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The Matrix Awakens: An Unreal Engine 5 Experience is up for PS5 and Xbox X/S


So the demo is running around 30fps at 1440P on these consoles and around 900P on SS ? I think this was pretty much expected. Hopefully all devs will realize that 4K is pretty much waste of resources. Build your games around 1440P and have better textures more detail better lighting instead


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
It's not TAAU, it's TSR.
Why assume DLSS is better than UE5's TSR? Have you seen direct comparisons between the two?

Safe to assume that a hardware/software based solution would be better than pure software... but you never know.

TSR works "better" with Nanite as thats just how Nanite works. (Native solutions usually do work better)
So for UE5 titles chances are youll see more people opting to use TSR if the game has a bunch of Nanite assets.
DLSS should....could resolve dynamic meshes and even textures better though.

Only time will tell what devs opt for....pray for a fire everything approach.
TSR/FSR/DLSS...pick your poison.


Woah.. wtf is this gen capable of in the hands of Coalition, Naughty Dog, fucking Rockstar.
Oh My God Omg GIF by HBO Max

The Coalition helped with this demo :)

The next Gears of War is going to be LIT :messenger_fire:


Have you played both versions? You didn't answer that. I have.
Do you agree that this is the most "next gen" software we have seen and Series S hasn't held anything back? If not what would be better on Series X and PS5 if Series S didn't exist?

No I haven't played both & you're talking to the wrong person because I never said anything about Series S holding next gen back .


El analista de bits just released a video.
1080p/30fps on XSS (common res is 828p)
1620p/30fps on XSX and PS5 (common res is 1404p)

It seems like the little one is doing well enough in UE5 games

Is adding our own tweets a thing, now?

Its an impressive tech demo for sure, especially on the XSS.
It does suggest though like many of us have said that once this cross gen phase ends, there will be a lot of 1080p-1440p/30fps games coming. It will be interesting to see how console gamers react to that after starting to get used to 60fps as standard.


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
This looks insane and far beyond anything we had till now that was playable (outside RTX Marble demo). If we have games looking close to this after al there physics and gameplay elements implemented than im more than happy if they target 1440p/30 on consoles. We can still scale it higher on pc and on pro consoles (if there is one).


Damn, that looks shitty.

sry, couldn't resist.

This is really an impressive love to detail. The only thinks that catched my I the streets are not dirty enough and the characters are deep in the uncanny valley territory.
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No I haven't played both & you're talking to the wrong person because I never said anything about Series S holding next gen back .

This demo seems to be the best guage we have for how next gen content will scale between the S and the X

The results are pretty good for seriesS, about 1/2 resolution and reduced reflection/shadow quality.
I've managed to give it a go on Series S, you have the expected resolution hit but it runs really well and still looks brilliant.
A massive slap in the face for those who said the console would hold back next gen gaming.
I saw the Bits guy video and the performance on the XSS had the noted resolution hit as it is designed to but otherwise ran the game fantastically. It is really impressive what MS was able to do with this hardware. It is clearly a generational jump over all the last generation consoles. I wonder how a $300 PC would run this?
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god dam ot why will let me upload this pic but not the UE5 demo screens I actually want to upload 😡


It even lets me upload a screenshot ?


This demo seems to be the best guage we have for how next gen content will scale between the S and the X

The results are pretty good for seriesS, about 1/2 resolution and reduced reflection/shadow quality.

It's pretty much the same hardware Series S is actually more balanced for 1080P than Series X is at 3X the resolution . People thinking Series X is 3X the power of Series S are just looking at the TF & ignoring that some specs are a lot closer between the 2.


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It's pretty much the same hardware Series S is actually more balanced for 1080P than Series X is at 3X the resolution . People thinking Series X is 3X the power of Series S are just looking at the TF & ignoring that some specs are a lot closer between the 2.


