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The MMORPG War is heating up...

MrCheez said:
Sooooo... are you done with your account? :D ......................ok, ok, I'll stop now, I promise. ;) I'm just so obsessed. :(

If I hadn't given it to a friend a month or two ago I'd give it to you now. I can see the streamlined, easy to learn nature of WoW (and to that I credit Blizzard's perfectionism). I just can't get jazzed up about yet another fantasy MMORPG (unless it's like EQ2 with voice-acting and super high quality gfx).


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
DJ Demon J said:
If I hadn't given it to a friend a month or two ago I'd give it to you now. I can see the streamlined, easy to learn nature of WoW (and to that I credit Blizzard's perfectionism). I just can't get jazzed up about yet another fantasy MMORPG (unless it's like EQ2 with voice-acting and super high quality gfx).

Ah, okie dokie. I appreciate the thought, anyway :D

Yeah, I can see where you're coming from. For me, personally, it's been awhile since all my friends and I have planned to play a new MMO together. The fact that it will be like "good old times" is something I'm very much looking forward to! :) Plus the PvP ;)
Speculation time.

You know what? Blizzard's got something up their sleeves. Again, this is all speculation, but I think Blizzard are going to be holding constant, huge, world-changing events. They're also going to hold smaller events where maybe a special monster will spawn in a town that will require a PC's in that town to confront it. Goal? To make the world of Azeroth a living, breathing, dynamic one that players can really feel a part of.

Will this happen on daily/weekly/monthly basis? I don't know. But I think it has something to do with that 24-hour clock.

A couple phases back there was a huge outcry about changing the 24-hour clock. When asked why they refused to budge on such a "fluff" feature, all the Blizzard devs could come up with was "it's cool". Bullshit, there's more to that. I think this might be it.

Possible? Certainly. Likelihood? Probably 5%. Man wouldn't that be great if this was a surprise?

If this does not happen, then oh well I'm wrong and they missed on a huge opportunity.


blizzard has mentioned that outdoor raid zones will require player-started world events... and eventually, there's going to be a world event where high level warlocks will open the Dark Portal.

edit: also with regard to the 24 hour clock, so far all i see implemented is some fish, and maybe some herbs, that can only be gathered in either day or night. they've added some stuff recently to the game as well. i like that they added voice quips to all the NPCs - rather than the "every NPC is fully voice acted" like in EQ2, which some people have said gets old very fast when they don't have dynamic phrases, you just get little quips when you click on NPCs to talk to them. and true to blizzard games, if you click on them enough, they say random funny stuff.

and the high level game has some really cool plots that develop, which is cool.


Razoric said:
Reading about Vanguard right now (a lot of shit to read)... could someone who's either played? it or followed it these past couple years explain (maybe in bullet style) what makes this game so good, why we should all look at it, and why is it different than other MMORPGs out there.

Thanks :O

Read Vanguard faq even if only one page out of its like 200, if that dont jar ya nothing will. Faq and board is amazing, like they read my mind what I find missing or wrong with last few years of mmorpgs. This isnt oh look another game on horizon that promises to be better and does not delivery crap. This is it, either it going fix crappy MMORPG trend last few years or nothing in near future will.


Grandma's Chippy
The thing that draws me to WoW is how fun it is NOW. It had so much to offer back in the stress test that I didn't need more to be sold. And so much has been added since then to flesh it out. Can you imagine where this game will be in 6 months time?

On top of that, I have only really just scratched the surface. Lots...lots more to see for me, and I can't wait.


Well I've played WoW for a while now and the game is great, haven't felt like this playing a MMORPG since UO/EQ.

I've also tried EQ2 tonight for 3 hours and it's good, pretty good even. The Quests were fun up to the lame "Get your citizenship quest". I'm now lvl 8 and will check it out further this week.

So far WoW has the upper hand but I'm not done with EQ2 yet.
On my server apparently Hibernia is dominant, so everyone in my realm gets like a free level every 3 days or some such. That was such a cool surprise to login to.


Gold Member
MrAngryFace said:
On my server apparently Hibernia is dominant, so everyone in my realm gets like a free level every 3 days or some such. That was such a cool surprise to login to.

