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The Mass Effect Community Thread

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MC Safety

I like the idea of Mass Effect taking up Star Trek: Voyager's banner and doing it right.

That is, a three-part game where you're the captain of a ship trying to make it back to Earth without relay technology.

And if you acquire a Neelix or Harry Kim, you can fire them off as torpedoes.
The aliens are incompetent lazy fuckers, humanity just arrived and figured all this shit for them.

Humanity's main attribute is its "drive".
Many Citadel species were disturbed by humanity's constant push to take place on galactic affairs since their introduction on the whole galactic society.
Remember that less than 5% of human population is actually military population, so the fact that humanity could stand against the Turians (a whole militarist civilization) is quite eye opening and the reason so many aliens distrust of the "sleeping giant" that was mankind. Shepard was just a symbol of the whole human aggressiveness and drive.

To us, aliens look lazy, but hey, we are human :)

*Yeah I'm reading too much into this, but bear with me, I'm having fun :)
That's the trick, really. Bioware needs to do something that's new and interesting, but still manages to feel like Mass Effect rather than Generic Space Opera # 942. That means whatever they do has to tie in to what's gone before in some meaningful way.

I guess I'm just not sold on this idea of Mass Effect-as-Firefly. Firefly's great, don't get me wrong, but it's its own thing. "Scruffy explorer/trader with ragtag alien crew flying around the galaxy trying to strike it rich" just isn't what I want out of an ME game, tonally or thematically. : /

Well, Firefly fits in with the "scattered remnants of galactic society" motif. Bunch of backwater planets, colonies, moons, cut off from the rest of civilized space, turned into a sort of No Man's Land, with its inhabitants trying to eke out a living with whatever they can scrape together. With, of course, the inevitable mercenary and gangster groups moving in to establish control.

ME has already done this as minor sidequests with typically one-off characters, but always had the larger Reapers story to tell, so these had to take a backseat. But one big reason why people loved the trilogy was for those genre moments. Mass Effect wasn't just a sweeping space opera, because it pulled in a lot more than that.

And hey, the large story is done. It's time to start filling everything else out. Would anyone expect BioWare to focus a trilogy on the Mal Reynolds archetype? Not really. But there's a definite precedent for them to do exactly that.

Plus, it'd be really interesting to see what happens when the high-technology of the mass relays, Repears, biotics, or whatever, gets mashed together in an almost post-apocalyptic, outlaw's paradise.

EDIT: essentially, what I'm saying, is "Focus it DOWN, not OUT."


Junior Member
Humanity's main attribute is its "drive".
Many Citadel species were disturbed by humanity's constant push to take place on galactic affairs since their introduction on the whole galactic society.
Remember that less than 5% of human population is actually military population, so the fact that humanity could stand against the Turians (a whole militarist civilization) is quite eye opening and the reason so many aliens distrust of the "sleeping giant" that was mankind. Shepard was just a symbol of the whole human aggressiveness and drive.

To us, aliens look lazy, but hey, we are human :)

*Yeah I'm reading too much into this, but bear with me, I'm having fun :)

Well the Asari in particular are depicted as being very staid or at least an extremely cautious species. The Turians are probably similarly cautious. The Salarians a bit less so, but they like to investigate shit without the others knowing.

If anything, the Humans are probably more similar to the Krogan than any other race in my opinion in terms of overall temperament (and oddly, their home systems are the closest to each other).


I just remembered: are most of the citadel races concentrated in the Orion Arm?

Not actually relevant to the discussion: The default Key bindings for PC are terribad. It's basically impossible to use powers and move freely at the same time. Thankfully I have a 4-button mouse so I was able to map powers to the extra buttons+mouse wheel, but consumables are still a headache. I really hope there's gamepad support next time. (either that or I get a fancier mouse.)


I just remembered: are most of the citadel races concentrated in the Orion Arm?

Not actually relevant to the discussion: The default Key bindings for PC are terribad. It's basically impossible to use powers and move freely at the same time. Thankfully I have a 4-button mouse so I was able to map powers to the extra buttons+mouse wheel, but consumables are still a headache. I really hope there's gamepad support next time. (either that or I get a fancier mouse.)

