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The MMORPG War is heating up...


Ryu said:
Well, I'm not complaining about prices really as I understand the reason for a monthly charge with an mmo, but I was just curious just how driven the lot of you are with WoW and blizzard and how far you guys would let them stretch your wallet before finally saying "no".

I would probably pay anywhere up to/around $20 a month for a MMO. The games are crazy addictive.. the amount of your free time that can and does get spent on them makes that $20 look like nothing. If I play the game instead of just going to the movies one time during a month, I've almost paid that subscription fee off.
I dont find the WoW universe interesting. Its got that warcraft III look which I didnt find appealing in the first place. Yes its colorful, but bleh. Why explore what I dont find interesting. Sometimes MORE stylized isnt better btw.

As I explore I deal with the people I meet. I dont like bnet people. Fucking insane assholes. Sure, exceptions to the rule, blah blah excuses, but I havent played a Blizzard game online in a very long time.
I am only buying the WoW:CE if the extra 10-day "friends pass" thingy can be made into another account w/o having to buy another boxed version of the game (GF and I will be playing). Otherwise I'll just buy 2 regular editions.

On the monthly fee, I would pay no more than $20 a month for the game. $20 knowing that all those b.net kiddies would be nearly extinct on live servers after the free month. :D
As I explore I deal with the people I meet. I dont like bnet people. Fucking insane assholes. Sure, exceptions to the rule, blah blah excuses, but I havent played a Blizzard game online in a very long time.

I think the opening-day population will consist of one part bnet kiddies, one part ex-EQ addicts, and one part hardcore Camelot refugees looking for a new PvP game.

It'll be one hell of a toxic mix, for sure. That being said, a good 75% of the people I've seen in Beta have played some MMORPG previously. The ones that haven't generally have either A) learned or B) you learn quickly that they haven't learned. ;)


Interesting. $20 is an awful lot of money to part with for a single game, but I do admit to it being worth that if the content is fresh and engaging every month. So long as they put that money to good use on the servers and present new content quickly to keep me entertained, I have no reason to complain. I paid 12.95 (14.95?) a month for CoH and that was hardly on the cusp of new fresh content on a regular basis so I'm just hoping it's much moreso with WoW.


I spend 50 bucks a month on on satelite tv I never watch and even more a month on videogames I hardly play. MMOs save me money in the long run. I'd pay 50 bucks a month for a good one.


Think of it this way... you won't be watching TV if you're addicted to an MMO, so you can cancel cable... think of the savings that the MMORPG is providing you! 20 bucks for MMO - 40 in cable savings means it costs -20 bucks a month so it's like they're paying YOU to play the game!


I have no problem paying $15 a month for a MMORPG. I've spent more than $400 in monthly fees with EQ but I've played it for 4 years. Without EQ I would of probably bought at least 1 or 2 games a month. I think I've made quite a saving there!

WoW will destroy every other MMORPGs in the past ('cept UO's golden age obviously, nothing will ever come close to that).
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