No, that's because Albs are dominant. They want to pump up the populations of Hibs and Mids there.



Golf mmorpg, started open beta yesterday (ENGLISH)


:lol :lol


Does this finally fix fact that hib was just afterthought and largely bare and recycled from other realms? Love come back and try if so.


Those of you praising WoW... would you still play it online if the monthly charge was closer to 18 dollars then say the 15 dollars required by most mmos?


yes, because it's still fun to play. I'd just sell my account when I was done instead of keeping it if that was the fee they plan on charging.


Grandma's Chippy
Ryu said:
Those of you praising WoW... would you still play it online if the monthly charge was closer to 18 dollars then say the 15 dollars required by most mmos?
I seriously doubt even Blizzard is dumb enough to shoot themselves in the foot with that high a price BEFORE people even get hooked on it.

Would I play? I don't know...that would make it REALLY hard. Definately would not play 2 accounts like I am thinking of doing now.

I think the "community" is expecting a $12-$15 price point, and I'm with them :) (Average guess seems to be $12.95)


Gold Member
Mr Pockets said:
I seriously doubt even Blizzard is dumb enough to shoot themselves in the foot with that high a price BEFORE people even get hooked on it.

Would I play? I don't know...that would make it REALLY hard. Definately would not play 2 accounts like I am thinking of doing now.

I think the "community" is expecting a $12-$15 price point, and I'm with them :) (Average guess seems to be $12.95)

After SWG, CoH, and Lineage II launched at $15; it's very doubtful you'll see any new MMORPG come out at $12.95.

SWG had a reason for the $15, the other two were just greedy. SWG would've been $12.95 if it were published by SOE. But, Lucasarts wanted the full $12.95 for themselves, so SOE settled on $3 per subscription. They got royally screwed on the SWG deal, which is why I woldn't be surprised if Lucasarts does take it over as SOE isn't the happiest person involved with the game.


I was watching some WoW dance vids today and I can't help but notice that they are absolutely dreadful character models in that game... I mean, PSX quality crap here. The animation on the other hand was excellent. No doubt the game will be fantastic though.


I seriously doubt even Blizzard is dumb enough to shoot themselves in the foot with that high a price BEFORE people even get hooked on it.

Well, all games are pushing the price tag now thanks to what they offer and SWG offers millions of Star Wars fans -- Star Wars. Their price, I think, was far more justified because of their fanbase rather then the profit cuts. True, Lucasarts is greedy, but they KNEW they would get their moneys worth in no time thanks to their fans. I would go so far as to say even Blizzard knows where their fanbase is and they know they'll get the subscribers no matter what the price is.

Look at the collector's edition and how much it costs -- sure, the content is SUPERB for the package, but asking for 16 or even 17 dollars a month to play the game online after the initial month is not too far of a stretch at all. I think the quality that Blizzard strives for would be far more worth that 16 or 17 dollars then it would be for anything brought to you by SOE, but that's just my opinion.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Ryu said:
Look at the collector's edition and how much it costs -- sure, the content is SUPERB for the package, but asking for 16 or even 17 dollars a month to play the game online after the initial month is not too far of a stretch at all. I think the quality that Blizzard strives for would be far more worth that 16 or 17 dollars then it would be for anything brought to you by SOE, but that's just my opinion.

Has the price for the collector's edition even been announced yet?


The collector's edition for WC3 was just about as much as shown on ebgames and gamestop iirc and this seems to offer the same amount of content -- if not more so the price seems to make sense.
I've played many mmo's in my time right now I'm into Planetside. I used to be quite into daoc but it sucked that blademasters sucked :p
$18? $16? WTF!!! Since when did it become ok to rape people. As mentioned SWG Galaxies got raped simply because of licensing fees incurred. What happened to the $10 pricepoint? I mean people bitched about that. Is 5-10 million a month, on top of $50 each initially, plus $30 each expansion not enough? I mean jesus. That is a ridiculous amount of revenue for nearly any game company. I want to play WoW, but if it goes to $15 or more a month then screw that. I will not support inflation.


I hope the monthly fee is more than that. Filter all the garbage from the game and the extra money makes up for less customers. I hope they find a balance.