I'm not sure how a gamepad helps all that much over a keyboard in this regard. You can't map many powers directly to buttons; you have to use the power wheel to do most things (powers, consumables, changing weapons, etc). Unless you're using 1-2 things 95% of the time, I don't quite follow.

The clunky imprecision of dual analog compared to a mouse is nowhere worth that tradeoff imo.


I'm not sure how a gamepad helps all that much over a keyboard in this regard. You can't map many powers directly to buttons; you have to use the power wheel to do most things (powers, consumables, changing weapons, etc). Unless you're using 1-2 things 95% of the time, I don't quite follow.

The clunky imprecision of dual analog compared to a mouse is nowhere worth that tradeoff imo.
I find the controller more comfortable, personally.


Junior Member
I just remembered: are most of the citadel races concentrated in the Orion Arm?

Not actually relevant to the discussion: The default Key bindings for PC are terribad. It's basically impossible to use powers and move freely at the same time. Thankfully I have a 4-button mouse so I was able to map powers to the extra buttons+mouse wheel, but consumables are still a headache. I really hope there's gamepad support next time. (either that or I get a fancier mouse.)

On PC you're supposed to just pause and use the mouse to click on powers, especially in ME1. Either that or map the powers to number keys.


I'm not sure how a gamepad helps all that much over a keyboard in this regard. You can't map many powers directly to buttons; you have to use the power wheel to do most things (powers, consumables, changing weapons, etc). Unless you're using 1-2 things 95% of the time, I don't quite follow.

The clunky imprecision of dual analog compared to a mouse is nowhere worth that tradeoff imo.

On PC you're supposed to just pause and use the mouse to click on powers, especially in ME1. Either that or map the powers to number keys.

I'm using it for multiplayer only.(Where the action doesn't pause in power wheel mode and there's at most 3 powers.) I'd be fine with the setup if I were doing SP.
The things I want from Mass Effect: Insert Subtitle Here are as follows (in order of importance):

1. Ability to play any race (I've always wanted to be a quarian.)

2. Even more, larger consequences for choices.

3. No paragon or renegade system; only a morally grey.

4. Better designed planets and cities.

5. Better map minigame.

6. More Squad mates and romance options.

7. Less fetch side-quests.

I'm so excited for the next Mass Effect game. The past trilogy is my favorite trilogy (and games) of all time.
Humanity's main attribute is its "drive".
Many Citadel species were disturbed by humanity's constant push to take place on galactic affairs since their introduction on the whole galactic society.
Remember that less than 5% of human population is actually military population, so the fact that humanity could stand against the Turians (a whole militarist civilization) is quite eye opening and the reason so many aliens distrust of the "sleeping giant" that was mankind. Shepard was just a symbol of the whole human aggressiveness and drive.

To us, aliens look lazy, but hey, we are human :)

*Yeah I'm reading too much into this, but bear with me, I'm having fun :)

Well, the other races had tens of thousands of years to be influenced by reaper tech(mass effect devices), they were following the Reapers' plans perfectly. Humans had evolved in a bubble since their Mass Effect Relay had been frozen and locked out of commission for millenia. Humans appeared as the outlyers. They had not been manipulated into sheep like the rest of the galaxy. They had to develop their own technology instead of being handed tech from Prothean teachers or simply finding Prothean or Reaper tech and using it. This meant the humans were more imaginative, more curious, and more inventive. They were the race most likely to pose a threat to the reapers, so the Reapers focused on them.
I'd love before a new mass effect came out if they came out with a "ultimate trilogy". All three games, all dlc, maxed out PC graphics (or as close as you could get) for the new consoles. I'd buy it in a heart beat.
The Asari were designed to be a love interest from the beginning, and this is really obvious when you look at them. An entire species of females, human-style boobs, human facial features, human body. The only major difference in appearance is the blue skin and head tentacles. None of them are ugly, either. And they live for a thousand years or more. And they all have psi-powers. And they're all really wise. Blue space elves, except without those pesky men getting in the way of your fantasy. They're like mary-sue species as designed by an incredibly thirsty team of neckbeards.
Don't forget that their entire culture is sexually liberated. So unique and totally not fap-bait.


No bald cap? Lies!
The Asari are OK. They have enough redeemable value to make up for the fact that they are ostensibly the "fuck me" race.

