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The MMORPG War is heating up...


Vanguard is probably 2 years away from release. Plus its being funded by Microsoft, and we know how they like to treat their MMOs.
I don't think you understand my point.

What I'm saying is that MMO's always seem to make promises such as these, only to see them removed at a later time. Usually when a large group of people begin to play (Beta), you begin to see major design flaws with things such as madara mentioned.

That quest sounds great. So what happens when 15 others have that same quest? Is it an instance where you won't have to worry about someone taking the son? Or are you gonna have to wait your "turn" to go and retrieve him (camp?). That's all I'm saying.

I'll believe these types of things will make launch when we are much closer to it.


Gold Member
AeroGod said:
Vanguard is probably 2 years away from release. Plus its being funded by Microsoft, and we know how they like to treat their MMOs.

Being published by Microsoft. Sigil has free reign over the game. MS knows not to boss around the creators of the most successful MMORPG ever. And it is a 2006 release. They've already given away the first 10 beta slots though.


Gold Member
Sal Paradise Jr said:
I don't think you understand my point.

What I'm saying is that MMO's always seem to make promises such as these, only to see them removed at a later time. Usually when a large group of people begin to play (Beta), you begin to see major design flaws with things such as madara mentioned.

That quest sounds great. So what happens when 15 others have that same quest? Is it an instance where you won't have to worry about someone taking the son? Or are you gonna have to wait your "turn" to go and retrieve him (camp?). That's all I'm saying.

I'll believe these types of things will make launch when we are much closer to it.

I don't think you understand how MMORPG development works. The quest system is a key part of the puzzle and if you later decide to change it, you can break the entire game just by making a small alteration. The WoW quest system remains basically unchanged in its core design since Alpha.

You can't make a quest system like this, and them remove it at a later time without redesigning the entire game to fix what removing it breaks.


Gold Member
MrAngryFace said:
I wish I didnt delete my warden last time I 'quit for good'. My druid is cool tho.

Hibs suck. Go Midgard! Spiritmasters level faster than any other class in the game. Get a SM to 50, then you can /level whatever the hell you want :D
I very much do understand MMO development. Questing is seldom a "key element" in MMO's of date.

What I didn't realize is that the quest system was going to be a core part of the gameplay in Vanguard. So you would be right about quests such as the one that was previously mentioned making launch and functioning properly.

It's something that all MMO's are going to fully support from here on out it seems. WoW, EQ2, and according to you Vanguard all have made questing an integral part of the experience.

Before this latest generation of MMO's, questing was simply an afterthought in most games (DAoC anyone?).


Tag of Excellence
I'm already sold on Vanguard thanks to GAF (seriously the game looks amazing) and MAF is doing a hell of a sell on DAoC.

Now I'm split between DAoC and WoW. :(


ManaByte said:
Hibs suck. Go Midgard! Spiritmasters level faster than any other class in the game. Get a SM to 50, then you can /level whatever the hell you want :D

Spirtmaster level fast because they have the PBAOE nuke. Once you hit about lvl 35-40 you go to Modern and hit up a red cap group and coast your way to lvl 50. The problem is if you arnt a Spirtmaster or Healer you have to kick, scream, claw, and pay your way into once of these groups so you can get 50 ASAP. Its fierce.

I have no idea about leveling strategies in Hib, except for the Animist mushroom fests

In Albion find your favorite Cabalist or Necromancer and get powe rleveled from 1-50 in 10 hours.


i've played enough in WOW to know that they are going for an easy to learn but difficult to master type of game, and endgame focuses are basically on 3 things: pvp battlegrounds, raids (instanced and outdoor) and hero classes.

i don't mind that the quests are simple (some of them are really fucking cool like a series of quests in the plaguelands) because from all that i've played, the dungeons are great, the class balance is pretty good (even though they haven't perfected each class yet) and the game itself is just fun to play. I can see myself playing the game for awhile just because it's so easy to level up and so fun that I can make a bunch of characters on a couple servers and not get bored bringing them all to level 60.

There's also enough content in the game (and a lot of areas don't even have all of their quests in yet) that you can reach level 60 without doing a few high level areas worth of quests.