Doth Togo

Sal Paradise Jr said:
Speculation time.

You know what? Blizzard's got something up their sleeves. Again, this is all speculation, but I think Blizzard are going to be holding constant, huge, world-changing events. They're also going to hold smaller events where maybe a special monster will spawn in a town that will require a PC's in that town to confront it. Goal? To make the world of Azeroth a living, breathing, dynamic one that players can really feel a part of.

Will this happen on daily/weekly/monthly basis? I don't know. But I think it has something to do with that 24-hour clock.

A couple phases back there was a huge outcry about changing the 24-hour clock. When asked why they refused to budge on such a "fluff" feature, all the Blizzard devs could come up with was "it's cool". Bullshit, there's more to that. I think this might be it.

Possible? Certainly. Likelihood? Probably 5%. Man wouldn't that be great if this was a surprise?

If this does not happen, then oh well I'm wrong and they missed on a huge opportunity.

This already occurs. Note at Darkshire, "Patches" spawns every few hours and torments the town. FYI, he's a high lvl 30s NPC spawn.
Before I even say a word about either Dark Age of Camelot or World of Warcraft, let me say something-I know Dark Age of Camelot very well. Inside and out. Seven level 50s spanning all realms, over 4 million lifetime realm points, 2 ML10 characters, and have led both relic and ML raids on occasion. Oh, and I'm a recently-retired Team Lead as well.

Dark Age of Camelot is the best MMORPG you can buy right now. It's mature, steady code has tons of content with an easy interface. The leveling curve is reasonable and there's lots of nice quests in the game and cool areas to explore (Coot, I see you're hunting cincocrags-Shrouded Isles is a lot of fun.), and the way PvP is implemented throughout the game is great.

I highly encourage people who haven't played DAoC to play Dark Age of Camelot on underpopulated realms. What I *don't* currently encourage is leveling all the way up to the top levels. The battlegrounds are pretty fun and leveling is nice and fast in them. Basically, play the game a low-levels like some sort of wild BF1942 map with mages and castles and siege engines. The game is very enjoyable at that level.

The game breaks down like many other games, at the endgame. Realm imbalances are everywhere (and *no*, this game is not balanced for PvP, and don't buy it when Mythic or the players says it is. Or rather, it's just balanced very, very poorly.), the TOA PvE grind is truly the sutff of horrors, and the changes made in New Frontiers have turned the game into ranged-people-killing-and-healers-healing monotany with no real potential solution in sight.

When you level up that character in DAoC, what you are looking at is a stale endgame that has a 2-3 month ongoing PvE grind in TOA to become remotely competitive (and requiring large raids to do it in, which I could handle but a lot of people don't care for). Yes, you can RvR out of the gates when you're like 45 and perform competently, but lack of spellcrafted gear/TOA artifacts, realm abilities, and if you're unfortunate enough, a gimped class, will make things unfun. Oh, and you've got to have a decent guild or have terrific connections in the endgame to get anywhere. That goes for pretty much every other game (save WoW currently), though.

I have some other beefs with Camelot-I don't really like their extremely granular class designs that encourage setpiece grouping, and I don't like the way the Realm Point system is currently implemented since it heavily discourages realm cooperation.

These are things that are clearly evident to people who have been around the game for a while. You really wouldn't seem them if you were new to the game, or not really into the high-end, top-echelon of the game yet.

I've beem playing the World of Warcraft beta for a good while now and it's simply terrific. Classes are truly versatile and multifaceted. Leveling is very much smooth becuase it relies on hiding mob grinding and dungeon romping (like you do in Dark Age of Camelot, or EverQuest) through quests-this puts me in a place where the game takes on a more Baldur's Gate like feel than a tradtional MMORPG, which I like. The game's pace is very spirited but not catering to bnet micromonkeys, which I also enjoy-in Camelot, the PvE is very, very slow and dull and the PvP combat unbelievalby fast, while WoW does a good job of keeping PvP combat from being overwhelming quick to resolve against similarly considered opponents.

