. Maybe we'll see a Volus group or Hamar on the main hub. We're getting new species anyway, so there won't be a lack of aliens.

Big Nikus

Isn't the point of the Ark to save all the main species of the Milky Way ? I'd understand if the Rachnis are not in, or the Yarghs (even though it would be cool), but shouldn't the rest be mandatory ?
Unless the Ark isn't this sort of Space Noah's Ark that I imagined.


Neo Member
I think the Quarians will appear in Andromeda, but I would love to see them left behind. I honestly didn't like a single Quarian across the 3 ME games, and choosing the Geth over Quarian in ME3 is super satisfying. I'd take every single other race over them.

It would be a shame if they didn't include Drell, Batarian, Vorcha and the other races. I at least want to see what the female versions look like.


Isn't the point of the Ark to save all the main species of the Milky Way ? I'd understand if the Rachnis are not in, or the Yarghs (even though it would be cool), but shouldn't the rest be mandatory ?
Unless the Ark isn't this sort of Space Noah's Ark that I imagined.
We don't know what the point of the Ark is other than trying to explore and pioneer a new home in a new galaxy.


BioWare GM
Crossposted from the PC screenshot thread, but as a part of my write-up on modding the trilogy, I think I nailed down how to get depth of field running consistently. It's not something you're going to want running during gameplay but it's good for screenshots.

edit: what the hell, Aaryn Flynn was here? Yo, PC footage when?

Of course I'm here! I love NeoGAF :)


I think Batarians won't make the cut. The eyes make helmets difficult, and in lore they were the species that got screwed the worst by the Reapers' arrival, in addition to being a species not participating in the Citadel or Council.


Hopefully you don't take all those negative posts in the 4k Tech thread too personally. ;)
People still love Mass Effect despite all the pessimism.

Damn straight. Lots of people on GAF like myself don't post often but lurk this thread daily. There is no game i'm looking forward to more than the new Mass Effect. Aaryn, there's lots of positivity here for Mass Effect and the dev team, it's just hard to find!


I'll miss the Vorcha and all of the other species voiced by Mark Meer.
Actually would be neat if they brought back Meer and Hale to do alien VA.



Urgh, whats the point of going to a new galaxy if we're still going to be surrounded by the same damn species we were around in the old galaxy? I want to be surrounded by new exotic faces, because at this point we might as well just have stayed in the Milky Way.

Speaking about replaying, I did a replay a couple of months ago. I've got some incentive to do another one soon, but not enough to actually jump in quite yet. I'm wondering, how profoundly different would a renegade playthrough end up being?

When playing Renegade the general plot still flows the same, but the details change massively. I trend towards the Renegade path myself and I think it's worth it just to see the different story beats, especially if you enjoy playing as an Anti hero, compared to the boring ass, goody two shoes boy scout that Paragon is. Come at me Paragon players!

It's pretty brutal if you hate being mean to your favourite crewmembers, especially in ME3.

Sure do hate it. Always go paragon for that reason.

You aren't really being mean to cremembers, just blunt as fuck lol, it''s actually hilarious to watch tbh. ME3 Renegade is far less blunt, he comes off as more neutral in his dialogue tbh, which is why I love him the most.

With ME1 & 2 its quite fun.

With ME3, I stopped playing after the outcome of the Quarians/Geth issue.

Why did you stop playing after the Quarians/Geth issue? That arc is personally my favourite, seeing the Quarians and their sweat blown out of the sky always makes me chuckle.

Yeah, i never go full renegade in ME3, because it means I will shoot Mordin and leave him for dead, betray & kill Wrex and let Samara kill herself then I kill her innocent daughter in cold blood. Fuck that shit.

Those things weren't really that hard to do (though I had to spend some time thinking over killing Falere), at least for me. In my first and "canon" playthrough of ME3 I had fucking Warmonger Wreave as the leader of the Krogan, and this dude wasn't even trying to hide the fact that he was going to get revenge on everyone, and yet Mordin STILL committed treason and jeopardised the war effort by leaking the stuff about the Krogan females to him and he STILL wanted to go through with curing the genophage, I had no choice but to shoot him and put an end to his madness.