Nobody could ever convince me to buy another SOE product ever again. Ever. I don't care how big the tits are on the box art.
I play more for the experience, once my warden learned bubble I just sorta ran around and did my thing in various situations, hung around hot spots, met adventuers, took part in some, sold some things, saw some things, said some things haha oops.

Overall its more about leveling for me. Certain classes in hibbie are a little better than the rest, but overall I find the Warden to be the most well rounded since they can do a little bit of everything.


TekunoRobby said:
I'm already sold on Vanguard thanks to GAF (seriously the game looks amazing) and MAF is doing a hell of a sell on DAoC.

Now I'm split between DAoC and WoW. :(

Ill set you straight.

DAOC is more compelte becasue its been out for 3 years, it has alot more content even though 40% of that content is shitty and boring. Plus the player vs player is better, if only because its been out longer. Its slow paced though.

WoW is better, IMO. Its still beta though so its hard to tell. Not as much content as DAOC but give ita year and it will be shitting on DAOC, if it isnt already. The classes on WoW arnt as defined as DAOC. DAOC is alot more open and you have more choice. In WoW every mage is the same, every warrior is the same, and every other class is the same as their peers becasue everyone buys the same spells. In DAOC there are choices and quite a few of them.

However ill say this. WoW is better. The world is more fun to explore and better designed, its faster paced, easier to level, quest are rewarding and fun, and you'll be playing with newbies just like yourself. DAOC is 5% newbies, 5% veterans who play like noobies, and 90% people who have bene playing 3 years and wont give a shit about you because they are lvl 50 out in the frontier. If you play WoW, it will be with a fresh community and there will be infinitly more people to interact with at your level and skill.
using the word 'shitty' on the negative side in a comparison screams objective.

Way to set him straight.

Here's how it is. If you want an established MMORPG with a generally friendly bunch of players DAoC. Those new MMORPGs. They're getting a lot of their ideas from DAoC. In fact, DAoC got a lot of its ideas from those before it. Its called refining what works, things that come out later will offer new things. It takes years to decide if these things worked out or not. DAoC worked. It never turned into a huge mess like Everquest and failed to flop like Asheron's Call 2.

DAoC also has fantastic support. Try to ignore those whining over nerfs and gather a good number of opinions before casting your vote. Not everyone plays bonedances, and some people still do. Cant be completely bad. LOOKS AT AEROGOD.

Its a fun game. Ive returned to it three times over many MMORPGS on the block, in fact I returned to it recently even knowing Warcraft was coming out. Why? Cause I look at Diablo II, and see that while the game is one of my favorites of all time, I never REALLY liked how it was handled online.

Sure, it was stable, but not always fair, and in general Blizzard will bow to the largest vocal majority instead of try to keep a better game. Popularity (*cough* sorc *cough* vs Necromancer) shouldnt be the deciding factor in balance. This is my beef with Blizzard, who knows, maybe they learned.

Also it comes down to people you play with. I play DAoC because persistant Realm vs Realm enforces friendly relationships within realms. There's a sense of belonging and the race for levels becomes less of a focus for a larger group of players, allowing for some interesting EXPERIENCES.

I could go on for a while, but thats just more stuff to injest before deciding.


There's a bunch of things that bother me about MMORPGs, but there's one thing that bothers me the absolute most. You're supposed to be playing a character in this simulated world doing quests to help NPCs in this simulated world, but your actions have absolutely no consequences. I played the WoW beta for a few hours, and in that few hours I did a few quests, and the super-annoying thing is that EVERYBODY else in that area was doing the exact same quests. I mean, I go to an NPC he says "I'm missing this, go get it from me." Well just as I'm walking away some other player comes and gives him the stuff completing the quest, and yet he's still missing it?

I mean that's even worse than single player RPGs because at least with those games I'm the only one doing the quest, and I get actual rewards and consequences for completing the quest outside of more XP. Really really bothered me, and I have no idea how people can tolerate that total lack of immersion.
Well the focus in WoW is more on leveling FROM WHAT I CAN SEE. its up to the players to make it more than that, but the sense of community seems limited. VERY goal oriented which is great for those who want that.


akascream said:
Nobody could ever convince me to buy another SOE product ever again. Ever. I don't care how big the tits are on the box art.