Summary of DAoC:

Dark Age of Camelot is a good game for 45 levels, with some good ideas that are usually well-intentioned but don't work out well in the endgame. It's the hot chick that turns out to be a man after you work at getting their number, taking them out to the movies, and buying them flowers.


The game world of World of Warcraft is approximately 1000 times better than the one put together in Dark Age of Camelot. Every zone, through it's quests, appearance, monsters, and landmarks, has a unique flavor of its own. The dungeons are just terrific-they have boss mobs with nice loot, and you proceed through them in a linear progression with a clear goal of killing the big boss in the end. In Camelot, with the exception of the epic dungeons which require 40+ people to raid and often take 6-8 hours, the dungeon experience is simply finding a camp, pulling the living shit out of it until the group breaks up or you get bored and log off.

Blizzard's PvP system is currently totally fucked, but has the right ideas in place. This is the make-it-or-break it thing for my GF and I. If they don't fully implement it, we'll be all dressed up at higher levels with no place to go. An EQ-like endgame where you just raid for ph4t l3wt is retarded.

Short Summary:

World of Warcraft is the "beer goggles" of MMORPGs. It's very much the same thing that other games have already done, but it's presented in a way that's more refined and agreeable than it's competitiors. It's got good pacing, a good interface, and excellent dungeon hunts for grouping in.

I'm burnt out to all hell on DAoC after 18 or so months of playing, so maybe that's why I'm so quick to bash on its endgame. I do think it's broken, though. WoW's will probably suck too, the only difference really is that it has the potential not to suck, where as DAoC definitely sucks in the endgame.

One last bit-why do people complain about MMORPG subscription prices? For god's sakes, if you play the game like most people do (play it and very little else), you save tons of money paying 13-15 dollars a month. It's like complaining that a game that has 60 hours a month of satisfying gameplay isn't worth the Player's Choice or GH price. That's nuts, stop the whining.
This is all your fault frag, for the record. As for subscription prices, this board has no room to complain with their buying 5 games a week habits.

I mostly play DAoC for the exploring and not the leveling up. Ill spend an entire session just checking out new spots. Leveling is cool but doing something interesting is better, and that aspect of DAoC isnt broken.

The focus on leveling and loot, while valid, is something I dont want placed on me by Blizzard. The game seems built around acheiving these basic goals instead of being built around a world.

Thats cool n all, but that makes it more like a 'game' and less like the rpg I WANT to be playing.

As for imbalances, need I say Necromancer vs Sorc/Barb? Blizzards track record with doing the right thing in terms of balance is poo poo in my opinion, im going to give them a lot of time to work that shit out before considering joining up. Im not going to let some korean get the better of me if I cant stand a chance.

Oh, you so have zero grounds to blame me for anything Dark Age of Camelot related, Cooters. ;) Though I thank you in retrospect, it's a fun game and was cheaper than buying 4-5 games a month or some silliness like I used to.

Mythic's game world, especially that of Shrounded Isles and TOA, has lots of cool places to explore. I think WoW is more interesting in this regard, though-the zones are just so much better laid out with more interesting landmarks and cool stuff to see.

Fun note about Darkshire-not only is there a town in WoW called that, there is also an NPC in that town with a name that matches the RL name of our very own Darkshire here on the GA boards. Made me do a double take when I saw it. :)


Since you ignore levelling in DAoC there's nothing stopping you from ignoring quests and just knocking about the world in WoW MAF. You just won't level as fast which, as you said, is not something you care about.


WoW has the more stylised worlds, plus even FRAG says the world is more varied and interesting.

And really I don't think WoW will be hurting for players so you should be able to find like-minded friends in that too.

I'm just saying that the 'I like the exploring' and 'don't like quests' arguments don't invalidate WoW at all in any way at all.

Edit: Having all your friend already in DAoC is a completely different point from what you've been saying up to this point in any case, and is a factor that has nothing to do with the games themselves.


Well, I'm not complaining about prices really as I understand the reason for a monthly charge with an mmo, but I was just curious just how driven the lot of you are with WoW and blizzard and how far you guys would let them stretch your wallet before finally saying "no". I'm not even sure how far I'd go as I'm buying the CE when it comes out and then eventually paying the monthly charge so who knows.
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