"Bu-bu-but my conscious", no fuck off Mordin, friend or not he had clearly lost it and become insane. All the boasting he had done after his loyalty mission in ME2 about how unlike Maelon he was able to process his emotions quickly and not let them affect his judgement was exposed as being complete and utter bullshit (or it was just bad writing on Biowares part in ME3, since they seem to have swept that part of his character under the rug in the name of feels and drama (the Rannoch arc fell victim to this shit as well), but some of us have long memories lol). In regards to Wrex, whenever I play with him as leader I still always sabotage the genophage (probably out of spite due to the crazy Mordin I witnessed in my first playthrough lol), and killing Wrex is a case of self defense, he came looking to kill you not the other way round, it's either you die or he dies.

For Samara, letting her kill herself isn't a Renegade decision, you don't get awarded any renegade points for not preventing it. It's actually one of the big myths of the Interrupt system, that not using a Paragon interrupt is considered a Renegade choice or not using a Renegade interrupt is considered a Paragon choice, in reality not using an interrupt isn't considered a moral choice, though there is a few exceptions, but the Samara suicide interrupt isn't one of them.

As for Falere, Samara had died in ME2 on my main save (Miranda lied to me about being able to hold that Biotic bubble ffs), so her committing suicide or me stopping her wasn't part of the equation, it was just straight up kill Falere or let here live. I actually stood there for about 20 mins thinking about it lol, the Ardat Yakshi are literally Space Vampires, and nobody likes vampires so killing her would be fine and nobody would bat an eyelid, but Falere was one of those Vampires who had managed to take themselves away from society and control her urges so letting her live would probably be the right thing to do.

Then I started thinking about why we came to the monastery in the first place, and I remembered that Asari High Command had sent the Asari soldiers to kill all the Ardat Yakshi, innocent or not, and I also remembered Tali's words on the shuttle (seriously, take Tali on this mission if you ever have the chance) about how the Asari were merciful in their dealings with the Ardat Yakshi when other races would have just outright kill them all, but that mercy was seemingly now gone, and Falere would either need to stay on the monastery without any resources or anyone to get them for her since Samara was no longer around, or risk going back to Asari civilisation for food and stuff and put herself in danger of just getting killed on the spot. I also realized that no matter what promises Falere made about not letting the Reapers take her alive and turn her into a Banshee, she really couldn't guarantee that, especially since she would probably be in a weak state if they came for her.

She was doomed no matter what, so I gave her a quick death and granted her wish to join her sister.

I mean, the reason we went full paragon or renegade in mass effect was so that we weren't restricted from narrative choices, and while ME1 gave you some room to maneuver, ME2 required 100% commitment which was quite bad.

I hope they continue building on the ME3 system and expand on the reputation system. I would like the choice of the player to be felt on an organic level throughout the game, kind of like how Life Is Strange did it.

Yeah, ME3's reputation system was good because you didn't have to game the system to have all options open to you. I always had to resort to using Gibbed to max out my Paragon and Renegade bars in order to not have choices locked to me because I just couldn't be bothered micromanging what I did.
Jennifer Hale can do such a wide variety of voices that I'd be genuinely surprised if she isn't in the game at all. Mark Meer is like a BioWare staple now so I expect him to be in with his lovely Vorcha voice :p
Urgh, whats the point of going to a new galaxy if we're still going to be surrounded by the same damn species we were around in the old galaxy? I want to be surrounded by new exotic faces, because at this point we might as well just have stayed in the Milky Way.
There's all kinds of new fauna, wildlife and some new alien races. At the same it's nice to have some familiar elements. I think they'll strike a good balance.


Of course I'm here! I love NeoGAF :)
Don't think I didn't notice that you didn't answer the question :p

I think Batarians won't make the cut. The eyes make helmets difficult, and in lore they were the species that got screwed the worst by the Reapers' arrival, in addition to being a species not participating in the Citadel or Council.
The Batarian Hegemony was basically the North Korea of the milky way, there's no way they'd be capable of pulling off an intergalactic trip on their own anyway.


Started playing Mass Effect 2 the other night. Just got to where you get Garrus and man the combat is kicking my ass without an assault rifle. I forget which class I picked atm but I started out with a pistol and sniper rifle. Think I went adept? The only abilities I have are stealth and an ammo buff. Is there any way to get the assault rifle for this character class? Should I restart since it's still pretty early on?