They are particularly great for psycho characters like Aria and that one chick in ME2 trying to capture Miranda's sister. Or that sociopathic Eclipse recruit. Plus Liara was pretty great despite being a useless douche in ME2 but made up for in the Shadow Broker.


When the writers actually gave Liara things to do in ME2-3, she was great. It really is a shame that they over focused on developing content for Garrus in 3 and just gave Liara like one scene in ME3.

I wish the Asari would just go away...or have their importance to the galaxy toned down.

Shrug, they area great alien race that has a lot of nuance and complexity to their culture to be explored. Far more than the Salarians, Turians, arguably any other non human race. They totally deserve the importance they have in the mythology.
The Asari are OK. They have enough redeemable value to make up for the fact that they are ostensibly the "fuck me" race.

They are particularly great for psycho characters like Aria and that one chick in ME2 trying to capture Miranda's sister. Or that sociopathic Eclipse recruit. Plus Liara was pretty great despite being a useless douche in ME2 but made up for in the Shadow Broker.

Not sure why those characters had to be Asari. Or gained anything from it. Could be any species.


Aria was certainly better as an Asari (giving her character a lot of perspective, history, and added superiority complex over shorter lived species). It makes sense that somewhere there would be an Asari crime lord that basically had been running things forever.


Take the amazing multiplayer to the next step. They have gold in the hand.



No bald cap? Lies!
Not sure why those characters had to be Asari. Or gained anything from it. Could be any species.

They didn't have to be Asari, few supporting characters have to be any one race, but I think they gained some edge because the general notion towards Asari is that they are much more reserved and emotionally controlled species, due to their culture and especially due to their longevity. So seeing some of them being quite violent and impassioned was unique and note worthy compared to say just another angry Krogan.


Very interesting things about the Asari that can be leveraged in both isolated conversations and in plotlines or story arcs.

three stages of development (that they can trigger intentionally)
Biotic strength over other races (yes this is actualy something interesting, it does not need to be simply used as an example of arrogance, but pushes the Asari into mentorship roles)
Internalized self racism against pure blood unions being a relatively recent thing
Ardat-Yakshi (Specifically how the Asari society reacts to, tries to downplay, and deals with, and well as characters who suffer from degrees of the affliction)
History with the Protheans
How they reproduce (giving rise to an argument of being a leech on other races even if they do not necessarily take enough partners to reduce the viability of another race)

People who say that Asari are boring are being superficial. Asari are the most complex race in the Mass Effect Universe and have the most interesting elements of any races so far to be explored.

The Krogan would be the only race that comes close in (relatively recent post ME3) nuanced complexity.


Take the amazing multiplayer to the next step. They have gold in the hand.


I really hope they can keep the vast majority of the classes in the transition. (Or at least have an equal number, I imagine the earlier classes are going to need to be retooled to match up with the later classes.)

Playing as a Geth Juggernaut was too damned fun.

Garrus Vakarian is a cold mother
I mean Jesus! Ok so he is not a huge fan of the Krogan but it had been couple of years since he knew Wrex. And all he has to say about Mordin is,
"Damn War"
. That's it? He gets nervous if after the Citadel coup Shep mentions that he would have pulled the trigger if he had too but knowing that Shep killed Mordin in cold blood, in outright defiance of their goal elicits barely a reaction?

I think the response should have been, "You are making it very hard for me to call you a friend... Commander. If it wasn't for the war I would leave right now. I'll go on missions and fight but that is ALL you will get from now on. No need to come speak to me. You can shoot me too if you don't like it." Show a damn spine!

Clone Shep
was right. It very much is a cult of Shepard and none of his "FRIENDS" voice even the slightest dissent/disagreement as long as it's not their ass on the line. This is a fraction of a bigger problem. Squad-mates barely know each other, just Shepard.

They never directly blame Shepard, always so damn passive, as if a Reaper War justifies throwing morals out the window and acting like a damn war criminal. I think Ashley/Kaidan act somewhat realistically on Horizon now. Shepard is not fallible yet everyone thinks he/she is Jesus and can do no wrong.


It's funnier if it's Wreav & Padok Wiiks, Garrus practically pats you on the back for a job well done even though Shepard feels terrible about it


Really Really Exciting Member!
They should allow us to have crazy character customization in this one too. I'd kill to be a Vanguard with Biotic Lashes.