It's pretty much the same hardware Series S is actually more balanced for 1080P than Series X is at 3X the resolution . People thinking Series X is 3X the power of Series S are just looking at the TF & ignoring that some specs are a lot closer between the 2.
Well a lot of us have been saying that from the start. In fact the XSS at 1080p is a more capable box than XSX is at 4k for example.
This is why the 'XSS will hold back next gen' posts are not really looking at it correctly.
Of course the problem will come towards the end of the gen when next gen games are hitting like 1200p,1440p on XSX and PS5, it would need to be like 720p or even lower sometimes on XSS, and i think thats why even some games now the devs have decided to lower a couple of settings on XSS so they dont have to go so low on the resolution.
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This is s good point and as impressive as it umis

…would much rather have 60fps than this stuff

in EVERY type of game
Yeah I can’t deal with 30fps unless it’s a slow RPG or something like that, gets me motion sick and I just think it looks bad in motion. Time to go back to main PC I guess. Graphics always wins the hype competition and devs will now look at the reactions and make the needed adjustments.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Slip of the tongue, pardon me.
Yes, I have.

Here's DLSS Performance (left) vs TSR Performance (right) comparison in UE5:


Clearly, DLSS is better as it preserves texture details. Notice her clothes, scarf it looks much clearer.
Still probably best of such upscaler on consoles, was pretty noticeable in on/off scene. But as we know DLSS is way to go.


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Ok, maybe I jumped a bit, SosoKrates was sleepy and wacked out after watching 4hrs of game awards abomination this morning.

Ive just been spending some time in this demo and while im not wowed like some people, I can definitely appreciate several improvements I have noticed over what was done on last gen.
Theres no doubt about it though that in actual gameplay the visual improvements are more subtle then prior gens.




Ok, I’ve checked it out now.
It’s a pretty good showcase for UE5, the fact that this will be available to pretty much every indie developer.

But, there was nothing really really mindblowing about it. It’s good looking, and the tools available for devs are impressive. But it’s not mindblowing. Maybe it’s just the setting and the Matrix aesthetics.

Edit: I was really impressed by the draw distance for AI controlled cars though.

Edit2: The TAA was also impressive, flipping between on/off.
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demo was fine ?

but i just walked/drove around the map for 10 minutes until i realised there's nothing to do.

graphics were nice tho


While I understand the call for more 60fps games I see people having a misunderstanding with the generational upgrade that we are seeing in this generation.

People compared the graphics we have in 30fps last generation with the graphics we have in 60fps this generational ... it is really hard to have a generational feel in graphic looks when you are doubling or more the framerate... framerate increase is too expensive.

In a very bizarre comparison you can get a 30fps game on PS4 Pro for example and double the amount of power to reach 60fps... so you can have let say TLOU graphics in 60fps running in 8.4TFs GPU... so the PS5 has 10.3TFs GPU so which generational upgrade in graphics you will have from 8.4TFs to 10.3TFs if you maintain 60fps? Even taking in mind the improvements in hardware performance you will be still in very much the same range of graphic look.

So comparing graphics from PS4 Pro in 30fps to PS5 in 60fps won't indeed give that WOW generational factor.
The things will be better comparing PS4 Pro in 60fps to PS5 in 60fps but you even take these game as graphic looker in last generation? So most 60fps games on PS5 will indeed look just better without that WOW factor than TLOU 30fps for example (because it is a looker in last generation it will be used as comparison and not the 60fps games).

Now when you focus in 30fps vs 30fps... you will indeed start to see the WOW generational factor in graphics... because the difference of over 2x TFs will be showed in your screen.

That is my view why to impress you will have to go with 30fps.

Better use this gen as a transition gen. Going back to slideshow gaming would be sad.


So the demo is running around 30fps at 1440P on these consoles and around 900P on SS ? I think this was pretty much expected. Hopefully all devs will realize that 4K is pretty much waste of resources. Build your games around 1440P and have better textures more detail better lighting instead
and keep giving us lower quality options at 60fps


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I'm suing

You're making no big revelations here, as fedelity increases of course the memory needed is going to increase. Dumping the data into RAM for the whole city makes no sense, game engines Cul so maximum amount of memory can be used for what the player is seeing.