What class do people most recommend that use the assault rifle other than soldier? I swear when researching the classes the one I picked could use one.
Started playing Mass Effect 2 the other night. Just got to where you get Garrus and man the combat is kicking my ass without an assault rifle. I forget which class I picked atm but I started out with a pistol and sniper rifle. Think I went adept? The only abilities I have are stealth and an ammo buff. Is there any way to get the assault rifle for this character class? Should I restart since it's still pretty early on?

What class do people most recommend that use the assault rifle other than soldier? I swear when researching the classes the one I picked could use one.
Sounds like you picked infiltrator which is a pretty techy class, if I remember right. Make good use of the stealth and sniper rifle, you can easily off enemies that way.

I think you can use assault rifles if you so choose during the middle of the game.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Started playing Mass Effect 2 the other night. Just got to where you get Garrus and man the combat is kicking my ass without an assault rifle. I forget which class I picked atm but I started out with a pistol and sniper rifle. Think I went adept? The only abilities I have are stealth and an ammo buff. Is there any way to get the assault rifle for this character class? Should I restart since it's still pretty early on?

What class do people most recommend that use the assault rifle other than soldier? I swear when researching the classes the one I picked could use one.

If you have stealth, i assume you have the Infiltrator. You could just use your stealth skill, which slow down everything and just headshot bad guys with your sniper rifle. :p

Assault rifles are only for solders as far as I remember, might be able to choose it during the Collector ship mission though, but I always take the better weapon for your class anyway.

You have the Kasumi DLC? Just grab the Locust SMG from her mission and never look back for a close/medium range weapon.


If you have stealth, i assume you have the Infiltrator. You could just use your stealth skill, which slow down everything and just headshot bad guys with your sniper rifle. :p

Assault rifles are only for solders as far as I remember, might be able to choose it during the Collector ship mission though, but I always take the better weapon for your class anyway.

You have the Kasumi DLC? Just grab the Locust SMG from her mission and never look back for a close/medium range weapon.

Yea I have the Lair of the Shadow Broker, Overlord, and Stolen Memories. When should I do the Kasumi DLC? I was going through and recruiting everyone first.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Yea I have the Lair of the Shadow Broker, Overlord, and Stolen Memories. When should I do the Kasumi DLC? I was going through and recruiting everyone first.

You can do her mission as soon as you're able to freely navigate the galaxy map... which is pretty early.


Neo Member
Now that you mention the Locust SMG.
While I loved the weapon designs, I really hated the animations.

Everything smaller then a AR was handled like a pistol which looked really dumb and the grips modeled on the weapons were never used.
That was really annoying, it just looks so dumb.


Update: added screenshot tools

Dunno if making basic guides for modding all 3 games is worth a new thread, but here's a run through on modding mass effect 1:
Specifically, back up the following directory: DocumentsBioWareMass Effect before moving forward with this. Also,

Note: If this gets fucked up, not my fault. But PM me if you have issues, and I'll try to help.

To start- enable the console.
DocumentsBioWareMass EffectConfigBioInput.ini
Open this up in the text editor of your choice, and head over to [Engine.Console] section. If it's not already there, put the following under it:
Once you've done this, you should see the minimum in BioInput.ini:
This is going to allow you to use console commands in the game and turn it on via the ~ key. I'll go over later why for me it's useful for screenarchery.

DocumentsBioWareMass EffectConfigBioInput.ini
Add the following to the [BIOC_Base.BioPlayerInput] section of this ini.
Bindings=(Name="F10", InputMode=BIO_INPUT_MODE_NONE, Command="ToggleFlyCam | ToggleHUD | PlayersOnly",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False)
Bindings=(Name="MiddleMouseButton",InputMode=BIO_INPUT_MODE_NONE,Command="SloMo 10 | OnRelease SloMo 1",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False)
The first binding essentially sets a toggle to F10 to pause the game, turn off the HUD, and turn on flycam. Hitting F10 should put everything back to normal again.
The second binding is a quality of life tweak to add a fast-forward button to the game. Basically hold down middle-click to speed up the game 10x and let go to turn back to normal.