It's been a while since I played, but i thought the Ex-Cerberus Vanguard already had Lash?

Unless you're talking about single player? But even then you can give it to Shepard if you beat the Omega DLC.
It's been a while since I played, but i thought the Ex-Cerberus Vanguard already had Lash?

Unless you're talking about single player? But even then you can give it to Shepard if you beat the Omega DLC.

Mass Effect 4 should have the N7 classes in single-player especially Shadow.
I want to play as REVENGEANCE Shep


All multiplayer only powers (regardless of race) should return as either class customization/specialization or bonus


Love mass effect more than i should, even at it's worst it is still better than most.

Come on Bioware, give us something pre E3 xxxxx

The wait is going to be the same regardless. The game is coming out at the earliest mid-2015, I'm guessing, and is possibly a Q1 2016 title. You wouldn't want it sooner because why rush things?

I'm still firmly in the camp that we won't hear anything until Dragon Age: Inquisition is out, anyways.


I'm still firmly in the camp that we won't hear anything until Dragon Age: Inquisition is out, anyways.

I agree. I think VGA 14 is more likely for the next Mass Effect.

I expect lots of Dragon Age at E3 and a first look at the new IP. 3 games being shown at E3 from BioWare seems unlikely.
Regarding The Council. Are they merely representatives of their respective species/home planets or do they act as The President of sorts making the final decisions for any Council wide action. So take Tevos. Does she make internal decisions that ONLY deal with Asari space or is she called only when other species are involved?


One more question. What does everyone feel about the Diana Allers controversy now?
Regarding The Council. Are they merely representatives of their respective species/home planets or do they act as The President of sorts making the final decisions for any Council wide action. So take Tevos. Does she make internal decisions that ONLY deal with Asari space or is she called only when other species are involved?

Well, you've got the Salarian Dalatrass who calls the shots for the Salarians and the Primarch for the Turians, so I guess the Asari have someone similar.
Well, you've got the Salarian Dalatrass who calls the shots for the Salarians and the Primarch for the Turians, so I guess the Asari have someone similar.

I guess being a Foreign Affairs Minister would make the best sense for the Council with the exception that they have most of the power/final say when it comes to inter-species relationships. At least that is what they should stick too


Hire better writers is my subjective suggestion.

Actually, the real damage was made by ME3 and that was all Casey Hudson's fault.
Weekes and the rest of the writers did an incredible job in tying up the loose ends of the previous games and laid a good groundwork for at least a satisfying ending. Then Hudson came in and... not even Marauder Shields could stop him.
You look at the Citadel dlc, where Hudson didn't get to chance to poop the party, and the result is some pretty awesome content.


No bald cap? Lies!
One more question. What does everyone feel about the Diana Allers controversy now?

This and the whole Tali picture controversy were so dumb to me. There plenty of things to be mad about in ME3, but I guess people felt the need to blow everything up and out of proportion. Allers was a complete joke that's for sure, but it was so inconsequential that I can't understand how people were upset by it. You could completely ignore her after you meet her. Same for the Tali picture. Surprise they used a stock image cause that never happens, especially with something that was only viewed by like 2% of people who played the game at most.
Actually, the real damage was made by ME3 and that was all Casey Hudson's fault.
Weekes and the rest of the writers did an incredible job in tying up the loose ends of the previous games and laid a good groundwork for at least a satisfying ending. Then Hudson came in and... not even Marauder Shields could stop him.
You look at the Citadel dlc, where Hudson didn't get to chance to poop the party, and the result is some pretty awesome content.

Don't forget Walters. Napkin ending.

I have the urge to return to the ME3 MP... but i ran outta gold on 360 and am hesitant to buy the game from EA Origin... 1st world problems i guess!


I agree. I think VGA 14 is more likely for the next Mass Effect.

I expect lots of Dragon Age at E3 and a first look at the new IP. 3 games being shown at E3 from BioWare seems unlikely.

If that's the case, we're probably looking at late 2015 at the earliest in terms of release. :( Maybe even early 2016. That's far away. :'(

The early 2015 dream may still be alive, but if E3 passes with nothing substantive, that dream is probably dead.



