A lot of people wanted to see the face of Tali. Well I demand to see the face of Barla Von.
I havent read it myself yet so idk if there´s something new in it, just wanted to share it in case there is.
ME2 gets pretty tough but it still doesn't quite reach the difficulty heights of 3 which got plain ridiculous at times. I forgot that halfway through 2 there is this "advanced weapons training" that lets you get a weapon. That definitely helps. The idea of going through final stages with pistol and smg is...I mean it's probably doable but not anxious to try. Just got done with this mission:
It was a bitch but got 'ur done.
edit: forgot to mention, I'm using a couple mods. One to shorten loading times and one to skip the hacking minigame. They work great.
There were some parts on 3 that were kind of hard.
Then I played ME3 MP.
When I eventually came back to look at single player I laughed at how many powers Shepard had. Also laughed at the heavy enemy reveals.
'Oh, no.... A Banshee!'
Get like half a dozen per round while running a Platinum solo.
The Andromeda facebook account actually posted that "facial animations are still being polished" lol.
Also yay for Avina's return! From watching that video it seemed to me like the ring thing at the center of the Nexus could have been a mass relay but I guess it's just the docking ring.
Well, everything except the Star Kid dreams which are still terrible and trying way too hard.
Man I don't know why I keep going into that ME:A gameplay video thread, morbid curiosity I guess.
all looks good
Finished ME2. This is my current shep across all 3 games. 1 has giraffe neck. 2 looks great. 3 is JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP.
I honestly think ME2 is the nicest looking game in the series.
I also find it funny how I feel like I only ever see people use one of three possibly hairstyles for FemShep, with the one you chose the most popular.
I'll freely admit I used that hairstyle 7 times.
I would be ok with DA:I creation screen with better hair.I hope Bioware show us a detailed video of the character creation screen before release. I'm curious to see how advanced it is.
I would be ok with DA:I creation screen with better hair.
and from the looks of the video (and Battlefront) The hair does look better.
The eyes were all terrible because they were all bloodshot. I dunno if they were going for a look where Shep was perpetually sleep deprived or what.The eyes in Mass Effect 3 were just odd, they had an unnatural cartoon type quality to them. In Mass Effect 2, and even in the first game the eyes looked vastly better than in ME3. Always curious why stylistically they looked so different. The character's all round (humans) just didn't quite look right somehow.
The DA:I creation screen was terrible because the lighting was terrible.
I wish they'd just figure out that they need to add a slider or setting so you can adjust the lighting when creating a face. So many times I've made a face only to find it looked terrible in different lighting.
The eyes were all terrible because they were all bloodshot. I dunno if they were going for a look where Shep was perpetually sleep deprived or what.
(there Dr. Chakwas goes, Benjamin Button-ing her way back in time 20 years in ME3.)
By far the best looking game. Although ME1 has a superior artstyle, it falls short on the technical aspect.I honestly think ME2 is the nicest looking game in the series.
The DA:I creation screen was terrible because the lighting was terrible.
I wish they'd just figure out that they need to add a slider or setting so you can adjust the lighting when creating a face. So many times I've made a face only to find it looked terrible in different lighting.
The eyes were all terrible because they were all bloodshot. I dunno if they were going for a look where Shep was perpetually sleep deprived or what.
. God only knows what their thought process was with Ashley (I got the mod to make her look more like her old self).
Their thought process was literally to sex her up ("...we let her hair down and gave her sex appeal", from the art of ME book), despite the numerous issues - both characterization and meta-wise - with doing so. I do really like the mod that gives her back her regular look and pony tail, though.
There's some...interesting...insights in that art book - Kaidan got buff and wears armor because he's seen a lot of action and is ready to fight (curious given Ashley's redesign, though he's also clearly designed to be visually appealing), EDI's body "needed" to be sexy, Samara shows skin because the kinetic barrier in her armor protects her, the Asari were deliberately designed to be a race of "beautiful blue alien girls", etc.
I thought the current rumors is that while they originally had like 100+ planet, they rethought that strategy and chopped most of them in favor of a much smaller number of planets where they could handcraft content. If I'm remembering correctly, I recall someone saying that No Man's Sky's reception and backlash spooked them.While pretty short that latest Gamespot interview caught my eye.
Mac says a handful of worlds have been handcrafted with planetwide stories and that crafting while not neccessary to playing the game will make navigating hazardous areas viable. I'm curious what a handful actually means.... 3, 5, 10, more than that? And if that's the case does that mean there's a bunch of non-story related planets that are a hazard to navigate (radiation, lava, etc) but reap some kind of reward for pursuing and exploring?
I think the question I want answered the most is just how large the scope of this game is.
I thought the current rumors is that while they originally had like 100+ planet, they rethought that strategy and chopped most of them in favor of a much smaller number of planets where they could handcraft content. If I'm remembering correctly, I recall someone saying that No Man's Sky's reception and backlash spooked them.
So basically, I'm personally guessing under 20 planets. If you put a gun to my head, I'm thinking 5-8, but rich with content.
Could easily be justified because they can't explore the whole galaxy because there are no Mass Relays.I'd be inclined to agree about the smaller number of planets if it wasn't for the fact that they are pushing the exploration aspect of Andromeda. While exploration of the story planets is guaranteed I feel like leaving out the rest of the helius cluster to wander about in the Tempest would be kind of strange.
Speaking of that, are we going to see some kind of ME1/ME3 systen where there's hidden stuff in the star systems that you can keep an eye out for like space wrecks, stations, and other resources? I want to know about that too.
I bet there will be a point in the story where they find coordinates to a mass relay in a ruin or something.
2 spooky
No reapers means no relays though. Unless they decide to just build their own.
Mac definitely said no reapers, but what about the mass effect? Do the species of Andromeda have it?
If so, they maybe kinda sorta have built them if they were massive geniuses or something.
No reapers means no relays though. Unless they decide to just build their own.
It's definitely conceivable that since the council races had the technology necessary for this voyage, Leviathans might have in the distant past also. It was them who created the technologies Reapers were based upon and they presumably were sufficiently advanced to construct Mass Relays - especially if the Protheans were able to pull it off at the end of their civilization.
I would be shocked if there are any references to the Leviathans. Hell, I'm honestly not expecting any references to the Reapers.
I'm guessing they really want to get new people on board with this game (after all, they've been trying to get new people since ME3 - remember all the "It's the best time to start Mass Effect ever!" talk when that game released? The apparent strong push to get reviewers to not import data when reviewing the game?) so they won't want to clutter them with unnecessary information.
And honestly I'm ok with that. The Reapers were pretty much ruined by the end of the trilogy, so let's just move on.
The apparent strong push to get reviewers to not import data when reviewing the game?