Agree 100% (except the tits part)

Have the minimum/recommended specs for WoW been listed yet? I'll probably have to upgrade some things on my pc i'm sure


Tag of Excellence
Thank you very much AeroGod and MAF. Those were both great impressions and exactly what I was looking for. Very kind of you to respond so quickly.

I feel like such a fool for missing out on DAoC all these years. :(


But what's the point? What's the point of leveling? I just don't get it.

I mean, single player RPGs, you level to get further into the game to progress the story. In other games you play seriously, like FPS and fighting games the point is to get better and to play competitively where you can win money and all of that. But what's the point of spending so much time creating this virtual character that brings nothing? What what what what is the point?


Gold Member
You're supposed to be playing a character in this simulated world doing quests to help NPCs in this simulated world, but your actions have absolutely no consequences.

In DAoC RvR they do.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
rastex said:
But what's the point? What's the point of leveling? I just don't get it.

I mean, single player RPGs, you level to get further into the game to progress the story. In other games you play seriously, like FPS and fighting games the point is to get better and to play competitively where you can win money and all of that. But what's the point of spending so much time creating this virtual character that brings nothing? What what what what is the point?

Its a combination of

1- Braggin rights
2- Exploration
3- Social

SWG was soooo close to hitting what I was looking for.. but failed


Well you guys got me interested in Vanguard, going to read up on it after this post.... wanted to get your opinions of another MMORPG out there. It's called Wish and it's supposed to be the true successor to Ultima Online. You are all on the same server, it has a dynamic weather system, it's skill based (not level based) among other things.... have you guys heard anything on that one?

As for WoW, if you like Blizzard games you will like this game. It wont be the deepest MMORPG around but you can be damn sure it will be one of the funnest... and PvP will be a blast when they implement all they need to. And I expect great things for WoW's future.
There's also just a lot of adventure-y fun if the game has good locales and if you're in good company. Makes for hilarious nerd stories, especially when you bungle a battle and watch three warriors run screaming from an angry PERILOUS CNIOCRAG.

Like MAF said, sometimes it's the JOURNEY. I'll probably never hit 50, muchless become a Frag-style demigod, but I'll have fun screwing around, and that's worth it. Just pretend it's Morrowind with decent AI.
please, never say 'funnest' again.

Its bad enough I had to listen to a public official on the readio tell me her education plans for the state were 'more better'

Drinky: or when that monster was chasing me through the river punching my foot as I ran away till I died haha.


Gold Member
Razoric said:
Well you guys got me interested in Vanguard, going to read up on it after this post.... wanted to get your opinions of another MMORPG out there. It's called Wish and it's supposed to be the true successor to Ultima Online. You are all on the same server, it has a dynamic weather system, it's skill based (not level based) among other things.... have you guys heard anything on that one?

Besides the fact that it'll never get a publisher? Also, their big selling point is 10,000 players on one server, which has ALREADY been done (and eclipsed) by EVE Online.


ManaByte said:
Besides the fact that it'll never get a publisher? Also, their big selling point is 10,000 players on one server, which has ALREADY been done (and eclipsed) by EVE Online.

They don't have a publisher yet? Christ... Any impressions on the game?

MAF: nice one I knew as I typed that it didn't sound right I just left it in out of lazyness... it's more fun that way. :O


Its a combination of

1- Braggin rights
2- Exploration
3- Social

Bingo, this is exactly why a lot of people play MMOs.

For me and FFXI, it's the third and a little bit of the 2nd and 1st. However, it's also about learning the game's mechanics, how to play my job more effectively, and how to control the flow of battle. It's not about min-maxing for me or doing a slack job as the role, it's about holding it aggro as hard as possible and allowing others to push the limits of their jobs.

It differs from game to game though. People make goals themselves and that's ultimately the biggest draw to MMOs.


Reading about Vanguard right now (a lot of shit to read)... could someone who's either played? it or followed it these past couple years explain (maybe in bullet style) what makes this game so good, why we should all look at it, and why is it different than other MMORPGs out there.

Thanks :O


Gold Member
Razoric said:
Reading about Vanguard right now (a lot of shit to read)... could someone who's either played? it or followed it these past couple years explain (maybe in bullet style) what makes this game so good, why we should all look at it, and why is it different than other MMORPGs out there.