Garrus Vakarian is a cold mother
I mean Jesus! Ok so he is not a huge fan of the Krogan but it had been couple of years since he knew Wrex. And all he has to say about Mordin is,
"Damn War"
. That's it? He gets nervous if after the Citadel coup Shep mentions that he would have pulled the trigger if he had too but knowing that Shep killed Mordin in cold blood, in outright defiance of their goal elicits barely a reaction?

I think the response should have been, "You are making it very hard for me to call you a friend... Commander. If it wasn't for the war I would leave right now. I'll go on missions and fight but that is ALL you will get from now on. No need to come speak to me. You can shoot me too if you don't like it." Show a damn spine!

Clone Shep
was right. It very much is a cult of Shepard and none of his "FRIENDS" voice even the slightest dissent/disagreement as long as it's not their ass on the line. This is a fraction of a bigger problem. Squad-mates barely know each other, just Shepard.

They never directly blame Shepard, always so damn passive, as if a Reaper War justifies throwing morals out the window and acting like a damn war criminal. I think Ashley/Kaidan act somewhat realistically on Horizon now. Shepard is not fallible yet everyone thinks he/she is Jesus and can do no wrong.


It's funnier if it's Wreav & Padok Wiiks, Garrus practically pats you on the back for a job well done even though Shepard feels terrible about it

I really liked the idea that you can slightly influence Garrus from ME1 to ME2 and I wish they really went more in depth with that.

Some characters depending on their personality could be swayed towards one side or the other (renegade garrus, paragon Jack) and trying to do the wrong swaying could lead to consequences (Renegade jack going haywire and betraying Shepard for example). Other characters would be pretty much set in their ways (Samara) and depending on how shepard reacts they should have been friend or foe at one point (Mordin & samara).

They really should have focused more on that. How your squad (and the world) reacts to you.

Nothing is more disappointing than bringing legion to the citadel and everyone going "oh ok we don't know what geth look like despite being attacked by them and no doubt a bunch of propoganda being spread and apparently there is no space google herp derp".


No bald cap? Lies!
I really liked the idea that you can slightly influence Garrus from ME1 to ME2 and I wish they really went more in depth with that.

Some characters depending on their personality could be swayed towards one side or the other (renegade garrus, paragon Jack) and trying to do the wrong swaying could lead to consequences (Renegade jack going haywire and betraying Shepard for example). Other characters would be pretty much set in their ways (Samara) and depending on how shepard reacts they should have been friend or foe at one point (Mordin & samara).

They really should have focused more on that. How your squad (and the world) reacts to you.

Nothing is more disappointing than bringing legion to the citadel and everyone going "oh ok we don't know what geth look like despite being attacked by them and no doubt a bunch of propoganda being spread and apparently there is no space google herp derp".

I think a lot of this stuff is just symptomatic of games development, but also because ME trilogy was kind of flawed from the start. ME1 was an early 360 title, under pressure to release and no real guarantee of a sequel. They wanted to make ME2 and ME3. They had broad strokes about where things would go and what not, but honestly it doesn't seem like they had that much prepared from the start because why invest the time and resources into something that might not come to be.

I hope for this upcoming game if it is the start of another trilogy that they have everything they want to do planned out start to finish. Especially character progression type stuff and major choices that span titles. Nothing is ever totally set in stone, but they need to have a good road map of where things start, stops along the way and especially end. They can't give us choices to big things only to have them be ignored or worked around.


Junior Member
Aria was certainly better as an Asari (giving her character a lot of perspective, history, and added superiority complex over shorter lived species). It makes sense that somewhere there would be an Asari crime lord that basically had been running things forever.

Is that what get's explored in the Omega DLC? I still never bought it (because it will be $15 on PC for all time).


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vc3SRlBsLqcThey never directly blame Shepard, always so damn passive, as if a Reaper War justifies throwing morals out the window and acting like a damn war criminal. I think Ashley/Kaidan act somewhat realistically on Horizon now. Shepard is not fallible yet everyone thinks he/she is Jesus and can do no wrong.

Since Shepard is essentially a stand-in for the player character I'm sure Bioware doesn't want to upset the player by having other party members chew you out for making controversial decisions. Otherwise the player can go "Oh, that character was mean to me, I'll bench him/kill him off later in the story".
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