Now, it's going to be possible for you to add your own bindings for stuff like tiledshot and FOV but personally since I use a wide enough variety of FOV inputs and I generally don't use tiledshot at all, it's not something I have in my config. That said, here's how it works for folks that do want to take advantage; you can add a bindings to [BIOC_Base.BioPlayerInput] like:
Bindings=(Name="L", InputMode=BIO_INPUT_MODE_NONE, Command="TiledShot 3",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=True)
Bindings=(Name="K",InputMode=BIO_INPUT_MODE_NONE,Command="FOV 25",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=True)
Bindings=(Name="J",InputMode=BIO_INPUT_MODE_NONE,Command="FOV 120",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=True)
Bindings=(Name="H",InputMode=BIO_INPUT_MODE_NONE,Command="FOV 0",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=True)
The first will slowly take a giant screenshot from the top left down to the bottom right when pressing Alt+L. Similar to the brenizer method in photography. Basically if you use tileshot 3 while your game resolution is 1920x1080, it's going to take 9 screenshots (a 3x3 grid) and stitch them together to make a larger 5760x3240 screenshot. I... strongly recommend against doing this while downsampling (certainly from 4k anyway) for obvious reasons. Additionally since this isn't exactly a quick process- make sure that you've paused the game via PlayersOnly before doing this. Again, I've personally never cared for TiledShot since downsampling and fov changes suit my use case better but there you go.
Now, the following 3 are FOV commands, Alt+K, Alt+J, and Alt+H change the FOV to 25, 120, and default (0 = default) respectively. Since I like experimenting with a wider range of values I don't use or have these bindings in my config myself as I just use the console to play around with it. But for those who want a wider FOV during gameplay, you can use a binding to set a field of view to whatever pleases you.
There are additional quality of life mods here, that include inventory size changes. Inventory management is a custerfuck no matter what you do though.
Set the integers to whatever you want.

Texture modding:
As a preface, there's several things you ought to do first:
Install the Large Address Awareness patch. Unzip it to the directory of your choice, run it, search for the game .exe, and apply the patch. Simple.

Next is a series of ini tweaks you need to make to DocumentsBioWareMass EffectConfigBioEngine.ini - also, don't fuck up the spelling/typing here. Seriously, don't.



Once you've done all this, download and install MEUITM by the illustrious and brilliant C3Anderson. Note, issues are going to probably crop up for AMD CPU users. For those of you with AMD CPUs with issues, he addresses them in the mod's description.

This game can run a fucking toaster nowadays, so if you've got a modern gaming PC there's no reason to not do this. You've got two options: GEDOSATO or via AMD/Nvidia software. For AMD folks go here and skip down to How to Enable Virtual Super Resolution, and for Nvidia folks, go here. Now, if you want to use Durante's GeDoSaTo from here with instructions included.

Not everyone likes how ReShade effects look but you can find it here, or a direct download here. To use it, fire up the ReShade Assistant and hit + in the Profiles tab to create a new game profile- then search for and select the game exe, and hit "Open". Then make sure D3D9 is selected and press "Confirm". Once you've made a profile- while your Profile is highlighted/selected, mouse over to the Presets tab and hit + to make a new preset. Once you do that, name it what you wish (I just used "ME1" for both the profile and preset names) and check off the effects you want. I haven't ever got depth of field or ambient occlusion to work through reshade though (might work through nvidia profile inspector but it's acting shitty for me so I can't test it).

Controller mod:
I don't use this myself and I probably wouldn't use it while doing screenarchery or using keybindings anyway. For those that do want to use it, go here to find instructions and downloads for it. The main reason that I haven't really gone in depth about this is due to my own lack of interest in using a controller for this game.

screenshot tools:
First thing, do normal full-screen, don't do borderless window. Secondly, if you're on Windows 10, you can use Win+Alt+PrntScr to take a screen grab or if you're using reshade, hitting Print Screen will send a PNG to your binaries folder where your mass effect exe is located. Alternatively you can use Raptr, GeForce Experience, Radeon Pro, FRAP, or GEDOSATO.





Dunno if making basic guides for modding all 3 games is worth a new thread, but here's a run through on modding mass effect 1:

Thanks for the write-up! I've been meaning to go back to ME1 sometime soon and I lost the bookmarks to the resources I used to use so this saved me a lot of time running around and looking for them.