Thanks :O

The game is by Brad McQuaid and Jeff Butler - the creators of EverQuest. Also, they have a huge portion of the old EQ dev team with them. It's funny the Sigil apparently has more former Verant employees than SOE does now.
Which MMORPG plays most like a game?

I suppose the closes thing to an MMORPG that I've played is Diablo 2 over B.net.

Which MMORPG would replicate the type of expercience found playing Diablo 2....because really thats the type of gameplay I'd be interested in playing.

Please don't suggest Diablo 2.


Gold Member
One of the things WoW has going against it, is that the B.net kiddies as its community. The B.net kiddies make the IGN Boards look like rocket scientists in comparison.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
rastex said:
There's a bunch of things that bother me about MMORPGs, but there's one thing that bothers me the absolute most. You're supposed to be playing a character in this simulated world doing quests to help NPCs in this simulated world, but your actions have absolutely no consequences. I played the WoW beta for a few hours, and in that few hours I did a few quests, and the super-annoying thing is that EVERYBODY else in that area was doing the exact same quests. I mean, I go to an NPC he says "I'm missing this, go get it from me." Well just as I'm walking away some other player comes and gives him the stuff completing the quest, and yet he's still missing it?

I mean that's even worse than single player RPGs because at least with those games I'm the only one doing the quest, and I get actual rewards and consequences for completing the quest outside of more XP. Really really bothered me, and I have no idea how people can tolerate that total lack of immersion.

I dunno, you can't let little details like that get to you. I can pick apart details from single player RPGs that don't make any sense. (How come if I keep talking to the same NPC they repeat the same thing over and over? How come when I'm level 60 wolves and lizards still pose a threat, even after fighting giant monsters and dragons? etc etc)

In place of a story catered to only you in an MMO, you gain the (IMO) very thrilling and unique experience of having an adventure with your friends. Exploring the world, battling bosses, and dugeon crawling with friends (and with a consistent character that you've "grown" and put time into) is great fun, for me.

BTW, if you were in WoW closed beta and you're not playing anymore can I have your account? :D I want to play so so so bad :(


I'm just hopeful that the bnet lamers will use up their free month and never play again because "paying to play for a game sux man lolz."

The beta community actually seems to be a big mix of old EQ and DAOC players. Which seems like the kind of combination they're going for with WoW's content.


Gold Member
Doing some RvR right now:

Stupid Albs blew a hole in our keep wall...

Patrolling with two Bonedancers.
im luvling up my druid, had to travel to the northlands for some dye, its annoying how in southern hibernia, where all the druid tree huggers like me are who can only wear leather, is where you find a shitload of enamel dyes for metal armor, the leather dies are up north with the metal wearing champion elf jerks.
I still don't get all the hype for WoW--it's a fun game, no doubt (been on the beta since stage 3 in the summer); I'm guessing it's the WarCraft story that most are playing for, cause I haven't seen much new additions from what other MMORPGs have already offered.

And I'm scratching my head at SOE's decision to launch EQ2 the day before Halo 2 hits. Yea, the older EQ addicts may not be console players, but there has to be a significant percentage of people who would want to play EQ2 but will be too busy playing Halo 2 (and GTA:SA, for that matter) to play EQ2. I'd hold off the release until the next week at least...
It's my general understanding that bnet scum will be playing Guild Wars, for a whole list of reasons not a one of which I care about.

And at least in WoW there are a few quests that have actual impact on the world, and those are by far the most enjoyable. I'm hoping they add more.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
DJ Demon J said:
I still don't get all the hype for WoW--it's a fun game, no doubt (been on the beta since stage 3 in the summer); I'm guessing it's the WarCraft story that most are playing for, cause I haven't seen much new additions from what other MMORPGs have already offered.

Sooooo... are you done with your account? :D ......................ok, ok, I'll stop now, I promise. ;) I'm just so obsessed. :(

For me, the atmosphere just worked really well in WoW. The gameplay seemed fun and fast, and the quest system was super addicting in a satisfying way. To sum it up I would say that WoW isn't necessarily bringing many NEW things to the table... but is instead perfecting some of the best things from various older MMOs. I had a blast in the Stress Test and can't wait to play again :)
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