SSD will mean less things need to be kept in RAM because they can either be streamed straight from the SSD or swapped out of RAM much faster.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Better use this gen as a transition gen. Going back to slideshow gaming would be sad.
PC gaming is available to you. At a cost.

The Pro consoles should be out in 2 years by the time UE5 engine games launch. Pretty much everything next year from Horizon to God and Suicide Squad should have a 60 fps mode.


PC gaming is available to you. At a cost.

The Pro consoles should be out in 2 years by the time UE5 engine games launch. Pretty much everything next year from Horizon to God and Suicide Squad should have a 60 fps mode.
Ya good point. If us console plebs want to keep playing at 60 we will have to buy the Pro boxes...


Finally gave it a spin on PS5. It's impressive for sure, but I can't help but think a real game with these settings and density would tank(it already does). But there's no complex AI, no gunfights physics, missions structure etc. For a real game it would just be layers and layers of extra taxation on the hardware. So imo, by the time you added in all the extra calculations and dialed everything else back to get a stable 30fps, it would end up looking "good" at best.


Gold Member
Just spent a couple of hours playing the demo via a PS5 exploring the city and I'm truly blown away with the Unreal Engine 5. Physics and reflections were spot on and I never thought I'd see photo realisam on a console.

Imagine what Naughty Dog, Insomniac or Guerrilla Games could do with that engine.

Spider Man Wow GIF
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Can’t Git Gud
So the demo is running around 30fps at 1440P on these consoles and around 900P on SS ? I think this was pretty much expected. Hopefully all devs will realize that 4K is pretty much waste of resources. Build your games around 1440P and have better textures more detail better lighting instead
not entirely a waste. You can still render UI elements all in 4k and at least checkerboard the gameform 1440p to 4k. It give a tiny boost in image clarity for cheap.
But raw 4k is hard


Gold Member
Animation, A.I need a significant boost.

A.I especially.

Not to mention environment destructability

And that's CPU-heavy stuff. Now, these consoles have vastly upgraded CPUs compared to last gen, so the stuff you talk about should be possible. But is it possible at 60fps? The people who expect that we will keep getting 60fps modes in most games because "just lower the resolution and turn off some effects" might be disappointed in a year or two. It's pretty easy to make a game run at 60 when the CPU work it's doing is based on last gen, but once devs really start to take advantage of the new CPUs that might change. If you're running heavy physics, AI, etc, you can't just flip a switch to make all that happen in half the time like you kind of can with GPU stuff.


You played both? Sitting a normal distance from a TV you would be hard pushed to see anything but resolution difference, people who own consoles don't sit with two TVs next to each other looking for the slightest difference.
Your basically saying that the Series X is more powerful than a Series S, congratulations for working that out all on your own.
My actual point is that some people were very "concerned" that next gen gaming would be held back by Series S, here we have the most next gen software yet and it runs just fine, it seems to actually run smoother to me.
I wonder how last gen consoles would fare.
Last gen wouldn’t fare. This is a demo that heavily utilizes polygon and texture streaming. Something about the SSD and IO advances utilized for more than just getting rid of loading screens.
W Werewolfgrandma

I actually played around with it for an hour or so and something like that demo can be representative of a game. If it was a few completely hands off experience I would agree with you. But allowing us to explore the city and drive around in it does show that something like that is possible on consoles and it will be even better on PC.


You're making no big revelations here, as fedelity increases of course the memory needed is going to increase. Dumping the data into RAM for the whole city makes no sense, game engines Cul so maximum amount of memory can be used for what the player is seeing.

SSD will mean less things need to be kept in RAM because they can either be streamed straight from the SSD or swapped out of RAM much faster.
You can't divide a dataset though so the full dataset need to be able to fit somewhere & HDD was too slow .
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