Started playing Mass Effect 2 the other night. Just got to where you get Garrus and man the combat is kicking my ass without an assault rifle. I forget which class I picked atm but I started out with a pistol and sniper rifle. Think I went adept? The only abilities I have are stealth and an ammo buff. Is there any way to get the assault rifle for this character class? Should I restart since it's still pretty early on?

What class do people most recommend that use the assault rifle other than soldier? I swear when researching the classes the one I picked could use one.
Only Soldier starts with assault rifle. All other classes get the chance to pick them up about halfway through.

You're an Infiltrator, as people said, so hang back, use Tactical Cloak to help with head shots using your sniper rifle, and supplement your weapons with Incinerate, especially on Armored enemies. Remember that SMGs are best on shields, and balance your weapon choice to the situation.

If you're looking to just shoot, maybe soldier is your best choice. All other classes are best when you're regularly mixing in powers. Adepts and Engineers especially should mostly use weapons as a backup to their powers.


Thanks for the write-up! I've been meaning to go back to ME1 sometime soon and I lost the bookmarks to the resources I used to use so this saved me a lot of time running around and looking for them.
No problem. If there's stuff I missed it you think is worth adding, PM me and I'll add it.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
It's definitely going to be a balance of familiar with new. It needs thematic and content anchors established in the Shepard trilogy to identify it as Mass Effect, which will include many of the races. But given it appears to strive for a borderline soft reboot and refocus for the series with entirely new content, I think it's important that BioWare don't allow those anchors to transform into bloat. I know if a lot of fans had it their way it would be a retread of everything familiar in the series, but disrupting the norm goes a long way towards sparking originality and shaping the Andromeda series (assuming it is one) into having its own identity.

We've seen Asari, Salarian, and Krogan so far in either the official footage or leaks. Turian in my opinion are a given as they're a major species. Everyone else is up in the air, as far as I'm concerned. Firmly expect Batarians, Drell, and Geth to be cut.

You also have to look at it logistically. As nice as it would be to just keep growing Mass Effect in content density, it's still a project being made under limited scope and resources. You can't expect them to take every race from the Shepard trilogy and just add more more more. It's asking for more models, more animations, more textures, programming, story arcs, etc. It's all time and manpower and money. And I can imagine part of Andromeda taking place in an entirely new galaxy will include meeting new species, both hostile and friendly. They'll be a major new focus and if they need to exist at the concession of something already established, then so be it.

I really encourage that when I talk to other fans who are maybe a bit more overtly apprehensive towards Shepard trilogy stuff getting cut. As loveable as that content might be, and as exciting as it would be to continue certain things on a new engine in a new story, most of the time you need to abandon what is comfortable and familiar in order to experience something new. And ideally, after three games, that's exactly what Andromeda aims to accomplish.


Drell were already on life-support as it was. Geth are unlikely but given that they can exist as just programs/AI it's not impossible for them to come somehow.


not me
I thought the animations in the demo looked fine. The jogging animation in particular looked great. Walking might look stiff but, uh, they are wearing space armor. When someone said the animations in me3 looked more detailed I had to take a break from the internet for the day.
It's definitely going to be a balance of familiar with new. It needs thematic and content anchors established in the Shepard trilogy to identify it as Mass Effect, which will include many of the races. But given it appears to strive for a borderline soft reboot and refocus for the series with entirely new content, I think it's important that BioWare don't allow those anchors to transform into bloat. I know if a lot of fans had it their way it would be a retread of everything familiar in the series, but disrupting the norm goes a long way towards sparking originality and shaping the Andromeda series (assuming it is one) into having its own identity.

We've seen Asari, Salarian, and Krogan so far in either the official footage or leaks. Turian in my opinion are a given as they're a major species. Everyone else is up in the air, as far as I'm concerned. Firmly expect Batarians, Drell, and Geth to be cut.

You also have to look at it logistically. As nice as it would be to just keep growing Mass Effect in content density, it's still a project being made under limited scope and resources. You can't expect them to take every race from the Shepard trilogy and just add more more more. It's asking for more models, more animations, more textures, programming, story arcs, etc. It's all time and manpower and money. And I can imagine part of Andromeda taking place in an entirely new galaxy will include meeting new species, both hostile and friendly. They'll be a major new focus and if they need to exist at the concession of something already established, then so be it.

