Exactly. No reason not to.Origin Access would come with a 10 hours early trial and a 10% off purchase of the game? So in the end, I wouldn't waste any money since the monthly sub is just about the same amount than 10% off 80$ CAD anyway huh? Might as well use it right?
Almost always play female if given the choice. FemShep forever.
8 hours character customisation.
1.5 hours technical tweaking.
30 minutes to finish the intro/tutorial.
CDKey tends to follow EU release dates though, and both only have the Standard Edition for PC. I suppose there is a good chance there will be a digital deluxe upgrade for $14.99USD on launch day though.Dunno, Hale was great in ME1 and 2, but Meer fucking killed it in ME3.
edit: If you're in Canada you can get the game for 20% off Amazon, or for $55 CAD on CDKeys.
CDKey tends to follow EU release dates though, and both only have the Standard Edition for PC. I suppose there is a good chance there will be a digital deluxe upgrade for $14.99USD on launch day though.
All this talk in here, guess I'll do one last trilogy playthrough. I think 16 playthroughs is enough by now.
Yeah, it's definitely tempting. I would probably jump on it if I hadn't requested that week off as vacation already. I don't wanna waste 2 more days of that waiting for the game, and my employer limits vacation to full calendar weeks for some reason.True, but $53-55 CAD is too good to pass up even if I get it on the 23rd (at the latest). Especially when the game is like $80.
Exactly. No reason not to.
Origin charges full sales tax in the U.S. Digital stuff on amazon charges some reduced 1% digital sales tax. So I was gonna order on Amazon and get the 5% back with the prime mastercard.
The 10% off on Origin barely makes up for all this, so the $5 for Origin Access would basically be the cost I'd be paying to play the game a few days early. Seems ill advised. But I'll probably end up doing it. Hell, I'm already bypassing the chance to pay almost $20 less on cdkeys because I don't want to wait for the European release date...
(Anybody know why Origin seems to be the ONLY digital software distribution platform that charges full state sales tax??)
Same thoughts when I replayed the trilogy this Christmas. ME2 felt so flat compared to ME3. Gameplay, graphics, set pieces, the actual levels are so much more superior in ME3. I couldn't wait to finish ME2 so I could start playing ME3 again.I'm weirdly appreciating ME3 like never before, whilst ME2 kind of fell flat for me for the first time ever this last trilogy playthrough, we are indeed in the darkest timeline my brothers and sisters :/
That's because ME3 is the best game in the series. You're just finally coming around to it.
That's because ME3 is the best game in the series. You're just finally coming around to it.
Playing ME3 I feel schizophrenic. It wildly swings from me thinking it's the best to thinking it's the worst.
It's very, very uneven. It definitely needed at least another year in the oven.
I have mixed feelings about Kai Leng. I can't tell if I hate him because he's badly written, or if I hate him because they wrote him to be a cunt.
For me it's 100 percent badly written. He's clearly shoe-horned in, the battles with him are extremely badly done by exposing how much of a pushover he is when you actually get the chance to fight him, and the writers give him way too much plot armor.
He's also written like an obsessed stalker and I'm not sure if that was the writer's intentions?
The man ate Crusader V shots to the face and still walked away smh
edit: I would've appreciated a The End type deal in MGS3 where they let you kill him early if you're really good. Also Leng would have worked better had he taken Jacob's place in ME2.
I think what mostly hurts ME2 is the gameplay. Going to this game after playing ME3 feels like such a downgrade with the lack of movement, bigger power cooldowns, less powers & guns to play with, etc.
For me it's 100 percent badly written. He's clearly shoe-horned in, the battles with him are extremely badly done by exposing how much of a pushover he is when you actually get the chance to fight him, and the writers give him way too much plot armor.
He's also written like an obsessed stalker and I'm not sure if that was the writer's intentions?
I bet they're keeping it as some kind of surprise because your teammates will have the faces of Tom Cruise and Emma Watson or some other less known celebrities lol.
As long as they are well done, Alec Ryder face looks great
he looks like a dude who has either seen some shit or has just taken a shit.
he looks like a dude who has either seen some shit or has just taken a shit.
Alec Ryder was a member of Jon Grissom's original task force which travelled through the Charon mass relay the first encountered by humanity in 2149. Ryder would go on to further prove his mettle by completing N7 training, solidifying himself as one of the Alliance military's elite.
I think the next trailer will change a lot (not all) of negative sentiment. At least the vocal minority we've seen.
Should be before the weekend.Any idea when it's dropping (if you can say)?
I think the next trailer will change a lot (not all) of negative sentiment. At least the vocal minority we've seen.
Here on NeoGAF or the rest of the internet? Because I think you're being optimistic about NeoGAF changing their minds, lol.
Here on NeoGAF or the rest of the internet? Because I think you're being optimistic about NeoGAF changing their minds, lol.
Lol, I meant here and the web at large. Not all of course, some are determined to shit on the game no matter what so there will no doubt be complaints as always but I think they'll be petty this time if anything. Can't please everyone.I bet someone going to go all "look at that legs movement, totally unnatural. Typical Bioware jank!"
All aboard the hype train, fuckers. I'm ready.Should be before the weekend.
All aboard the hype train, fuckers. I'm ready.
All aboard the hype train, fuckers. I'm ready.
Shieeeet.I think the next trailer will change a lot (not all) of negative sentiment. At least the vocal minority we've seen.
BRB, Posting thread in gaming.I think the next trailer will change a lot (not all) of negative sentiment. At least the vocal minority we've seen.
I'll always maintain that going Paragon makes the superior first-experience.
Just played some ME3 multiplayer. I forgot how bad the controls are.
I didn't get extracted because i accidentally rolled out of the zone instead of taking cover...
And there is some weird negative mouse acceleration on PC, what the hell is that?