I really encourage that when I talk to other fans who are maybe a bit more overtly apprehensive towards Shepard trilogy stuff getting cut. As loveable as that content might be, and as exciting as it would be to continue certain things on a new engine in a new story, most of the time you need to abandon what is comfortable and familiar in order to experience something new. And ideally, after three games, that's exactly what Andromeda aims to accomplish.

I was going to fundamentally disagree with everything you just said, however at this stage of the games development I doubt there's anything we could possibly say to change things. I'll just internally get mad to myself when I see what races didn't make the cut, however illogical the reasons may be.

I'm just fatigued from the butchering and soft-booting of franchises that I care about. Star Wars and Star Trek have already done this and as a result Mass Effect is truly the last sci-fi universe I care about now.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I was going to fundamentally disagree with everything you just said, however at this stage of the games development I doubt there's anything we could possibly say to change things. I'll just internally get mad to myself when I see what races didn't make the cut, however illogical the reasons may be.

I'm just fatigued from the butchering and soft-booting of franchises that I care about. Star Wars and Star Trek have already done this and as a result Mass Effect is truly the last sci-fi universe I care about now.

I totally dig it. I remember back when there was talk of "the future of Mass Effect" I really wanted them to stay in the Milky Way. I knew there was no way they'd be able to do a post Shepard trilogy game while accommodating choices, so I was fine with the idea of them essentially crafting a generic canon ending and going with that. A new game set almost in a post war depression Milky Way, where the glory of victory has given way to interpolitics and scarcity of resources during recovery. Maybe in desperation there's leeway on relay activation, which in turn opens up areas of the Milky Way previously undiscovered and home to new species. I like the idea of continuing on, exploring what is after.

But in retrospect that was just never going to happen. BioWare, for better or worse, was gonna stick to their guns. Whatever they made was going to distance itself from the Shepard trilogy as hard as possible. That rules out sequels. It rules out side stories. And it challenges prequels. Obviously not impossible to do, but I can see why they wanted to go clean slate.

And yeah, there's nothing anybody can say or do that's going to change things. Best case scenario regarding cuts is that it's implied some other species are represented on the arks (eg: Drell) that don't actually make an appearance in the main game, but could pop up in DLC or sequels in smaller roles.

Generally though I do think it's important to think of the logistics. It really is just demanding more and more work to have more and more species represented. Even if it sounds trivial, it's not. It can't just keep getting bigger with more content; all of the existing and more on top. Not if we still want a tightly woven production. And besides, if it weren't for the new stuff introduced in both Mass Effect 2 and 3, we wouldn't have been exposed to the places and species that we were (more Mass Effect 2 here). I hope for a similar stimulation in Andromeda.


Does Volus, Elcor and Hanar count as Council races? ;) I can't imagine a Mass Effect game without them, while it's easier to see Drells or Batarians getting the boot.

I don't know where else they could go with those races, they're as played out as the Geth and Quarians. I don't need to see them again. Just council races + Krogan would be just fine.


The Batarian Hegemony was the North Korea of the milky way, I don't see how they make it regardless of them getting fucked by Reapers or not.
The Batarian Hegemony was the North Korea of the milky way, I don't see how they make it regardless of them getting fucked by Reapers or not.

Because a couple of them stow away or get special permission slips or something to get on the Ark.

I mean, don't try and tell me that there's not some interesting potential there.


Because a couple of them stow away or get special permission slips or something to get on the Ark.

I mean, don't try and tell me that there's not some interesting potential there.

I'm not saying there's no storytelling merit to it, but in terms of whether or not it'll realistically happen... :p
I don't know where else they could go with those races, they're as played out as the Geth and Quarians. I don't need to see them again. Just council races + Krogan would be just fine.
I'm not entirely sure how you could argue that the Elcor and Hanar are played out when the biggest exposure they had was a smattering of shopkeeper and ambassador NPCs across 3 games. There's so much unused potential.
I'm not saying there's no storytelling merit to it, but in terms of whether or not it'll realistically happen... :p

Well, I mean, I guess it's a question of what the Ark really is, yeah? If it's a sort of "fling a light into the future" sort of deal, having at least a couple of Batarians along makes a sort of sense, since the idea'd be to preserve galactic cultures. Maybe find a couple of "good ones," idk.
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